What are your views on abortion?

Are you in favor or against abortion?

  • Against

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • In favor depending on the situation (rape or whatever)

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • In favor

    Votes: 47 49.5%

  • Total voters
Murder is the taking of life that otherwise could sustain itself. Anything beyond that is emotive, built on "what could have beens" which is why it always falls back to the pro-life argument that someone has to speak up for the unborn "child."

And the idea that a woman loses all control over every aspect of her own life and body by "virtue" of having had sex that for one reason or another led to pregnancy is simply nonsense. And typically it's nonsense stemming from all sorts of preconceptions (no pun intended) regarding players, cause and consequence (preconceptions lovable only for their naive simplicity.)

And above all, of course, it's not your business. And you haven't answered Lucysnow on that. Why is it your business? Because "someone has to speak up for the unborn child"? ... Start reading this again.
Murder is the taking of life that otherwise could sustain itself. Anything beyond that is emotive, built on "what could have beens" which is why it always falls back to the pro-life argument that someone has to speak up for the unborn "child."

This is probably one of the most hilarious statements I've read so far. NO chid within about a year old or so is capable of sustaining itself. Furthermore, people with serious mental conditions are likewise incapable of sustaining themselves. Your definition of Murder is contrary to the precidences society has already put in place.

And the idea that a woman loses all control over every aspect of her own life and body by "virtue" of having had sex that for one reason or another led to pregnancy is simply nonsense. And typically it's nonsense stemming from all sorts of preconceptions (no pun intended) regarding players, cause and consequence (preconceptions lovable only for their naive simplicity.)

You know, for all the big hu-bub your making there isn't one logically structured argument made so far. WHAT preconceptions specifically are you talking about, and how much more naively simplistic can arguments get other than those you have already made?

And above all, of course, it's not your business. And you haven't answered Lucysnow on that. Why is it your business? Because "someone has to speak up for the unborn child"? ... Start reading this again.

I think I have already answered this question. It is societies responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves, even if it is from their own parents, brothers, sisters, or whatever. It is also up to society as a whole to decide on what is morally acceptable or not. This was one of the FIRST things Plato said in "The Republic". No civilization can function effectively unless all the individuals inside it agree on what are the standards of moral behavior. The reasons for this are obvious! If you do not see eye to eye morally with your neighbors and peers, mutual trust and cooperation suffers. If you don't TRUST each other, you can't work togeather. Plain and simple, and this goes for EVERYTHING from individual relationships, to small groups with co-workers, to the tops of society.
Most women do not make a decision to have an abortion without thinking of alternatives that might be viable for them. It is fine to speak for the unborn ie: please give the yungin a chance to live and grow into another potential asshole or messiah. But suggesting someone give the unborn a chance at misery or happiness is different from creating obstacles for the woman to carry out her decision. You know if there were more help for women in crises, more community support for single mothers, opportunity for young mothers to finish school, seek a career, gain parenting skills etc, affordable health and child care then pro-lifers wouldnt bother me so much with their suggestions. If people were actually out there creating an enviorenment of health and nurturance for children then it wouldn't bother me so much. If society showed that it really did give a shit about these children when they are born then it wouldn't bother me so much. But that is not the case. Pro-lifers are only concerned with the fetus and not children. They care about what is inside the mothers womb but not the mothers themselves.
Most women do not make a decision to have an abortion without thinking of alternatives that might be viable for them. It is fine to speak for the unborn ie: please give the yungin a chance to live and grow into another potential asshole or messiah. But suggesting someone give the unborn a chance at misery or happiness is different from creating obstacles for the woman to carry out her decision. You know if there were more help for women in crises, more community support for single mothers, opportunity for young mothers to finish school, seek a career, gain parenting skills etc, affordable health and child care then pro-lifers wouldnt bother me so much with their suggestions. If people were actually out there creating an enviorenment of health and nurturance for children then it wouldn't bother me so much. If society showed that it really did give a shit about these children when they are born then it wouldn't bother me so much. But that is not the case. Pro-lifers are only concerned with the fetus and not children. They care about what is inside the mothers womb but not the mothers themselves.

