What Christians Believe

Vienna said:
A: Just nice people who use faith as a crutch for their weakness
People nowdays have a very strange concept of what is weakness, eh? :rolleyes:
Love is weakness, eh? :bugeye:
I don't think so...
DoctorNO said:
But you are only speculating on this. And this speculation doesn’t make sense. For how on earth would the crowd mistake Barabbas or Simon for Jesus? Unless that person was Jesus’ twin. Or nobody in the crowd knows how jesus looks like.
M*W: Good point! You have just hit upon another theory that Jesus had a twin, and it was probably Thomas (which means 'twin'). However, even speculating who might have been JC's stand-in, the fact that Pilate had a piece of wood with 'INRI' carved on it and nailed to the cross further goes to indicate that whoever was on that cross wasn't really Jesus. The INRI was put there to symbolize to the crowd that whomever was hanging there was 'supposed' to indicate that person was a stand-in for JC.
But an infant talking jesus wasn’t confirmed by any historian either. And the quran also mentioned the crucifixion, although a different version, which is still evident that mohammad plagiarized from Christianity. You see the point?
M*W: That's entirely possible. Curiously, does anybody know why the Qur'an states that Jesus lived but didn't die on the cross as written in the NT?
1. Both the bible & the quran claims a miracle worker by the name of jesus. Which is surprisingly unconfirmed by roman historians who would have investigated supernatural occurrences within the boundaries of their empire.
M*W: Yes, this is another clue that historians of the day didn't write about this wondrous miracle worker who was raised from the dead.
2. Both bible and the quran mentioned the crucifixion.
M*W: Yes, they did, but why does the Qur'an specifically say JC wasn't crucified?
3. The quran deviated from bible version by covering up with a wilder & more senseless explanation… the old switcharooo. Given the fact that mobs are bloodthirsty and would study the features of jesus as they enjoy seeing him suffer.
M*W: If that had been Jesus, the Son of God hanging there, seems to me that by being 'god,' he would not have to suffer. Whomever was on the cross suffered as if they were not god.
Wellwe all know how Christianity feels about homosexuality. But its treatment of gays is not much different than many of the pagans like the Chinese and the Japanese. Disgust, discrimination and frustration.
M*W: All these Christian coalition-types who decry homosexuality are really defying God, since God created them, too. That doesn't seem very 'Christian' to me.
no they are obeying god caues in Leviticus god specifically says that homosexuality is wrong.
it also says you cant eat shellfish, wear jumpers of a cotton/wool mix, and also you cannot eat.....pigs i think (or was it cows)
there id also an inumerable other amount of animals you cant eat but noone eats them nowadays anyway....
Medicine Woman

Why do you think your alternate sources are any more reliable than the Bible you detest?

Also, to anyone who cares to answer, if we take the Muslim view, why would someone else be allowed to be crucified in Jesus' place, without people realizing this had happened for another six hundred years? There is no appreciable difference in result of fulfilling the Scripture or tricking people into thinking Scripture had been fulfilled.
Paula said:
Medicine Woman

Why do you think your alternate sources are any more reliable than the Bible you detest?
M*W: They make more sense than the Bible. I don't 'detest' the Bible anymore than I would 'detest' Mother Goose.
Also, to anyone who cares to answer, if we take the Muslim view, why would someone else be allowed to be crucified in Jesus' place, without people realizing this had happened for another six hundred years?
M*W: There was no proof then, and there is no proof now.
There is no appreciable difference in result of fulfilling the Scripture or tricking people into thinking Scripture had been fulfilled.
M*W: People were uneducated and unlearned in those days. They were waiting on their Moshiach to come. Some believed the Rabbi Jesus was the Moshiach, but most didn't. The whole NT is about tricking the Jews.
TruthSeeker said:
People nowdays have a very strange concept of what is weakness, eh? :rolleyes:
Love is weakness, eh? :bugeye:
I don't think so...

Love is not exclusive to Christianity.

The weakness Christians have is the invisible friend.
el supremo el diablo said:
and what of all the mass murderers from the begining of time
who've been absolved of there sins to spend eternity at gods side
some thing wrong here dont you think
and what of the suicides that dont get to sit at is side
why do murders get better treatment

They've had time to repent of their sins.

When you kill yourself, you can't repent of it.
stretched said:

Quote: JIL
"Read revelations if you are willing to understand.

But chances are extremely high you won't. Because one who has read the bible and taken what it says into consideration will find it to be completely philosophically sound, filled with love and mercy, and totally true."

What about one who has read the Bible, found it philosophically questionable, and filled with violence, hate, jealousy, blood and gore?

There are a few possibilities:

1. They didn't understand the Bible's message
2. They were looking for violence, hate, jealousy, blood and gore. And they would find it. Because particularly in the old testament it tells of things that happened in hebrew history. God teaches lessons the hard way.
3. They didn't take the time to find the truth about these "Philosophically Questionable" passages.

