Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

if you have problem with evil. address it to evil people. do not try to adhere evil to religion

Yours is quite the pathetic mind but it happens that I havew a draft of a pending O.P.

I doubt that you have what it takes to evaluate it's ideas but have a go at it anyway.

Do try to use words to evaluate it and not just denials.


Why do people think evil to be a problem when it is good?

Evil here I define as a premeditated action against another.

IOW. People to people evil. Not natural or inadvertent evil from non-conscious sources.

As evolving creatures, all people do constantly is either compete or cooperate with each other.

People to people evil only occurs when people are competing for resources or the goods of others.

If we were to somehow eliminate the miniscule amount of evil in the world, man’s evolution would stall and we would likely go extinct as we collectively would no longer be striving to produce the fittest of our species. It seems that competition makes us strong and not competing would make us weak.

That makes the minute amount of evil we see in people to people competition, --- a good thing, --- because if we ever eliminated it, the greater evil of our extinction would come to pass.

In this sense, humanity is best served by embracing the minute amount of evils we produce by our competing.

Do you agree?

If not, please show how we can take competition out of our evolution and how we would not weaken our species to the point of extinction.

competing is inferior to cooperation, whenever a life form cooperated with another it became a superior being. you advocate to competition, which is only advantageous to the unthinking, those who rely on instinct.
competing is inferior to cooperation, whenever a life form cooperated with another it became a superior being. you advocate to competition, which is only advantageous to the unthinking, those who rely on instinct.

"competing is inferior to cooperation,"

Yet every species on the planet use it to strengthen themselves to try to be the fittest of their group.

At no point did I advocate for competition. I did point out that we might go extinct without it and that is why nature makes sure we do.

I figured it would be over your head.

Thanks anyway.

if we cannot get rid of these minute amounts of evil, we are no better than animals. do not claim yourself to be god

Do not claim to not be an animal and I have more right to claim to be God than your absentee guy nin the sky who is not here to post a counter claim against mine.

Just because you have your head up some imaginary immoral God's ass does not mean that more intelligent and moral men have to follow your immoral example.

all people do constantly is either compete or cooperate with each other.

People to people evil only occurs when people are competing for resources or the goods of others.

If we were to somehow eliminate the miniscule amount of evil in the world, man’s evolution would stall and we would likely go extinct as we collectively would no longer be striving to produce the fittest of our species. It seems that competition makes us strong and not competing would make us weak.

That makes the minute amount of evil we see in people to people competition, --- a good thing, --- because if we ever eliminated it, the greater evil of our extinction would come to pass.

In this sense, humanity is best served by embracing the minute amount of evils we produce by our competing.

it certainly seems like you are advocating competition, and only competition.
it certainly seems like you are advocating competition, and only competition.

You are just showing that you do not know how to read properly.

Perhaps some education will help but if you could not understand my position then I doubt if you will understand the implications of this clip and science.


Did you note how that baby does not agree with your, --- "competing is inferior to cooperation" any more than I did. Both are required for survival and that is why that baby is using both.

why bother to study human evolution? lets just evolve and get on with our lives

you are focusing on the negative, you are a party pooper
why bother to study human evolution? lets just evolve and get on with our lives

you are focusing on the negative, you are a party pooper

Because that is what creates evil.

You are too stupi9d for me. I will now ignore you unless you actually say something worthy.

what creates evil is those who make excuses for their sins, those who cannot forgive others. if you ignore the truth, you ignore god. party pooper
do not hinder humanity in our quest for greatness, don't you want us to succeed?
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i rather like you spidergoat, and i wouldn't want to see god smite you. return to the light side
just because you have something against religious people doesnt mean you have to wage war on religion. ware war on evil. there is evil everywhere, not just in religion
You have it backwards, I like religious people, therefore I want to save them from religion.
lets say you have 2 things you are worried about. on one, you can see a possible solution for, and the other, you have no idea how to tackle yet. does it make sense to sit and worry about the problem you cant do anything about? i would say it is more efficient to solve the solvable problem.
Do not claim to not be an animal and I have more right to claim to be God than your absentee guy nin the sky who is not here to post a counter claim against mine.

i never claimed to not be an animal, just that we can be more than animals. even animals have shown to care about those care for them. we humans are capable of more, but i rarely see us trying.