Very New and need to know.

Laika said:
Do you perceive me as acting rue to my personal form, or are you assigning me to a general behavioural category? In either case, what is your criteria for judging my form? If the latter, with what kind of people and behaviours are you grouping me?

me)))don't KNOWyou dear. i am going on what you TYPE

I think it is possible to separate pure science from ethical issues. Results are results regardless of who conducts the experiments (as long as the conditions are the same). The ways in which the fruits of science are applied do not undermine the scientific process itself. This is not to say that I believe science is practiced in a cultural and political vacuum - I'm not totally naive. But provided an experiment is fair, the motivations behind it are of no consequence to the results. Nor are the intended applications.

me))))))))well i have news for you. you cant do ANYTHHINGin 'pure' isolation. everything is interelated. So, IF your science--materialistic science--doesn't realize that, then we have what we havehad and got, and will get till we understand that everything effects everything else. obviously.

I don't think it's fair to lay the blame for ill-conceived, negligent or immoral applications of technology at the feet of "materialistic science". I can think of a few non-scientific, non-materialistic regimes guilty of oppression and the enforcement of their 'truth'.
like who?
Laika said:
Duendy, please forgive me dividing my reply into multiple posts, but I have some more to add. You said:

me)))))))cool. theres no law says you cant do it that way--ie., slice posts

I'm still not quite sure what you mean when you say that materialistic science dismisses depth. As to the detriment to the planet and individual freedoms, are you sure it's science that's doing that, rather than people?

me))))))there isn't an entity 'science' and an entity 'people'. the two go togther

It's my understanding that human liberty was as much a privilege as a right for a long time before the scientific method was hit upon. It seems people can oppress and exploit just fine without science.

me)))))))yes i am very aware of tat. for example i point to the patriarchy as being really oppressive. The previous paradigm of ChurchState was ewxtremely oppressive, and there have been patriarchal pagan empires like Rome, etc which were extremely oppressive. I view materialisti science as a coninuamnce of tis patriarchal oppression--which fears Nature, and seeks to CONTROL Nature and people

Can I also clarify that we're on the same wavelength regarding the definition of the term "materialistic science"? I take it to mean the pursuit of understanding by evidence-based investigation. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that for you it has more moral connotations.
by materialistic science i m basically meaning their belief tat onlywith complex matter like human brains is consciousness produced, tus implying that Nature
is 'dead'. Is not sentient
Laika said:
Duendy, please forgive me dividing my reply into multiple posts, but I have some more to add. You said:

me)))))))cool. theres no law says you cant do it that way--ie., slice posts

I'm still not quite sure what you mean when you say that materialistic science dismisses depth. As to the detriment to the planet and individual freedoms, are you sure it's science that's doing that, rather than people?

me))))))there isn't an entity 'science' and an entity 'people'. the two go togther

It's my understanding that human liberty was as much a privilege as a right for a long time before the scientific method was hit upon. It seems people can oppress and exploit just fine without science.

me)))))))yes i am very aware of tat. for example i point to the patriarchy as being really oppressive. The previous paradigm of ChurchState was ewxtremely oppressive, and there have been patriarchal pagan empires like Rome, etc which were extremely oppressive. I view materialisti science as a coninuamnce of tis patriarchal oppression--which fears Nature, and seeks to CONTROL Nature and people

Can I also clarify that we're on the same wavelength regarding the definition of the term "materialistic science"? I take it to mean the pursuit of understanding by evidence-based investigation. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that for you it has more moral connotations.
by materialistic science i m basically meaning their belief that onlywith complex matter like human brains is consciousness 'produced', thus implying that Nature
is 'dead'. Is not sentient
gwan shaman...up on yerhiigh horse there....spill. please show my 'logical fallacies'...dont be shy,, you can show em.......IF they aren't a figment of your logical fallacy that is?
duendy said:
gwan shaman...up on yerhiigh horse there....spill. please show my 'logical fallacies'...dont be shy,, you can show em.......IF they aren't a figment of your logical fallacy that is?
Oh come on duendy I have pointed them out to you before. Do you have a memory problem?

