What about empirical evidence?

You don’t have to apologise for any delay, I appreciate it that you take the time to think it over. In this way we are always certain of what we are trying to say to each other and what we are trying to relay to people. I hope you don’t mind that my own response is a little late too.

Late in my own terms, because, as always happens, you and duendy have taken this thread in a direction which was not originally intended, but: a differing direction is not by definition a bad thing and often leads to new insights, however there are scarce new insights to divulge in the discussion for the reality of ‘unconventional-flying-objects’. One often tends to relay on information that is (ent-)rusted in his neural pathways of his/her brain,…

People are generally afraid of new insights that behave contrary to their popular belief systems that are carved in the sociological pathways of society. People want simple answers! Yes, ufo’s exist! No, ufo’s don’t exist! Yes, there is intelligent life outside of our earth! No, there is no other intelligence outside of our own planet. They even try to force a ‘democratic’ vote upon it, to determine if it does or doesn’t, these questions can’t be answered by a poll,…how much more unintelligent can it get? Unfortunately the question of ‘UFO’s’ or ‘alien existence’ does require a whole lot of study and techniques that are all but simple, let alone to explain. Therefore scientists and also ordinary people often tend to relay information upon a basis of the ‘given’: that which is established as a fact is taken for granted and often not even allowed for to be questioned.

Too often people are discredited, because of a theory that they can’t fathom and too often theory’s are denounced and any evidence (whiter it be data, facts or documents), gets pockmarked and branded as ridiculous, ludicrous, preposterous, unbelievable, absurd, illogical, unscientific, unsound, unfounded, outrageous, speculative, despicable, loathsome, …

Bordering on the TABOO, one needs to realise that it often required for scientists to attack this so-called ‘establishment’ to gain credibility to their own theory. Not often this would result in boycott and damnation of the scientists in question, that had no other means of validating their research through different media outlets, often resulting in front-page tabloid covering, thereby contributing to the confusion and even myths surrounding the subject, or eventually not getting covered at all. Often ending careers that could have been other whilst promising to say the least. What a waste of potential this mentality brings about. So don’t go off screaming that nobody cares, because you better hope that National Security isn’t in danger, or if you might care: the rest of the world and it’s inhabitants too.

However mind-boggling or implausible it may seem, people really need to check reality and however strange it may seem; reality is not the common sense we use to define it! (reality), not in the slightest. We live in a small part of the improbable universe, that came about tunnelling. The majority of this vast universe is fabricated out of black matter and exist out of dark energy, (not the other way ‘round :D ) for the record: it is not US living in the ‘norm’ of any ‘ality’, we, and everything surrounding us, is NOT the norm, we are the very implausible and improbable! No need to denounce ourselves however :D because we do exist! And so do those other universes in this ‘multiverse’ beyond the reasonable doubt.

We are indeed not here just to explore or deplore the term ‘empirical’, this is indeed not what this thread is intended to do,…What it does try to do is to confirm the validity of ‘empirical’ evidence as means of substantiating the existence of ‘unusual’ and/or ‘unconventional’ Flying Objects. As for formulating an hypothesis that follows the observation, "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory" thus logically follows the quest for experimental (=scientific) testing of ‘unconventional-flying-objects’ and ‘alien existence’ in particular. How then, can we perform experimental testing on these issues is the question we should look for in this debate, any clue leading to a scientific theory could be and should be delved into. You say nobody gives a shit about ufo’s, well, that’s just a wrong assumption and you know it. There are circulating a whole lot of differing and/or overlapping theory’s, to which we will refer to as the need arises. (you are truly fishing after my theory to denounce it, aren’t you mr.anxious! )

If we make an observation, it is done on an empirical basis,…
we find an working theory,…or hypothesis, to my knowledge these two are one and the same thing. Empirical data is based upon observation or experience:

According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary: Empirical. Originating in or based upon observation or experience; capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment.

