views on evolution

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That is also very reasonable. However, natural selection all of a sudden decides to chose more critters than before. It is doubtful all these additional critters were all mutant and defective.

Agreed. The only ones "chosen" were the mutants that were _not_ defective, that were more effective in the newly-available ecological niches.

Rather each would need to have some selective advantage, if we assume natural selection applies. How can random changes on the DNA lead to so many critter jackpots at one time allowing so many to be selected?

Because there are literally billions of offspring in even short terms (10,000 years.) Even a .1% mutation rate, with .1% of them being non-defectives, you end up with 1000 new organisms.

Now, in a stable environment none of them make it, because the current organism in the current niche is close to ideal. But in a fluid environment many of them (say 1%) find that they have an advantage in this new environment. Maybe it's colder and they have more fur. Maybe it's warmer and they have less fur. Maybe trees have started to grow and they have looser skin so they get a little bit of a "parachute" effect when they jump from one tree to another.

And so, in that fluid environment, you potentially have 10 new species after 10,000 years.
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I am doing this to give a hard 20/20 hindsight problem, instead of the softballs evolutionists toss each other to dazzle the audience. Why the probability change and why the change in terms of bulk rate natural selection, compared to before?
the answer to this is simple.
this is one of those times that evolutionists needs evolution to proceed quickly, and it does.
the answer to this is simple.
this is one of those times that evolutionists needs evolution to proceed quickly, and it does.

Alternatively, it was one of those times when evolution was able to proceed rapidly, and it did.
i will expose you for a liar billvon.

You said: I was referring to the controversy expressed in the science daily article i posted.

I said: Yes, you were.

Are you now claiming that you were NOT referring to the controversy expressed in the science daily article you posted?
You said: I was referring to the controversy expressed in the science daily article i posted.

I said: Yes, you were.

Are you now claiming that you were NOT referring to the controversy expressed in the science daily article you posted?
mia culpa billvon.
post deleted.
@leopold --

Every single question you've asked in this thread is addressed by at least one of the videos I posted. You want evidence, there's your evidence.

And as a bonus, if you somehow manage to come up with a question that isn't addressed by one of them, I've got about eighty more diverse videos I can link you to.
@Aqueous Id --

And the thing is that it would only take about five minutes to find them online. Those youtubers are very well known(they even show up on a google search). Leopold and the others are either deliberately remaining ignorant to protect their beliefs, lack a functioning brain, or don't have the internet. Given the fact that they post here and can type....alright....means that they have functioning brains and the internet, so that leaves only one option.
I see that none of the deniers here will even watch the videos I posted, proving that they don't want evidence.
Take some time out from answersingenesis and go over to There's plenty of lab results there for you to peruse, nicely collected in one place for your reading enjoyment.
i've been to talkorigins looking for the demonstrated lab results that say small changes accumulate and i can't seem to find any.
lots of words and descriptions but no tests which prove what has been said.
can you point me to what i seek?
i've been to talkorigins looking for the demonstrated lab results that say small changes accumulate and i can't seem to find any.
lots of words and descriptions but no tests which prove what has been said.
can you point me to what i seek?
did you see this post:

A very different gene pool was created in the originally small fish which matured sexually very early as needed to get a few eggs laid before being eaten by the bigger fish they lived with below a water fall. But in 20 to 30 generations living above the water fall (The experimenters moved a couple of hundred of them.) became much bigger fish with delayed sexual maturity and laid thousand of eggs in their new 4 or 5 year life spans. Those little fish who kept the old genes became extinct above the water fall as their few eggs could not compete against thousands.

Their extinction took less than 10 years as only small changes took place with each new generation.
did you read mine?
Yes. you said you were seeking reports of small changes accumulating to bigger differences. That is what I told about - sorry I don't have link. I may have read it in Portuguese as work was by Ph.D. candidates (and their prof) at some Brazilian university at least 10 years ago.

There have been many such studies.

If that is not what you were asking for, please be more clear in your request.
i recently found the evolution/ creationism debate has political connections going beyond "religious freedom".
this implies lobbyists and therefor big bucks.

i truly feel sorry for todays biologists.
some of them anyway.
@leopold --

So, you refuse to see evidence even when you're linked right to it, huh.

Glad to know that you're just as dishonest as you seem to be.
i recenbilly,
I recently found the evolution/ creationism debate has political connections going beyond "religious freedom"..
You couln't find your own arse in a well lit room, with a full set of illustrated instructions.
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