You constantly build straw men. e.g. "what other references besides PSY_COP do you use to debunk AL known pRANORMAL phenomena. simple question"

You have repeated a few times that because sceptics are sceptical towards abduction cases they are insulting the people who had the experience, calling them mentally ill or liars. These people are traumatised and some are even children! - The is a straw man with some sort of appeal to emotion thrown in.

You berate phogistician because he pointed out some problems with a particular case. "What will it take you make you sceptics believe! please tell me!!" (paraphrasing) Then gustav does the same thing and you pat him on the back! - double standard.

I rarely see you discuss evidence. You spend most of the time attacking science and sceptics. - ad hominem. In fact once all your points have been countered you fall back on the same topics every time, mental health and consciousness, regardless of the relevance.

These are just a few either off the top of my head or on the the previous page. I am not above fallacies myself. I didn't really want to make a big deal about it but hey you asked :D

So now that you have made look back a little, perhaps you could answer my queries you seem to have missed.

"Are you saying that Randi has rigged the tests?"

"Explain to me what cryptic exposure has to to with csicop."
no it is not i am not a liar...or mentally ill. i, including oters see tat you are a materilist who is in massive denial.............i simply explore that denial

the security blanket you rely on is....

E V I D E N C E de S O L I D

that gives you a sense of security because you believe that without your criteria for such then your universe is safe safe safe

but....i, trust people to tell me stuff if i have reason to believe them. and i wont have yous telling me what to think feel cause of your precious fundamentalism regarding materialistic science

the reason i bring in about the mental illness myth and cpnsciousness research is cause i am awae tat tis field of inquiry dosn't enter into your specialized worl i make sure it do. cause your ontological premises need shakin up,so that you may be more open to peoples strange experiences. xperiences materialistic-based science cant and WONT go near

but there also DOES exit actual evidence...such asimplants, abuctees scars....but you dont know about them...or dismiss them, as is your you do evidence of UFOs in the forat of phots ad videos and prsonal accounts

all of that denial is dodgy to all not stuck in the materialistic funamental religion. as fundamentalist christians seem dodgy to YOU! same tang

and as for why PSY COP....? are you sirius

its a PUN baby, PSY= all forms of unexplainable phenomena....and COP=PIG/Inquisition
duendy said:
no it is not i am not a liar...or mentally ill. i, including oters see tat you are a materilist who is in massive denial.............i simply explore that denial
No I am not saying you are a liar or mentally ill... oh never mind I'll move on.

duendy said:
the security blanket you rely on is....

E V I D E N C E de S O L I D

that gives you a sense of security because you believe that without your criteria for such then your universe is safe safe safe

but....i, trust people to tell me stuff if i have reason to believe them. and i wont have yous telling me what to think feel cause of your precious fundamentalism regarding materialistic science

the reason i bring in about the mental illness myth and cpnsciousness research is cause i am awae tat tis field of inquiry dosn't enter into your specialized worl i make sure it do. cause your ontological premises need shakin up,so that you may be more open to peoples strange experiences. xperiences materialistic-based science cant and WONT go near

but there also DOES exit actual evidence...such asimplants, abuctees scars....but you dont know about them...or dismiss them, as is your you do evidence of UFOs in the forat of phots ad videos and prsonal accounts
I am still waiting for evidence of an implant duendy...

Scars on the body are not enough proof on their own as there are many ways to get scars.

Duendy it is impossible to know every ufo story on the planet so, like you, I can only form my opinions on the ones I have read about, which is a lot. The evidence simply isn't good enough at the moment.

The video of ufos is underwhelming to say the least. If you know of footage better than shaky lights in the distance then please let me know.

