Was Cho Seung-hui decision rational or irrational?

Was Cho Seung-hui's decision rational or irrational?

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That's different from a lone gunman. There is no evidence that Cho had the support of any nation to commit that act, so it was not as if he were authorized to do it. In a war, it's a totally different context, because warriors are sacrificing themselves to protect their country. They are sacirificing to protect their family, their God, their society.

I'm not sure what Cho was trying to accomplish. it seems he was alone, and had no support, and his ramblings as they were presented in the news don't make much sense. I'm sure in his reality it made sense to him. I don't think it makes sense to any of us.

I've done the same thing with the red. Emotive reasoning. Now inclusive of judgement outside the grip of reality. Irrational.

The rational approach to disagreement is negotiation. War in and of itself is emotive (driven by anger mainly)...irrational. Bear in mind that emotive reasoning may have some benefit sometimes...but by definition it is irrational.

The rational approach to individual oppression is psychiatric care, support of family, friends...stress relief activities, self improvement activities. NOT shooting people that may or may not even know you!

Like I said to peta9, the poll result is extremely disturbing, almost as much as the incident.
^I would agree it is not rational to an individual who wants to live. But his act is rational(in his mind) if you are suicidal and homicidal and believe the world is corrupt and beyond redeemable. The tragedy is he needed love; just real, sincere love because that is the most healing at the root or core of the problem than what any stranger can help you manage. Meaning you have to care about yourself first in order for counseling to work anyways. He was too far gone and there was no miracle or type of person who came along that could reach him partly due to his own mental state, thinking process and inner turmoil. It's like a cancer. I think he knew or believed he would never be well or an issue would never be resolved and that may be irrational but the personal consciousness is very different than the outside world. Since he was an outcast so long, he formed his own reality.
"Surely you can view that from a different perspective than just the one, can't you? There are numerous, different perspectives ...why choose only one? Why choose that one? "

Yes, I can view it from different perpectives. I can empathize and see it from Cho's perspective (as best I can given all I know at least). He was loner, desperate, and mentally ill. He snapped.

Here is the thing - no matter how I look at it, it is irrational. Maybe if he would have written a companion manifesto on why shooting many random people in any way follows from his ramblings...

The fact that half the voters think otherwise means one of two things: 1. These people need a review of the definition of rational and a swift kick in the nuts or 2. We are among a large percentage of people that think it is rational to slaughter random people for no apparent reason other than you are mad at "society".

I am not an asshole. There is a part of me that hurts for the guy. However, it is completely overshadowed by the sorrow that he has caused.
The topic is a discussion of whether or not he was rational. This is a bit different than discussing whether or not he was justified.
What he did was obviously about as dumb and morally wrong as it gets (at least to the majority of current normal non-columbine wannabe society). If he didn't commit suicide in the end, then he certainly should have gone to prison and received the death penalty.

AT the same time, why would the 'foulness of his deed' overpower whether or not he was rational in making his decision? As has been said a few times, he had his own system of beliefs, and apparent feelings of being picked on.

It isn't that different from the beliefs of the rest of society. There are a lot of so-called normals who can easily think of, and will readily tell you of, groups of people who they think should be "lined up and shot." "Decent" people out of pretty much normal populations will indulge in just this sort of thing with dismal regularity when they are allowed to, just like the soldiers playing their games by burning villages and shooting women and children in places like North America, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Tamil, Somalia, Rwanda, China, and Afghanistan, just to name a few past and current examples.

Knowing a little bit of history, I think that people are mainly pissed off by Cho's choice of targets and do not hold to any principle that says "people are not for shooting."
All of this leads to my conclusion: If you don't want all these shooters, stop creating situations that make their decisions seem rational. It's that simple.

Ironically, this society uses intimidation and bullying to protect people from being justly harmed for intimidation and bullying.
All of this leads to my conclusion: If you don't want all these shooters, stop creating situations that make their decisions seem rational. It's that simple.

Ironically, this society uses intimidation and bullying to protect people from being justly harmed for intimidation and bullying.

That is very true. I've checked a few asian-american forums and they are not only embarassed by his atrocious deed but by his mental illness and bullying. They sneer, are indifferent or make light of his problems or the extent of pain he may have been in. They even have the nerve to deny they have been bullied because of pride and to disassociate from a "loser", I find there claims to be unbelievable but then if they embraced the cocky american attitude then maybe it's true, just hard to believe. I can see why Cho felt positioned from a purer or higher agenda than the rest of the world full of "debauchery" as well as his indiscriminate attack. The average but comfortable lowlife assumes there are no individuals like Cho. Their fine-tuned sense of individuality is lost on them. Ironicly, Cho is more an individual than most of the pack animals but he was lost and individuals(different) are not really accepted in society. This illustrates one of the lies of society which is the pack represents individualism.
Dude, you see all the words in red? Emotive reasoning. Irrational.

Kamikazi soldiers etc are motivated by nationalism and patriotism rather than logic. Religious zealots are motivated by mass hysteria and hope of an eternal paradise.

