Watches & speed of light

I don't know what would happen if the crystal vibrates with the speed of light. Can u tell me please that what time the watch will show then i.e with respect to the normal crystals that we use to in our normal watches, what would be the difference in the time of that superman's watch & our normal watch in a futuristic super-spacecraft which also travels at speed of light & what would be the difference of time between the superman's watch & an identical watch to him kept on earth after he returns to earth?

Regarding the red portion I want to again mention u that keep ur predetermined ideas abt me or anybody posting in this thread to urself. U just keep ur point or comment ( which should be logical ) & then we will have to discuss on that point.

It is not predetermined it is an observation.

Now regarding the other colored portion Ur saying that if an object vibrates or oscillates i.e moves between between A & B.suppose the distance between "A" & "B" is 2mtrs.

OK, but that would waste of time because that is not be possible.

Now regarding the last portion How u r saying or concluding that the distance traveled would be <1m?

Becasue that is the condition I set up.

It would be true for a watch using normal crystals where "second" would be according to the normal watches.

Don't know what this is suppose to mean.
Indianmath, all of the experience we have, suggests that it does not matter the construction of a clock or watch, it will be affected by time dilation when moving inertially. This is described within the context of special relativity.

If the clock or watch is accelerating there would be a counter time dilation effect, described within the context of general relativity.

Both of these conditions are well known and affect the functioning the GPS system, in an ongoing manner.

So unless you construct a thought experiement where the mechanics has no similarity with experience, any clock or watch of any construction will be affected by time dilation when in motion.., or relative to its location within a gravitational field.

Apart from this, which has been experimentally confirmed many times, there is only the philosophical debate, as to whether time itself, is limited to the mechanisms by which we measure it, or perhaps only the mechanisms we use are affected and time remains unchanged. This is a question of whether how we perceive things has an affect on the things we perceive.

The hypothetical you seem to be constructing bears no similarity to the real conditions we have for comparrison. As was mentioned earlier it is not even certain that a crystal vibrating at the speed of light, however you envision that, could remain intact. Think of it this way.., all of the materials that we have experience with, when excited, at an atomic level, to even rates of vibration far less than that of "light", become heated to the point that they vaporize.

When you go a step further to suggest that we consider a material that does not resemble materials or crystals, whose characteristics are consistent with real materials, you push the hypothetical into the realm of science fiction and fantasy. An environment where only you whose imagination defines the rules can answer the question.

As far as what we know of real crystals, clocks and watches.., they never move at the speed of light and they do experience time dilation proportional to their velocity, acceleration or location within a gravitational field.
It is not predetermined it is an observation.

OK, but that would waste of time because that is not be possible.

Becasue that is the condition I set up.

Don't know what this is suppose to mean.

Origin, whatever it is be it ur Observation or ur predetermined idea keep it to urself or otherwise post it in another thread or in any thread which is started by u.

I asked abt a possibility there that can happen by giving 2mtrs as the distance comparing with ur 0.5mtrs. Now I have sufficient time to listen to ur scientific & logical views concerning to the questions of this thread started by me but If u think U have no time to waste to post positive things in this thread then restrict urself.
Try not to set up ur own conditions in my question of this thread which is started by me. Pls restrict urself & if u r still interested in setting up conditions & questions then pls start ur own thread.
For this refer to the first post of the second page of this thread. If u don't know then wait & watch what other posters has to gauge or give any logical & scientific views regarding my questions.

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I don't know what would happen if the crystal vibrates with the speed of light.

Frequency is not speed. I will have to assume you are again asking what would happen with a crystal that vibrates at 300 MHz.

Can u tell me please that what time the watch will show then i.e with respect to the normal crystals that we use to in our normal watches, what would be the difference in the time of that superman's watch & our normal watch in a futuristic super-spacecraft which also travels at speed of light & what would be the difference of time between the superman's watch & an identical watch to him kept on earth after he returns to earth?

Sure it would be:

$$ \Delta{t'}= \frac{\Delta{t}}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$$

$$ \Delta{t'}$$ is the time moving frame
$$ \Delta{t}$$ is the time of the frame at rest.
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Origin, whatever it is be it ur Observation or ur predetermined idea keep it to urself or otherwise post it in another thread or in any thread which is started by u.

I asked abt a possibility there that can happen by giving 2mtrs as the distance comparing with ur 0.5mtrs. Now I have sufficient time to listen to ur scientific & logical views concerning to the questions of this thread started by me but If u think U have no time to waste to post positive things in this thread then restrict urself.
Try not to set up ur own conditions in my question of this thread which is started by me. Pls restrict urself & if u r still interested in setting up conditions & questions then pls start ur own thread.
For this refer to the first post of the second page of this thread. If u don't know then wait & watch what other posters has to gauge or give any logical & scientific views regarding my questions.


I am not sure why you find the text color so intriguing, but all it does is make your post annoyingly hard to read.
Frequency is not speed. I will have to assume you are again asking what would happen with a crystal that vibrates at 300 MHz.

Sure it would be:

$$ \Delta\t'= \frac{\Delta\t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$$

$$ \Delta\t'$$ is the time moving frame
$$ \Delta\t$$ is the time of the frame at rest.

I am not sure why latex is putting the r into the equation?

Try it this way,

Frequency is not speed. I will have to assume you are again asking what would happen with a crystal that vibrates at 300 MHz.

Sure it would be:

$$ \Delta\t'= \frac{\Delta\t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$$

$$ \Delta\t'$$ is the time moving frame
$$ \Delta\t$$ is the time of the frame at rest.

I am not sure why latex is putting the r into the equation?

I never said in any of my posts that frequency is speed or speed is frequency. So pls restrict urself before adding ur personal comments or views with that of mine.