"Women in Crisis"!? Women suffer only 25% of violent crimes, and suffer less domestic violence than men do. Women get $2 out of ever $3 spent on health care by the Government. 55% of all college graduates are women. Women are less than 5% of all job related deaths. Women own over 50% of the total individual wealth in the US (including property as well as income) GED's and High School equivalancy educations are VERY easy to come by - just about any community college carries it, as do plenty of other community programs. In my city at least, public health insurance is publically available at around $30 a person. Day care centers are not as common as McDonalds here in San Antonio, but you can find them if you look and most often those at Churches in particular are willing to adjust their fees to your income.

But anyhow, you need to look again at Pro-Lifers. Jane Roe did, because she found the Pro-Life community more nurturing. She is married and has two children now, gets TONS of emotional support from her friends and now the family she has. Where I live at least, the women I have seen keep their kids have a tough time with some things, and yes some give up the goals they originally had, but they choose to go on and find another goal instead of mourning the one they lost. Nothing in life goes the way you plan it to.

I think you will find that single mothers and expectant women would have LOTS of support to be found if they surrounded themselves with the right kinds of people. If your friends do not take care of you or offer emotional support in such trying times, it speaks volumes of what kind of friend they really are. Myself and most of my pro-life friends have no problems with single mothers. One is in fact, dating one and not long ago her infant started calling him "da da". I love kids and have a niece I would give the world for. I have worked at day care centers. I assure you that I practice what I preach.

One thing too I have found in my personal experience, is that women who seek abortions are terrified of what their loved ones will think if they find out. This is for two reasons. One is they fear being labeled a whore, and two is they are so unsure of what to do about it. It is a story I've been told too often. It has happened to me several times that girls I have known get pregnant and they come and talk to me about it before anyone else. One of them so far had an abortion. I couldn't talk to her for a while because I was upset and shocked at what she had done, but I came after a while to accept what she did. Did I blame her? Partly, because she and her boyfriend were NOT careful in any way. At the same time, I knew how distressed she was at what she thought OTHERS would think of her. I encouraged her not to have the abortion, and yes I would have gone so far as to raise that child with her. I even offered to because I love her and would have been happy with her. Again, practicing what I preach. Did I disown her in the end for what she has done? No, because then I would have been no better than the friends and family members who would have disowned her for getting pregnant to begin with.

This is what Pro-Life means to me. I am not sure this is what you thought it meant, Lucysnow, but this is as a pro-lifer what I have seen. You are free to disagree - we are both people.
Well Xevious if you behave in the world the way you describe I find it commendable. I do not agree with your estimation of equitable power women have in society when they have children under stress (financial crisis, life crises, substance abuse, lack of education etc). When a woman is faced with a pregnancy she does not want there are usually many reasons involved including not being emotionally or psychologically prepared for the role. If one lives in a community where there is support great! But the answer to a woman is not give up your dreams and seek out a community that may or may not exist for her. Offer more support to women, I think that is fantastic. I live in NY and being a single mother even if she is a teen does not come with labels. A single mother in NY is as boring as the Daily News and no one would ostracize her for the choice. My concern is for women who really, really do not want to continue a pregnancy FOR WHATEVER REASON, these women need protection under the law upholding their decision to have an abortion. Even if society offered the best support for pregnant women I would still be a pro-choice advocate because I think peoples lives are too complex to limit choices.
xevious your interpretation of biology is subjective. if you were so concerned with life and biology you would kill yourself to prevent your disturbance of the natural order of reproduction

also i dont believe you are the ideal human you say you are. people are not selfless or altruistic.
xevious you are entitled to hold your opinions and live your life as you see fit. but you limiting someone elses life simply because you are overly idealistic is a crime by my ideals. what the woman does is none of your business.
In the end, yes it does come down to "It is so unfair that women have to carry children against their will." Unfortunetly, this is just how the female is biologicalyl designed. The only way to work around it is to practice abstinance. It doesn't take anything away from a healthy courtship to do so. Men who demand sex from their girlfriends are for the most part insensetive, it seems. This is because they are honestly not thinking about what will happen to her if she gets pregnant. Even some boyfriends who really do care might not really consider all of the consequences involved and both are caught up in a situation they aren't prepared. I've seen it happen too often.