You've kinda lost me there Enterprise with All the stuff you've highlighted/tagged as "emotive reasoning".

Bushido is a code of warrior conduct. It has nothing to do with nationalism. Since you're a sci-fi fan (at least that's what I'm guessing due to your user name), think of Robocop and his prime directives. Bushido is basically the same thing.
One of those directives includes "achieving a glorious/honorable death". Another is 100% loyalty to the master (follow instructions - give 100% effort no matter what - never surrender). You don't feel Bushido, you follow it.

In the second, I see you've highlighted the words "religious" "righteously" and "infidels".
How is being religious supposed to be emotive reasoning? In becoming religious, a person accepts a number of things as facts, and subscribes to another code of conduct.
"Righteous" only defines something as compliant within a predefined standard, as does "infidel" (which defines someone who does not meet the standard).

Creating mass hysteria, and achieving eternal paradise are goals, but I'm not really sure why you've mentioned them to support an argument of emotive reasoning. I'm guessing you personally think of these as outrageous and wacky, and must be the result of emotions.
Irrational statement: It is irrational to assume that anything in this world is irrational

Rational statement: It is irrational to assume in the first place

Conclusion: Everything in this world is rational
That is very true. I've checked a few asian-american forums and they are not only embarassed by his atrocious deed but by his mental illness and bullying. They sneer, are indifferent or make light of his problems or the extent of pain he may have been in. They even have the nerve to deny they have been bullied because of pride and to disassociate from a "loser", I find there claims to be unbelievable but then if they embraced the cocky american attitude then maybe it's true, just hard to believe. I can see why Cho felt positioned from a purer or higher agenda than the rest of the world full of "debauchery" as well as his indiscriminate attack. The average but comfortable lowlife assumes there are no individuals like Cho. Their fine-tuned sense of individuality is lost on them. Ironicly, Cho is more an individual than most of the pack animals but he was lost and individuals(different) are not really accepted in society. This illustrates one of the lies of society which is the pack represents individualism.

It's very easy to become a perpetrator to relieve the stress of being bullied, unless other perpetrators won't let you or unless you are just completely unable to be that way. I used to think that my own inability to be a perpetrator was because I felt for the victim, and when I'm thinking of it right now I realize that it was because I "felt bad" which isn't true empathy.

This position of a purer or a higher agenda leads to delusion also. I figured out a long time ago that those who are higher, who have wisdom and power, do not express this well by placing themselves on the catbird seat to crap on other people. The higher position is a responsibility and those who have earned it deal with others compassionately.
It's very easy to become a perpetrator to relieve the stress of being bullied, unless other perpetrators won't let you or unless you are just completely unable to be that way. I used to think that my own inability to be a perpetrator was because I felt for the victim, and when I'm thinking of it right now I realize that it was because I "felt bad" which isn't true empathy.

This position of a purer or a higher agenda leads to delusion also. I figured out a long time ago that those who are higher, who have wisdom and power, do not express this well by placing themselves on the catbird seat to crap on other people. The higher position is a responsibility and those who have earned it deal with others compassionately.

The problem is he believed people were corrupt and not worth saving. The problem is you can't make someone value anything. He got this way over a period of time and his collective experiences. That's the unfortunate part. If society doesn't want to clean up their own act, people like this will continue to breed resentment from ill-treatment. Collectively, they can only use punitive measures to counterract it if they want to continue mistreating them.
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The problem is he believed people were corrupt and not worth saving.

Well, I do, too, but I don't go out and shoot a bunch of 'em!! I might want to, but I know that it wouldn't change a fuckin' thing. Now if I could set off a few gazillion nuclear bombs spread evenly all over the world, then.....?

If society doesn't want to clean up their own act, people like this will continue to breed resentment from ill-treatment.

So the entire society should have to change to accommodate only a few nut-cases???? Surely you're joking, right?

Baron Max
So the entire society should have to change to accommodate only a few nut-cases????

Yes. That's exactly right. Society should accommodate for 'nutcases' (ie. Any disaffected introverts), just like it accommodates for the crippled, the injured, and the physically ill. For the blacks and the gays. For any innately disadvantaged minority. Introverts are disadvantaged in every fashion: In a social context, in education, in their occupation.

You seem to think that there are only a 'few' nutcases, because only a minor proportion of people go on a killing spree. Sadly, Cho and the Columbine kids are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are of disaffected individuals who feel mistreated, scorned, and isolated. There are a lot of people who have trouble connecting with other human beings, and feel like failures for this deficit.

You only think it's a 'few' nutcases because only a few people go far enough to kill people, and catch your attention. Most of these miserable people usually suffer quietly, or kill themselves. And you never notice, because the media doesn't trumpet over all the channels. Oh well, at least Cho got your attention by gunning down 33 people. Perhaps if every miserable introvert did that, they'd make you realize how big a problem this is, and finally motivate society to change its behaviour!

