VIDEO: Man "Summons" UFO!

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And all Im saying is that if human senses are not reliable, you can't even rely on them to read and report data from scientiffic studies, since it takes human senses to look at a piece of paper to percieve what has been written, to comprehend what, and to relay what has been written, or seen, or whatever.

If what you say is true, then no scientiffic study to date is reliable or truthful, because it takes human senses, which you say you know are unreliable. A sort of double think.

I disagree, I think human senses are very reliable tools, otherwise we wouldn't be anywhere technologically, historically, "societolly."
Oh good grief. A scientific report is written down. It can be checked at any time by anyone -and it will always read the same, no matter who reads it or when. I'm saying that the sense should not (and cannot) be relied upon for transient phenomena. An individual may be mistaken, several individuals, or even a huge crowd, may be mistaken. But science relies on repeatability and checkability of results.
The senses are not reliable as final arbiters of what "is".
I disagree, I think human senses are very reliable tools,
Okay, simple demonstration on the reliability of human senses:
take a a large glass, fill it with water and drop a drinking straw into it.
Your "reliable senses" will then "prove" that the straw has somehow got a zero-length kink in it so that the portion above water is no longer in line with the portion below the surface.
Since you consider your senses to be reliable scientific instruments could give an explanation on:
1) how the act of placing a straw in water causes the dislocation
2) where the energy to dislocate comes from
3) why the straw is not burnt by this energy release
4) how the portion below water does not fall so it is in contact with the glass (since it is no longer connected to the portion above water)
5) why the portion above water does not fall into the glass (since is no longer supported by the length below water)
6) how the straw is "put back together again" seamlessly when removed
etc. etc.
I see your approach, but it doesn't really apply, since you know damn well that the straw isn't being bent.

But science relies on repeatability and checkability of results.

Now with the "phenomena" I'm talking about, I've seen enough of it that it has been very repetitive. The sightings I have seen, as well as the sightings hundreds of others have seen, have lots of common properties. For example: The glowing effect electromotive saucers put off. They often glow, many different colors and it all depends on how much and of what voltage the charge is. You know that high voltage electricity ionizes air right, and that different gases let off different colors, all depending on how much voltage is in the air, and what gases are being IONIZED.

But I can't convince you against your will, maybe one day you'll see one of said craft in the air, and you'll see it is obviously a craft rather than just a glowing ball or spheroid.
You KNOW the straw isn't bent. But your senses tell you it is. That's how reliable the senses are. That's the point. They aren't.
And as I keep saying, I've seen "something" as well - which didn't have an explanation forthcoming at any time thus far. But I'm not ascribing properties to them that I cannot prove, and which have no evidence. Something happened. I hope I find out sometime, but the current "literature" on UFOs does not give a workable explanation of drive systems or anything else. so my sighting stays in the "interesting but unsolved" box.
Your sci-name just needs an "archy" attached to the end.

Hey Oli, you should go about telling people that you've seen a manmade flyingsaucer, tell them that there are no aliens on earth, maybe you'll have the "spooks" come and bother you like they did me.

You shouldn't discount the thousands of sightings in which an actual geometric shape was sighted and not just a light. Im talking metallic objects here, and since when does metal fly around on its own? Some 30 years ago my dad saw a HUGE piece of metal floating above the road in broad daylight, it shot away at a very high speed, but the point is, it was very very obviously made of metal. (it was about 150 feet away from him, and more than 70 feet wide and made of metal)
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What Rational Odiotarchy? Like it. :D
For example: The glowing effect electromotive saucers put off.
But the point here is
1) you're assuming a priori that what you saw is a saucer because it glows
2) that it glows because it's a saucer
Circular argument. I've been through the literature (thousands, literally, of books. Seven libraries' worth on the subject) And they all fall down on the "technical" aspects. The so-called drive mechanisms posited is JUNK. Unworkable junk, written by people with little to no knowledge of how things work.
I wouldn't tell people I've seen a man made saucer because I don't know what I saw. And FYI I've had run-ins with intelligence agencies before. I found them funny.
You should read my previous post.

