What A ............

What does jihad mean.It can has related to war but the fact that u meet some one with cheerful face it is a jihad.Giving poor alms it is jihad.being honest with u self and other it is jihad.Do u job properly it is jihad.RESPECT THE ELDERS IT IS JIHAD.Wake up eraly to work it is jihad.BEING LOYAL to u wife or huband it is jihad.
Jihad is to strive to do goods.struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society
so killing innocents and civilians is a crime not jihad

Fine, God must like me then. I don't need a God to do all those things.
If enmos Allah look at u heart and knows that u really want to know him.he will make the causes to repent.He will open u heart to his greatnes.But if he knows in advnace that although u see the miracles or evidences , u reject him.he leaves to u self and satan.
“ Originally Posted by Enmos
Allah likes me, he'll protect me. ”

Allah likes you until you agree to what tresbien says, and than he will stop liking you and Jihad Allah Akbar babe animal lover, rain of huggable rabbits is upon you.
i am just answering
What does jihad mean.It can has related to war but the fact that u meet some one with cheerful face it is a jihad.Giving poor alms it is jihad.being honest with u self and other it is jihad.Do u job properly it is jihad.RESPECT THE ELDERS IT IS JIHAD.Wake up eraly to work it is jihad.BEING LOYAL to u wife or huband it is jihad.
Jihad is to strive to do goods.struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society
so killing innocents and civilians is a crime not jihad

Is lying Jihad too? If so, you seem to be immersed in Jihad.
If enmos Allah look at u heart and knows that u really want to know him.he will make the causes to repent.He will open u heart to his greatnes.But if he knows in advnace that although u see the miracles or evidences , u reject him.he leaves to u self and satan.

So what is more important ? Do all those good things you mentioned in your previous post or believing in Allah ?
Acutally my question to you Enmos would be, if a Koran book was launched at you by Allah himself as a projectile traveling at initial velocity of 20m/s from a height of 20,000 km....would the Koran projectile reach you? Or would it burn in atmosphere?
I guess it would burn up as it would reach an approximate speed of 3600 km/s if the book weighs about 1 kg.
the formula for the wight of sins is as follows 666x + 7y all over y

where x is the number of sins commited and y rep the number of people who commited them and the y on the bottom also reps the number of one way tickets to hell your going to need.

oh and the 666 is kilograms
the formula for the wight of sins is as follows 666x + 7y all over y

where x is the number of sins commited and y rep the number of people who commited them and the y on the bottom also reps the number of one way tickets to hell your going to need.

oh and the 666 is kilograms

Sorry, but I must dispute your equation. You have not stated your units. Are they metric or imperial ? Also, don't forget that a pound of lead weighs more than a pound of feathers.
There is no limit. God keeps creating new souls. How else can you explain the population explosion ?

If there is a start than there is an end, that is of course if the end is not the start and the start is not the end. So if cyclic creation of souls is infinite, than yes I agree with you that there is no limit.