What was that you said about the media leading us about the nose? Yeah, it's quite apt. ;)
The problem is he believed people were corrupt and not worth saving. The problem is you can't make someone value anything. He got this way over a period of time and his collective experiences. That's the unfortunate part. If society doesn't want to clean up their own act, people like this will continue to breed resentment from ill-treatment. Collectively, they can only use punitive measures to counterract it if they want to continue mistreating them.

It isn't necessarily true that you can't make someone value anything. You may have to use a different verb for the process, like persuade, or even teach, demonstrate, or show. Thank you. You've just helped me put my finger on a part of a problem that I have been working on.

Why indeed would we, as Mountainhare mentioned, want to accommodate a few nutcases? It is because the actions of the shooters are the tip of the iceberg, as he said, and their symptoms are the tip of the iceberg of the symptoms that we are having problems with. A sick society produces shooters. Our leadership often wants a sick society because sick people want medicine. With a good line of bull, manure can be labeled as "medicine" and people will swallow it, especially if it's an exotic manure with special properties.

Sometimes, though, all of the relevant conditions have to be brought closer to a norm that is compatible with life. Those who do not understand this wind up with a desert on their hands and a lot of people who can't do much that's useful.
It isn't necessarily true that you can't make someone value anything. You may have to use a different verb for the process, like persuade, or even teach, demonstrate, or show. Thank you. You've just helped me put my finger on a part of a problem that I have been working on.

Why indeed would we, as Mountainhare mentioned, want to accommodate a few nutcases? It is because the actions of the shooters are the tip of the iceberg, as he said, and their symptoms are the tip of the iceberg of the symptoms that we are having problems with. A sick society produces shooters. Our leadership often wants a sick society because sick people want medicine. With a good line of bull, manure can be labeled as "medicine" and people will swallow it, especially if it's an exotic manure with special properties.

Sometimes, though, all of the relevant conditions have to be brought closer to a norm that is compatible with life. Those who do not understand this wind up with a desert on their hands and a lot of people who can't do much that's useful.

If you read the other Vtech and nasa shooter threads, you'll see that the imbeciles of society do not want these people accomodated. They don't care if others are miserable because they want to be able to defecate on who, how and when they please in society. What is really stupid is their resistance to an actually positive move. The serious addressing of social inequities and harrassment makes for a less hostile environment and also for thier children. They don't care and don't take it seriously. As long as people are alive, they don't care about the quality of that life. They just want them to commit suicide or be locked away if they can't take it.

What's even more cowardly is they rant about what a shooter should and should not have done when the person was and is not in their control. They are so deeply fixated on how the world comfortably revolves around them, they are miffed and their pride offended when it goes awry. They start whining and worse pretend to care about their own by the placing of blame. If it came down to the wire, they would never budge if their comfort zone was threatened because it's not really about the 32 lost, it's about them. There is no purpose of arguing about their rules of engagement of someone who has become a vigilante. They stupidly project reasons why he should or should not have done something which I find fascinating. Their level of mental incompetence, awareness and programming is astounding. They don't realize Cho was an individual and not subject to their personal inclinations or morals. They embarassingly and ignorantly chastize Cho for being a coward by taking innocent lives not just his own when that is their interpretation. They want the shooter to care about others and have the conscience to spare them but not his own. Why would someone who doesn't care if they die, care about a few strangers? Society is really stupid.
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Not much more I can say right now, except that it's part of the game. You simply can't have a society that both aggressively destroys its enemies and is peaceful at the same time.
If you read the other Vtech and nasa shooter threads, you'll see that the imbeciles of society do not want these people accomodated. They don't care if others are miserable because they want to be able to defecate on who, how and when they please in society. What is really stupid is their resistance to an actually positive move. The serious addressing of social inequities and harrassment makes for a less hostile environment and also for thier children. They don't care and don't take it seriously. As long as people are alive, they don't care about the quality of that life. They just want them to commit suicide or be locked away if they can't take it.

What's even more cowardly is they rant about what a shooter should and should not have done when the person was and is not in their control. They are so deeply fixated on how the world comfortably revolves around them, they are miffed and their pride offended when it goes awry. They start whining and worse pretend to care about their own by the placing of blame. If it came down to the wire, they would never budge if their comfort zone was threatened because it's not really about the 32 lost, it's about them. There is no purpose of arguing about their rules of engagement of someone who has become a vigilante. They stupidly project reasons why he should or should not have done something which I find fascinating. Their level of mental incompetence, awareness and programming is astounding. They don't realize Cho was an individual and not subject to their personal inclinations or morals. They embarassingly and ignorantly chastize Cho for being a coward by taking innocent lives not just his own when that is their interpretation. They want the shooter to care about others and have the conscience to spare them but not his own. Why would someone who doesn't care if they die, care about a few strangers? Society is really stupid.

Peta, I strongly suggest you move yourself to the top of some isolated mountain and start rasing llamas or such. Because you will NEVER find the type of society you want anywhere on the face of this Earth. You can dream, rant, cry and shout all you want - but it's not going to change anything.

There are always going to be bullies - we've all dealt with them - and there will always be more nut-cases like your beloved Cho. In the end, he did only one thing of real value - taking himself out of the way. Period.