What A ............

those who talk with the jin inside the man.he said either i enter because i lovehim or like her .or by being harmed by man such pouring water at night or in case some one is frightened.but for those who read Quran and worship GOD.jin can not harm them
YES Allah is wise.Perhaps iknew that u would believe later not through threat by through evidences.If Allah wants u guidance , he will make u causes.
What does jihad mean.It can has related to war but the fact that u meet some one with cheerful face it is a jihad.Giving poor alms it is jihad.being honest with u self and other it is jihad.Do u job properly it is jihad.RESPECT THE ELDERS IT IS JIHAD.Wake up eraly to work it is jihad.BEING LOYAL to u wife or huband it is jihad.
Jihad is to strive to do goods.struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society
so killing innocents and civilians is a crime not jihad