According to the Bureau of Justice Assistance:
Relying upon or derived from observation or experiment.
Empirical Research
Research that uses data drawn from observation or experience.
Empirical Validity
Empirical evidence that an instrument measures what it has been designed to measure.
And also: - the adjective 'empirical' means 'based upon experience'. In philosophy the term empiricism refers to the theory that all concepts are derived from experience and that all statements which express knowledge must ultimately derive their justification from experience; those who hold that view are referred to as empiricists
I think you may call me an empiricist in this regard. I personally hold true my own experiences, and I know by personal experience what hallucinating means, I know how an airplane looks, I know what a komet looks like, I know were to locate the planet Venus in the night or evening sky, I know how a balloon behaves and looks like, I know how satellites behave and look like, I do know the difference between being awake and dreaming,…need I say more? Okay, I know the difference between an ULM and a UAV and how an model plane look like, sounds like, how a helicopter moves, that it can bear a searchlight(s), I know about cosmological events like nebulae and starbursts and pulsars and I know how a projectile moves, what a Frisbee or your sisters rabbit can do to fix a hoax, I know about almost any weather-related lightning effect, including ball-lightning, vortexes, wind hoses, and dog piles, so about anything you can find flying trough the air if you care to look up on a good clear evening or nightsky.
In short: I do have a BASE upon which to draw conclusions, in retrospect as well as eventual future happenings that may or may not occur in my surroundings. Upon which I FORMULATE a certain hypothesis about an unusual ‘experience’ that I may have had.
NOTE: This thread is also not about my own personal experiences that I may or may not have had, because that would require a differing approach from the approach I’m taking now.
The concept of a Flying Object that can’t be an airplane because of it’s bright color, it’s speed and trajectory,…(which means it flies, makes straight turns, pulsates and has a round form, can’t be venus bytheway) Or that it’s floating in the air just one meter above ground etcetera etcetera,…

You denounce the explication of empirical evidence and say that all it leads to an hypothesis, not validating as proof of the theory. Okay, but then you postulate that a theory is not valid in it’s own respect, and I quote you:
A Theory of itself doesn't constitute proof. It's a suggestion, an idea. If that Theory suggests the possibility of applying the idea in some manner where by one can demonstrate its actual workings then one has what one can term proof of the Theory...
So the theory is just like that hypothesis: not constituting any proof of theory,…okay,…then let’s go even further to ‘prove’ to you personally and to the rest of this board and the world, that UFO’s REALLY DO EXIST by means of proving the theory, which means, to both of us I hope, comparing the facts, looking for similarity’s in the experiences, building an ‘hypothesis’ or ‘theory’ about the phenomenon that is observed. Right?
Well eeeh, that is exactly what has been done the last 60 years, Right!

Going for your ‘classical example’ of ufo propulsion, it indeed doesn’t needs to be that outer worldly as most people suppose that it is. We do have a working hypothesis as you say and we do have a specific theory (or idea if you will) about how to produce an effect that is similar to that of UFO propulsion.

But, and this remains the question. Once we have the theory, how exactly do we know that the UFO actually applies such a method at all? In order for us to know that for a fact, we have to capture a UFO, pop the hood and have a poke around under the bonnet. Once we locate the mechanisms clearly associated with the propulsive methodology our Theory dictates, then we have both poof and validation of the Theory proposed...
I’m suspecting ‘they’ve been there and done that,…

If, and it's a big if, our specific Theory concerning Microwave Pulse Drive, or whatever, is based on actual science, then there remains no reason why the theory can't be applied and demonstrated. If such remains the case, we have proof of the theory and means of verifying the theory empirically via demonstration.

There are plenty of reasons why a scandal should remain hidden, or heads will roll! Go and take the lit off,….

I’m sure you’re familiar with theoretical physicists? They do math on a chalkboard, they theorise away, … yet they didn’t have the possibility until recently to ‘validate’ them. (CERN) Take Einstein for example: his relativity theory put the world in a perspective that was very logical, but nevertheless people cling to their popular beliefs and the denounced it! All he had WAS a theory!

Should we build a UFO, just to validate and prove the means by which it would be possible to bridge the cosmological gap between here and Zeta-reticuli? We are trying to do so, by every means, and may I tell you as citizen of this world that we are damn close in civilian science,….but we’re way behind the industrial-military-complex.
- end of part I -
Eye witness reports are the least reliable form of evidence available. You say you know how this, that and the other look. I assume you'd agree that air force pilots also know? Then how come the RAF claimed several He-112 fighters in the Battle of Britain when the aircraft in question never went into service, let alone combat? People see what they want to believe.
And if you think
we’re way behind the industrial-military-complex
then think again, the "military-industrial" complex has no idea.
Every single theory I've seen on UFO propulsion is either a non-starter or rabidly farcical.
Comparing experiences without hard data and/ or evidence is nothing more than speculation: not a hypothesis, not a theory, just guess work.
You still talk about "that this secret technology uses some form of anti-gravitational free-energy". There is no such thing as free energy. And the technology, if it did exist, would not be suppressed - there is no evidence to support a "suppressed technology conspiracy" of this sort, in fact NASA, among others, is openly soliciting possible technologies and solutions for starship drives.
you sir follow a religion

your religion is ...scientism---!