Quote: JIL
"Not really. Just because a person goes to church constantly doesn't mean that they are going to a good church or being taught the right things."

Where exactly is this good church of perfect teaching?

Quote: JIL
"Well, it seems most world religions are ancient, or of ancient roots, and these cults like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are strangely contradictive new concepts which fall apart when examined"

Dude, did you know your book falls apart under examination? Explain just this small portion to me in plain English.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis: 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

O.K. First Adam can eat from any tree on the face of the earth. Then he cannot eat from a particular tree. And as we see, he did not die on that day.

O.K. Cool. So God changes his mind? Creation on the hop. Help me here.

Take it easy.[/QUOTE]
stretched said:

Quote: JIL
"Read revelations if you are willing to understand.

But chances are extremely high you won't. Because one who has read the bible and taken what it says into consideration will find it to be completely philosophically sound, filled with love and mercy, and totally true."

What about one who has read the Bible, found it philosophically questionable, and filled with violence, hate, jealousy, blood and gore?

There are a few possibilities:

1. They didn't understand the Bible's message
2. They were looking for violence, hate, jealousy, blood and gore. And they would find it. Because particularly in the old testament it tells of things that happened in hebrew history. God teaches lessons the hard way.
3. They didn't take the time to find the truth about these "Philosophically Questionable" passages.

Where exactly is this good church of perfect teaching?

Wherever there is an exciting and accepting Protestant church which teaches the bible based on scripture.

Dude, did you know your book falls apart under examination? Explain just this small portion to me in plain English.

Where and how? I would like to clear this up.

What I mean is that some of these cults, while accepting the bible, do not believe in what it teaches; they contradict themselves.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis: 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

O.K. First Adam can eat from any tree on the face of the earth. Then he cannot eat from a particular tree. And as we see, he did not die on that day.

But he did. Spiritually. He disobeyed God and brought sin into the world.

O.K. Cool. So God changes his mind? Creation on the hop. Help me here.

What do you mean?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Good point! You have just hit upon another theory that Jesus had a twin, and it was probably Thomas (which means 'twin'). However, even speculating who might have been JC's stand-in, the fact that Pilate had a piece of wood with 'INRI' carved on it and nailed to the cross further goes to indicate that whoever was on that cross wasn't really Jesus. The INRI was put there to symbolize to the crowd that whomever was hanging there was 'supposed' to indicate that person was a stand-in for JC.

The piece of wood stated something like "King of the Jews".

Would the Pharisees and Saducees want someone other than the person who went around claiming to be the Messiah to be crucified? I don't think so. And when they threatened to report to Caesar Pilate's inability to please them, Pilate was going to be damn sure of it as well.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: That's entirely possible. Curiously, does anybody know why the Qur'an states that Jesus lived but didn't die on the cross as written in the NT?

Because the Koran is a book that tries to deny Jesus his role in our salvation. I firmly believe that the Koran is Satan's attempt to draw people away from Jesus.

Consider this: When a Muslim is doing something religious in public places, people say, "Respect their beliefs, It is a free country". But when a Christian tries to hold an after-school bible study in the library of a public school, it is politically incorrect and immediately ended. Coincidence? I don't think so. This is what the Koran does.

Another problem with Islam is that they believe in Jesus to an extent. If they believe what he said to be from God, then why aren't Muslims Christians?

Medicine Woman said:
Yes, this is another clue that historians of the day didn't write about this wondrous miracle worker who was raised from the dead.

Or did they? How about Josephus? He was a historian who wrote down what happened with Jesus. And why do you insist that the writers of the Gospels were NOT eyewitnesses writing down what happened as they saw it?

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Yes, they did, but why does the Qur'an specifically say JC wasn't crucified?

To decieve people into thinking he wasn't. The crucifixion was the event that saved us from our sins. Satan's logic is, "Hey, if I can get them to think that he didn't die on the cross, what foundation do they have to believe that he saved their sins?"

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If that had been Jesus, the Son of God hanging there, seems to me that by being 'god,' he would not have to suffer. Whomever was on the cross suffered as if they were not god.

No, rather, he suffered like a complete human. Jesus was both God and human. He had to suffer in our place.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: All these Christian coalition-types who decry homosexuality are really defying God, since God created them, too. That doesn't seem very 'Christian' to me.

You are right. It doesn't to me either. I think that it is just a sad thing and that they need help. The kind that Jesus can offer.
murderers should not be allowed to repent there sins as there have taken life which is a thousand times worse then suicide and a suicide should be allowed to repent by proxy and what of the the victim they cant repent there sins but sit a god side
this makes a utter mockery of your religion

And why do you insist that the writers of the Gospels were NOT eyewitnesses writing down what happened as they saw it?