Honestly, I in the end can see the only reason people have abortions is because it removes the consequences of sex - of a few hours (or for that matter, minutes) worth of gratification. In order to make this workable though, you have to throw the definitions of life out the window, redefine responsibility and consequences, and give more rights to one gender over the other. None of that is going to promote fair treatment for women, or children.

Yeah society is screwed up, but just going along with it as Abortion does doesn't fix the problem.
xevious your interpretation of biology is subjective. if you were so concerned with life and biology you would kill yourself to prevent your disturbance of the natural order of reproduction

also i dont believe you are the ideal human you say you are. people are not selfless or altruistic.

So you are going to attack my character and existance instead of my argument? That is an interesting way of defending your position. You've never met me so you can't say for sure what kind of person I am. Your view of mankind furthermore is indicative of depression and other psycological problems. There is help for that, but because I don't fit your mold of what the world is like doesn't mean I'm not who I say I am. I didn't even say I was an ideal human either. I have my faults too like anyone else does. The key differnce it seems between our philosophies however, is this. I believe that everyone screws up but should struggle to be the best person they can be. You seem to by your statements say that everyone is inherrantly screwed up.

I should also say that your first statement makes no sense. How do I disturb by existing, the natural order of reproduction? What exactly is the natural order of reproduction anyhow?

How is my interpritation of Biology subjective? EVERYTHING I stated is irrefutable. If it isn't, make a case or give up the floor. You've made a claim on a scientifically testable subject. Back it.

xevious you are entitled to hold your opinions and live your life as you see fit. but you limiting someone elses life simply because you are overly idealistic is a crime by my ideals. what the woman does is none of your business.

In the end, your arguments seem just to be a gut feeling. Again, back up what you say with something a little more rational, please. If you cared really about the subject, you would be making better arguments.
Xevious is it in your opinion that abortion become illegal? Or is it that you find it immoral but believe women have the right to decide for themselves?

It is not just young girls getting pregnant after their hormones kick in, but also adult women who choose abortion (even married women).

When would you find abortion an option? Rape, incest, under-age girls? What about women who are not responsible enough to care for themselves nevermind a child? An example of those would be substance abusers or women who have unhealthy or unstable lifestyles, should they also be forced to carry a life they would rather discard? (Seeing a crack-baby who has been taken away from a mother who did not want it to begin with could very well change your mind about abortion.) What about those who are financially unable to support themselves?

I will not add saving the mothers life because that is usually the case of women who want to keep their baby but cannot for medical reasons.

I find it disturbing that there are people out there who would take away my right to a safe abortion, people who really couldn't give a hoot about my life but would try and force me to make a decision that pleases them. A society that would make women slaves to their womb. The fact is that abstinance is an option that most people do not practise, contraceptives (especially in a HIV world) are widely used but that does not mean a woman cannot become pregnant. Would you condemn women to backstreet abortions? What is your opinion on the overnight pill? The contraceptive taken 48 hours after unprotected sex interfering with conception?

Why do you think the U.S is the only progressive Western nation that still questions a woman's right to choose? European countries allow abortions and there isn't a legion waiting to take that right away from others.
I'll let Xevious answer most of these questions but for any given moral law you can find situations that mitigate it. For example, with murder there are cases where killing is morally allowed such as in wartime, capital punishment etc. Certainly someone who's starving to death would be forced to steal bread.

Why do you think the U.S is the only progressive Western nation that still questions a woman's right to choose? European countries allow abortions and there isn't a legion waiting to take that right away from others.
Are you willing to state that it's your right to take the life of another human being? What about the rights of the unborn child? By what basis do you put the rights of mother ahead of that of the child? We have sonograms and so we can see the fetus. Thus abortion presents a moral dilemma that cannot be solved. You simply have no place to draw the line of what is murder. We can see the fetus grow; there is no effective difference between the child inside of a mother's womb and outside of the womb but only one is more mature.
Quote: Are you willing to state that it's your right to take the life of another human being? What about the rights of the unborn child? By what basis do you put the rights of mother ahead of that of the child? We have sonograms and so we can see the fetus. Thus abortion presents a moral dilemma that cannot be solved. You simply have no place to draw the line of what is murder. We can see the fetus grow; there is no effective difference between the child inside of a mother's womb and outside of the womb but only one is more mature.

