Watches & speed of light

I just read through all this junk and I'm thoroughly disgusted!

I suggest that *everyone* avoid this nonsense since the OP doesn't have the vaguest bit of knowledge about any of this. He doesn't understand the actual science that has been explained to him even on the LOWEST levels.

This whole thread should be trashed and locked!
Read-Only, If u have read this thread very thoroughly then U should have found out that I have given explanation to every points of mine which are purely scientific & logical & also explained other posters comments including those which are scientific & logical & even to those which were not.

Origin gave an equation in his post & he doesn't even knew that what the equation meant.
I am eager to hear from ur side that which part of my post do I don't understand?
I also want to know from ur side that which post of mine is making u think that I have no knowledge abt my topic?
Finally which post mine has made u to think that I don't understand science & which post in this thread has a fully explained my questions, considering that the above conditions are true, to the lowest levels.:)
Got to cut some slack here... The thread is in the Alternative Theories folder and is not a stringently subjected to the limitations of other ares.

However, we all have the option to just ignore the thread if we find no progress in the discussion.

Why cut this ignorant guy ANY slack? I have not seen ONE SINGLE thing he's posted that even *hints* at ANY kind of "alternative theory*!! :rolleyes:

It's nothing more than stupid questions he's asked and he's paying absolutely no attention to what's been clearly explained to him. He doesn't deserve any slack - especially after insulting those who tried to help him.
Question still makes no sense. The numeric representation of any speed is dependant on two arbitrarily chosen units of measurement. Distance (aka - inches, miles, feet) and time (aka - seconds, years, hours). Therefore the numeric representation of c is not a single numeric value that you can substitute for a frequency.

I can either assume you are ignorant or you are a troll. I'll assume the nicer of the two - ignorant.
gmilam, Do u want to say that if "c" let it be say 300,000,000m/s then there can't be crystal which can vibrate at 300,000,000Hz. If that is the case then I can sense that u have not read my thread fully & just posting ur own ideas & views in my thread. Instead of maligning this thread read the full thread carefully & u will find that I have a long discussion with Origin regarding this matter which will help u out & clear ur views regarding my questions comments & views of this thread.
Why cut this ignorant guy ANY slack? I have not seen ONE SINGLE thing he's posted that even *hints* at ANY kind of "alternative theory*!! :rolleyes:

It's nothing more than stupid questions he's asked and he's paying absolutely no attention to what's been clearly explained to him. He doesn't deserve any slack - especially after insulting those who tried to help him.

Read-Only, I am again asking to u
1) which thread has clearly explained me abt my questions?
2)In which post did I insulted anybody especially those who positively helped me?
3)which part of my question,view or comment or participation in the thread is a stupid behavior?:(
pls clarify.
FYI, using colored fonts in a post is highly annoying and difficult to read. If you need to highlight a certain part of text, please use the "bold" function.

No less than 5 members have tried to explain to you that frequency and speed are completely different and use completely different units. What you are asking simply doesn't make any sense. For instance:

Indianmath: "So Mac, how many beers can you drink in an hour?"

Mac: "15 kilometers"

Indianmath: "Huh?"

The answer doesn't make sense because the units are all wrong. You don't measure the number of beers you can drink in one hour in kilometers. Quantity and distance are two different things. Frequency is a measurement of the number of events in a given time. Speed is a measurement of how much distance is traveled in a given time. The two are completely different.

Anyone want to join me in a kilometer of beer? :)
Suppose we make a watch which uses the frequency equivalent to the speed of light to show the time & that watch is worn by a superman & he travels at a speed of light then will his watch slow down?:shrug::confused:

It depends on the direction the superman is flying and, assuming it is along the same plane as the watch's oscillations, the phase orientation. Is the superman a complimentary force or a destructive force to the watch's vibration. Destructive would impede the watch's efficiency where constructive would compress its frequency.
MacGyver1968, when I said that frequency & speed are the same thing?
I am just saying that if the speed of light is suppose 300,000,000 m/s then the the crystal vibrates at 300,000,000Hz & if the speed of light is say "c"m/s then the the crystal vibrates at "c"Hz i.e. equal to the numeric value of "c".
Now don't say that this can't happen because if 15 kmtrs can happen then 15kltrs can also happen.:)
MacGyver1968, when I said that frequency & speed are the same thing?
I am just saying that if the speed of light is suppose 300,000,000 m/s then the the crystal vibrates at 300,000,000Hz & if the speed of light is say "c"m/s then the the crystal vibrates at "c"Hz i.e. equal to the numeric value of "c".
Now don't say that this can't happen because if 15 kmtrs can happen then 15kltrs can also happen.:)

You pretty much said it in your OP.

Suppose we make a watch which uses the frequency equivalent to the speed of light

The speed of light doesn't have a frequency, so you can't have a frequency that is the equivalent of it. 300,000,000 is the number of m/s that light travels...m/s is a completely different unit than Hz. You could also use the imperial units and say 186,000 miles per second. Would the frequency be 186 kHz? It doesn't make any sense because you're use two completely different units that measure two completely different properties.

