was mohammed a paedophile!!!!!

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Allright enough is enough.......the fact of the matter is that the Prophet(pbuh) took Aisha in when she was 6 yrs old so that she could see how he lived his life and could record and report it for others to follow.As for the nine yr old thing it was common practice in those days(and not only in Arabia but all over the "old world") for a girl to get married when she reached puberty because that meant that she was able to have children.A female in those days wernt raised playin with Barbies they were raised to be mothers and responsible from a very young age so that when puberty hit they would be ready to get married and have children.All you got to do is read history books its all there.So i guess what i am saying is that girls matured alot faster in those days than today...If the Prophet was such a paedophile then why wait till 9????why not at 6?....because as i have stated because of puberty
Oh Dear Im Pervert Now You Got Proof I Got Proof About Muhammed
Being One

Would I Like To Get A 6 Year Old In Bed
I Know The Difference Between A Child And A Woman(16)
Muslims Do Not They See Kids As Fair Game

Marrying A 9year Old Was Still Legal In Iran Up Until A Few Years Ago
Thats How Long It Has Taking Muslim Countries To Know The Difference From A Child To A Woman

I Am Paronoid That Muslims Will One Day Set The 1st Peace Time Nuke Off
And It Will Happen You Know That And Everybody In This Forum Knows It.
Its Not If It Is When

I Suggest When Muslim Terroists Do Set One Off I Suggest You Change Faith Quickly, Because The Backlash From It Will See Muslims Lynched In The Streets, And You Will Suddenly Find There Are A Billion Muslims Changing There Religion
Well, vincent, I hope you're happy you've got this off your chest. We'll be having no more threads on this topic from you, I hope.
M-16 said:
Thank you James, vincent has to accept defeat.
de feet, you mean?

poor ol' Mo had a baby ho.

he had no shame,

cause he was the pro,

led a nation,

into damnation,

for listening to,

ol' satan-ation,

this is just a poem,

bout a man,


little girls,

cause he

could & can,

don't tell a prophet,

what to do!!!

his job, is to tell you!!!

do as I say, not as I do!!!

Did I tell you?

Mo' had a ho?
firstly, the age is not fuly verified and their are reports she was 18. next thing back then people where marrying at that age anyway. Kings and queesn where even that young. great miltry leaders, writers, poets were that young. Mary gave birth to Jesus when she was between 10 and 15.
and Christians have already set off the first nuke, Vincent and thanks to you Christians there are now over 50 fully functionig nuclear warhead that are missing and every year over 1500 nuclear components and material are "lost track of" thanks to you Christians
Registered User (588 posts)

Today, 03:58 PM
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and Christians have already set off the first nuke, Vincent and thanks to you Christians there are now over 50 fully functionig nuclear warhead that are missing and every year over 1500 nuclear components and material are "lost track of" thanks to you

darth vader
i think the missing warheads are down to your paki friends they have been handing out there nuke secrets, like a sex clinic hands out condoms

and vader you are well aware that there is not one christian or catholic who will set one off, but you no fully well that muslims will one day, i say that with the certainty that there will be daylight tommorow
surenderer said:
Allright enough is enough.......the fact of the matter is that the Prophet(pbuh) took Aisha in when she was 6 yrs old so that she could see how he lived his life and could record and report it for others to follow.As for the nine yr old thing it was common practice in those days(and not only in Arabia but all over the "old world") for a girl to get married when she reached puberty because that meant that she was able to have children.A female in those days wernt raised playin with Barbies they were raised to be mothers and responsible from a very young age so that when puberty hit they would be ready to get married and have children.All you got to do is read history books its all there.
Easy for you to say. Can you name a couple of notable people in ancient history who also had sex with a 9 yr old girl?

surenderer said:
So i guess what i am saying is that girls matured alot faster in those days than today...If the Prophet was such a paedophile then why wait till 9????why not at 6?....because as i have stated because of puberty
You guessed wrong. According to the historical hadiths Aisha was still playing with dolls & swings when the prophet called her to his tent for some x-rated fun & action. Thats no sign of maturity.

Now you might say that some adult women still play with dolls. And I would say to you that those women are immature.
Preacher_X said:
firstly, the age is not fuly verified
Nothing in ancient history can be fully verified.