Yes I do state my right to end a pregnancy. The unborn child has no rights if the mother decides she does not want to carry to term. I declare my right as a woman to place my life above that of the unborn. The fetus you speak of cannot be carried by you Okinrus, you have no stake on something that resides within another (especially if you were not involved in its conception). Yes we can see the fetus, every woman takes a sonogram before she has an abortion. You are the one who sees abortion as a dillema; I have no such dillema. YOu have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine, my opinion as you well know is that there is a HUGE difference between what resides inside the womb and a child born. Remember Okinrus that the majority of abortions take place within four to eight weeks after conception and the fetus is only a few inches long and cannot exist outside the womb.
It is my opinion, the issue of wether or not Abortion is legal or not is a decision that belongs in the hands of the communities and represenetives of our legeslation, not our judicial system. One of my biggest problems with abortion was the way it was legalized. Many pro-choice advocates say over and over that it is wrong for others to impose their morals. And yet, rather than introduce legislations into our Government which would have allowed both sides to have their say in this societal decision, they imposed their moral that it is an individual choice by persuing a court ruling INSTEAD of introducing a law which would make Abortion legal by name. No where in the US Constitution does it say that "Women have the Right to an ABortion". As it currently stands, Roe vs. Wade legalizes abortion under a Supreme Court ruling that says that the 7th ammendment applies.

Before Roe vs. Wade, the decision to legalize abortion or not was left to states legislaters during the 1950's and 1960's, and both NOW and NARAL had major suscesses legalizing it in several states, such as New York, Ohio, Tenessee, Virginia, Massachusets, and West Virginia. However, NOW and NARALwere having major problems in states such as Georgia, Minnesota, Montana, Texas, Nevada, Wyoming, and many other midwestern states. The Roe vs. Wade lawsuit was ironically ruled in the favor of Planned Parenthood ONLY at the last hearing. The courts in Dallas ruled for Wade. The Texas Supreme courts ruled for Wade. The Regional supreme courts ruled for Wade. It was only the US Supreme Court in Washington DC which ruled for Roe, and this decision was from a split vote of 5-4. In other words, ONE swing vote on the final appeal was the only way abortion was legalized on a national scale. That speaks volumes for what the morals of most people in this country were at that time, and the extreme lengths that had to be taken to get Abortion legalized.

Today many years later, the public opinion picture is unchanged. 30 women held a candle light vigel in New York to celebrate Roe vs. Wade. At the same moment, thousands of Pro-Life protesters had stormed the capital of Washington D.C. In the last 30 years, NOT ONE legeslation has been introduced through Congress which would make Roe vs. Wade an ammendment of the US Constituation. This is probably because over 50% of the US population is still Christian when you put all of the differnt sects of it togeather, and when you add other religious groups based on similar morals as well, it just cascades into a landslide. Though Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Muslems, Baptists, and non-denominational Christians all have differnt theologies, the absolute basic moral structure of these religions are the same. Indeed, only 9% of the US population does not believe in any kind of God at all. In the end, the Pro-Choice movement imposed it's morals while it demands that Pro-Life believers not impose their morals. This is the appitomy of hippocracy.

If Ohio and New York want abortion, fine! I can't interfear with the governments of those states. BUT, when the decision was made in the US Supreme Court, my right as a citizen of a democratic nation to participate in the process of deciding the laws and morals of this country was violated. I personally do not think abortion should be legal, but if it is accepted in your given community, I cannot stop it.

I'm out of time, but I want to answer all of Lucys questions. I want to say thank you to her as well for being patient and ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS about my beliefs and point of view instead of blindly attacking me.
The life of the unborn is a potential human being, I say it is human because that is what the fetus would be upon birth.

You have mentioned Roe's conversion to Catholicism and the number of religious communities in the States, but it is obviously these same religiously affiliated women who are having abortions not just those non-affiliated or atheists. There is still a separation of church and state in this country and religious opinion and morality should not be forced on those who do not share them. If so then I might as well pack up and move to Afghanistan. Roes conversion and guilt over whatever role she played still does not invalidate the individuals right to an abortion. The U.S was built on the protection of individual rights.

No my womb does not belong to the fetus occupying it. Why is the woman subordinate to an unborn fetus? The rights of a woman as functioning citizen overrides that of the unborn, especially when the child will belong to her and not to society. If the womb belongs to the fetus and not the woman then it would follow that if the mothers life is in danger because of pregnancy then the right to life would belong to the unborn child and not the mother...but I am sure you would not find that just.