The evidence indicates that the Gospels were all written at least 50 years after the death of Jesus. John was written over 100 years later.
JamesR, I addressed this issue in another post. The gospels were codified within 50 to 100 years after the death of Jesus but had to be taken from existing eyewitness accounts or those that had been written down for eyewitnesses. They could only be one person removed from the event and this is because witnesses who were illiterate would have given an oral account to someone who would have written it down for them. The original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts had to be available for reference for the events to be included in the New Testament.

This is the Law of Apostolic Origin. The Law of Liturgical Use means that texts in use by the Christians from the time of Jesus' resurrection onward were considered most authentic and were also considered a solid basis for codifying the New Testament.

It is misleading to say that the gospels were written 50-100 years after Christ's resurrection because they were simply taken from documents that already existed and were extant at the time the events occured. They were organized into their current form at that time but were not newly created material. This is a common misconception.

The reason gospels pop up from time to time which were not included in the Bible is because they did not meet the criteria of the Laws of Canonicity.
The evidence indicates that the Gospels were all written at least 50 years after the death of Jesus. John was written over 100 years later.
John cannot be written 100 years after Jesus' death since Ignatius quotes from the book of John.

The evidence you are speaking of is not evidence in the usual sense but the absence of evidence along with speculation on the complexity of the text.
you dont need to believe in christianity anymore, i am here,

like god, (if i win the ubermodship) i will have unlimited powers of control,
i will be a personal god (i will talk to you)
i will be an impersonal god (my actions will be beyond your understadnind (so will my spelling))
i will be immanent (directly involved in your day to day sciforuming)
i will be tranceddent (you will bow to my power and insight)

why join the vatican.. when you can join the levitican!!!

VOTE now,
Just my humble opinion,

but you (Leviticus) make light of a serious issue......

I think this has more significance than what meets the eye..... ;)
Vienna said:
No they are not 100% good. This is just another example where Christianity needs to grow up to survive - Its outdated!

Hey Vienna!!! "The fool has said in his/her heart that there is no God."
The god of this world(satan)has blinded the mind of the unbelievers lest they repent and the light of the gospel shine on them.

The reason why you beleive christianity is outdated is because you have not reached the end of yourself.A time when you will put down all pride and look for something bigger beyond you.

may be life has been too easy and nice and comfortable for you. That is good, unfortunately most atheists get influenced from a comfortable life, no problems.
remember that evil/dark day september 11,2001, how many atheists did we see. where were they with comforting atheistic beliefs.rather the churches were full.

Jesus christ is the same yesterday ,today and forever. Jesus still answers prayers prayed in his name with faith. but to experience the reality ofGod you must be born agai! we are sinners needing a savior.

all wisdom comes from God, computer technology,etc.The wisdom of man is foolishness before God. A drop of God's wisdom is greater than a sea of human intelligence.
Who told the sea how far it can go?who tells the birdsto fly south in the winter or who makes sure the sun does not move closer to the earth.(space scientists estimate that if the sun was to move a few meters towards the earth we will all evaporate.

there is an unseen hand in the universe. only the proud deny him so that they can do their own thing in the littel lifetime on earth
"No they are not 100% good. This is just another example where Christianity needs to grow up to survive - Its outdated!"

Vienna, contrary to your statement the majority of new Christians are coming from traditional societies and are attracted by the traditional message. In the US, many Christians are pushing for more traditional practices even while literal Biblical interpetation gives way to symbolic interpretation. Catholicism is experiencing very high converison rates in traditional African, Asian and Middle Eastern societies, fast making the contemporary American or European a minority in the faith due to their sheer numbers.

I am a Christian who interprets many aspects of the Bible symbolically rather than literally but I am at odds with hundreds of millions of Christians from traditional societies. In fact, in places where Christianity has attempted to become updated in its practices observance has declined. I prefer modernity and moderation in my religion but it is clear that I am not the majority.

Christianity has to modernize to keep pace with the laissez-faire attitudes of the West, but it clearly does not need to modernize to survive.
Leviticus said:
no they are obeying god caues in Leviticus god specifically says that homosexuality is wrong.
it also says you cant eat shellfish, wear jumpers of a cotton/wool mix, and also you cannot eat.....pigs i think (or was it cows)
there id also an inumerable other amount of animals you cant eat but noone eats them nowadays anyway....

And yet no one is burning down Red Lobsters, or The Gap. . . funny how that works out. You know it says that man laying with man as with woman is "An abomination" but it also says that shrimp is an "Abomination" both are ranked equally, yet for some reason I know a whole lot of Christians that really love sea food. I'm sure some of them even eat sea food while wearing polyester shirts! Or at least cotton/polyester blends. Why are some rules to be followed but others not? Why aren't we stoning our disobedient children?