What are the biological reasons that women reject men?


What are the biological or physiological (based on women's physiology) reasons that high-status women reject men besides the man being ugly or to poor or just smells bad?

I read want to know what the biologists and those who are experts here on women's physiology have to say about this.

I think I read somewhere that cancer has something to do with this.
What are the biological or physiological (based on women's physiology) reasons that high-status women reject men besides the man being ugly or too poor or just smells bad?
Why do you present it as though it's a gender difference? Men also reject women whom they don't find attractive for reasons that vary from one guy to the next.

People of "high status," which in American culture usually means financial wealth, but may also include appearance and/or personality, have many more potential mates to choose from. Sure, you're sitting there saying, "It doesn't matter. I would have chosen my beloved wife anyway." But isn't that just a little bit because you would never have had the opportunity to become acquainted with Shakira?

Hey, I love Mrs. Fraggle with all my heart. But what if I was rich and famous and had met Loni Anderson first? (You young guys probably don't even know who that is, but trust me, 30 years ago she was a real heartbreaker.)

I read want to know what the biologists and those who are experts here on women's physiology have to say about this.
Why don't you just look it up on the internet? You're presenting a rather controversial hypothesis and SciForums is hardly the best place to resolve a controversy. ;)

I think I read somewhere that cancer has something to do with this.
I'm rather curious to know where you even heard about this at all? It sounds like it either came from the National Enquirer or an internet discussion board like this one. In either case, it ain't worth doodley-squat.
Why do you present it as though it's a gender difference? Men also reject women whom they don't find attractive for reasons that vary from one guy to the next.

People of "high status," which in American culture usually means financial wealth, but may also include appearance and/or personality, have many more potential mates to choose from. Sure, you're sitting there saying, "It doesn't matter. I would have chosen my beloved wife anyway." But isn't that just a little bit because you would never have had the opportunity to become acquainted with Shakira?

Hey, I love Mrs. Fraggle with all my heart. But what if I was rich and famous and had met Loni Anderson first? (You young guys probably don't even know who that is, but trust me, 30 years ago she was a real heartbreaker.)

Why don't you just look it up on the internet? You're presenting a rather controversial hypothesis and SciForums is hardly the best place to resolve a controversy. ;)

I'm rather curious to know where you even heard about this at all? It sounds like it either came from the National Enquirer or an internet discussion board like this one. In either case, it ain't worth doodley-squat.

I think a woman looks for security , protection and chavalere . So I think if the female have a job a secure habitat , she will feel pretty independent , then what is left is she wants a man that she could control .
I think a woman looks for security , protection and chavalere . So I think if the female have a job a secure habitat , she will feel pretty independent , then what is left is she wants a man that she could control .

hmm. I never thought about it from that perspective. That makes me even more determined to never marry a wealthier women. But then again those type of women are the kind that would just buy some frozen sperm and a long pipette anyway and think that having a baby alone (or with another woman) would make them a good mother and provider.
I think a woman looks for security , protection and chavalere .

Some do. Some want a more equal partner.

So I think if the female have a job a secure habitat , she will feel pretty independent , then what is left is she wants a man that she could control .

Probably. And some men look for women they can control. Whatever floats your boat.
A woman only wants one thing, MONEY. If you do not have MONEY then most women will ignore you but if you have MONEY they will be attracted to you like bees are to flowers.
I think a woman looks for security , protection and chavalere . So I think if the female have a job a secure habitat , she will feel pretty independent , then what is left is she wants a man that she could control .
hmm. I never thought about it from that perspective. That makes me even more determined to never marry a wealthier women. But then again those type of women are the kind that would just buy some frozen sperm and a long pipette anyway and think that having a baby alone (or with another woman) would make them a good mother and provider.
A woman only wants one thing, MONEY. If you do not have MONEY then most women will ignore you but if you have MONEY they will be attracted to you like bees are to flowers.
Geeze, you guys have met some pretty strange women... if you actually know any at all. ;)

Mrs. Fraggle says the reason she married me is that I was the first man she ever met who could win an argument with her. She wanted an intellectual equal.
A woman only wants one thing, MONEY. If you do not have MONEY then most women will ignore you but if you have MONEY they will be attracted to you like bees are to flowers.