You mentioned that the pro-choice movement has forced its position on pro-lifers and this is where I am most perplexed concerning your position; A pro-lifer is FREE to NOT have an abortion. The right for a woman to choose does not infringe on those who are against abortion, but a woman who desires an abortion is to be thwarted by others who do not have to live with the decision and I think that is wrong. You say that you do not care what people do in other communities, well why do you care what the woman, who may live next door, does with her own body? It does not concern you! She has not asked for your opinion, she has not sought out your advice, what do you care what takes place between her, her boyfriend/husband/one night stand, and the local ob/gyn? Contraceptives are very effective in preventing pregnancy but you are correct that they can on occasion fail, this being the case a woman has to alter her entire existence when there is a viable alternative? I can just imagine what it would be like with a lot of bitter women taking out their frustration on children they never wanted, disgruntled men taking forced dna tests to establish paternity for children they would rather not claim from women they would rather not be with, turning back the clock so both men and women are penalized for having a sex drive as if they were living in the middle-ages as opposed to a progressive, technically advanced modern nation. Of course this would not affect those with means who can pay to leave for an abortion. You know my mother often tells me of how women from Ireland used to take the trip to England because they could legally get an abortion. Imagine that? Good Catholic girls fleeing their country on a weekend excursion to English hospitals. Outlawing abortion will not mean that they will stop, it will just go underground. Then of course there are the underpriviledged and undereducated who will just continue to tax society with more babies they cannot take care of...this is happening already. Then there is the lovely sight of increasing numbers of children living in foster care and orphange. Trust me more people will not be adopting children simply because their are more children being dumped into the system. Abortion was once illegal and this altrusitic society you imagine did not evolve because of it was illegal. Legal abortion in turn also will not bring on this imagined society. The only place I have ever lived that came close to a society where no one slept in the streets, everyone was provided with health care and education, where social services for women and children were incredibly generous and civilized is Denmark...but of course they are a godless nation and also allow for abortions. They are also strongly socialist and heavily tax their 5 million inhabitants. Don't get me wrong I am not suggesting a change to leftist ideals, I am only pointing out that the United States is not a lovey-dovey nation where communities support their neighbors and the poor ruffians living in the projects down the street. Kids in America can starve, be beaten to death and go uncared for. They can be born with substance abuse problems because the mother couldn't give a hoot what she did while pregnant (women whom I would have suggest abort). I don't hear pro-lifers out in the thousands making a fuss about the loss of head-start or government policies harming or neglecting women and children, all they seem to care about is if I am having sex or abstaining while they have their heads stuck up the female uterus. At least feminists DO address policy concerning these issues. Ah it must be wonderful to be dragged into a world and nestle into the cold arms of a woman who resented nine months pregnancy. It must be great to not be wanted...but hey at least their alive right? Quality of life can go down the drain for all involved but the world has exactly what it needs most another human to add to the six billion plus. Pro-lifers are not concerned with women or children, what they are concerned about is imposing their religious ideology on an entire nation. They are interested in keeping women locked into an antiquated system whereby she isn't anything but a server of children, they hope that sex outside of marriage will stop dead in its tracks and force marriage as an avenue of sexual pleasure, what they want most of all is to enforce their religious moral code on others.
Looking at the poll I see 78.25% in favour of abortion in certain circumstances. Now this makes me wonder...
Xevious, okinrus
What are you going to do with those 78% who disagree with you?
Ignore them?
Re-educate them?
Shoot them?
If you choose to Ignore them while still espousing your beliefs, well thats fine by me. It's when Pro lifers start using the second two options that I start to worry.

Just wondering what you'll do if nobody listens.
Dee Cee (one of the 78.25%)
DeeCee, you need be reminded that sciforums.com appeals to a particular percentage of the US population. It does not represent the whole of America or for that matter, the world. If no one wants to listen, there is nothing I can do about that. Remember, these are MY opinions and you can take them or leave them. I don't profess to be the absolute authority of anything, but I believe the way I do for a reason, and there is a lot more to it than the typical sterotype of the Pro-Lifers that pro-choice enforces. On the other hand, you seem terrified of being educated by pro-lifers. Why? Do you think I'm going to crack a bible at you? I haven't so far... I've mentioned Christians as some of the biggest pro-lifers so far, but I've not spouted a bible verse and placed my arguments in seccular reasonings. Indeed, my arguments in Biology in particular are probably the only ones so far used in this debate which are scientific and can be refuted if incorrect. That is proper for SCIFORUMS.COM, isn't it?