As dogmatic as the paradigm it proceded, which depened on the authority of the Church to 'pass' any visions, experiences experieced by an individual

dont know ho wuch you know the contepmt you breed when you say to anothe human being 'sorry, but you cant trust what you see, and experience....'....!!!

sayts who. YOU? and who are you, pray?
Read again what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. Eyewitnesses are the least reliable form of evidence, not all eyewitnesses are wrong. It has been proven time and time again, ask a police officer about the reliability of eyewitnesses, I've met combat pilots who have been utterly and totally wrong about what they've seen, and the best they come up with when I've shown them what they really saw is "oh, well I thought it was so and so".
I follow no religion, I look for solid, provable, repeatable evidence. Eyewitness reports, even if every single one was 100% true about what they have seen, provide NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER on propulsion modes, let alone the inner workings of such methods.
I could state with equal reliability that UFOs are carried by incredibly fast and agile flying invisible pixies, and the result would be the same.
We've been through this before, the experience is real to the observer, but not necessarily "real" as in tangible, external, measurable.
As for who I am, obviously, I'm me. Any more information would very probably have no meaning to you whatsoever :D
Oli said:
Read again what I wrote, not what you think I wrote.

me: Oh, I see. So you are questioning my reading powers now? that figures

Eyewitnesses are the least reliable form of evidence, not all eyewitnesses are wrong. It has been proven time and time again, ask a police officer about the reliability of eyewitnesses, I've met combat pilots who have been utterly and totally wrong about what they've seen, and the best they come up with when I've shown them what they really saw is "oh, well I thought it was so and so".

me: now you are just doing what you critique aren't you. you have rported some experience you have had and expect me to buy it ot of hand.
ting is it conflicts wit MINe! i have listened to more than several professional peopl who do NOT go back on their very powerful experience of seeing UFOs etc. SO
look. you do what many 'sceptics' do when talking about tis. compare psychological studies done wit ordinry witness events, wit non-ordniary events such as seeing UFO, WITHOUT taking into account the qualitative difference such an event would have on a person. te enormous attention person would have.
When we couple that with themany actual documented footage such as photos and vieo, dont u think that adds weight to un-documented reports that describe similar craft and so on?

I follow no religion, I look for solid, provable, repeatable evidence. Eyewitness reports, even if every single one was 100% ptrue about what they have seen, provide NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER on propulsion modes, let alone the inner workings of such methods.

me: what would satisfy you?....i am guessing ..lookin under the bonnet? nd meanwhile what? just make many many people who report about seeing strange craft feel dissed for doing so.....orrrrrr.
like i keep saying, it is VERY worthwhile when interested in all this to greatly broaden your ield of inquiry. this'd mean beginnnng to look behind whats going on in te world. how does that relate to possible sevret advanced technology

I could state with equal reliability that UFOs are carried by incredibly fast and agile flying invisible pixies, and the result would be the same.
We've been through this before, the experience is real to the observer, but not necessarily "real" as in tangible, external, measurable.

me: maybe the very scientific methodical procedure is the drag....i what holds you back from ......discovery. for the criteria you demand. how do you prose to ever get it. nuthin satisfies you. mybe theres an element of denial here too. its en shown in te history of ideas how new discoveries are hard to take in by the preexisting mindset

As for who I am, obviously, I'm me. Any more information would very probably have no meaning to you whatsoever :D

prove to me you are 'me'...otherwise i am afriad you dont exist
duendy said:
me: what would satisfy you?....i am guessing ..lookin under the bonnet? nd meanwhile what? just make many many people who report about seeing strange craft feel dissed for doing so.....orrrrrr.
like i keep saying, it is VERY worthwhile when interested in all this to greatly broaden your ield of inquiry. this'd mean beginnnng to look behind whats going on in te world. how does that relate to possible sevret advanced technology

emmm, duendy?

All Oli's pointing out here is that every single UFO report ever made states clearly that as far as the eyewitness, the person that was actually supposed to have been there was concerned, when it came to the matter of discerning any means of propulsion being in evidence at all, the object witnessed displayed nothing of the sort in their first hand observation.

It's a critical criteria for meeting UFO Classification, possibly the only single consistent characteristic to be found throughout UFO reports in general -

Yet, upon reading this time and time again, Ufologists routinely disregard entirely what the actual witness discloses regarding the matter and set out instead to whittle on about how the propulsion system every witness whose ever filed a report on the matter has stated all along simply wasn't there, works...

Has it ever even occurred to you that a UFO itself wouldn't actually need an engine in order to conform to eyewitness testimony?
Mr Anonymous said:
emmm, duendy?

All Oli's pointing out here is that every single UFO report ever made states clearly that as far as the eyewitness, the person that was actually supposed to have been there was concerned, when it came to the matter of discerning any means of propulsion being in evidence at all, the object witnessed displayed nothing of the sort in their first hand observation.

me: what do you mean? fuel smoke being seen?

