Virgins anyone???

The difference between us, Michael, is when I say, "To you be your way and to me be mine", I mean it.:)
I'm sure you do. Now, wanna answer the question? This is a debate forum isn't it????

Isn't it???

You know, ask a question get an answer.

formally known as "deeebaaateeee"
My superior ways? You mean the ones where I acknowledge you may be correct and I may be wrong? That's actually called logical and more generally known as tolerance.

I never said "savage" anything. As a matter of fact I said bigoted polygamist Slave owner .

Anyway, as the saying goes: The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics. I think a fanatic is someone who is unwilling to acknowledge they may indeed be wrong. Which is funny, because whether they acknowledge it or not the FACT is logically they may indeed be wrong.


Wrong about what? The principles of Islam are eternal and available to anyone willing to study them. They do not require me to defend them.:shrug:

1) Is it legal to own a slave under Islamic law? (yes it is or no it is not).
You said YES.
2) Is it now legal to own a slave?
Answer: No.


You see, some religious people had/have a big problem with outright banning slavery because of YOUR answer #1. The Qur'an says it is legal.

THIS is a prime example of why many fundamental beliefs hold back the progress of society.

I asked you - When did Islamic coutries ban slavery? Well, we all know it was in the last 60 years. I'd say if Islam was meant to encourage the abolition of slaves then it did a pathetic job. It was a failure. Surely anyone with two brain cells could tell that 1500 years of slavery and then it's outlawed by the Europeans - well that's called a failure.

Unless we go back to #1 - Is it legal to own a slave under Islamic jurisprudence. Oh, your answer was YES.

Everything coming together?

NOTE: For the record. The Bible was used to justify slavery, often found in the OT and is a great example of why the Bible is similarly flawed (as is the Qur'an) when it comes to the topic of owning Slaves.
NOTE2: Japanese banned slavery without any need of a God. They simply understood it to be an ill of society.
NOTE3: Communists banned slavery (and polygamy) in Muslim China in all of about 5 years. So it certainly was possible, given the right reading materials.
Wrong about what? The principles of Islam are eternal and available to anyone willing to study them. They do not require me to defend them.:shrug:
Oh lets play ring-around the question.

Does the possibility exist there is no God?


NOTE: If I had asked a Scientologist if the possibility exists there is no Xenu and got an answer like: The principals of Scientology are eternal and are available to anyone willing to study them - similarly does not answer the question.
Oh lets play ring-around the question.

Does the possibility exist there is no God?


NOTE: If I had asked a Scientologist if the possibility exists there is no Xenu and got an answer like: The principals of Scientology are eternal and are available to anyone willing to study them - similarly does not answer the question.

Does the possibility exist that my possibilities need not mirror your possibilities?
Oh lets play ring-around the question.

Does the possibility exist there is no God?

Since Sam doesn't want to answer the question directly, I will. There is absolutely no possibility that God doesn't exist. I appreciate that you acknowledge God may exist, but I will not return the favor of leniency - that is, I will not concede an iota of possibility for God's nonexistence.
To the question: Does the possibility exist there is no God?
SAM's reply: Not to me. Which is to say NO. The opinion is that such a possibility does not even exist. Of course this has no bearing on reality - it's just an opinion - a frame of mind. A reference point.

If taken to it's logical limit it also implies that it is not possible that Shinto may be correct in their belief. They must be wrong. So must Xians. So must Atheists. So must Buddhists. etc.. etc... etc.... The possibility any of the other beliefs are correct doesn't even exist.

This is called fundamentalism. Fundamentalists whom are also monotheists can not genuinely accept other people's beliefs as possibly being correct. Fundamentalism can lead to fanaticism for some people for whatever reason, be they genetic or social or both.The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics.

Do I think you are a fanatic SAM? No.

I suppose you should thank your society and your parents DNA.

But .... to live a life of fundamentalism....

You once said our atheistic lives are sad, almost devoid of color or some such thing, Why? From my point of view I'm open to all possibility. There's a lot of colors over here in tolerance open-mindedness land :)
Thanks Kadrak. See my reply to SAM.

Yup, life's good over here in open-mindedness Land

It doesn't matter if I acknowledge the possibility of another belief being "right", and my own "wrong". What matters is if I respect them regardless.
it does set a limit and stunt a logical debate though.... once logic is gone, well, it's all fairy dust really
You may believe you are right and someone else is wrong. That's different that believing they MUST be wrong and you MUST be right. You see, one is open-minded and the other close-minded. It's really pointless to gave a debate with someone totally closed minded.

I think we could ask about every atheist on this board and they ALL would say they would believe in *insert belief* so long as there was some evidence.

Also, someone made the point somewhere that you do not choose to believe. Either you do or you do not. There is no "choice" in the matter. It's like Tom saying Scientology's Xenu is real. You are simply not going to believe it UNLESS you had some evidence for it - like, ooo I don't know, XENU! You can not will yourself to believe in Xenu once your mind has come to the conclusion no you don't.

The difference is, I am willing to state - YES Xenu may be real. The possibility exits that Xenu could really exist. Do I believe so? No. But He could be real.

See the difference?
Michael to Tom Cruise: Is there anyway possible that there is no Xenu The Intergalactic Overloard?

Tom Cruise: Aboslutely no such possibility whatsoever unless you claim that a book, like Hamlet for instance, is written by letters coming together in random and making words and the words coming together again in random and making sentences, and sentences coming togehter again in random and making paragraphs, and so on and so on..and the book is composed in this way all by chance.

Michael to Tom Cruise: Is it even possible that Ron Hubbard was not a Prophet.

Tom Cruise: Contrary to the above which does not need any proofs, this one can be discussed and proved.

Rumi to Michael: The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics.

Hehehe.. that's cool man! You made me laugh, GOD bless you!