I don't really want to discuss ufos too much in this thread.
duendy said:
all of that denial is dodgy to all not stuck in the materialistic funamental religion. as fundamentalist christians seem dodgy to YOU! same tang

and as for why PSY COP....? are you sirius

its a PUN baby, PSY= all forms of unexplainable phenomena....and COP=PIG/Inquisition
I know that but I understood your contention to be that csicop intended the pun to be made, which I highly doubt.

ahem. "Are you saying that Randi has rigged the tests?"
shaman_ said:
No I am not saying you are a liar or mentally ill... oh never mind I'll move on.

me>>>>>>>>no i know you eren't. i meant that inSTEADof 'usual' acusation of people who witness, s being mentally ill or liars. me=witness is now a 'strawman' we cant win wid u

I am still waiting for evidence of an implant duendy...

me::::haha...i know. i have dont the beginning of thatdocu but haven't got to tat bit yet....have been busy ....heh trying to de-materialize yous lot

Scars on the body are not enough proof on their own as there are many ways to get scars.

me::::eek:h dear freakin great FRIGGA......what do you WANT? whats a girl to dooooooo??? hahaha
look my scientist sir.....i have been abducted.
got evidence?
yes mr ever so great my scientist maaan.look heres scars!
sorry. we demand METALLLLLLL!

Duendy it is impossible to know every ufo story on the planet so, like you, I can only form my opinions on the ones I have read about, which is a lot. The evidence simply isn't good enough at the moment.

me::::eek:h, i know every UFO happnin do i? i sees hey...aren't i smart?

The video of ufos is underwhelming to say the least. If you know of footage better than shaky lights in the distance then please let me know.

me:::::seriously, you haen't been around. i have seen incredible UNshaky footage on te TV. ...of couse you playing video games aren't you. you'd miss it tut tut

I don't really want to discuss ufos too much in this thread.

me:::::::why? (puzzeld expresso)

I know that but I understood your contention to be that csicop intended the pun to be made, which I highly doubt.

me:::::so do i!

ahem. "Are you saying that Randi has rigged the tests?"
shaman_ said:
Missed this post.

No I am saying that believers should not discard the work of csicop because they screwed up a case nearly 30 years ago.

and neither did i. if you go back and read and earlier post of mine, it outlines a course of action......scrutinize csicop pronouncements carefully. i am not interested in csicop''s other endeavours (id, etc). just et

who are these "believers"?
why do you generalize?
are you not having a discussion with a specific person?

excellent responses to the rest of my stuff

if you have any cases that indicate probable et ufos, present them in the "evidence" thread.

i have seen incredible UNshaky footage on te TV

that maybe true, but you gotta throw me a bone here, give me further details. i did not have the privilege as you did of watching it on tv. you have to bring something substantial to the table for your audience to munch on. it is how a disussion can progress. you have to enable others with the means to make their own analysis and conclusions. simply saying "i saw this" and leaving it at that is never good enough.
shaman_ said:
You berate phogistician because he pointed out some problems with a particular case. "What will it take you make you sceptics believe! please tell me!!" (paraphrasing) Then gustav does the same thing and you pat him on the back! - double standard.

gustav does the same thing

what? include link or quote
I can think of a few non-scientific, non-materialistic regimes guilty of oppression and the enforcement of their 'truth'.
like who?
Extremist Islam, Christianity?

there isn't an entity 'science' and an entity 'people'. the two go togther
Well I think that science is science. It's just an intellectual framework that can be utilised equally by altruists and murderers. The negative aspects you talk of are due to human nature, and can be expressed just as easily with or without a "materialistic" scientific background.
Gustav said:

if you have any cases that indicate probable et ufos, present them in the "evidence" thread.

i have seen incredible UNshaky footage on te TV

that maybe true, but you gotta throw me a bone here, give me further details. i did not have the privilege as you did of watching it on tv. you have to bring something substantial to the table for your audience to munch on. it is how a disussion can progress. you have to enable others with the means to make their own analysis and conclusions. simply saying "i saw this" and leaving it at that is never good enough.
HEYYYYY GustaVO....HI....yeah i know. what i could do wid is a proper fukin computer...then i'd show em
dont see how i can suddenly materilize progs i've seen in the past showing unshaky crystal clear UFOs tho. didn't eventape tape tem....course 'they'd say i have 'false memory syndrome'....THEY wouldhmmmmm.....yip. your a true skeptic dude i'll give u that. but hey donnathrowme away causei only go one leg u know. give tis po me a chaaance