Preacher_X said:
and their are reports she was 18.
State one of those reports.

Preacher_X said:
next thing back then people where marrying at that age anyway.
That doesnt make it right. Throughout the ages people around the world keep increasing the marriage age because deep inside they know that ages 6-13 is just too young and unfair for the females involved.

Preacher_X said:
Kings and queesn where even that young. great miltry leaders, writers, poets were that young. Mary gave birth to Jesus when she was between 10 and 15.
Throughout history child kings have almost always led their kingdoms into chaos.

I have never heard of a great military leader younger than 13. Can you name one?

Mary was supposed to be at least 14 when she gave birth. Women could attain full physical and mental maturity at age 13.
I have never heard of a great military leader younger than 13. Can you name one?

Whats the point nothing in early history can be verified right? :rolleyes:

That doesnt make it right. Throughout the ages people around the world keep increasing the marriage age because deep inside they know that ages 6-13 is just too young and unfair for the females involved

So i guess you are saying that a 9 year old MTV watching Barbie Doll playing girl today is the same as a 9 yr old girl 1200 years ago? its a known fact that girls in early history were much more mature than girls in later history and also that girls got married when they hit puberty so they could start raising families

Mary was supposed to be at least 14 when she gave birth. Women could attain full physical and mental maturity at age 13.

Yet you have no problem with a 13 yr old girl having a baby?

Throughout history child kings have almost always led their kingdoms into chaos

As have adult kings
You guessed wrong. According to the historical hadiths Aisha was still playing with dolls & swings when the prophet called her to his tent for some x-rated fun & action. Thats no sign of maturity.

and that Hadith is?..........
Ah DoctorNO, you have returned. Welcome back. :)

DoctorNO said:
Nothing in ancient history can be fully verified.
Here in lies the issue. We can go on and on about Mohammed taking on a child, but as you have stated yourself, nothing in ancient history can be fully verified. So how do you know for sure? You were not there watching as he bedded her. I just love how so many people denounce the bible as being stories, etc, yet their fear of another religion can allow them to believe that religious text to be The Word. We will argue until we are blue in the face on this issue, but in the end, we will never know that he did take her at that age. If he did, he was merely reflecting the common practices of the time.

That doesnt make it right. Throughout the ages people around the world keep increasing the marriage age because deep inside they know that ages 6-13 is just too young and unfair for the females involved.
And your point is? Of course society was wrong to allow it to happen. But it's easy to say this in hindsight, with the morals and values that we have developed since then. If he did it, then, as I stated above, he was merely reflecting the society of his day.

Mary was supposed to be at least 14 when she gave birth. Women could attain full physical and mental maturity at age 13.
And 13 is such a big leap. :rolleyes: 13 is still too young. If you're basing your argument against Islam by using the biblical stories of a 13 or 14 year old reaching the age of physical and mental maturity as some trump card, then you're grasping at straws in your hate.

Shame all of you aren't so vocal to stop child marriages of today in many areas of countries like India for example.
Bells said:
Ah DoctorNO, you have returned. Welcome back. :)
Gee thanks, bells. Its quite a surprise to see you still here too. :D

Bells said:
Here in lies the issue. We can go on and on about Mohammed taking on a child, but as you have stated yourself, nothing in ancient history can be fully verified. So how do you know for sure?
The same way we view almost every historical accounts... a little faith in the reliability of the narrators. So long as:

1. The narration underwent careful screening and study by reputable scholars.
2. There are no contradictions or conflicting versions the report.

Bells said:
If he did, he was merely reflecting the common practices of the time.
Just how common was such a practice?

Bells said:
And your point is? Of course society was wrong to allow it to happen. But it's easy to say this in hindsight, with the morals and values that we have developed since then. If he did it, then, as I stated above, he was merely reflecting the society of his day.
If he was reflecting the society and the society was wrong. Therefore Mohammad was wrong. That was the only point critics are trying to make. Mohammad was wrong. He wasnt sinless as muslims try to make him.