It's a critical criteria for meeting UFO Classification, possibly the only single consistent characteristic to be found throughout UFO reports in general -

me: according to who?

Yet, upon reading this time and time again, Ufologists routinely disregard entirely what the actual witness discloses regarding the matter and set out instead to whittle on about how the propulsion system every witness whose ever filed a report on the matter has stated all along simply wasn't there, works...

me: i admit to not understanding what your emphasis is?...as fas as i am aware a person is in AWE when aeeing these phenomena. thew wole question of 'propulsion' is besides the point surely...? someone not particulalry interested in engineering, aeordynamics, wouldn't be interested in all tha, it's be 'shhiiit, look at that move!' etc

Has it ever even occurred to you that a UFO itself wouldn't actually need an engine in order to conform to eyewitness testimony?

again. what are you on about? i dot evewn THINKof 'engine' when thinking about UFOs.....'engine' for me is someting i am in knowledge of. the have em in cars and planes righnt? that we 'know'
Oli: I didn't even mention Free-energy, so you better take your own advise at hearth.

Yes: eyewitness reports are not viable as 'proof', it gives more of an impression on what sociological 'beliefs' are in this era.

Thousands of people are wrong every day, on various subjects, what I say? MILLIONS! Dah! (this is not a sarcastic remark) but there are also MILLIONS of people who got it right! (I'm one of them, ofcourse: you don't HAVE to believe me :D )

Also: not all witnesses file a report,...not all witnesses are lunatics craving for attention and above all: not all witnesses are wrong,...

And about that ufo-propulsion-system,....are you saying that If YOU can't observe a clear propulsion system like a propeller or a jet engine,...that it hasn't got a propulsion system? and you are also implying that if it hasn't got an engine, that it must be a fabrication of the mind or something?

I clearly stated that Plasma drive isn't really that hard to fathom,...: in fact: it has all the looks (light) of a ufo,...so I'm merely suggesting that 'that' could be it. (the engine)

If you just don't want to believe me,...that's fine,...but I do believe it, because I can see the logic of it.


ps: Part II is on the way, but I think it's to early in the discussion to introduce it, I think you should read my post again and elaborate a bit on that.
Fukushi said:
And about that ufo-propulsion-system,....are you saying that If YOU can't observe a clear propulsion system like a propeller or a jet engine,...that it hasn't got a propulsion system? and you are also implying that if it hasn't got an engine, that it must be a fabrication of the mind or something?

No Fukushi - I'm saying if the W.I.T.N.E.S.S.E.S. report no discernible means of propulsion - which virtually E.V.E.R.Y. UFO report ever filed relays - perhaps the W.I.T.N.E.S.S.E.S. (which we can assume to be an acronym meaning Person Who Actually Reports Seeing A UFO) are actually saying something dickheads who mealy write "knowledgeably" about the subject ignore.

And we can actually further this statement by the fact that, in the response you are referring to I used the term Eyewitness and Eyewitnesses repeated throughout and mentioned myself not at all.

ps: Part II is on the way, but I think it's to early in the discussion to introduce it, I think you should read my post again and elaborate a bit on that.

I'll tell you what - you write part II, then I'll respond because I've got a kicker of an answer lined up and really, it'll be worth the wait I promiss... ;)

oh, and duendy?

duendy said:
again. what are you on about? i dot evewn THINKof 'engine' when thinking about UFOs.....'engine' for me is someting i am in knowledge of. the have em in cars and planes righnt? that we 'know'

Please, do accept my unconditional apology's for assuming my use of the term "engine" in my previous question would be immediately taken on your part to equate to the term "propulsion system" - I quite understand, the use of technical jargon such as "engine" can often lead to confusion amongst the non technically minded.

Allow me to elucidate. Y'see, in general terms, an engine is a device specifically designed to produce some means of either motive or propulsive force - there by allowing a vehicle to move.

Engines themselves come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, they also work in various and different ways, the fundamentally common element by which all share the same term "engine" however lies in their ability to bring about or else facilitate "motion" of some kind or another.

In the context of UFO's one could safely assume that to mean, specifically, propulsion - however, as you're perfectly correct to point out, not everyone is as familiar with common technical terms as myself.

So allow me to rephrase the question - Has it ever even occurred to you that a UFO itself wouldn't actually need a propulsion system WHATSOEVER in order to conform to eyewitness testimony?

