VIDEO: Man "Summons" UFO!

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Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Ok, here it is, it was on the news, and if you watch the UFO closely, you will see it defy physics as we know it. The man says its alien, he is lieing to cover up technology..... I'm going to go with the later, its a manmade top-secret flying machine! Check this out my fellow believers!


The way this man summons them is: (A) He is wired and he doesn't know it.

or (B) He is wired, he knows it, he is making it look like flying saucers are alien, when in reality, they are not

The man is indeed a false "prophet."
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If this is the "Prophet Yahweh" character, then he's been debunked several times:

They looked like/behaved like weather balloons when he made the video with the local news affilate in Phoenix (or was it Los Angeles?) and photos of him assisting with the local Girl Scouts in setting up balloons were found.

The guy is a kook and gives real UFO research and ufology a bad name.
Round and round and round it goes.
No one can prove anything of this nature over the internet.
True or false.
Trying to "prove" anything of this nature in this fashion is unfortunately foolhearty.
Sharing and expressing common experiences is about as far as it goes on either side.
This topic screams of people just wanting to be right, no matter how subtle or what position they may take.

Peace and Riches
draqon said:
All UFOlogist fake and not fake are loosers.
That is a very generalised, foolish statement. I think we can all agree that these things are either weather balloons, atmospheric events or military hardware of the 2020s, and that they are not aliens, but don't call the UFOlogists "losers" because that really doesn't help the argument.
Communist Hamster said:
That is a very generalised, foolish statement. I think we can all agree that these things are either weather balloons, atmospheric events or military hardware of the 2020s, and that they are not aliens, but don't call the UFOlogists "losers" because that really doesn't help the argument.

But we all agree that 'lsufos' is a loser, right?
All UFOlogist fake and not fake are loosers.

Ahhh, so you admit there are flying saucers dragon? "not fake"

I wait for the day when you see with your own eyes that a secret-corporate "elite" owns technology which makes our jets look like a horse and buggy.

I have seen, and I know. I would ask you to believe what I say, but naturally, since you haven't seen, you don't believe. Yahweh says "it" is going to an Airforce Base, which would indicate they are manmade.

Once while on a walk, I (and three others) saw a small remotely controlled sphere which came just out of my arms reach and then shot away, as it controlled momentum in a most synthesized way. ( I could even see high voltage electrical activity on its surface... emitted by internal Tesla Coils)
manmadeflyingsaucer said:

Ahhh, so you admit there are flying saucers dragon? "not fake"

I wait for the day when you see with your own eyes that a secret-corporate "elite" owns technology which makes our jets look like a horse and buggy.

I have seen, and I know. I would ask you to believe what I say, but naturally, since you haven't seen, you don't believe. Yahweh says "it" is going to an Airforce Base, which would indicate they are manmade.

Once while on a walk, I (and three others) saw a small remotely controlled sphere which came just out of my arms reach and then shot away, as it controlled momentum in a most synthesized way. ( I could even see high voltage electrical activity on its surface... emitted by internal Tesla Coils)

Yes I do admit there are flying saucers. I have seen them myself. What I hate is people who try to associate these flying saucers to aliens. They, saucers, are man-made.

Example is Ekip:

That isn't the topsecret flying saucer that can "defy physics" as we know it. Thats no more than an airplane shapped like a saucer
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
That isn't the topsecret flying saucer that can "defy physics" as we know it. Thats no more than an airplane shapped like a saucer

dude with the low speed that thing is flying, alot of weight, and having very small wings, this thing sure is a UFO that humans wish to see aliens in...this thing is using a vacuum suction principle to control air flow around itself, something noone has been able to do.
dude with the low speed that thing is flying, alot of weight, and having very small wings, this thing sure is a UFO that humans wish to see aliens in...this thing is using a vacuum suction principle to control air flow around itself, something noone has been able to do.

Its still just a horse and buggy compared to what I have seen in the skies.

Have you ever witnessed a flying machine which can travel beyond 9000 miles per hour and do a RIGHT ANGLE turn without destroying the vehicle or obliterating the pilot inside? I assume not.

I know a retired police officer who saw one such craft floating above a school around here, he said it was larger than the school it was floating above, then, on a whim, it instantly accelerated to an unheardof speed in a silent and most weird way. Its because THIS type of flying saucer synthesizes momentum. It is also the vehicle for a secret society which thinks they are the elite kings of the world, when in reality they are no more than bloodless rats.
Hey dragon, I'm saying this to your face ....punk.
I hope that eats you from the inside out.
And by the way, I'm better than you.....loser.:)

Just in case I may have to retort to another post of yours, I will save my self the wasted time and post my response in advance...."Eat shit, and I'm still better than you":)
moementum7 said:
Hey dragon, I'm saying this to your face ....punk.
I hope that eats you from the inside out.
And by the way, I'm better than you.....loser.:)

Just in case I may have to retort to another post of yours, I will save my self the wasted time and post my response in advance...."Eat shit, and I'm still better than you":)

:D That's better. Now you have proved yourself to be a true man, even though a rude one. Why are you so angered by me? Are you a UFOlogist yourself? Sorry if I offended you.
Communist Hamster said:
I agree, for that is a specific statement.

Is that Ekip thing going into service any time soon?

well no... noone is found to fund it. Major problem all inventors face in funding. There are so many great ideas that die. :( know what Im going to do? I will print specifics on Ekip and silently put the paper on Ekip into Aerospace department mailbox...maybe they will read it...
There *is*, after all, a phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. This phenomenon can be studied, even if none of the "ufos" end up being driven by beings from other worlds.

And there are some very good studies of the ufo phenomenon: Carl Sagan and Philip Klass wrote some very provocative literature on the subject from the scientific (albeit largely debunking) perspective. From an alternative perspective, there is good research from J. Allen Hynek. Unfortunately for us all, these good men have since passed and left us to carry on.

The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) carried out serious research in the phenomenon until 1988. It folded in the aftermath of the Travis Walton debacle Walton alleged he was abducted by aliens and taken on a ship. He failed a polygraph and APRO suppressed the results. They came under fire from critics like Klass.

Then there is the Fund for UFO Research, comprised of several Ph.D. scientists who emphasize scientific methodologies for exploring the UFO question.

Then there's Project Hessdalen in Norway, where a group of scientists investigated the long-reported "lights" called the Hessdalen Lights (very similar to the Marfa Lights).

So yes, there does exist real research in the field of ufology. It is definately clouded by the silliness and nonsense of many like Prophet Yahweh.

I think the time has come to distinguish two different phenomena into different categories: THE UFO & THE AFO .... Unidentified flying object (UFO) is anything except the extraterrestrials and such...human made flying objects or bunch of bugs that look like flying object...whereas the AFO is what is presumed to be alien flying object. The only question comes to mind is how will we distinguish whats an AFO and a UFO?...
draqon said:
I think the time has come to distinguish two different phenomena into different categories: THE UFO & THE AFO .... Unidentified flying object (UFO) is anything except the extraterrestrials and such...human made flying objects or bunch of bugs that look like flying object...whereas the AFO is what is presumed to be alien flying object. The only question comes to mind is how will we distinguish whats an AFO and a UFO?...
UFOs don't come equipped with anal probes, cattle mutilators and abduct-o-rays. And AFOs probably don't exist anywhere remotely near earth.
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