Try to be fully known & explained abt whatever u post in this thread of mine & then post it with full explanation with logical & scientific views.
I never said in any of my posts that frequency is speed or speed is frequency. So pls restrict urself before adding ur personal comments or views with that of mine.

How about when you said this:

I don't know what would happen if the crystal vibrates with the speed of light.

Any more scientific or logical view or comments would be appreciated.

Instead of whinning, why don't you address the scientific points that have been brought up instead of ignoring them.
What is that suppose to mean? Do you mean what would happen if there was crystal that vibrated at the speed of light? If that is what you mean it is not possible so your question is moot.
Origin It was u who said first that thing. Moreover vibration is not frequency in fact it is oscillation i.e. a type of motion which produces frequencies.

Suppose we make a watch which uses the frequency equivalent to the speed of light to show the time & that watch is worn by a superman & he travels at a speed of light then will his watch slow down?:shrug::confused:
Question makes no sense. Light comes in many frequencies.

Color is to light what pitch is to sound.

All colors (aka frequencies) propagate at the same speed.
Instead of whinning, why don't you address the scientific points that have been brought up instead of ignoring them.

Origin, till now I am keeping my patience & replying to ur every illogical & non scientific views & comments without any trouble. I will address every scientific view or comment which I suppose to is connected with the thread & will help to proceed the thread in a positive direction which u don't have to take care of as it is my thread & started by me.If u want to contribute then do it in a positive,scientific & logical way instead of instructing me.
Question makes no sense. Light comes in many frequencies.

Color is to light what pitch is to sound.

All colors (aka frequencies) propagate at the same speed.

gmilam, welcome to my thread. Since this is ur first post in this thread I take ur comments lightly but pls be fully informed & read abt my thread before posting any thing here.

I am saying abt a crystal here which is vibrating at "cHz" where "c" is the speed of the light.
If u r immature & not able to make sense out my questions in this thread then pls keep ur personnal views & comments upto urself & pls don't post it here .
I just read through all this junk and I'm thoroughly disgusted!

I suggest that *everyone* avoid this nonsense since the OP doesn't have the vaguest bit of knowledge about any of this. He doesn't understand the actual science that has been explained to him even on the LOWEST levels.

This whole thread should be trashed and locked!
It is sometime difficult to project the effect of relativistic velocities on stable atoms. We can treat this theoretically within predefined limits, as is often done using special relativity, as a definition of the back ground conditions. But one must remember this does not represent the more complex real conditions an atom or object, moving with relativistic velocities would be subjected to. We just don't have a good real world reference.

The best we can do is to look at the solar or galactic winds. However, this does not provide an easily accessible data base, though it may exist. What I mean by this is that, those data references easily accessible talk about solar and cosmic winds in terms of the EM spectrum, which does not help us, and in terms of "ions". Keep in mind that a large portion of the ions being referred to are bare protons and alpha particles or bare helium nuclei. To be sure there are other ions present. I have seen reference to both oxygen and carbon ions. The problem is, that these ions could be anything from a bare nucleus to an atom missing one or more electrons.

The reason this is important to the issue you raise is that, if I understand you correctly you are asking how a relativistic velocity, in this case the speed of light, would affect matter, or atoms. We just don't have any practical data that supports any complex matter, meaning whole atoms, molecules or objects, moving at relativistic velocities, let alone the speed of light.

It seems likely from what we have observed that atomic structure, in practical real world conditions may not be stable at relativistic velocities. Our best information involving relativistic velocities, all seems to come from and involve ions and/or bare nuclei.

The only truely controlled conditions we have to judge this from originates within particle accelerators, and in those cases whole atoms are not involved in the relativistic velocities, except as stationary targets. We accelerate bare nucleons and nuclei, protons, neutrons, electrons and bare nuclei, not whole atoms.

The question you present, would seem to me only addressable as a thought experiment, where the background conditions are set and understood not to represent real world conditions.

Ask, how would this work in special relativity or a limited application of general relativity. How would it look from the prespective of Newtonian mechanics...?

But keep in mind that what you suggest as a starting point does not, at least to me, represent anything attainable in a real world environment. We just don't have any reliable information about what would happen to a clock or watch moving at the speed of light, under real world conditions.

We do know that both general relativity and special relativity, involve time dilation affects proportional to, once again.., an object's acceleration, location within a grabitational field and velocity. Will the clock remai a clock if it were moving AT the speed of light? Nobody knows, as we have yet to find a clock moving that fast.....
I just read through all this junk and I'm thoroughly disgusted!

I suggest that *everyone* avoid this nonsense since the OP doesn't have the vaguest bit of knowledge about any of this. He doesn't understand the actual science that has been explained to him even on the LOWEST levels.

This whole thread should be trashed and locked!

Got to cut some slack here... The thread is in the Alternative Theories folder and is not a stringently subjected to the limitations of other ares.

However, we all have the option to just ignore the thread if we find no progress in the discussion.
gmilam, welcome to my thread. Since this is ur first post in this thread I take ur comments lightly but pls be fully informed & read abt my thread before posting any thing here.

I am saying abt a crystal here which is vibrating at "cHz" where "c" is the speed of the light.
If u r immature & not able to make sense out my questions in this thread then pls keep ur personnal views & comments upto urself & pls don't post it here .
Question still makes no sense. The numeric representation of any speed is dependant on two arbitrarily chosen units of measurement. Distance (aka - inches, miles, feet) and time (aka - seconds, years, hours). Therefore the numeric representation of c is not a single numeric value that you can substitute for a frequency.

I can either assume you are ignorant or you are a troll. I'll assume the nicer of the two - ignorant.