What A ............

.....bull, bull and more bull. You so far have yet to even form a real argument using your own words...and this has gone on for so long thatI can no longer remember what the hell the point is your trying to make.
shichi....as far as I see tresbien's point is simple, "Quaran is true and Allah is true because it is so" logic and "Enmos has a jinn" logic.

jinn is hiding of truth, or concealment of truth in arabic.

So Enmos is concealing his own truth based on "Quaran is true and Allah is true because it is so" logic.

Its all fairly simple, I am a toothless fairy from planet Mars because it is so.
If scientist say I am lacking a tooth, than I am a toothless fairy from planet Mars because it is so. And I will write a book saying I am a toothless fairy from planet Mars as well, so that you can read it and believe me.
by the way I did watch the tresbien video and decided to do my own research and picked a random name of a scientist talking there: Youchedi Kuzane
And so I went to a Tokyo University website were he supposevly teaches and guess what...no records at all of him.
by the way I did watch the tresbien video and decided to do my own research and picked a random name of a scientist talking there: Youchedi Kuzane
And so I went to a Tokyo University website were he supposevly teaches and guess what...no records at all of him.

really? how strange.
i believe in jinns and quran... because jinn is another word for ghost/spirit and quran is a holy scripture like the bible and vedas.

Are you tresbien ? If not, stop spewing out this pseudo bullshit.

enmos, you're mad at me...
How about this....

A leading scientific journal concludes that increasingly, scientists have doubts about the existence of a deity or similar supernatural and religious claims. This finding questions the pop-culture view that science and religion are moving toward a consensus, and a shared view about the humanity and the universe. The study also touches on the changing character of the scientific enterprise in modern society...

did u read from 320 to 333
The Great Scientists accepting the reality of Quran

Islamic propaganda. From the link:

1) professeur keith Moore (USA)
is an eminent Specialist in world fame in surgery and embryology. this professor wrote Anatomy Book named (the Human Development). this book was considered as the best Anatomy Book in the world, written by only one author.

He said: "it is clear to me that theses statments[of the qur'an about human development] must have cometo Muhammad from God,because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.this proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messanger of God",then he was asked does this mean you beleive that the Qur'an is the word of God?he replied "I found no difficulty in accepting this".

Refuted here:

"The stages of development which the Quran and hadith established for believers agreed perfectly with Galen's scientific account. In De Semine, for example, Galen spoke of four periods in the formation of the embryo: (1) as seminal matter; (2) as a bloody form (still without flesh, in which the primitive heart, liver, and brain are ill-defined); (3) the foetus acquires flesh and solidity (the heart, liver, and brain are well-defined, and the limbs begin formation); and finally (4) all the organs attain their full perfection and the foetus is quickened."
whenever i provide u with useful logical material, either u charge me with preaching or u ban me.Bring u evidence if u are truthful.