Were Adam & Eve The First Ever Humans?

I just accept what the story says. I don't twist it like you do to try to make literal sense of it.

You don’t accept what it says. You accept a version that is not in the bible, but is believed by religionists.

Obviously not. For me, Genesis is on the myth side.

You’re not bothered if it is a myth.
You don’t believe in God. That’s the issue.

We're not talking about anything that was "told to me". It's what the story says, as opposed to your interpretation that you made up in your head.

It’s not what the scripture says.
You are only prepared to accept the religionists belief because it makes no sense.
You reject and deny God, and scriptures.

Yes, exactly. I'm accepting what is actually there.

You’re accepting the belief, which is not actually stated in the bible. You have been shown that you only believe the belief that makes no sense, because it suits you.

I'm not trying to duct-tape on a spooky "meaning" like you are and I'm not considering woo-woo "possibilities" like you are.

You accept the spooky meaning. You accept that the bible states that A+E were the first people ever, and their sons and daughters married each other. You’re the one who accepts woo-woo.

It's "possible" that the Adam and Eve story predicts the fall of Communism or the invention of Rice Krispies but I'm not as eager to read that into the story as you are.

You’re content in accepting the belief, not what the bible means, because it suits you’re position.

On the contrary, many (most) atheists have sought out God and couldn't find any sign of Him.

No they haven’t.
They seek out their understanding of God.

And people like you, with your appallingly bad arguments - not to mention your appallingly bad behaviour - only make your God seem much less likely.

You will use any excuse to keep up the illusion of atheism. You prove it here.

You should learn what atheism is.

An atheist is a person who does not believe in, or accept God, for whatever reason.
Is that correct?

I don't even self-identify as an atheist. I self-identify as agnostic. I am certainly willing to accept the possibility of a god - but your version of god is one of the worst candidates.

Do you believe there is a God?

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So the Hebrew calls it a snake but it wasn't a snake? You're quite a gymnast.

The same word that describes a snake, also describes a serpent. They are not the same.
Religionists need to believe it is a snake, so that it falls in line with the A+E idea of being the first ever humans. You need to accept it as such because it makes no sense, thereby helping

Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. It doesn't make sense. You have to stand it on its head to make sense of it.

No need. It makes sense.
A+E were not the first people ever.
And the beguiler of Eve was a serpent, not a snake, as you would prefer to maintain.

People don't actively maintain delusions.

Yes they do.
You are maintain the illusion that there is no God, by declaring one cannot know about God.

That has nothing to do with biology. - -
The OP asks a biological question. You have been attempting to address it by examining Bible stories.
The same word that describes a snake, also describes a serpent. They are not the same.
The translators of the Bible - the authors of the text you are analyzing - thought they were the same, at least in the sense of a serpent being a kind of snake. You are attempting to change what the author meant in a story they wrote.
Biology only works if there is life to begin with.
Biology addresses the origin of life and of living beings, and the decomposition after death, as well.
I have no idea what you mean by "works".
Neither do you.
You’re not bothered if it is a myth.
Of course not. I'm not bothered that leprechauns are a myth either.
It’s not what the scripture says.
You've already been proven wrong on that six ways from Sunday.
You’re accepting the belief, which is not actually stated in the bible.
It makes no difference to me who believes what. If pre-Adamism was the prevalent belief, I would still point out that it isn't what the Bible says.
On the contrary, many (most) atheists have sought out God and couldn't find any sign of Him.
No they haven’t
Yes they have, and you have no basis at all for denying it.
An atheist is a person who does not believe in, or accept God, for whatever reason.
Is that correct?
No. it has nothing to do with accepting God. Somebody who refuses to accept God is not an atheist.

But this topic really has nothing to do with atheism.
The same word that describes a snake, also describes a serpent. They are not the same.
Even if that was true, it wouldn't make any difference. A talking serpent is just as obviously mythical as a talking snake or a talking elephant.
Above is a snippet of a conversation that bilvon and I are engaged in. I thought I’d start a separate thread, as I presume it could well be an interesting topic of its own...

Where did Cain get his wife?

We are led to believe that Cain married his sister. The problem with this explanation is that it goes against a tenet prohibiting such relations. It’s not just a passing prohibition, it is of spiritual impediment.


So, do you think Adam & Eve were the only humans on the planet when they were created?
Didn’t you agree that it is common that daughters ply their father with alcohol, then rape them to get pregnant?

No I didn't say it was common as it happens. I don't appreciate accusations, so if you have nothing of value, only deceit, then admit to yourself, "I am a liar", say it out loud.
That we are Adam and Eve.

If the OP question cannot be presented in proper English, deep discussions on the subject are kinda moot, no?....:)

It is something worth entertaining, because the Sumerians chiselled this on stone at least a thousand years before the bible account. I'm pretty sure there are other ancient accounts similar to the bible story, which again are older, loads of material on the flood.
Even if that was true, it wouldn't make any difference. A talking serpent is just as obviously mythical as a talking snake or a talking elephant.

Which in turn is as obviously mythical as the perfect child pornography or harmless rape you advocated.
You've already been proven wrong on that six ways from Sunday.

Nice try!
“Mankind” means all humans, male

It makes no difference to me who believes what. If pre-Adamism was the prevalent belief, I would still point out that it isn't what the Bible says.

Mankind; the whole of the human race, including both men and women:

Do you agree with that definition?
Then you have to accept what is written. Unless you would rather go with the belief. Personally I think you feighn

No they haven’t.
They seek out their understanding of God.

The only atheists looking for God, are the ones that found God.

No. it has nothing to do with accepting God. Somebody who refuses to accept God is not an atheist.

Do you accept God?

So, do you think Adam & Eve were the only humans on the planet when they were created?

Haven’t you been reading what I write ?
The bible clearly states that God created mankind on the sixth day both male and female. Adam was created sometime after .

No I didn't say it was common as it happens. I don't appreciate accusations, so if you have nothing of value, only deceit, then admit to yourself, "I am a liar", say it out loud.

There’s no need to take that attitude.
I misunderstood when your reply to my question, or point was “Absolutely “.