But not all women are attracted to rich men but models and supermodels are usually only attracted to rich men. These are the tall and skinny white women you see on fashion magazines.

Like this model for example:

View attachment 6296

Models tend to hang out at parties and clubs a lot so really only a rich men can pay for all their luxuries and going-outs and parties.

But then again not everyone can date a model since those kind of women usually have very high standards.
I think it just comes down to human nature and to our natural instincts.

Women are attracted to rich men because money equals power and security to them and a rich man is able to provide for her and the children and give her and the children the quality of life and the good home that they desire.

The strong and powerful tend to dominate in nature. It's just the way it is in nature (and this includes humans of course). It's the natural evolution of life on earth.

So it basically all comes down to survival of the fittest. In nature only the strongest alpha males tend to get the chance to reproduce and to spread their good genes to the next generations.
I do know lots of women such as that. I have developed a filter to dismiss out of mind immediately such women. Believe it or not there are still women out there who are not career women, not feminist, not equal-partners-in-marriage types. It's far better to wait for those than have a miserable life and a quick divorce or breakup with the other kind.
Geeze, you guys have met some pretty strange women... if you actually know any at all. ;)

Mrs. Fraggle says the reason she married me is that I was the first man she ever met who could win an argument with her. She wanted an intellectual equal.

She was trying to build up your ego
But not all women are attracted to rich men but models and supermodels are usually only attracted to rich men. These are the tall and skinny white women you see on fashion magazines.

Like this model for example:

View attachment 6296

Models tend to hang out at parties and clubs a lot so really only a rich men can pay for all their luxuries and going-outs and parties.

But then again not everyone can date a model since those kind of women usually have very high standards.

Skinny women are not for my desire , skin and bones are for the dogs
I do know lots of women such as that. I have developed a filter to dismiss out of mind immediately such women. Believe it or not there are still women out there who are not career women, not feminist, not equal-partners-in-marriage types. It's far better to wait for those than have a miserable life and a quick divorce or breakup with the other kind.

I agree with you
OK then just ask a woman to pay for an evening out with you and see how far you get with her. If, as you say, women aren't interested in MONEY then why is it men must pay for everything on a date then? I'd like anyone here who ever dated a woman to tell me they did not have to pay to date her and then I will believe you. If no one here has ever had a woman pay for anything they, the man, wanted again please respond now.
Women pay me for dates... Buy me drinks... Then we go back to my place for one on one conversation.

Second date start at my place with wine and cheese crackers. Then go out in their car and I pay while they get drunk...

Most of them are a good bit older than me tho.
(Insert Title Here)

Buddha12 said:

If, as you say, women aren't interested in MONEY then why is it men must pay for everything on a date then?

Because they're putting up with the men?

Because society hasn't yet abandoned its phallomatheic traditions; the women on the market, as such, are of generations still influenced by male-dominated traditions.

Because ....

Let's see ....

I don't know, I've had short-term relationships that ended up being about two people fascinated with each other.

I've had long-term relationship that literally seems based on the convenience of having someone to smoke pot with and screw without worrying about STDs.

However, my idea of dating is not at all like tradition or stereotype, so ... yeah. I don't know.

I have a friend whose girlfriend buys me drinks.

Three of my friends are getting married this year; two of them to each other. But in neither marriage is money even a question. Indeed, none of us quite understand the other marriage, but it has something to do with ... er ... no, really, I don't know. But it ain't money. And the two of my friends who are marrying each other weren't ever much for dating in the first place, and after all these years they've finally decided that they like the idea of having someone to go through the days with, of someone who is an ally and friend no matter what, through good times and rough. And, sure, it's sort of a romanticization of an anthropological manifestation of a psychological need, but it sure as hell ain't money.
Ohh... That's sexy :)

Love is about validation... Too little and we loose interest too much and we look for something that validates another area.

Validation is when we approve of eachothers lifestyle both good and bad qualities with verbal and nonverbal commitments...
OK then just ask a woman to pay for an evening out with you and see how far you get with her. If, as you say, women aren't interested in MONEY then why is it men must pay for everything on a date then? I'd like anyone here who ever dated a woman to tell me they did not have to pay to date her and then I will believe you.

Most of the women I have dated have tried to pay.