What are the odds of a religion being the "right one"?

Signal said:
You are, in effect, a solipsist
I would agree if he was talking to you in the first person. But he referred to you in the second person, so he clearly isn't a solipsist.
Which leave me with only one reason for your remark, it was a straw-man fallacy.
Do try harder, if you cant answer a persons questions, or feel your losing a debate, then it is better to be honest and concede.
Yes, it is, inherently so.
The moment you choose an approach to dealing with an issue, you take a stance on what the truth is.
You might not specify so directly, but the very act of taking an approach implies this.

Ï take the stance that I don't know. That is hardly worthy as an explanation for the truth. Hence it is not among the x'es.
x does not approach infinity. I would say it is 2, perhaps 3 but not more.

The individual religious traditions and other philosophies are not as different as you suggest.

The names may be different, the times and places of appearance may be different.

But they have a lot more in common than you see so far.

So you know for a FACT that one of these 2 or 3 beliefs is the right one?
There is no guarantee for this. If you think there is, I would like you to explain how you prove it.
If there is one ultimate truth about everything, then you are included in it somehow, whether you like it or not, and your calculations about it do not matter, nor your choices as to which religion/philosophy/wordlview to opt for.

If you indeed believe that there in one ultimate truth about everything, then whatever you do will be in line with this one ultimate truth about everything
- and there is no need for any calculations, concerns or criticisms.

So you're basically saying that i should shut op because I think there is only one truth about everything? This is nonsense dude. Please clean up your act.
I have said that I believe that there is one truth about everything (more than one truth makes no sense, you must at least agree on that. Otherwise we get paradoxes with several omnipotent entities and such) and that I don't know what it is. That is all.
I go for the Hopi way of thinking my self . Yeah the Hopi are the closes to truth in my book. Especially with contracting economies and future populace after the major over the top expansionism for so long . The Hopi way would soften the blow if we could all embrace the concepts they present . Worthy of investigation ? I think so. They got the stones too. Carved in Rock . They look like Pharaoh stones if you ask Me
You are, in effect, a solipsist. You can't really be reasoned with.

Hopefully in time the cockiness of your youth will diminish!

I can be reasoned with if people use reasonable arguments to refute my point. I have yet to hear you spew anything but: "You're wrong because you don't believe in GOD!"
So you're basically saying that i should shut op because I think there is only one truth about everything? This is nonsense dude. Please clean up your act.
I have said that I believe that there is one truth about everything (more than one truth makes no sense, you must at least agree on that. Otherwise we get paradoxes with several omnipotent entities and such) and that I don't know what it is. That is all.
Yoyo, perhaps you can use the word 'reality' instead of 'truth'. I think perhaps people are misunderstanding your point because of it.
Yoyo, perhaps you can use the word 'reality' instead of 'truth'. I think perhaps people are misunderstanding your point because of it.

Thank you. That is a good point. I think however that for some reason people WANT to misunderstand my point whatever i call it. But let's see :)

Yes reality is probably a better word. One true reality.
So you're basically saying that i should shut op because I think there is only one truth about everything? This is nonsense dude. Please clean up your act.
Its more that you should shut up because you think that there is no way for a variety of theistic claims to co-exist together (funnily enough you don't suffer from the same poor fund of knowledge when you launch into generic all out assaults on theism in other threads ... IOW you don't have a need to address specific denominations or disciplines, so go figure .....)

I have said that I believe that there is one truth about everything (more than one truth makes no sense, you must at least agree on that. Otherwise we get paradoxes with several omnipotent entities and such) and that I don't know what it is. That is all.
paradoxes only exist when there are contradictions.
Just because there is a variety of mathematical suppositions, from basic algebra to advanced tan calculations, doesn't mean that they are all at odds withe ach other
Yoyopapaya your whole argument is flawed to begin with. At best you are showing the possibility of an organized religion to be true which isnt the same thing as god. You have no line of reasoning to support your position other than "we don't know so conform to my belief" similarily you have nothing to contrast with so your intended purposes are unclear.

This is a moot point at best and means: dick

Look... whats the possibility of a lottery winner? Futhermore whats the possibility that I will be born with 3 toes? What about the possibility of me being donald trump ? 1 out of infinity eh??? Your circular logic is based on suppositions and an association with god exclusive to organized religion.
Yes AlexG pointed out a flaw in my line.

Your monkey gibberish however is not really worth wasting time on. Instead of ridiculing, you should try do something constructive. Like go play with razorblades on the freeway.
At best you are showing the possibility of an organized religion to be true which isnt the same thing as god.

Good point, Joey, although you forgot gods/goddesses/conscious forces of nature...
Ah, let's go with "Deity."

Presumably there's some singular one or assortment who want to be worshiped in some specific way, and it's very important to said deity or gaggle therof that we know its' correct composition and mode of worship.

That's Papaya's argument, I think? and that he'd like to know what that is? with support?

You have no line of reasoning to support your position other than "we don't know so conform to my belief

I don't see him really preaching that much here, or clubbing people...he does talk about Pastafarianism.

If that's what he wants to think is the one true religion, that's up to him. He's not being all preachy like Chi.
Yes AlexG pointed out a flaw in my line.

Your monkey gibberish however is not really worth wasting time on. Instead of ridiculing, you should try do something constructive. Like go play with razorblades on the freeway.

Well lets see here:

New ones are created all the time. How do you determine what the chances are for each of the religions to be real and the other just superstitions?

Personally I KNOW that Pastafarianism is the one true religion, but I'm sure that other religious people feel there same way about their religion as well.

So let's hear.

Really? New ones are created all the time?

Wasnt aware of that. In fact new religions are nearly universally frowned upon...And why is that?

Maybe 'cause no one likes a smarty pants.
Good point, Joey, although you forgot gods/goddesses/conscious forces of nature...
Ah, let's go with "Deity."

Presumably there's some singular one or assortment who want to be worshiped in some specific way, and it's very important to said deity or gaggle therof that we know its' correct composition and mode of worship.

That's Papaya's argument, I think? and that he'd like to know what that is? with support?

Well the equation was not just about beliefs which included deities, but every belief about an objective reality imaginable.

I don't see him really preaching that much here, or clubbing people...he does talk about Pastafarianism.

If that's what he wants to think is the one true religion, that's up to him. He's not being all preachy like Chi.

Pastafarianism was just an example.
Well lets see here:

Really? New ones are created all the time?

Wasnt aware of that. In fact new religions are nearly universally frowned upon...And why is that?

Maybe 'cause no one likes a smarty pants.

Frowning upon something does not make it less likely to be true.
Frowning upon something does not make it less likely to be true.

Bringing out a point that new religions are not started all the time.

New ones are created all the time.

Hell, even religious people cant stand new religions. Tell you this much, try and start a new religion in the U.S and i guarantee you you will get attention from authorities straight away...and rightfully so. Look at how England and pretty much all of Europe bans new religions and they didnt even get a chance to murder anyone yet.
Yea but it's not really important to the equation John. Because x is every belief about objective reality imaginable.
No need to apologise John. I appreciate any input these days that isn't ridiculing or incoherent mumbo jumbo. :)