VIDEO: Man "Summons" UFO!

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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Nope, its not bullshit (Q), like I said, I'll give it around a year and you'll start observing these secret technologies as well.

So, will you be staking your reputation on that? What happens if you're wrong?
If you really think you can build one then get to it, don't listen to the pretend spook. Build a Model one (in scale), admittedly it would mean miniturization if you are talking about something larger, but you can at least then produce either a working model or just a none working toy you can sell on ebay at a later date.

Just don't try to do anything stupid with it and you won't upset anyone. (i.e. fly it over Washington to make your own version of the film "Independence Day" come true.)
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
since all matter is made of, or at least charged with, electric charges and fields, momentum is thus naturally electromagnetic.

What about Neutrons? Definitely matter, but carry no charge. I think your physics is lacking, and you shouldn't make blanket statements using 'all'.

Another "warning" for sci-forums, within one year the U.S. economy is going to be more powerful than its ever been before, or its going to be more weak than it ever has been before, just watch, this is a prediction.

What a crap prediction. This is like saying that coin will land on one face or another! While it is possible for it to land on it's edge (analogy of the stock market value being identical) it's not very likely!

I don't really think I would tell you guys the name of the "spook" that was sent to tell me certain, "messages" that all of which yielded "bad-news."

If I knew you, I'd yank your chain too.
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Its all good if you don't believe, because you haven't eaten any of the pudding. (seen any of the proof)

Stryder, no doubt, if I ever do accomplish the construction of such things, very few people will be seeing it... but I suspect that will be down the road quite some distance, seeing as I don't yet have proper funding.
Proper funding? Read the the books that tell how to build a saucer Tesla coils are easy and cheap to make. There is one snag though... they're not used in flying saucers.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
... but I suspect that will be down the road quite some distance, seeing as I don't yet have proper funding.

You lack funding for a few bails of wire? Horse shit. I think you are just making excuses. You know it won't work, so you put fake obstacles in your path so you will never have to face up to the reality that your theories are false.
NOW NOW, you said you where full of shit in your own words.

C.H, yep back where are the rest of the DOGMA CREW, and ma wee dug where he been.

"You lack funding for a few bails of wire? Horse shit. I think you are just making excuses. You know it won't work, so you put fake obstacles in your path so you will never have to face up to the reality that your theories are false."

The flying saucer synthesizes momentum by using the electrical attractive force which is 10 multiplied by 40 to the tenth power times stronger than gravity. The high voltage electricity glows at night on Teslas Top-Secret flying machines, making them often look like meteors, or the purple/green/white/orange glows they can let off in the night may be mistaken for "high voltage atmospheric phenomenon", because high voltage electricity can excite atmospheric gases to make them glow just like those lightning balls you can buy at the mall. (which balls have Tesla Coils inside them, but the Tesla Coils in the flying saucer are tuned differently)

I even have photos of lightning bolts taking place in a completely cloudless night sky...

I know you phlogistician are thinking "blah blah blah blah, why doesn't this guy get a life?" Before calling me crazy, I would suggest you read these quotes by my favorite genius: Dr Nikola Tesla

“The flying machine of the future—my flying machine—will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have no wings. It will be substantial, solid, stable..." -Nikola Tesla

“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action.”

“You will get stability through gyroscopes?” the reporter asked

“Through gyroscopic action of my engine, assisted by some devices I am not yet prepared to talk about,” he replied.

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Blah Blah Blah, Nikola Tesla never demonstrated such a machine though did he?

manmadeflyingsaucer said:
10 multiplied by 40 to the tenth power times stronger than gravity

Can you express that algebraically please! ;-)

Any is so much electrical power needed to overcome such a weak force as gravity? (if I read your orders of magnitude correctly). A very small amount of fuel will get you flying if you use a wing, but it seem that fuel wouldn't last a microsecond in a tesla device, if it were used to power a generator. Pretty wasteful form of transport then, eh?
lsufos said:
NOW NOW, you said you where full of shit in your own words.

No I didn't John.

How is life in that arse end of nowhere you live?

Why don't you go and see Janette at the library, and get some science books out for a change?
I could just delete all the comments expressed by all parties here, however I'm a moderator not a censor, so I'm just going to lock this thread from being posted to anymore.
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