(By the by - I added the WHATSOEVER bit there, just in case you were thinking I was actually asking you a different question... Which actually I'm not. In the slightest. Just so's y'know.... ;) )
are actually saying something dickheads who mealy write "knowledgeably" about the subject ignore.
could you perhaps refraze? Because I really don't understand what it is you are trying to relay,...sorry

and descernible? what the ... please,

non technically minded.
and you are the thechnical minded one here? Be carefull, or I'll challenge you to that. By the way: If you refrase a question:
So allow me to rephrase the question - Has it ever even occurred to you that a UFO itself wouldn't actually need a propulsion system WHATSOEVER in order to conform to eyewitness testimony?
Aren't you aware that the ufo itself constitutes the propulsion system? (very important this is: read again!)

ps: this is not an ad-hominem
you see Mr Anonymous, you seem to me to be focussing on something that wpuldn't really register as my first port of call
mayybe, you as very interested in engineering would natrually project this concern onto others, as say those interested in the ET idea would also

DOnt know if you've heard of te physcist Jack Sarfatti?.....he apparently is claiming we have gone POST quantum, and he talks about--theorizes about 'thought-directed' space craft!

of course, most of his stuff goes way over my head. i also find him very arrogant, but here's a taste of him:

"What Am I Talking About Anyway?

God does not roll dice with the universe in classical physics.
God does roll dice with the universe in quantum mechanics.
However, God LOADS the dice with consciousness in post-quantum mechanics.

That is what I am talking about.
That's what I a ranting and raving about.
That's my message in a nutshell.
Happy 21st century.

* Classical deterministic physics is 100% about dead rocklike things (1600 to 1925 AD)
* Quantum indeterministic physics is 100% about thoughtlike, but STILL unconscious, things that mysteriously "collapse" to 100% rocklike things (1925 to 1995 AD)
* Post-quantum self-deterministic physics is about co-evolving 50% thoughtlike tings that combine into 100% living conscious things (1995 to ?)"
Fukushi said:
could you perhaps refraze? Because I really don't understand what it is you are trying to relay,...sorry


Lets start with UFO Reports. When a UFO sighting is reported by a member of the public eventually the matter is referred to an investigator whose job it is to arrange a meeting and, if wishing to proceed, interview the person making the report. Basically they take a statement, make notes, take photographs,do their level best to appear as if they are look like they are actually "investigating" and also get the witness to fill in a questionnaire regarding their experience.

The questionnaire part of the exercise is part of an ongoing effort to build a classification data base regarding the various and disparate sorts of UFO phenomena reported. These are generally based on either the Hynek or the Vallee UFO Classification System, or more commonly some weird hybrid of both. You can Google the specific terms to find out more, but most people just stick with what they remember from watching Close Encounters Of The Third Kind...

The questionnaire part is probably the most significant part of the process. The questions are generalised, steering the witness to provide a description in the broadest possible terms rather than the individual specific and covering such details as colour, apparent texture, noise produced by the object, markings, etc.

And what a jolly grab bag it all is.

UFO's, broadly speaking, come in a variety of all sorts of different shapes, colours and sizes - disc's, ovals, crescents, pyramids, tubes, cigar-shaped, bell shaped, Mexican hat shaped, cake shaped (I kid you not) triangles, etc -

Over and above classification in the broadest possible terms only one consistent observation remains shared by each and everyone...

Well, strictly speaking its two. And this goes back all the way to 1947.

UFO's sightings commonly describe the object in question as displaying the capacity to move through the air (at various apparent rates of speed and manoeuvrability) but at the same time as so doing display apparently nothing whatsoever by means of any conventionally understood means of bringing that about - basically, no sign of any apparent means of propulsion.

The only other consistent remains that whilst doing all that the object in question would to be able to do all that without possessing an airframe configured for flight in the slightest.

Compound that with the often reported ability to be able to break Newtons 1st Law of Mass & Motion when undertaking a high speed and ridiculously Sharp course change and what you end up with is basically this conversation and a whole chunk of internet dedicated to more of the very same...

I'll return momentarily.

Duendy -
duendy said:
DOnt know if you've heard of te physcist Jack Sarfatti?.....

Yes, and physicist is certainly one term I suppose one could use to describe that mans work, an actual physicist on the other hand may not actually agree... ;)

Okay duendy, I get that your not from a scientific or engineering background here, and I appreciate your patience with me in persevering so far. I'll make this as non-techy as possible, but I'll explain the process of this so you can get the gist.

The thing about the witness bothering about noting weather or not the thing they saw had an engine or not is perfectly correct - actually, you're earlier reply of someone going "What the FCUK?!" categorises most peoples initial reactions perfectly well.

