What about empirical evidence?

I can't PROVE they're all lying -I haven't seen all of their testimonies, I haven't got access to certain data, (eg what they were really doing on the days they calim to have seen/ worked on/ been abducted/ whatever by UFOs), but what I have seen so far on the vast majority of sites and books that I've read is the that the writer/ editor/ host will grab at the first thing that says "confirmation" to them and stick with that, ignoring the mundane logical reasoning (in most cases simply because it IS mundane) - see the Dishonest or Delusional thread and the reply I got - the interviewer printed the claims verbatim and then told me that
There is no amount of "rigor" that could be adequately applied to the claims as stated
So I've emailed him back and given a couple of examples of applying rigour.
Basically by the time the "disclosures" get released to us they've been through at least one if not more filters that are pro-Alien (as in pro - they're out there and coming here) with little or no critical faculty. Witness, I came across one site that claimed Oppenheimer stated "this is not the first time a nuclear weapon has been detonated upon the Earth's surface", as opposed to the more usual "I am become Death..."
With a spin like that how do you tell?
If the US military really does have anti-gravity technology why is it spending 1 billion dollars per item on B-2? Why is it spending billions more on F-35? If they have Alien technology why has the US Army spent several billion dollars to develop a rifle since the late fifties and managed to do nothing but cancel and then scrap every single project (SPIW/ ACR etc)?
Why is it letting its own troops die abroad if it has super-weapons?
Because alien technology is a myth, that's why.
Oli said:
I can't PROVE they're all lying -I haven't seen all of their testimonies, I haven't got access to certain data, (eg what they were really doing on the days they calim to have seen/ worked on/ been abducted/ whatever by UFOs),

me:::you mean. do a Columbo?

but what I have seen so far on the vast majority of sites and books that I've read is the that the writer/ editor/ host will grab at the first thing that says "confirmation" to them and stick with that, ignoring the mundane logical reasoning (in most cases simply because it IS mundane)

me::do you have xampls from the actual DIscolure transcripts?

- see the Dishonest or Delusional thread and the reply I got - the interviewer printed the claims verbatim and then told me that So I've emailed him back and given a couple of examples of applying rigour.

me::: lets see what happens then?

Basically by the time the "disclosures" get released to us they've been through at least one if not more filters that are pro-Alien (as in pro - they're out there and coming here) with little or no critical faculty.

me::well MY critical faculty is tis. i tend to --from other stuff i have read--waver on the suppression of advanced technology, and see the ET issue as a diversion from that. tho it could be both, te alien aganda would fit nicely into the Illuminati plan. which is to propaganderize about hostile alien forces. as theyare doing so about 'terrorist' evil forces. i always try and keep the larger picture in mind

Witness, I came across one site that claimed Oppenheimer stated "this is not the first time a nuclear weapon has been detonated upon the Earth's surface", as opposed to the more usual "I am become Death..."

me:::interesting. maybe his speech--although seemingly moving was a sound byte propaganda piece?

With a spin like that how do you tell?
If the US military really does have anti-gravity technology why is it spending 1 billion dollars per item on B-2? Why is it spending billions more on F-35? If they have Alien technology why has the US Army spent several billion dollars to develop a rifle since the late fifties and managed to do nothing but cancel and then scrap every single project (SPIW/ ACR etc)?
Why is it letting its own troops die abroad if it has super-weapons?
Because alien technology is a myth, that's why.

you are too quick to jump to a conclusion. Columbo wouldn't do that. jokey but serious.........we have to get into the criminal mind. a criminal elite thar has so much money and power it is truly beyond the ordinary individual'scomprehension. can you imagine even having 100 million??

soleirs are pawns. we are pawns. the world is teres. they can do things. manipulate. play with events people. can you efen dig the morality of thos epeople who create wars and obliterate thousnds and tousands of people. did you see that horrendous phpt i forewarded to tese forums of an Iraqi child vicime of Depleted Uranium genetic damage?? the picture is so awful, beyond imagination. utter utter utter horror, i cant even look at it for long. and we are talking about what these powers aRE CAPABLE OF. THAT HAVEN'T EVEN INFORMed rtheir own soldiers of the dangrs of DU. and give absolutely no money to war veterens and sick soldiers due to the effects of DU etc. THAt is wat those pople are capable of. if that, then ANYTHING. BELIEVE it. see it!!
Still a strange thing then, that in any conflict on earth, the Ufo sightings boom, and I don't mean stealth bombers,...

Why would they not proliferate them? well: the military has a goal to stay at least ten years ahead of civil biological, chemical, nuclear, any kind of science, technology and other things you can imagine, that doesn't mean they 'use' it often, that doesn't mean they're going to 'show off' with them,...that would take the advantage away, wouldn't it? It wouldn't be a 'secret' any longer, and so far for secrets,... cause we're not going down the drain of conspiracy theories here. :D

Also consider this: if Aliens DID help humans in aquirering their technology,....then what use would it be if it would be brought out publicely?

by using it, you declare your dependence upon it,.. so as to develop and invent the technology itself, instead of just reproducing it, Mankind has to make these transitions itself into these subjects,...

The only problem with it, is not that it wouldn't or doesn't work,....

It's the people who have trouble keeping up with the latest findings in technology, they behave like old man who can't deviate from their rusted principles.

Just take a look at Mr.Anonymous,...he's not even aware how much of Tesla's work is ALL AROUND US! (most of his patents where bought out and not in the least by edison and other 'important' scientists)

If you try to take 'iluminate' these people and let them use their imagination to actually step outside of their 3 dimensional world,...they just can't fathom it. (there are more dimensions then just the 3 we live in, the others are most likely folded up somehow)

For all I know, UFO's could be machines from those other dimensions or even TIME MACHINES, who knows for shure? I don't :) And maby I never will!

I have a brain and I can see, and understand what kind of physics do or don't work, and all that without 'mathematically' cross-check it. I don't need a piece of machinery to 'detect' a ufo,... I have eyes

Mr.Anonymous: I do apologise for my 'enthousiastic' impulsive response regarding your website,... but you make it seem like YOU are right and therefore I can't be.

This is not the case,...just imagine:


start from there!

you will see!

go on!



Greetz :m: