VIDEO: Man "Summons" UFO!

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I KNEW IT! bugger :p, i couldn't be bothered going over to my bookshelf... 5metres away... and looking the name up. I sat there for about 5 minutes debating whether i spelt his name right or wrong... i suppose that would have been 5 minutes better spent walking to the bookshelf but oh well, sucks to be me :p

What i'm trying to get at is I could write a book about Aliens and their technology, but i wouldn't have anything to base it on, I've never seen an alien, never learnt their technology, so my book would be complete fiction. Its something i couldn't pass as credible piece of information or a reference in a debate.
i couldn't be bothered going over to my bookshelf... 5metres away... and looking the name up. I sat there for about 5 minutes debating whether i spelt his name right or wrong... i suppose that would have been 5 minutes better spent walking to the bookshelf but oh well, sucks to be me
I see two problems here: 5 minutes to cover 5 metres?? WTF. Exercise, get faster. :D
And, 5 metres to the bookshelf? Aaargh. Get more books and more shelves. The nearest book should be within arm's length at all times. Preferably a minimum of three books at that distance.
(Shit, I don't think I have a 5 metre straight length anywhere in my council flat :rolleyes: ).
lol, usually when i post on here its close to midnight and i'm very tired, thats why i can't be bothered :p I live in a big house, well sort of big... shared accomodation ofcourse... So i got stuck with the three book shelves on the other side of the room... sucks to be me

Also i'm pretty damn fit thankyou, gotta be to fly all those planes the damn air force wants me to :p

Which makes me think... manmadeflyingsaucer... I'm part of the conspiracy you know, i'm just trying to feed doubt to the masses so they can continue to debate the existance of said machines, while we secretly design our own stuff based on alien technology :p
When you get a posting to a top-secret UFO base fly it round to my place and I'll explain how it's all a figment of your imagination... :eek:
Like I said, one day you guys may see one such momentum synthesizing ships, and you'll be like "Oh wow, that guy wasn't out of his mind after all." Then I'll laugh, and you guys will feel kinda stupid, but until then, time will tell.
We may (or may) see what are undeniably powered "saucers" flying and manoeuvering in ways currently unavailabale to aircraft. But we still won't know (or speculate) on how they're powered...
Momentum isn't "synthesised": it's a product of mass and velocity. If a mass is moving it has momentum. That's real, not synthetic.
Yes you're right Oli, momentum is a product of mass and volecity. Can you not see the possibility though?

Matter is composed of electric charges, thus momentum and inertia are electromagnetic in nature. And it was proven that a moving mass is also a moving point charge, which is thus an electric current. The saucer synthesizes this, kinda like doing math in reverse to get the same answer. Its real momentum, made "synthetically" because, instead of working directely for the momentum, it tricks the "space-time continium" into it by doing a "reverse process."

Ive seen these in the sky, and I've even been bothered by the "spooks" because I have a "loud mouth."

In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king. (or perhaps a burning "prophet")
Its real momentum, made "synthetically" because, instead of working directely for the momentum, it tricks the "space-time continium" into it by doing a "reverse process."
Which is another (much longer but equally useless) way of saying "synthesised momentum". There is NO EVIDENCE that this is the propulsion method.
This thing, this momentum-synthesizing, seems to be something that would be obvious to a mathematician once someone works out the right formulae, and it's sitting just out of reach.
Something about synthesizing real forces just doesn't seem logical or possible to me. But my point is that its all just speculation... Have you actually been onboard one of these ships and looked at the science and technology behind it? No

Have you spoken to an alien and asked them how they manage to break our laws of physics? no

If your answer to any of those two questions are yes... then please give us the information, i know some scientists that would love to get their hands on that.

But i know you can't give me the info because it doesn't exist.
This thing, this momentum-synthesizing, seems to be something that would be obvious to a mathematician once someone works out the right formulae, and it's sitting just out of reach.
Exactly like someone saying well I can work out how fast a brick is going and how much energy it has when it imopacts the ground after being dropped from 100 metres. All I have to do is reverse the formula and I can use that as a braking system to take energy out of fast-moving objects...
Having a "reversible" equation does NOT mean that it can be applied in the real world - it may not even mean that there is a mechanism for doing so, let alone that a device to use such a mechanism can be manufactured.
Again, all I have to say on the proof of the pudding, is that it is in the eating. I have seen flying machines "defy physics" and thus I know there is a way to do it, I am only speculating how that is. Can you explain to me how a flying machine bigger than a school could accelerate from zero to a very insane speed with no sound, and hardly any time to get up to speed? I know a police man who did see such an occurance. One evening I saw an object fly accross the nearby mountain range and as it did, it maneuvered in ways deamed "impossible" by science of our day.

Here is the best one of all: I know a retired military man who said that several days in a row while standing guard at a base, he and many other infantry men saw flying objects doing insane manuevers for hours at a time, after a while of this they became concerned and so they contacted washington D.C., you know what D.C. said? They said that they already knew what was going on.... is that to say D.C. was controlling these craft? Who knows. But its a good indication.
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I know a police man who did see such an occurance
I know people that have seen things (I've seen them myself) and the VAST MAJORITY of the time what was "seen" was not what was actually there. Some things are "just inexplicable".
If you've seen them yourself then you can only base what happened upon your sensory perception. How can you assert that something other than what you saw has happened? Are you denying the accuracy of human perception? The human senses are some of the BEST scientiffic tools, a blind man can't do scientiffic studies that require sight, so obviously sight is a viable tool of sensing reality. I know the direction you are taking this, and its foolishness.

Just because you can't explain something you saw, doesn't mean it is "inexplicable."
Are you denying the accuracy of human perception?
Absolutely. We've been down this road before, and probably on this thread.
When I saw my last UFO I denied my own senses and spent half an hour trying to get closer - and gave up because it was the same size after 20 minute's walking as it had been when I started: showing that it wasn't as near as I has seen it was (you know, with by senses being scientific instruments and all).
So you're telling me a blind man can do scientiffic study that requires eyesight, but has none? You should be a mormon.

Just because it didn't get any bigger, doesn't mean you were getting any closer to it. It didn't get bigger, maybe that means it was really large, and quite far away. What if it was moving away from you at the same rate you were walking towards it?
No I'm saying I deny the accuracy of human perception (exactly what I said in the post above).

It turned out, surprise, not to be a UFO. And it turned out to be much larger and much further away than the "scientific tools that are my senses" told me it was.
I didn't walk, BTW, I ran 'cos I wanted to know what it was... :D
Read the post. I'm saying that human senses are not reliable. That's why the words "scientific tools that are my senses" are in quotes - Manmadeetc made the claim that senses are scientific instruments not me.
It took another day before I found out what it really was, and I didn't make assumptions....
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