You see something you genuinely think is a flying saucer, the expletives just never stop. You generally never get a clear, concise, observed description from anyone unless they've got some background in observation - pilots, aircrew's, sailors, radar operators - basically people who, when they go to the office of a morning, basically that means the office is either at 22,000 feet up or else they're out under it all the live long day.

Or, they're lying through their arse.

But whatever initial report a person wishes to make on the subject, its in the follow up that the details, or else the attempt to ascertain the details, is made.

In order to ascertain weather or not an object is actually a UFO and not simply a perfectly ordinary, conventional object or IFO (Identified Flying Object - as the jargon never stops with this subject and if there's one contribution UFO Research has indelibly made on the world its its singular ability to generate new and ever more meaningless acronyms at simply the drop of a hat...)

Anyway, the investigation process is supposed to be designed to eliminate all other probable explanations - such as planes, Venus, swamp gas, migrating birds... There's a list. It's long.

In order to do that the questions asked relay to such things as any sounds the object made, wings, props, the Virgin or EasyJet Logo splashed all over the fuselage, that sort of thing.

Part and parcel of a conventional aircraft are such things as engines, engine noise, basically general signs of an otherwise perfectly conventional explanation for the sighting in the circumstances the alleged sighting took place.

Now, the thing with propulsion is it's very well understood. In order to get anything to move in a given direction you've got either one of two basic choices - you can either apply energy too it, basically chuck it in the direction you want it to go and off it goes, or else you can stick something to it which expends energy in one direction (an engine or propulsion system if you prefer) and the mass of the thing the engine is attached to shoots off in the opposite direction...

There's this whole bit about inertia and all the rest, but basically if a things got an engine on it it has to expend the energy it produces in order for that engine to do its job, and hiding it away within the guts of a vehicle with no means of escape just tends to blow a thing up in every direction rather than just the one you actually want your vehicle to travel in.

And energy expenditure in the form of propulsion - thrust, physical force, where present, shows.

There's heat, noise, turbulence, manifest and obvious signs that its there - but apart from doing the actually moving part of the whole process, you're average UFO wouldn't appear to employ anything which corresponds to any know conventional means of propulsion - hence putting the U in Unidentified Flying Object.

Fukushi, duendy - this bit is addressed to the pair of you.

Now, invariably this is where the term "conventional means of propulsion" gets hacked out of the rest, quoted back at the author and declared - Ah! Well, there you go! Of course a UFO doesn't employ anythings so dull as a conventional method of propulsion - It's a UFO! Obviously its using ........... <--- and by all means, feel free to insert your favoured method of extraordinary, extraterrestrial or secret propulsion where inicated...

It's missing the point.

The operative term here isn't the word conventional or known - it's Propulsion.

It doesn't matter a crap the physics used, the term propulsion means what it says on the tin. Energy is either being applied or expended in a given direction in order to bring about motion.

Equally, a vehicle acting under propulsion behaves in accordance with fundamental Newtonian physics. It doesn't matter how advanced the theoretical propulsion theory posited be - the fundamental physical laws still underpin genuine real world physics equally as much.

Now, Fukushi, I take your point about the UFO being the actual "engine" - but thats a description that equally describes a car, an F-16, a Vostok Multi-cluster Rocket, a nuclear submarine - anything that's an engine either inside or on it isn't separate from its carriage. It's part and parcel of the same damn thing.

Jacking up the ante propulsion theory wise doesn't alter the underlying problem which remains - eyewitness testimony doesn't relay observation of any form of propulsive means.

So why does everyone try to figure out how the propulsion system is supposed work, when everyone who's ever clapped eyes on one of the things has always said right from the very beginning they didn't see any evidence of propulsive means being employed?

It's a very simple, very basic question - one which the proposition of Propulsion Method X doesn't in anyway actually address.
Mr Anonymous....with respect, you seem very hung up on tis propulsion thing....and seem to make assumptions becaus of that. ie., te the craft 'must' follow Newtons law etc etc

to me this obsession is just as much a barrier as is the ET assumption, etc etc
Fukushi: it was Duendy that mentioned free energy, it was him I replied to. Plasma drive? If you say so.
Duendy: Mr Anonymous (putting words in his mouth here :) ) is not necessarily assuming the craft "must follow Newton's laws", I assume he's saying the same as me. IF IT MOVES THERE MUST BE A PROPULSION SYSTEM - regardless of what it is.
And Sarfatti IS a physicist, he just happens to be (over) the ragged edge of modern physics - he cannot prove anything he's stating - linking "gates" between mind and soul????
Oli said:
Fukushi: it was Duendy that mentioned free energy, it was him I replied to. Plasma drive? If you say so.
Duendy: Mr Anonymous (putting words in his mouth here :) ) is not necessarily assuming the craft "must follow Newton's laws", I assume he's saying the same as me. IF IT MOVES THERE MUST BE A PROPULSION SYSTEM - regardless of what it is.

me: just looked up the term, 'propulsion'--according to te Dict. it means 'driving foreward'.
ok, so we know from reportsof UFOS, and videos i also have seen, that they move......so? wat is tis obsession with propulwion. it fails me to see this constant emphasis abot it from my anonymous....xcuse me if i've missed the point. but what else COULD a craft do than move. whatis te ALTERNATIVE to propulsion?

