
My ex had similar complaints. Have you been checked for endometriosis?

Norplant or taking normal birth control, but skipping the last week will, both cut your periods down to barely there, maybe one or two very light a year. They even have finally got them approved in the US http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/features/new-no-period-no-pms-birth-control-pills

fyi, asprin and their kin, increase bleeding which makes it worse. Ask about asprin/ tylenol/ ibuprofin/ naprosin free pain relievers.
I don't think Enmos cares what shape the human race is in before or after a population drop, massive or otherwise. But he's a strong believer that the planet would be in better shape without humans.
My point is unless you are playing Nostradamus you have little way of knowing whether humans will be better off or not after a huge plummet in the global population.

I don't think Enmos cares what shape the human race is in before or after a population drop, massive or otherwise. But he's a strong believer that the planet would be in better shape without humans.
Bingo. Although I wouldn't say planet, rather the rest of life on this planet.
My ex had similar complaints. Have you been checked for endometriosis?

Norplant or taking normal birth control, but skipping the last week will, both cut your periods down to barely there, maybe one or two very light a year. They even have finally got them approved in the US http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/features/new-no-period-no-pms-birth-control-pills

fyi, asprin and their kin, increase bleeding which makes it worse. Ask about asprin/ tylenol/ ibuprofin/ naprosin free pain relievers.

Nope, and I really don't feel like going to the doctor to get a check for endometriosis.

I'm just going to stay uber lean so I won't menstruate. It isn't that hard, my body fat percentage when I'm eating shit and not exercising is around 17%.
...Each time another one of us decides to not add another one of us to the burgeoning billions already squatting on this ravaged planet, another ray of hope shines through the gloom.....

So are they adopting then? Are they teaching those children to protect the planet?
Influencing the next generation of 'squatters' would have huge benefits.
So are they adopting then? Are they teaching those children to protect the planet?

I think that's the point of VHEMT - to inform and teach anyone who will listen, including adopted and orphaned children.

Influencing the next generation of 'squatters' would have huge benefits.

I'm not sure if the founder of VHEMT has adopted any children or not - but I agree that there would be huge benefits to doing this. I think a standard VHEMT volunteer would encourage adoption over further breeding - but if you don't want kids, you don't want kids.
I'm just going to stay uber lean so I won't menstruate. It isn't that hard, my body fat percentage when I'm eating shit and not exercising is around 17%.

It not particularly good for you to be skinny enough your menstration shuts down. It also hobbles your imune system and is not that far from doing damage to other systems in your body.

No menstration birth control would be safer and easier to maintain.
I've managed that, yay!

Immune system is fine, and my other systems don't seem to be malfunctioning.

Actually they only seem to be fine at the moment. Having your body fat so low you stop menstruating is definitely not good for you. I would highly recommend not doing it and stopping before you cause yourself permanent damage.

There are other ways to achieve this state.

Also, it is not a guarantee against pregnancy and the # 1 cause of secondary amenorrhoea is being pregnant, which is doubly bad for you and the baby. Unless you have an eating disorder it is far more likely that is what is happening.

Either way this is not happy news. Please take better care of yourself.