My discoveries
These findings are based on logic:
1. I discovered the theory of relativity is wrong.
2. I discovered that the distance behaves as a color in a magnifying glass.
3. I discovered that it can divert the air and his strength.
4. I discovered that cell division is responsible of the male and the female.
5. I discovered that a greater than 4 x 4 x 4 meters cubic box allows to invent a closed system.
6. I discovered that liquid nitrogen is cold because it is touching something very cold.
7. I discovered that it can be fastened with the fingers to the field of fire of a candle.
8. I discovered that gravity is ether with energy and therefore creates weight.
9. I discovered that there are mini black holes.
10. I found a formula to calculate the 4 fundamental forces of nature.
11. I discovered that the eye is not an antenna. Using film of 35 mm of the 20th century.
12. I discovered that the positive and negative is the warm temperature.
13. I discovered that light is a shine and a how much of energy separate.
14. I discovered how to open a dimensional gate using energy from the light to the eyes.
15. I discovered that the temperature of the Sun does not reach our planet, because field on the planet not diverts the temperatures, so what, the field on the planet deflects light temperature.
16. I discovered that to a pendulum you put two (2) wires and also rotates. It is this strange phenomenon.
17. I discovered that the brain uses all the senses to create time.
18. I discovered that water is not improving your attitude, so what, are the hands that touch something invisible stuck to our body, just like the field invisible fire of a candle, which not see but you can touch, tighten and move with your hands. Said previously.
19. I discovered that the electron moves by a quantum explosion.
20. I discovered that fire is a microscopic short circuit.
21. I discovered mini animals that live in the distance.
22. I discovered that the movement of a magnet you can see with your eyes closed.
23. I discovered that when you blows a plastic bag, you momentum back.
24. I discovered rockets and jet aircraft they do is blows.
25. I discovered that the force emerges from the fire.
26. I discovered that a shock wave is growing because it has mini black holes.
27. I discovered that the field of an atom is growing because it is a mini black hole.
28. I discovered that human beings accept to die at the age of 80 and it should not be so.
29. I invented the Flotapatin using a floor of magnet.
30. I invented a new matter for schools called "THE TIME" to study why we age and find the way to die after 300 years of age.
I applaud myself.
Very affectionately,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
On February 10, 2014