And Sarfatti IS a physicist, he just happens to be (over) the ragged edge of modern physics - he cannot prove anything he's stating - linking "gates" between mind and soul????
well, like i said, i have actually communicated wit him via email, and his manner is very curt and arrogqnt, but it makes sense his exploraton of 'post-quantum' in relation to tis subject. his explorations gell wit where tigs will popbably go. obviously quantum physics will not always be THE answer.....AND tere is a prpability, as i have said now several times, that advanced physics is being kept secret fo various reasons!
How much quantum physics are you familiar with? Because what I know of it does not tie in with what I've read in his stuff. Perhaps you could explain it to me.
Again, why would physics, advanced or otherwise, be kept secret? If parts are kept secret then other scientists will not be able to verify the theories. And if scientists not in the know come up with the same information are they then signed up to the secret? How does the body of "whoever" that maintains the secret keep track of who is doing what?
Sarfatti is probably curt because he can't explain (except under his own terms which relate to nothing else) and there's no excuse for arrogance in the face of questions. If someone is genuinely seeking answers to questions for which he has already worked out the solution then surely he'd do his best to let them see the light? I know I would, and I assume you would, so Sarfatti.... :D
Oli said:
How much quantum physics are you familiar with? Because what I know of it does not tie in with what I've read in his stuff. Perhaps you could explain it to me.

me:: well put it tis way, i also had a private communication wit the physicist Nick Herbert a whil ago and asked him outright if physicsts understood quantum mechanics and he said 'NO, they just use it'?...if they don't, do I ?....buti CAN accomodate the possibilty that whatever it is will probably advance, and as i said, may lready have advanced but is kept top secret. The reasons being about power, and who KEEPS the power. hasn't it been said "Knowledge is Power"...well, SECRET knowledge is even more powerful then, no?

Again, why would physics, advanced or otherwise, be kept secret? If parts are kept secret then other scientists will not be able to verify the theories. And if scientists not in the know come up with the same information are they then signed up to the secret? How does the body of "whoever" that maintains the secret keep track of who is doing what?

me:: Really good question,and one i am still actually exploring myself.
As you know, the UK is the most CCTVed country, apparently. not a move from any of us fails to be recorded on the monitors all about....tis giv es an indicaton of te Big Brother secenario closing in all around.
This controlling mindset goes right to te top. We know there are top secrets dont we? recent;ly a young man from UK hacked his way into the US military secret computer systems. what he found seems to back up suggestion they are hiding advanced tchnology!......theier rponse is also hardly a slap on te wrist. they want to extradite him and give him a life--and they mean life--sentence.
you can be sure thatany scientists privy to such top secret technology and inf would have been well groomed and picked and will belong to the right secret clubs where they take oaths--simlar to mafia oaths. i am being serious. as i said, these popl do not play around, espcially when power--THEIRpower is involved. to think otherwise is naiveity

Sarfatti is probably curt because he can't explain (except under his own terms which relate to nothing else) and there's no excuse for arrogance in the face of questions. If someone is genuinely seeking answers to questions for which he has already worked out the solution then surely he'd do his best to let them see the light? I know I would, and I assume you would, so Sarfatti.... :D

as far as i am aware ihe is quite accessible. his website welcomes feedback. but obviously he is a physicst with the lingo they use, and anyone not familiar wit it will be a drag, in that they cant keep up wi the lingo and ideas

