What Christians Believe

and what of all the mass murderers from the begining of time
who've been absolved of there sins to spend eternity at gods side
some thing wrong here dont you think
and what of the suicides that dont get to sit at is side
why do murders get better treatment
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Katazia said:

How about the International Red Cross and all its workers and volunteers - the largest humanitarian organization on the planet and entirely SECULAR.



Medicine Woman said:

Homosexuality, however, is another thing entirely. It's NOT a choice.It's a preference.

Homosexuality is a quirk of nature.

People who are ignorant about homosexualty are the cause of the problems, not homosexuals themselves.

I believe that homosexuals (both male and female) who want to deal and heal with what they've experienced from society should first abandon all forms of Christianity.

EH ? :confused:

Christianity destroys what God has created.

You're just an anti-Christian. Would you care to tell us why.
Medicine Woman said:
As homosexuality increases, Christianity will decrease. That's only natural. It's more important to be homosexual than Christian. Christianity destroys what God has created.

This medicine woman is terribly one sided. It is the Muslims who murder homosexuals, not the Christians. The Philippines is about 95% Christian and yet gays are free to cross-dress without much harrassment.
DoctorNO said:
This medicine woman is terribly one sided. It is the Muslims who murder homosexuals, not the Christians. The Philippines is about 95% Christian and yet gays are free to cross-dress without much harrassment.

I wonder how many gays could do the same in a country under Islamic rule??
Vienna said:
No they are not 100% good. This is just another example where Christianity needs to grow up to survive - Its outdated!

Not really. Just because a person goes to church constantly doesn't mean that they are going to a good church or being taught the right things.

Well, it seems most world religions are ancient, or of ancient roots, and these cults like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are strangely contradictive new concepts which fall apart when examined. Good things take time.
Vienna said:

JesusisLord51 *Thinks* - "Shall I continue to spread the Good News of Jesus or shall I say to heck with it and watch a war movie instead"

JesusisLord51 *Types* - "I Got to go Band of Brothers is on; I will edit and finish tomorrow."

So much for faith eh? LOL! :D :D

Actually, I think it is important, as with the Passion of the Christ, to remember through vivid portrayal what people went through for us.

So it may sound sadistic. I don't care. But if it weren't for those people on the front lines during world war II, we would all be under Nazi control. And I'm not about to forget that.

Heil Hitler, Vienna.
Medicine Woman said:
Vienna said:

JesusisLord51 *Thinks* - "Shall I continue to spread the Good News of Jesus or shall I say to heck with it and watch a war movie instead"

JesusisLord51 *Types* - "I Got to go Band of Brothers is on; I will edit and finish tomorrow."

So much for faith eh? LOL
M*W: Vienna, you have no idea what you seem to be talking about. Whether you know it or not, Christianity is declining worldwide. In a few more years, there will be no place for Christianity in the world. Faith has nothing to do with it. It's false doctrine.

Maybe. This is because with the appearance of the Antichrist, in whichever form he will take, is going to lead the world astray. Read revelations if you are willing to understand.

But chances are extremely high you won't. Because one who has read the bible and taken what it says into consideration will find it to be completely philosophically sound, filled with love and mercy, and totally true.

False doctrine in the eyes of those ignorant enough to talk before they read.
How did this thread get onto homosexuality? In any event it's biological so if I were to assume the position of a christian and say that god created that person, god therefore created the biological abnormality that resulted in homosexuals. They therefore can't be considered by christians as sinners as they were created by god with the imperfection that results in the fanncying of ones own gender.
Vienna said:
I wonder how many gays could do the same in a country under Islamic rule??

Haha, I bet cross dressers in an Islamic nation would do just fine! How could the religious poliece tell who's under that burka?
JesusisLord51 said:
Well, it seems most world religions are ancient, or of ancient roots, and these cults like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are strangely contradictive new concepts which fall apart when examined. Good things take time.

This of course is as opposed to the old strangely contradictive concepts such as Catholasism which fall aparet when examined :p Some good things take time, but other things just end up going rotten.
"Probably shouldn't be posting again so fast, but hey...
I don't believe that, particularly, Alain. Douglas Adams says that religion was once the best explanation we had for things, now we have better ones. I don't agree in many areas, but in the area of creation...I'm skipping it back a bit and tentatively believing that God caused the Big Bang, and as a result of that we have consciousness, the ability to choose between right and wrong. I kinda put the original sin thing aside and just assume that humans make bad choices sometimes, we aren't perfect.
I'll shut up now"

dont shut up, your one of few thesists that i am inclined to listen to for reasons apart from giving everyone free speach, or just cos im bored and wanna argue

Quote: JIL
"Read revelations if you are willing to understand.