Bells said:
And 13 is such a big leap. :rolleyes: 13 is still too young. If you're basing your argument against Islam by using the biblical stories of a 13 or 14 year old reaching the age of physical and mental maturity as some trump card, then you're grasping at straws in your hate.
No Im basing my actions on scientific findings, as I have posted here early this year. Given all favorable factors - genes, weather, race, etc - the youngest age a girl attains physical maturity would be age 12. So 13 should be ok for those kinds of female.

Bells said:
Shame all of you aren't so vocal to stop child marriages of today in many areas of countries like India for example.

A person can only do so much.
DoctorNO said:
Gee thanks, bells. Its quite a surprise to see you still here too. :D
Boredom and wasted time has me coming and going.

Just how common was such a practice?
Fairly common when one considers how much a woman's virginity was upheld. As a result, men preferred younger and younger girls to ensure that the girl's virginity be intact prior to marriage. Didn't even Pope Benedict XIII (1394-1417) give a dispensation to the twenty-nine-year-old Richard II of England to marry Isabella, the seven-year-old daughter of the King of France? How can you be suprised that such a practice was prevalent in history? Hell, it continues today.

If he was reflecting the society and the society was wrong. Therefore Mohammad was wrong. That was the only point critics are trying to make. Mohammad was wrong. He wasnt sinless as muslims try to make him.
If he did it and we judging him by today's standards, then yes he was wrong, as was the practice. However, if we are to look back in history, there are many practices that we will find wrong (eg human sacrifice), because we are judging them by today's standards. This is what you and many others do not seem to understand. You're judging the actions of a man not of our time. You are judging cultural practices that were not of this time. Does that make you right? No it does not. It only makes your judgements of history hypocritical when one considers that you and many of your judgemental peers take no action to stop the practice in many areas today. Instead you judge a religion based on the cultural practices of the past as though it were a trump card as to why that religion was bad.

It's easy to point the finger at history and sneer and judge, but it's much more difficult to do something about it as it is happening. Mohammed lived then and we live now. The times have changed for many of us and we have evolved and developed different morals from those of the past.

A person can only do so much.
Well, instead of sneering at the cultural practices of the past, maybe it's time you judged the practices of the present. Stop letting your hate blind you to such an extent that you fail to see reason or sense.
Bells said:
Fairly common when one considers how much a woman's virginity was upheld. As a result, men preferred younger and younger girls to ensure that the girl's virginity be intact prior to marriage. Didn't even Pope Benedict XIII (1394-1417) give a dispensation to the twenty-nine-year-old Richard II of England to marry Isabella, the seven-year-old daughter of the King of France? How can you be suprised that such a practice was prevalent in history? Hell, it continues today.
I was referring to the pre-Mohammad period. Before this bogus Prophet popularized the practice of marrying 9 yr old girls. You have any idea?

Bells said:
If he did it and we judging him by today's standards, then yes he was wrong, as was the practice. However, if we are to look back in history, there are many practices that we will find wrong (eg human sacrifice), because we are judging them by today's standards. This is what you and many others do not seem to understand. You're judging the actions of a man not of our time.
Some actions transcend the bounderies of time, even if they are legal in some cultures. Things like murder, rape, theft, cannibalism, drug-abuse, and of course pedophilia. These things are INFINITELY unethical because they infringe on the liberties, free will, self-interest & basic human rights of another individual.

Prophets which are supposed to serve as a prime example for all time should be extra sensitive to these issues. Like Mohammed, a person guilty of most things I mentioned above, according to the hadiths cherished by the muslims themselves.

Bells said:
It's easy to point the finger at history and sneer and judge, but it's much more difficult to do something about it as it is happening. Mohammed lived then and we live now. The times have changed for many of us and we have evolved and developed different morals from those of the past.
Many things we have to endure today are the fruits of the sins of our fathers. We in the modern world have mostly abandoned many of the foolish ways of the past. But some people are being led astray by false promises of false prophets. By exposing the sins of Mohammad Im hoping to convince some readers to think twice before embracing the barbaric teachings of a barbaric bogus prophet.

Bells said:
Well, instead of sneering at the cultural practices of the past, maybe it's time you judged the practices of the present. Stop letting your hate blind you to such an extent that you fail to see reason or sense.