i just used his post-quantum piece to show that therer are atleast som physicists laiming tat QM isn't the end
You're the one that said he was "curt and arrogant", which doesn't strike me as "welcoming feedback". Yup, never denied he was a real physicist, although I've come across numerous cranks that use the terminology :D
I wouldn't be surprised if a good number (or even a majority) of physicists doubt that QM is the end, there's superstrings, branes and whatever comes along next week. Physics is an evolving thing, it finds answers that raise more questions.
Sarfatti's work links QM to the "soul", but he provides no evidence that A) the "soul" exists as an entity or B) that it's possible to link to it, he's speculating without data or ways top prove or disprove his "theory" - hence it's not science.
me:: well put it tis way, i also had a private communication wit the physicist Nick Herbert a whil ago and asked him outright if physicsts understood quantum mechanics and he said 'NO, they just use it'?...if they don't, do I ?....buti CAN accomodate the possibilty that whatever it is will probably advance
Agreed that QM isn't "understood", but the fact that it can be used means there is understanding at some level, that does NOT mean that it accommodates every body's crank theory (eg Sarfatti).
Again, science cannot be kept secret because that invalidates the whole discipline. If there's someone working "in secret" on a branch of physics then they have no way of corroborating anything and must, since they're the only ones who know what to look for, spend most of their time keeping an eye on those who aren't in on the secret to stop them finding it.
The idea of "secret/ suppressed" science is nothing more than a wild-eyed conspiracy theory.
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Oli said:
You're the one that said he was "curt and arrogant", which doesn't strike me as "welcoming feedback".

me::at least he replies. some dont eve give you that courtesy. what i mean is icant swap calculus wid him

Yup, never denied he was a real physicist, although I've come across numerous cranks that use the terminology :D

me::always am wary when people get called 'cranks'. usually i's by people stuck in a worldview that see everything otside it as 'crazy'. tat attitude can stifle creativity if not careful by psychologcal intimidation. i ould terefore sooner listen....

I wouldn't be surprised if a good number (or even a majority) of physicists doubt that QM is the end, there's superstrings, branes and whatever comes along next week. Physics is an evolving thing, it finds answers that raise more questions.
Sarfatti's work links QM to the "soul", but he provides no evidence that A) the "soul" exists as an entity or B) that it's possible to link to it, he's speculating without data or ways top prove or disprove his "theory" - hence it's not science.

me::em am curious. were does he mention 'soul'? i thought he mentioned 'consciousness'.....how do you define soul isthe next question?

Agreed that QM isn't "understood", but the fact that it can be used means there is understanding at some level, that does NOT mean that it accommodates every body's crank theory (eg Sarfatti).

me:: well...yeahhhh, but tere is STILL the 'mind/body problem' right? or hasit ben solved?

Again, science cannot be kept secret because that invalidates the whole discipline. If there's someone working "in secret" on a branch of physics then they have no way of corroborating anything and must, since they're the only ones who know what to look for, spend most of their time keeping an eye on those who aren't in on the secret to stop them finding it.
The idea of "secret/ suppressed" science is nothing more than a wild-eyed conspiracy theory.

and you not this for sre do you? can you give me evidence which proves your theory? proof? hypothesis...?
duendy said:
Mr Anonymous....with respect, you seem very hung up on tis propulsion thing....and seem to make assumptions becaus of that. ie., te the craft 'must' follow Newtons law etc etc

to me this obsession is just as much a barrier as is the ET assumption, etc etc

...... :rolleyes:

duendy - you were asking me the questions - all I'm trying to do is answer you so as you can noodle the reply.... :)

Remember, it was your contention that UFO's use some form of secret "anti-gravitational" propulsion system "they" don't want us to know about?

Then you started asking me about what I meant by propulsion....

So I answered you.

Oli said:
Mr Anonymous (putting words in his mouth here ) is not necessarily assuming the craft "must follow Newton's laws", I assume he's saying the same as me. IF IT MOVES THERE MUST BE A PROPULSION SYSTEM - regardless of what it is.

Hello Oli - Hope I'm not chucking a spanner in the works here, but actually, no. I'm saying the exact opposite - I'm suggesting that there is no propulsion system whatsoever, that a UFO (if in fact an actual vehicle) is a completely engineless affair...

A vehicle entering the earths atmosphere from space doesn't need a propulsion system in order to do that - gravity does all the hard work for you and it comes for free.

People say UFO's travel at incredible speeds without any apparent means of propulsion being displayed all thanks to extraordinary extraterrestrial/secret physics.

The US Space Shuttle on re-entry flies at Mach 15 when doing so and isn't producing so much of a farts worth of propulsion to do it. It carries engines, but on re-entry they're dead weight.

Now, if boring old 20th Century terrestrial space craft can fly faster than so-called advanced extraterrestrial/secret technology without using an engine, I'm wondering why something that equally is supposed to enter the atmosphere from the sky down has to fart around with all this spooky physics changing UFO mumbo-jumbo when are dull, primitive efforts can travel far faster without it.

A vehicle entering the atmosphere from orbit needs some means of preserving and altering altitude - being deployed from orbit means your already travelling extremely fast to begin with over a planet which has a surface that rotates.

What's the point in expending additional energy in propulsion when your already travelling colossally fast to begin with and don't physically need to?

That's what I'm saying....

Close though, appreciate the effort.... ;)
