What Australians believe

Am I the only guy worried that there are more believers in Heaven than in Life after Death?
Like: God created the place just for himself and the angels? :(
In the European Union, there are anti-discrimination laws against that sort of thing.
Any and all polls can be manipulated in numerous ways to give the desired results.

There's no reason to suspect that this poll (of 1000 Australians chosen at random) has been manipulated in any way. Besides, the Nielson company is one of the most trusted pollsters in the nation. Its political polls are commonly used as a gauge of the nation's sentiment.

Why do you bother posting when you have nothing to say?

Am I the only guy worried that there are more believers in Heaven than in Life after Death?

It's a somewhat strange result...
No surprise here. Entirely too many Americans believe in myths. The sooner the we rid ourselves of those myths, the better off we will be. I'm just glad that every year the average percentage of religious people in this country declines just a little bit more.

There's no reason to suspect that this poll (of 1000 Australians chosen at random) has been manipulated in any way. Besides, the Nielson company is one of the most trusted pollsters in the nation. Its political polls are commonly used as a gauge of the nation's sentiment.

Why do you bother posting when you have nothing to say?

Because he is a bitter, old bad faith troll, hence the nonstop of usage of exclamations and "LOL!" In internet lingo, an all caps "lol" translates into "I'm laughing at you or your ideas, right in your face!" Now take a moment and ask yourself, does that sound like the behavior of someone who is here to to learn from others? The answer is no, and you can set your watch by this dip's routine. If he is as much of a pest in his everday life as he is here, then it's no wonder that he is unmarried and without children at age 65. Very amazed that so few have identified him for what he is.
Because he is a bitter, old bad faith troll, hence the nonstop of usage of exclamations and "LOL!" In internet lingo, an all caps "lol" translates into "I'm laughing at you or your ideas, right in your face!" Now take a moment and ask yourself, does that sound like the behavior of someone who is here to to learn from others? The answer is no, and you can set your watch by this dip's routine. If he is as much of a pest in his everday life as he is here, then it's no wonder that he is unmarried and without children at age 65. Very amazed that so few have identified him for what he is.

I'm wondering if James is going to allow you to make that kind of post personally attacking another poster. I've been warned about doing it; I've also been banned for doing. And yet, both you and James R himself do it regularly with apparently perfect immunity.

Baron Max
Baron Max:

You're trolling. Please stay out of my thread. I'm interested in genuine comments, not your mindless trash.
What the hell? 22% of people in Australia believe in witches? I'm not sure I understand what that even is.
M*W: There are many kinds of witches. Good witches, evil witches, nature lovers, satanic witches, solitary witches, witches in covens. From what I've read, I tend to like the nature-loving witches. Their original name was taken from "wicca" which means "wise." I've been called a "witch" plenty of times, but in Texas we spell it with a "B".
M*W: There are many kinds of witches. Good witches, evil witches, nature lovers, satanic witches, solitary witches, witches in covens. From what I've read, I tend to like the nature-loving witches. Their original name was taken from "wicca" which means "wise." I've been called a "witch" plenty of times, but in Texas we spell it with a "B".

.......We all like a good Magic show.......

Which Australians did they ask? Did they ask the indigenous population? Would witches be in their culture?

They asked 1000 randomly polled Australians, by phone.

Witches are not part of indigenous culture.

The percentage of the population that is indigenous is about 6%, so we might expect about 60 people in the poll to identify as aboriginal. In fact, I suspect it would be less than that, since this was a phone poll.
And that would mean they are ordinary PEOPLE.

Before WWII the people of Japan thought their emperor was a God. Of course the emperor knew he was not. Wizards and witches have the same target as shamans and holy men, delving into the spiritual.
I don't think the emperor of Japan was considered a God. The Son of God sure, or the chosen of God, and certainly a holy man, but not actually a God himself. And I imagine many of them believed in these things themselves, since they were often taught as such from a young age.

As for the poll, most of those numbers are rather a lot higher than I thought, it's a bit depressing. Although I have to admit that for the most part the average person has an extremely poor understanding of science, so if they were to believe in evolution by natural selection etc then they are taking it totally on faith anyway.
I don't think the emperor of Japan was considered a God. The Son of God sure, or the chosen of God, and certainly a holy man, but not actually a God himself. And I imagine many of them believed in these things themselves, since they were often taught as such from a young age.

Learn about the Godlike status of the Emperor
The Japanese people were actually taught that their Emperor was of divine origin. So, for them in battle, a supernatural protection would be in effect. Many believed that bullets would simply bounce off them in battle because they were fighting for their God Emperor.

Such beliefs in the Godlike status of the Emperor have existed in Japan for well over a thousand years.

I know you said you didn't think.
I thought my post was quite in line with the whole idea of divine origin. I didn't know about the supernatural protection thing, but it makes sense. Perhaps it is just the same argument as whether Jesus was a God or not. Anyway the point was that I would be surprised if many of the emperors didn't believe in their own divinity. Hirohito was a modern emperor and his country had been defeated in war so it's not surprising that HE didn't believe in his own divinity.