We each have our role to play. Mine is not of politics or activism. Mine is more of religious and philosophical criticism, I think.

Hate is not a bad thing if you know where and how to channel it. :)
DoctorNO said:
I was referring to the pre-Mohammad period. Before this bogus Prophet popularized the practice of marrying 9 yr old girls. You have any idea?
Ancient Rome is a prime example. One quick search for links brought up this prime example:

Deciding on which man will be the husband of his filiafamilias was not an easy process, as the paterfamilias had a personal stake in whom his daughter married. Once a coniunx had been chosen, the couple and their patresfamilias arranged a betrothal. The children had to be old enough to be aware of what was being said, i.e. seven years old.

India is another good example where female children are sometimes made to marry much older men, both in history and the present.

Mohammed did not popularize the practice Doc. It was an accepted practice for girls to be married off as soon as she menstruated, and if the girl menstruated at an abnormally young age, then she was of marriagable age. In no way do I approve of such practices Doc, but I'm not so blind as to think that he was the only one who partook in it. We may see his actions in having sex with a 9 year old as being disgusting in today's terms, but in history, if she had had her first menses, then it was common practice that she be married. It's still the same in many cultures of today. Is it wrong? Personally I think yes. But I'm judging this from a modern western standpoint. Our culture differs from those of the past.

Some actions transcend the bounderies of time, even if they are legal in some cultures. Things like murder, rape, theft, cannibalism, drug-abuse, and of course pedophilia. These things are INFINITELY unethical because they infringe on the liberties, free will, self-interest & basic human rights of another individual.
Again, you seem to forget that you are looking at such practices through modern western eyes. We see them as unethical, but many cultures of the past and some of today do not see it that way. For example, it was a cultural practice for warring sides to pillage and plunder the villages of their enemies, raping the women, etc. Today we see that as being wrong, but it was culturally acceptable in the past. Cannibalism is deplored in today's society because we are judging it from a Western Christian standpoint, but in the past, it was culturally acceptable. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that all of our ancient ancestors practiced cannibalism at one point or other. Drug abuse? Heh. That is a political issue. Paedophilia? Was always practiced and continues to be practiced today. We may condemn it in today's society, but historically, marrying a child or having sex with a virgin child was a norm. We see all of these practices as being unethical, but again, I stress to you, we are judging them from a modern western standpoint. And don't start about the liberty, human rights, etc of the individual. That is a western construct and not one that we should use to judge the cultural practices of ancient history. And we in the West should not preach about liberty, human rights and free will when we don't uphold such rules ourselves.

Prophets which are supposed to serve as a prime example for all time should be extra sensitive to these issues. Like Mohammed, a person guilty of most things I mentioned above, according to the hadiths cherished by the muslims themselves.
I'd suggest you read up on your papal history and you'd see that many of the popes of the past are also guilty of those practices.

Many things we have to endure today are the fruits of the sins of our fathers. We in the modern world have mostly abandoned many of the foolish ways of the past. But some people are being led astray by false promises of false prophets. By exposing the sins of Mohammad Im hoping to convince some readers to think twice before embracing the barbaric teachings of a barbaric bogus prophet.
Mmm hmmm, so you're going to expose wannabe Christians about the crimes of the popes of the past to deter them from embracing Christianity? Are you also going to expose wannabe Hindus to the fact that child brides are still the norm in today's society in the hope that they don't join up as well? And tell me something Doc, how many Muslims today do you know still practice marrying 6 year olds? You're in Canada aren't you? Ask around to any Muslims that you know in Canada whether they've married 6 year old girls. While they may see Mohammed as a great prophet, I'm betting that the majority of Muslims today do not practiced as he did in the past in regards to marrying children.

We each have our role to play. Mine is not of politics or activism. Mine is more of religious and philosophical criticism, I think.
Ah, but you only criticise one religion of such practices, and not others. I dare you to compare the marriage practices of Muslims to Hindus. But then again, you're not the type of person to want to research such things because your hatred is only focused on one thing. Instead of approaching the subject with some form of rationality, you come in with all guns blazing without any recognition of the cultural practices that would have allowed such a thing to happen at that time. You failed to recognise that child brides were a norm in history, that girls were seen to be of age when they first menstruated. You carry on as though Mohammed was the only one to have done it when in truth he was not.
Bells said:
Ancient Rome is a prime example. One quick search for links brought up this prime example:
The article you quoted only speaks of a bethrotal, not of marriage itself. In fact the article even admitted that...