The value of "c" is 300,000,000 m/s, not 300,000,000. The unit is included. By saying "c"'re saying 300,000,000 m/s Hz. Which makes no sense. Get it?

300 Mhz isn't that high of a frequency, your CPU in the computer you're typing on right now has a crystal that oscillates 5 or 10 times faster than that.
You pretty much said it in your OP.

The speed of light doesn't have a frequency, so you can't have a frequency that is the equivalent of it. 300,000,000 is the number of m/s that light travels...m/s is a completely different unit than Hz. You could also use the imperial units and say 186,000 miles per second. Would the frequency be 186 kHz? It doesn't make any sense because you're use two completely different units that measure two completely different properties.

The value of "c" is 300,000,000 m/s, not 300,000,000. The unit is included. By saying "c"'re saying 300,000,000 m/s Hz. Which makes no sense. Get it?

300 Mhz isn't that high of a frequency, your CPU in the computer you're typing on right now has a crystal that oscillates 5 or 10 times faster than that.

MacGyver1968, I rectified the part of mine which was creating confusions.
I can't get to the meaning of both the bolded portions of ur post.They are self contradictory.
Origin,till now I am keeping my patience & replying to ur every illogical & non scientific views & comments without any trouble.

I am so glad you have been able to keep your patience mine is just about gone. You have not replied to anything I have written. Please point out the illogical and non scientific parts so that we could discuss them.
It would have to vibrate at (300,000,000 times (1Km /the wave length))Hz. It would take a superman just to hold the watch.
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I don't know what would happen if the crystal vibrates with the speed of light. Can u tell me please that what time the watch will show then i.e with respect to the normal crystals that we use to in our normal watches, what would be the difference in the time of that superman's watch & our normal watch in a futuristic super-spacecraft which also travels at speed of light & what would be the difference of time between the superman's watch & an identical watch to him kept on earth after he returns to earth?
Origin, U asked a question in the beginning of this thread & then I replied u in an explained manner to u which is given above. First explain my those points in a scientific & logical way then only I will answer ur second comment.:)
I'm wondering if there's a language problem here, because nothing the OP is posting really seems to make any sense. He certainly doesn't understand any of the answers and explanations he's been given.

This thread belongs in the cesspool.
Origin gave an equation in his post & he doesn't even knew that what the equation meant.

You are a liar.

I am eager to hear from ur side that which part of my post do I don't understand?

The parts that are nonsense. You cleared up what you meant and now you are just wrong.

I also want to know from ur side that which post of mine is making u think that I have no knowledge abt my topic?

Basically everything you have written.

Finally which post mine has made u to think that I don't understand science & which post in this thread has a fully explained my questions, considering that the above conditions are true, to the lowest levels.:)

You appear to be youngster that does not understand even the basics of physics.
You have stated that a crystal can't oscillate at 300 MHz which is wrong. Just goolge this and you will find out you are wrong.

You have the crazy idea that if a crystal is oscillating at 300 MHz it may no longer be affected by time dilation, which is absurd.

You don't even have a clear understanding of the differences between frequency and speed.:rolleyes:

MacGyver1968, I rectified the part of mine which was creating confusions.
I can't get to the meaning of both the bolded portions of ur post.They are self contradictory.

You've rectified nothing. Again, c = 300,000,000 meters per second. C is also = 186,000 miles per second, 300,000 km per second, or 1,080,000,000 km per hour. The number 300,000,000 only has relevance to the speed of light when it attached to the appropriate unit.

You've basically chosen a number at random and attached to a completely different unit. Which is why your question makes no sense. But for some reason, you can't seem to grasp that.
And if you want to be accurate about it, it's not even 300,000,000 m/s.

c is 299,792,458 m/s
And if you want to be accurate about it, it's not even 300,000,000 m/s.

c is 299,792,458 m/s

No crystal in existence can oscillate at 300Mhz with a wavelength of 1Km. At .5Km the crystal would oscillate at 600Mhz, .1Km at 3Ghz and we are still traveling 4 city blocks 3 billion times per second. I'm saying that to achieve this in the space of a watch, the frequency will be in the ExaHz.
No crystal in existence can oscillate at 300Mhz with a wavelength of 1Km. At .5Km the crystal would oscillate at 600Mhz, .1Km at 3Ghz and we are still traveling 4 city blocks 3 billion times per second. I'm saying that to achieve this in the space of a watch, the frequency will be in the ExaHz.

What in the hell are you talking about?
No crystal in existence can oscillate at 300Mhz with a wavelength of 1Km. At .5Km the crystal would oscillate at 600Mhz, .1Km at 3Ghz and we are still traveling 4 city blocks 3 billion times per second. I'm saying that to achieve this in the space of a watch, the frequency will be in the ExaHz.

Hold on here! This may be Alternative Theories, but atoms and crystals vibrate or ocilating in dimensions far smaller than even nanometers.., that's less than billionths of a meter.

If the discussion has evolved into vibrations of even millimeters, let alone kilometers, I think someone has fallen down the rabbit hole!

That has been part of the problem the thread has been dealing with, it seems to be detached completely with anything even remotely associated with reality.