
I'm sending all of them to your house for the summer, Enmos, and now I'm having FIFTY.


I like kids though, so it wouldn't be a punishment (well 50 would :D).
I have two kid half-sisters and one kid half-brother. I like making them more aware of nature and stuff, answering questions they have about animals etc.
It's cool :)
I think 50 would be a punishment for my organs! One or two is fine for me. That's nice you like your brother and sisters.
I think 50 would be a punishment for my organs! One or two is fine for me. That's nice you like your brother and sisters.
I think 50 isn't humanly possible..

I do my best to mold them into becoming future Enmoses :D
Nah lol :p
And Search & Destroy, it's not that simple. There's a myriad of issues surrounding adoption legalities, adoptees, etc.

Oh really? Not that simple? Myriad of issues? No I thought we were living in a little dream-land of a thread for awhile.
Any one who doesn't want children should simply get themselves clipped. Its no big deal and it removes the guess work and "oops"es. Certainly there is a human die back coming. The writing is on the wall.
With millions of starving and dying children - in abject suffering and without love EVERY single day of their lives - how can people conscionably create more children?

Because that is how evolution works and we aren't yet smart enough to avoid a population crash from having out stripped all our predators.

You see we are pretty much weak and defenseless. Your average chimp could rip your favorite hulking steroid popping wrestler to pieces. We've no claws or fangs, we are slow and our senses suck. So before brains and technology kicked in we had very few means of dealing with being low on the food chain was to breed like crazy.

I can't think of another species other than bonobos (our closest relatives) whose females are fertile throughout the year. That's really hard on the body and the group's social cohesion since it keeps the males going at each other all the time.

We also eat almost anything. We've an absurdly huge range of food stuffs.

And we are willing to move around and seek new territories.

And we can form symbiotic bonds with a huge array of other animals.

So... we lack the genetic ability to keep from over populating and dying back without our predators. So there is going to be a lot of people dying and a lot of people having kids until we either can handle it with our brains, our genes or we die out.

Since we are the predominant large animal in all land ecosystems, dying out is not likely, but we can sure do a lot of dying back.

The last time things looked like this was the die off at the beginning of the Triassic.
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Yes swarm! my buddy! We shall conquer the universe and spread the seeds of humanity upon the universe bestowed upon us, the rulers of everything. The Gods.
Oh really? Not that simple? Myriad of issues? No I thought we were living in a little dream-land of a thread for awhile.

Well, jackass ( :) ), you seemed to imply it was just as easy as having a biological child, and from the way you're talking, seem to equate the cost of the two.
Well, jackass ( :) ), you seemed to imply it was just as easy as having a biological child, and from the way you're talking, seem to equate the cost of the two.

It is my mistake if I conveyed myself like a moron.

On a further note, Swarm that was top-notch conveying- one of the sharpest things I have read all week.
It seems pretty obvious that nature would be better off without so many humans around..

True, there will be more room for plants to grow, but then what will become of humans? Are you forgetting about your mom and pops and the rest of us in this equation?
Any one who doesn't want children should simply get themselves clipped. Its no big deal and it removes the guess work and "oops"es. Certainly there is a human die back coming. The writing is on the wall.

I really want to just get a hysterectomy, but something tells me they wouldn't agree to do it on a 19 year old. :(
I really want to just get a hysterectomy, but something tells me they wouldn't agree to do it on a 19 year old. :(

On a 19 year old I would strongly suggest just getting an iud. The new generation IUDs have all the kinks worked out, they work, they are reversable and you don't mess with your hormones. My sister-in-law has one and raves about it.

Next up would be norplant or equiv. It suppresses your period which is nice and it lasts years and is reversable. It does screw with your hormones though which can mess with your sex drive.

If you must do something perminant get your tubes tied instead of a hysterectimy. Your womb does a lot more than bleed and make babies. Yanking it out cause a lot of problems, especially as you get older. Plus there is a big scar.
Swarm, getting an IUD is a bitch if you're under 30. I'm currently going through a big song and dance to get one.
On a 19 year old I would strongly suggest just getting an iud. The new generation IUDs have all the kinks worked out, they work, they are reversable and you don't mess with your hormones. My sister-in-law has one and raves about it.

Next up would be norplant or equiv. It suppresses your period which is nice and it lasts years and is reversable. It does screw with your hormones though which can mess with your sex drive.

If you must do something perminant get your tubes tied instead of a hysterectimy. Your womb does a lot more than bleed and make babies. Yanking it out cause a lot of problems, especially as you get older. Plus there is a big scar.

What else does your uterus do? Is it important?

You don't have to have a scar. They can do a hysterectomy via the vagina and cervix.

I don't care if something is reversible or not. One, I find the idea of carrying a child and giving birth revolting. Two, I won't be having my own children. There is a disorder in my line that I don't intend to risk passing on.
It also produces hormones. You want as much as you can naturally produce. Even if you adopt, you can breastfeed if you still have all your parts, with additional hormone therapy. Your child is worth it.
From here:

"As best I can tell from both experience and the medical scientific literature, hysterectomy alone, without ovarian removal in the premenopausal woman, or with ovarian removal in the menopausal woman will result in:

* a change in sexual response during orgasm, but not an adverse change
* increased tiredness for several months after the hysterectomy
* in general a recovery time of almost 6 months be complete return to preoperative function. "
I think I'm still gonna have the thing removed if I can.

I suffer from extreme pain during menstruation, and even powerful painkillers are starting to not work on me.