And you're telling me that a person needs some form of credentials to be an expert? That knowledge cannot be aquired and "shown off" without having a PhD?
How comes when people mention how the "spooks" bothered them, they never have a camera on hand to record them, even taken a photo of them leaving? I mean now adays nearly everyone has a mobile phone with a camera on it, and even those phones potentially have inbuilt dictaphones so you could record any conversation discretely.

Yet never are there any instances recorded, therefore no proof of "Spooks" insurgence. In fact there are more "Artifacts" caught on camera alleged to be aliens or hidden technology than spooks being caught, why is that?
That knowledge cannot be aquired and "shown off" without having a PhD?
Who mentioned qualifications or PhDs? I am talking about the unreliability of eyewitnesses with regard to transient phenomena.
and since when does metal fly around on its own?[/quite]
Metal? Real metal? Or a metallic finish, like mylar....? Or something that just reflected the light?
Re: spooks. How come someone who has been warned by spooks manages to keep talking? You've already claimed that they're following you closely. And they haven't shut you up or disappeared you... hmmm. Verification indeed.
Oli said:
Exactly like someone saying well I can work out how fast a brick is going and how much energy it has when it imopacts the ground after being dropped from 100 metres. All I have to do is reverse the formula and I can use that as a braking system to take energy out of fast-moving objects...
Having a "reversible" equation does NOT mean that it can be applied in the real world - it may not even mean that there is a mechanism for doing so, let alone that a device to use such a mechanism can be manufactured.

It does mean that such a mechanism need not violate physical laws as far as we know.
Hey stryder, I would have taken a picture of the guy, had he not been an "employee" at my previos job. I'm sure he would have gotten very angry if I tried any photo taking.

If the spooks "took me out", everyone I've told the manmade flying saucer theory to would instantly know I was right, thus they would merely confirm what I've been speaking about.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
If the spooks "took me out", everyone I've told the manmade flying saucer theory to would instantly know I was right, thus they would merely confirm what I've been speaking about.
It would lend slightly more credence to your theory. Can you name any other people who have been bumped off by "the spooks"?
I'm sure the "Spooks" have better things to do than make threats. Their job titles for instance doesn't say "Bully Woo-Woo's so their petty theories seem more accurate."

If the spooks were really interested in a person, its either because that person is quite capable of doing something in the scientific world that certain architypes of people could misuse or steal, or because they are two sandwiches short a picnic namely continually phone MOD/DOD phone numbers with bogus claims, harass credible figures (i.e. Professors, Doctors, Civil Servants) with their pet theories in the hope that they draw their credible support to their delusion.

The latter would probably eventually conclude harassment charges or a short stay in a psychiatric ward.

so quiet simply I don't think they would "Bump you off", in this day and age, it's seen as very unprofessional since it's far easier getting you a stay in a local nut farm and nobody comes asking questions about missing people.
Curious stryder, very curious.... "nut farm" you say. What if I told you I could actually build one of these "momentum synthesizing crafts?" Of course, if I ever did actually get the funds to build one, I would never tell the likes of you, so in your mind, it will all be an illusion anyway, and I'll never have prooved anything to you or anyone else on sciforums, concerning these top-secret flying machines invented by Nikola Tesla which synthesize momentum electromagnetically, and since all matter is made of, or at least charged with, electric charges and fields, momentum is thus naturally electromagnetic.

Yeah, I suspect if they really wanted me gone I would be already, but since I'm all talk and no real chalk, they can't do a damn thing, but I will keep on talking, and its gonna piss them off.

Another "warning" for sci-forums, within one year the U.S. economy is going to be more powerful than its ever been before, or its going to be more weak than it ever has been before, just watch, this is a prediction, maybe some of you will be prepared for the coming events, perhaps some of you won't be.

