Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

you have the right intentions, but you are aiming at the wrong target. religion is just a tool created by man, the source of evil is evil intentions
It's an insidious ideology that belittles evidence and codifies obsolete moral codes. Even with good intentions, it can make otherwise good people do bad things.
And we wouldn't want to see Baal, or Vishnu, or Zeus smite you! Best worship them - just in case.
those are made up gods, the god i'm describing exists, and has been described in the bible.
he is not always described in the most exact sense, especially if we look through our modern eyes. he is described as best can be possible at the moment it was written
those are made up gods
There is proof they exist. Vishnu is described in the Vedas in great detail, for example. Over a billion people understand that he exists, and worship him regularly.

Like I said, I wouldn't want him to smite you for not believing in the clear signs he has given you.
if vishnu is their description of god, then it is the same god. from their point of view what they see as god is a reflection on the culture that describes him. i would say their description shows that they didnt have a personal relationship with god
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if vishnu is their description of god, then it is the same god. from their point of view what they see as god is a reflection on the culture that describes him. i would say their description shows that they didnt have a personal relationship with god
And who do you think you are to say that?
if vishnu is their description of god, then it is the same god.
It's one of their gods. Brahma and Shiva are two others. There are also a host of personal Gods they worship (see below.)
i would say their description shows that they didnt have a personal relationship with god
In general they have a more personal relationship to God(s) than Christians do. They have their own personal Gods they worship as well, like Ganesha, Kartikeya, Rama and Krishna.
if they believe in multiple gods, they have not described him accurately. i describe what i understand truthfully. it is not meant to offend. they do not see god who wants a relationship with us. they see a unapproachable god that preside over them
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i never claimed to not be an animal, just that we can be more than animals. even animals have shown to care about those care for them. we humans are capable of more, but i rarely see us trying.

Fool. You do not know where to look.

We collectively have taken a full billion out of poverty in the last 20 years and they predict that we will do the same again in the next 20.

All the statistics for evil that I check, violent crime, crime overall, slavery etc. are all at the best level that we have ever enjoyed.

Put your head back up your God's ass because you are sure not using it anyway.

Fool. You do not know where to look.

We collectively have taken a full billion out of poverty in the last 20 years and they predict that we will do the same again in the next 20.

All the statistics for evil that I check, violent crime, crime overall, slavery etc. are all at the best level that we have ever enjoyed.

Put your head back up your God's ass because you are sure not using it anyway.

i thought you were going to ignore me. i guess my presence is too much for you. im not sure how you connected evil to rise in prosperity, i just dont see it
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if they believe in multiple gods, they have not described him accurately.
Heck, many Christians believe in multiple gods (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) and pray to them variously.
they do not see god who wants a relationship with us. they see a unapproachable god that preside over them
They see many personal gods rather than one big impersonal God who, on one occasion, killed almost everyone on the planet on a whim, and regularly kills people who defy him. Their way of doing things seems a lot more approachable for your average person.