  • "In order to marry, the couple was expected to have reached puberty, thought to be 14 years old for boys and 12 for girls.

    ...Terentia apparently criticized Cicero for marrying a young girl...
In another article...
so there you go. At least in Ancient Rome it would be extremely uncommon to marry 9 yr old girls.

Bells said:
India is another good example where female children are sometimes made to marry much older men, both in history and the present.
India had been heavily influenced by Islam. I have no idea what was culturally acceptable to them before Islam, but I do know that their civilization was quite advanced at that time.

Bells said:
Mohammed did not popularize the practice Doc. It was an accepted practice for girls to be married off as soon as she menstruated, and if the girl menstruated at an abnormally young age, then she was of marriagable age.
Says who?

Bells said:
Again, you seem to forget that you are looking at such practices through modern western eyes. We see them as unethical, but many cultures of the past and some of today do not see it that way. For example, it was a cultural practice for warring sides to pillage and plunder the villages of their enemies, raping the women, etc. Today we see that as being wrong, but it was culturally acceptable in the past. Cannibalism is deplored in today's society because we are judging it from a Western Christian standpoint, but in the past, it was culturally acceptable. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that all of our ancient ancestors practiced cannibalism at one point or other. Drug abuse? Heh. That is a political issue. Paedophilia? Was always practiced and continues to be practiced today. We may condemn it in today's society, but historically, marrying a child or having sex with a virgin child was a norm. We see all of these practices as being unethical, but again, I stress to you, we are judging them from a modern western standpoint. And don't start about the liberty, human rights, etc of the individual. That is a western construct and not one that we should use to judge the cultural practices of ancient history. And we in the West should not preach about liberty, human rights and free will when we don't uphold such rules ourselves.
Now you know that even in ancient times such a practice is criticized: "Terentia apparently criticized Cicero for marrying a young girl"

I told you, actions that violate personal liberties and basic rights trancends the bounderies of time & culture. Even muslim themselves try to avoid having their daughters marry at a very young age. Even the father of Aisha ( Mohammad's child bride) showed initial discomfort when Mohammad expressed his desire to mate her.

Bells said:
I'd suggest you read up on your papal history and you'd see that many of the popes of the past are also guilty of those practices.
Bells, a pope IS NOT a prophet.

Bells said:
Mmm hmmm, so you're going to expose wannabe Christians about the crimes of the popes of the past to deter them from embracing Christianity?
Done that.

Bells said:
Are you also going to expose wannabe Hindus to the fact that child brides are still the norm in today's society in the hope that they don't join up as well?
well maybe in the future.

Bells said:
And tell me something Doc, how many Muslims today do you know still practice marrying 6 year olds?
None, but they do marry 9 yr olds.

Bells said:
You're in Canada aren't you? Ask around to any Muslims that you know in Canada whether they've married 6 year old girls. While they may see Mohammed as a great prophet, I'm betting that the majority of Muslims today do not practiced as he did in the past in regards to marrying children.
Because the majority of muslims today are not as deranged as their bogus prophet. plain & simple.

Bells said:
Ah, but you only criticise one religion of such practices, and not others. I dare you to compare the marriage practices of Muslims to Hindus. But then again, you're not the type of person to want to research such things because your hatred is only focused on one thing.
My hatred is mainly focused on Islam & its bogus prophet, the real threat to the future of humanity.

Bells said:
Instead of approaching the subject with some form of rationality, you come in with all guns blazing without any recognition of the cultural practices that would have allowed such a thing to happen at that time.
No one as of yet was able to show us the cultural practices of ancient arabia before Islam. But at least we know now that the romans were nearly as civilized as we are today.

Bells said:
You failed to recognise that child brides were a norm in history,
Maybe because people like you keep failing to establish such an assertion? norm indeed.
doctor no

he is more like james bond take cover
i need a bullet proof vest with all these bullets your typing
the muslims in this forum are getting riddled with those typed bullets
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