What Australians believe

Australia is a fairly liberal nation in my opinion, though they can keep it, I don't want it.

Whatever keeps you away works for me man. its not enough that we disagree on practically every issue, you choose to make such remarks.
A new wide-ranging Neilson poll on the Religious beliefs of Australians has just been published.

More info here:


Here are some highlights and comparisons:


Belief                                   Australia   USA
God exists                               68          92
God does not exist                       30           8

Life after death                         53          80
Heaven                                   56          86
Hell                                     38          74
The Devil                                37          59
Angels                                   51          68
Miracles                                 63          79

Witches                                  22
UFOs                                     34          36
Astrology                                41          25
ESP                                      49

Holy Book is word of God                 34          80
Holy Book is literal truth               27
One correct interpretation of scripture  21

Genesis Creationism                      23          
Evolution guided by God                  32         
Evolution by natural selection           42          14

I am amazed those scores are so high in Australia.

I would have guessed them to be a lot lower. i doubt the figures, if they are true then it is a pleasant surprise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I am amazed those scores are so high in Australia.

I would have guessed them to be a lot lower. i doubt the figures, if they are true then it is a pleasant surprise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

why a pleasant surprise? they seem accurate to me.
M*W: There are many kinds of witches. Good witches, evil witches, nature lovers, satanic witches, solitary witches, witches in covens. From what I've read, I tend to like the nature-loving witches. Their original name was taken from "wicca" which means "wise." I've been called a "witch" plenty of times, but in Texas we spell it with a "B".

This is Witches, supernatural, spell casting Witches. The other are PEOPLE. Everyone believe people exist.