was mohammed a paedophile!!!!!

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bells you say to me

O! I am very weary
Though tears no longer flow
My eyes are tired of weeping
My heart is sick of woe

My life is very lonely
My days pass heavily
I'm weary of repining
Wilt thou not come to me?

i will come to thee bells day or night with a strong and sturdy straightjacket
Bells said:
I believe I have already answered that question above. If I were looking at it through modern western eyes, yes he is guilty of paedophilia. But I shall say this again. When looking at history, cultural relativity is essential. It is imperative to look at the cultural development and practices of societies and social groups on their own terms. It is essential that we look at history and ancient cultures without trying to impose our own moral values. Nor should we try to measure different cultural variations in terms of our own cultural standard. This is what I've been trying to say to you all along in this and what you continually fail to see.

Do you think its proper to judge him according to our standards, since he was supposed to be an example for our time too?
aha dr no we meet again

did i not kill you in the dr no movie,
how did you get out of that acid bath,
no matter my arch enemy next time i will make no mistakes
DoctorNO said:
Do you think its proper to judge him according to our standards, since he was supposed to be an example for our time too?
No. Because it's not an example for our time. Because even in Islamic countries today, his example is not followed by law. Look at the age of consent in Islamic countries to see that the law in these countries do not follow his example. Society has evolved since then, thankfully. Had he existed today or had he done it today, then yes he should be judged for his actions based on today's standards. Doc, you would understand my point better if you had an understanding of cultural relativity when looking at history.
Bells said:
No. Because it's not an example for our time.
But if it is? If muslims are claiming that Mohammad is an example for all time, including OUR TIME.
james bond said:
aha dr no we meet again

did i not kill you in the dr no movie,
how did you get out of that acid bath,
no matter my arch enemy next time i will make no mistakes

Bond. James Bond. I believe we have a common enemy. I suggest a truce until this issue is resolved. And then we can resume our little game together. :cool:
i have wrote a poem about you bells its called trolls

In the middle of the Enchanted Forest
Lies the graveyard for abandoned souls.
A collection of the wretched, evil minds
Now cast into ugly, twisted Trolls.
Who was once bathed in beauty and wisdom
Is now a tarnished memory
In the broken looking glass of time.

Forever lost of all glory and goodness,
Never to feast again on the sweet
Of life.

Lost souls wandering aimlessly.
Pathetic creatures
Kneeling over the remnants
Of their long forgotten lives.
Sifting through the pungent ashes
For some meaning
And understanding.

Perhaps just a fragment,
Or a thread
Of the shredded tapestry
Woven so selfishly
With their very own gnarled fingers.
But see only the baron existence
Of pain, lies and deceit.

Self inflicted wounds of ignorance.

Scavengers for truth,
Starving for the meaning of spirit.
But the answers will not come so easily
To those who blunder.

Left to wallow in the tomb
Of torture

They so carelessly fell into
After digging deep
At the kind souls and spirits of others.
A thief of energy and auras,
Stealing the very essence
Of all that is good.

Turning and churning
Life's nectar into venom.
Only to spit it back
On the face of the angels.

Learning too late
The price they would pay.
Lost and forgotten

bells i dedicate this poem too you my evil one with the evil eye
DoctorNO said:
But if it is? If muslims are claiming that Mohammad is an example for all time, including OUR TIME.
Then their laws would reflect that wouldn't it? Your judging Muslims and their religion TODAY for the actions of their prophet who existed in another time and culture? If his marrying Aisha was an example for all time, including our time, wouldn't all Muslims be marrying their daughters off at 9? It appears as though selectivity has been applied wouldn't it? Same type of selectivity that Christians have used in not stoning or crucifying people. Times and customs change Doc.

PS. Don't these arguments bring back memories of previous battles? :p
i agree dr no we should put our personal grudges aside,
and deal with this threat to world peace and harmony bells,

this drone of spectre or smersh
is a thorns in the worlds ass

our mi5 headquarters are working on bells location now,
this sick puppy will be put down before the night is out
vincent28uk said:
i have wrote a poem about you bells its called trolls
No peon, it was a poem written by Katie Rosselle. And any piece of poetry or prose written about trolls would only apply to you vinny, as it is you who is the troll. Now grow up peon. Your copy and pasting of poetry is plagarism in its most idiotic form.
bells muhammed was a pervert and a paedophile,
if he was alive today he would enroll in the priesthood so he could do it legally.
and if this perv was alive today, i would make it my own personal mission to castrate him for his actions, though i am sure queen and country would sanction my mission anyway.

evidence against
1,child molestor
3, sadist
4,male chauvinest pig

the list is endless, i got too go the queens calling my mobile
james bond said:
bells muhammed was a pervert and a paedophile,
if he was alive today he would enroll in the priesthood so he could do it legally.
and if this perv was alive today, i would make it my own personal mission to castrate him for his actions, though i am sure queen and country would sanction my mission anyway.

evidence against
1,child molestor
3, sadist
4,male chauvinest pig

the list is endless
Bondage, I see that your reading comprehension skills are lacking. This is what I had stated earlier:

Society has evolved since then, thankfully. Had he existed today or had he done it today, then yes he should be judged for his actions based on today's standards.

Sigh... this is getting tedious.

bondage said:
i got too go the queens calling my mobile
Your fellow queens calling you to let you know that you left the false eyelashes at the cross dressing convention?

you have a fine picture of your face next too your user name
all thats missing is some toilet paper so you can wipe your dirty mouth

bells you are defending a world renowned paedophile as if he is your long lost father,
instead of the sorry excuse of a paedophile he was, who took delight in porking 6 year old babies

i rest the case of the prosecution
Well, it seems we're done discussing Mohammed here. We've moved on to poetry.Take it to Art and Culture, please.

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