But chances are extremely high you won't. Because one who has read the bible and taken what it says into consideration will find it to be completely philosophically sound, filled with love and mercy, and totally true."

What about one who has read the Bible, found it philosophically questionable, and filled with violence, hate, jealousy, blood and gore?

Quote: JIL
"Not really. Just because a person goes to church constantly doesn't mean that they are going to a good church or being taught the right things."

Where exactly is this good church of perfect teaching?

Quote: JIL
"Well, it seems most world religions are ancient, or of ancient roots, and these cults like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are strangely contradictive new concepts which fall apart when examined"

Dude, did you know your book falls apart under examination? Explain just this small portion to me in plain English.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis: 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

O.K. First Adam can eat from any tree on the face of the earth. Then he cannot eat from a particular tree. And as we see, he did not die on that day.

O.K. Cool. So God changes his mind? Creation on the hop. Help me here.

Take it easy.
JesusisLord51 said:
Actually, I think it is important, as with the Passion of the Christ, to remember through vivid portrayal what people went through for us.

So it may sound sadistic. I don't care. But if it weren't for those people on the front lines during world war II, we would all be under Nazi control. And I'm not about to forget that.

Heil Hitler, Vienna.

So much for you being a Christian - Plank in thine eye - Lest ye judge. Get consistent will you, cos your full of crap right now.

I know what the WW2 was all about mate, We beat Hitler and gave the Muslims a peaceful Europe to infest.

You knew where you stood with Hitler.

May peace be with you - Until some Muslim spoils it.
no christian would like to answer my previous post.

ask a christian to convince you of the existence of god
without using the bible(as this was writen by man not god)

ask the same to a muslim without using the koran
it's like cutting there tongue out

they were created by god with the imperfection that results in the fanncying of ones own gender.
Why is that an imperfection? Many gay people have beautiful loving and perfect relationships. It is also quite natural. Note that homosexuality is also quite widespread in the animal kingdom.

Note also that it is primarily the biggots and intolerance of the religionists that make this a problem.

Vienna said:
Homosexuality is a quirk of nature.
M*W: So is becoming male. We all start out female, and on or about the third fetal month, we either remain female or by genetic mutation, possibly brought about by hormonal surges (or the lack thereof), some of us became male.
People who are ignorant about homosexualty are the cause of the problems, not homosexuals themselves.
M*W: You are right about this.
You're just an anti-Christian. Would you care to tell us why.
M*W: It's an old story by now on sciforums, so I'll be as brief as possible:

Raised agnostic, parents claimed to be conveniently "Methodists," but never attended church. Married a Catholic, converted for sake of my children, taught catechism for many years, attended bible studies, never missed church, became close personal friends of the priests, socialized with only other die-hard Catholics, studied in Rome, Vatican City. Felt the sense that there was something evil about the religion I professed. Started having doubts, increased my reading and researching into Catholicism. Came to conclusion that the whole Christian story was a fraud. Researched reason why it appeared to be fraudulent. Studied ancient history of Gauls which led to study of the history of Mary Magdalene, which shed a new light on the truth about Jesus. There are at least 16 other dying demigod saviors taken from pre-Biblical writings who were born of virgins, several on December 25, died on crosses or by other means, to save humanity, and were resurrected. The story of Jesus was plagarized from earlier Sumerian texts. Therefore, Christianity doesn't really exist, and yes, I am an anti-christian.
Medicine Woman, if you think the story of jesus was only plagiarized then why do you think the quran is worth believing when it also bought into that phoney jesus story?
JesusisLord51 said:
Maybe. This is because with the appearance of the Antichrist, in whichever form he will take, is going to lead the world astray. Read revelations if you are willing to understand.
M*W: I've read Revelations, and the Bible cover to cover. Scholars now think that Mary Magdalene possibly wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations. There are many references in Revelations to Jesus and MM in France. For example, in Revelations it says something about a seven-headed beast. That's a reference to Septimania, the Southeastern coast of France. The bridegroom and the bride, that's Jesus and MM.
But chances are extremely high you won't. Because one who has read the bible and taken what it says into consideration will find it to be completely philosophically sound, filled with love and mercy, and totally true.
M*W: You might not believe this, but I read the Bible everyday. The more I read, the more doubt I have about its authenticity.
False doctrine in the eyes of those ignorant enough to talk before they read.
M*W: It's false doctrine alright, but it doesn't come from being ignorant. Ignorance is for those who believe blindly or pretend to believe out of fear. I have no fear.
So Medicine Woman could you kindly tell us what philosophical/religious path you are currently threading?