Lucey, your perplextion over my moral difference is based entirely on the assumption of a circular and self-enforcing argument, that's why you are caught in it. Your assumption is that women who have abortions aren't enforcing there morals on those who do not, because Abortion is a choice to be made by the individual. What you are not realizing is that the "choice" is in itself a moral concept and stating that women should have the right to have an abotion if they want one, and making that the law in this country without the expressed conscent of 99.9999% of the population of this country was the imposing of that moral. It doesn't matter how you justify abortion; it was made legal without the due process of democratic rule in this country, and as it was had to fight 4 appeals in court to be legalized in the end by only ONE person, making that decision for the entire nation. On those grounds, the pro-choice movement imposed it's moral of choice on America WITHOUT the conscent of it's citizens. This is a democracy; it is not for any one person to decide the laws or for that matter the morals of this country. Unfortunetly in the case of abortion, this is exactly what happened. This is also a reason abortion is still controversial. What you aren't realizing is that all it would take would be an legal overturning of Roe vs. Wade to make abortion illigal in over half the US. Most of the states I mentioned before, ie. Texas, Newbraska, Montana, Nevada, Montana, ect. already have pro-life leaning laws on their books, and those laws currently do not operate because of Roe vs. Wade. This presents a problems for feminists in that it would take only ONE person in the right place to make abortion illigal - that is why they are still fighting to keep it legal, and it is also why pro-life supporters are also highly active. The fight for legal abortion in this country is still going on for those reasons. NOW is powerful enough for the most part to guard Roe vs. Wade from overturning, but probably cannot ever get enough support to pass any kind of Constitutional ammendment or federal law which would spell out the right to abortions.

Another thing that upsets me are states like Alaska, which now offer abortion as a public health service. EXCUSE ME, but when you take my tax money to fund the decision of another person I consider immoral, then you are essentially forcing me to support their moral decision. Thus, I have EVERY RIGHT to say where my tax money goes as a citizen and thus have every to participate in the question of wether or not she should have one, since I am paying for it.

Yes, I think abortion is wrong period, but the reason I don't impose this this moral on places like New York and Ohio is that the democratic governments of those states had legalized Abortion before Roe vs. Wade imposed it on the Mid-West and Southern states. In Brittan and most of Europe, abortion is legal but something you aren't mentioning is that abortion in those countries is HIGHLY regulated. Brittan for example, has banned partial-birth abortion as has just about all other countries Europe. All of them have set a limit in the number of weeks. In America, California has set the limit at 8 weeks. On a national level however, NOW has blocked all attempts for the US Government to regulate abortion in any way, shape, or form. This is one of the reasons abortion is still in the hot-seat.

Still, neither side has behaved well in all manors either. Abortionists love to martyer themselves as opressed because 5 or 6 abortion doctors have died in the last 20 years, but don't say anything about women left sterile or worse, DEAD by botched abortions. You have to ask yourselfs why, of all medical procedues is no data readily available of the mortality rates and complications of this practice. If you wanted heart surgery, your surgeon lines out all the risks, and the AMA or US Departnemtnf of Health can tell you statistically how many people have died from the procedure. Yet, you will find no such data is available about abortion. The only logical reason why would be that the data is not being made available by a higher authority. Abortion clinics have to be licenced; incidents of death or complications MUST be reported to higher authority as a mannor of process, so it is obvious that someone knows. Yet, these figures are apparently not researchable. That in itself is a great reason to be suspicious of the "safety" of abortion, and how much the abortion industry cares about the women it serves.