I don't really think I would tell you guys the name of the "spook" that was sent to tell me certain, "messages" that all of which yielded "bad-news." Its about slavery of the world, and slavery through forcing you to buy the electricity, to purchase the overpriced oil, to pay for the overpriced natural gas, to pay your income taxes, which are techniqcally unconstitutional and only a direct enslavement of the American people. Big business is so discusting these days, so go fuck your corperate masters in the ass if you love your master so much.

Look at Enron, and all these other bastards that fuck over the little guy, one cent at a time, from everywhich direction, until there are so many people that don't even have enough money for health insurance, for car insurance, they are forced to get into debt just to live a normal life. There is so much bullshit in this world. Oh where would we be without the national debt?

$8,419,179,363, 047.33 Thats Eight TRILLION, fourhundred ninteen BILLION, one-hundred seventy nine MILLION, threehundred sixty three THOUSAND, and fourty seven dollars. Those bankers got it made, hey, I wonder when they'll call in the loan on America? The FIAT dollar can't last forever, so buy gold and silver while its still worth something.


Hey did you guys know that nearly half of all the federal budget is military spending? Did you know that the U.S. spends more on military than any other country in the world..... COMBINED? HOLY SHIT. Anyway, hopefully you guys find these "ramblings" interesting.
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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Curious stryder, very curious.... "nut farm" you say. What if I told you I could actually build one of these "momentum synthesizing crafts?" Of course, if I ever did actually get the funds to build one, I would never tell the likes of you, so in your mind, it will all be an illusion anyway, and I'll never have prooved anything to you or anyone else on sciforums, concerning these top-secret flying machines invented by Nikola Tesla which synthesize momentum electromagnetically, and since all matter is made of, or at least charged with, electric charges and fields, momentum is thus naturally electromagnetic.
What a convenient excuse for not showing us. If you manage to build such a craft, then surely it would be a simple matter to fly direct to one of us (or perhaps even several of us) and show it to us firsthand?
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Yeah, I suspect if they really wanted me gone I would be already, but since I'm all talk and no real chalk, they can't do a damn thing, but I will keep on talking, and its gonna piss them off.

It's nice to see you're taking a positive, worthwhile, productive direction with your life.

Another "warning" for sci-forums, within one year the U.S. economy is going to be more powerful than its ever been before, or its going to be more weak than it ever has been before, just watch, this is a prediction, maybe some of you will be prepared for the coming events, perhaps some of you won't be.

So, your prediction is maybe it will or maybe it won't. I could never predict that accurately, kudos!

There is so much bullshit in this world.

Didn't you just claim that your lifes direction is in pursuit of talking bullshit?
Well, look at it this way Hamster, if this technology is indeed real, then "they" could keep an eye on anyone, anytime they felt like by making small electromotive flying probes. (I've seen such a craft with my own eyes) Secret technology now days performs more like "magic" than ever before. I'm talking secret nanotechnologies, secret "energy" technologies, all sorts of shit, but I know the most about the secret flying machines of thiers which are indeed sci-fi-like in appearance and performance, but don't take my word for it....

Nope, its not bullshit (Q), like I said, I'll give it around a year and you'll start observing these secret technologies as well.
I don't really think I would tell you guys the name of the "spook" that was sent to tell me certain, "messages" that all of which yielded "bad-news." Its about slavery of the world, and slavery through forcing you to buy the electricity, to purchase the overpriced oil, to pay for the overpriced natural gas, to pay your income taxes, which are techniqcally unconstitutional and only a direct enslavement of the American people
So a spook came to see you and told you about various nefarious dealings by the people "in charge of the system" (and presumably the same people who run the saucers)? Is this the same spook that told you to shut up about it, because there seems to some sort of dichotomy here.
"What you saw didn't happen, keep quiet or you'll disappear, By the way here's some corroborating info". How curious...
No, he didn't tell me about any dealings, he told me in a manner of speaking of how "horrible" it could be if I attempted to construct such a craft and show it to the public.

He also stated things which only I and a few other people knew about, but I really wonder how he got that information... Anyway, I'm done chatting about this stuff, its now laid out in all my posts.
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