Children born from women who have substance abuse problems are exactly why many pro-lifers (hey, you're talking the same conservatives here for the most part) are so very vigilant to fight the war on drugs. It is rediculous to say they don't care; they fight to see that it doesn't happen to anyone else. In fact, a friend of mine recently had a baby and her baby has a small calcium node on his liver. This is of course, caused by the fact that she smoked pot. My pro-life friend who is the father (and didn't know about THAT detail of her lefe) has every legal ground in the world to get custody. But, he and I both care about her (the mother) and rather than destroy that girl and take her child away, we saw to it she realized what it was she did and she cleaned up. Oh, and yes I've seen children born with drug dependancies. I've held some of them as they convulsed in my arms. It tore me to bits every time, and every time I kept thinking of wanting to find the bitch who did this to their kid and themselves, and make them come and see what they did. Do I think the kid should be aborted? NO - he cannot help the way he was born anymore than I can help that I was born with a neurological disorder. So, what uptimately happens to these kids? That is an untold story. They dissappear into the state adoption programs and thus neither the pro-life or the pro-choice advocates can say what in the end is the rate of suscess of saving these children. What I can tell you is that abortion is far cheaper than caring for them.

In the cases of incest and rape, it is hader to make any kind of opinion without in some way looking cruel. The reason why is that two attrocities are commited, not one. As I pondered on this one, I never lost sight of the fact that incest and rape are less than a fraction of a percent of the number of pregnancies leading in abortion. Indeed, rape is the most overreported falsely accused crime in America. That too should be kept in mind.

In the case of incest, I find it hard to jusitfy. I keep imagining a daddy leading their little preteen girl away from Planned Parenthood, "There you see, I told you I was going to take care of everything." and then take her home to do it all over again. All abortion does in this case is remove a tell-tale sign of incestuous abuse. It removed consequences, leaving the child to be repeatedly abused and so long as no one knows about it happening inside the home, there is no way anyone can know what is going on.

In the case of rape, I have found that most women who have been raped carry their children to term, and this really makes me wonder why pro-choice people just ASSUMES they want an abortion without even asking them how they must feel about it!That doesn't seem very compassionate to me. The reasons rape was such a heinous crime historically was exactly because a woman so abused could be made pregnant. But now with abortion available, this classical reason for rape being such a heinous crime doesn't exist. Worse, it makes the matter just as trivial as the rape of men, which does happen. I know personally. But, male rape never recieved the attention that rape of women did because the consequences on men wern't nearly as severe. Now, they are about the same for men and women. That sure as heck isn't going to help stopping rape from happening anytime soon.

It is in the end, the WHOLE ISSUE, is about a lack of love, isn't it? No one is there to love the unborn child, or love the mother enough to support them to keep it. Lots of women would rather have abortions than be single moms because they stand a better chance of haing a man in their lives then. That speaks volumes of how much a man truly loves his girlfriend if he tells her he doesn't want to be a daddy too soon (or for that matter, marry her).

Maybe I'm an idealist, but love and responsibility go hand in hand. If a man sleeps with a girl but is unwilling to go so far as to marry her and have that family, it shows that the true motivation of sex for him was purely physical pleasure and release. There is no love in those actions, because the motivation was not based on any kind of concern for her. Thus, pro-choice only serves to reinforce the situations of unloved and unwanted women, abandoned children, and broken homes that it was supposedly a cure for.

Life is sacred and should be denied to no one; not man or woman, child or elderly. It is so easy to be able to care about other people and love that I don't understand why it is so hard for some people to love anyone else.
xevious before you preach your self rightuousness go back and read the otehr 7 pages of posts then try to reply to one of the uncountable justifiable points supporting abortion. you nor has anyone else provided anything other than religious babble or self rightuous preaching. im not going to repost everything all over again because you ignore the facts before you

xevious you act like men are imposing sex on women. guess what, women can and many do enjoy sex. it is a plague of the males that destroys the purity of women. you dont seem to have any understanding of how the real world works or of what a woman might consider upon getting pregnant or even having sex. i dont assume to know all those things, but i do know that getting pregnant can ruin a woman's life far more than it can a man's. stop being so selfish and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
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the fetus is not a human.

what if i told you this:

i have this awesome chicken. you should see it, it is so cute. it is the cutest thing i have ever seen. it can do so much neat stuff you would love it.

then you ask to see it and i show you an egg. you would be like wtf is wrong with this guy.

when a woman and man stand next to each other there are 46 chromosomes there. when i yank those two people apart are you going to complain that i just murdered a baby beacuse there were 46 chromosomes within 3 feet of each other and i ended the chance that they could grow up to be a human?

xevious this is what your argument sounds like. that is subjective biology. the fetus is not a human just as an isnt a chicken.

i could mix up every chemical compound, amino acid, protein, acid, base, etc into proportional amounts relative to the human body in a vat. i could even throw in a little DNA. are you going to tell me taht is a human. it has DNA right, it has everything necessary to be human right? well when it comes down to it, it is not a human. it is just a vat filled with crap where there some random chemical reactions occurring.

the fetus is not human, and abortion is not immoral. biology makes this clear

xevious, civil rights was not consented by 99.999999% of the population. are you going to tell me that it was wrong to have that morality imposed upon us. it is so crazy that the supreme court can find things unconstitutional. it is so crazy that legislatures are not infallible and pass laws that against the will or benefit of the people. well that is why the courts are tehre. they interpret law. they keep the other two bodies of government in check. im sure that we can find numerous people who are against integration and equal voting rights, etc, but we dont go and revert back to slavery. xevious i think you need to go back and study some of the reasoning behind the founding of this country before you scream at the horrors of the court system. i know that i dont want the republican right wing legislatures and president forcing their beliefs on me through unchecked governmental powers. nor do i want you imposing your lifestyle and belief system on me. you may find us abortion supporters immoral, but we consider you a threat to safety, freedom, and democracy
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Oy Xevious
educated by pro-lifers
What can you educate me about?
If you really want to know I've observed and assisted early suction TOP's as well as witnessing late oxytocin inductions.
It's all part of my 'education'

So go on then, tell me what my tutors left out.
Dee Cee
xevious before you preach your self rightuousness go back and read the otehr 7 pages of posts then try to reply to one of the uncountable justifiable points supporting abortion. you nor has anyone else provided anything other than religious babble or self rightuous preaching. im not going to repost everything all over again because you ignore the facts before you
I've read everything that Xevious has said and I have found nothing self-rightous about it. Unless, of course, you consider arguing what is right being self-rightous. I can't really help someone who argues for something they don't think is right.

xevious you act like men are imposing sex on women. guess what, women can and many do enjoy sex. it is a plague of the males that destroys the purity of women. you dont seem to have any understanding of how the real world works or of what a woman might consider upon getting pregnant or even having sex. i dont assume to know all those things, but i do know that getting pregnant can ruin a woman's life far more than it can a man's. stop being so selfish and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
I've watched very young unmarried mothers work two jobs until about two weeks before the baby is born. The majority of women can and do make by, but there has to be some type of support such as adoption if this not possible. It is our education system, drugs, peer presure, physical and emotional abuse that ruin lives not giving birth to children. If some has to kill life in order to stop ruining their lives, what life do they really have? There is no job or duty more important than raising children but abortionist place cars, house, and job above human life. It's unfortunate and pregnant women simply don't get the help they need from abortion doctors. Many of these so called industries are not helping the women but are simply making money off of the scam which is abortion.

Yes I do state my right to end a pregnancy. The unborn child has no rights if the mother decides she does not want to carry to term. I declare my right as a woman to place my life above that of the unborn.
Your not puting your life above the unborn, in fact, I would say that abortion does just as much harm to the mother than the fetus.

The fetus you speak of cannot be carried by you Okinrus, you have no stake on something that resides within another (especially if you were not involved in its conception).
Are you saying that 10 seconds before the child is born, I have no stake, or that 10 seconds after the child is born I have a stake? The law cannot go both ways without remaining hypocritical. If there is a cutoff line, then this same logic can be still used but from the cutoff. I believe in a consistent and easy to understand law and I think this is the opinion of most people.

YOu have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine, my opinion as you well know is that there is a HUGE difference between what resides inside the womb and a child born. Remember Okinrus that the majority of abortions take place within four to eight weeks after conception and the fetus is only a few inches long and cannot exist outside the womb.
Yes but at some point we have to reconize what opinions should be made laws and what not. The size of life does not matter and you are well aware that christian
s believe that what is done to the littlest one is done to the greatest one. While you could use your opinion argument on issues such as contraception, legalizing pot and premarital sex, I cannot say abortion is murder but think it should be the women's choice.
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