what i remember was a programme showing a pattern of kind of a V-shape. utterly still....bright UFOs and they stayed like that for quite a while. crystal clear...........the Mexico City ones were clear and i've seen others, which is why i am confused shaman etc constantly claiming only fuzzy pics...even a visit to UFOevidence we see clear imafes of convincing footage

what i have noticed is te very dismissive way the materilaists srhug OFF evidence, like scars from abductees. it is very slack indeed. dont respect it. soz boys
duendy said:
Scars on the body are not enough proof on their own as there are many ways to get h dear freakin great FRIGGA......what do you WANT? whats a girl to dooooooo??? hahahalook my scientist sir.....i have been evidence?yes mr ever so great my scientist maaan.look heres scars!sorry. we demand METALLLLLLL!
Scars do not mean aliens duendy. The most amazing discovery of in the hitory of mankind requires a little bit more than scars as proof. There are probably millions of people in the world with scrars on their body.

duendy said:
me::: h, i know every UFO happnin do i? i sees hey...aren't i smart?
The word 'so' is important in that sentence. I don't i contructed it well but that shouldn't bother you. :)
"Duendy it is impossible to know every ufo story on the planet so, like you, I can only form my opinions on the ones I have read about, which is a lot"

duendy said:
me:::::seriously, you haen't been around. i have seen incredible UNshaky footage on te TV
Oh fine I haven't been around and don't know anything about ufos. So find some of this incredible footage for me. Just saying it exists is not going to change anyones mind.
duendy said:
me:::::::why? (puzzeld expresso)
Because it was supposed to be about psychics.

duendy said:
me:::::so do i!
That is ridiculous. It is an acronym. They are called csicop. It stands for something. If they wanted to be called psycop they would have called themselves psycop. Investigating psychic powers is only a part of what they do. You are being stupid.

duendy said:
How do you know this? Do you just 'believe' that it must be?

Do you understand how the tests work?
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Gustav said:
and neither did i. if you go back and read and earlier post of mine, it outlines a course of action......scrutinize csicop pronouncements carefully. i am not interested in csicop''s other endeavours (id, etc). just et
Fair enough.
Gustav said:
who are these "believers"?
why do you generalize?
are you not having a discussion with a specific person?
I was making a general comment that included those put little weight in the writings of csicop. Perhaps it was an unnecessary or incorrect generalisation.
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pardon. sometimes dense. thanks
perhaps duendy outta reflect on that for a bit. i think he is getting overly defensive. dont really blame him but gotta move on at some point, ja?

shaman and gustav....first shaman. we go round and round in circles. and i tink yo hex your posts. it's onlyshort, but i tres to get to te end but couldn't and lost post....hmmmm. basic poinsts. you are just not getting it. we go round in circles cause you have no natural savvy. dont know if its cause yer thick, too young, play to many of tem v-games...hwatever.....the point i am trying to make about your precious PSYCOP ands RANDI isssss, they are fundamenal materialists.....geddit? so obvioulsy their modus operandi will be to somehow throughwhatever dodgy means to make it to anything which threatens materilistc science i shown to be false. now eiter understand that or go learn. i am tired of trying to get through to you

gustav.....i dont really dig your comment atall. whose fukin side is yer one dude. i dont swap and change with you, so i dont expect it. what do you mean i wont 'move on'?
duendy said:
shaman and gustav....first shaman. we go round and round in circles. and i tink yo hex your posts. it's onlyshort, but i tres to get to te end but couldn't and lost post....hmmmm. basic poinsts. you are just not getting it. we go round in circles cause you have no natural savvy. dont know if its cause yer thick, too young, play to many of tem v-games...hwatever.....the point i am trying to make about your precious PSYCOP ands RANDI isssss, they are fundamenal materialists.....geddit? so obvioulsy their modus operandi will be to somehow throughwhatever dodgy means to make it to anything which threatens materilistc science i shown to be false. now eiter understand that or go learn. i am tired of trying to get through to you
That is a non sequitur. Just because you are a materialist that does not mean that you are dodgy.
shaman_ said:
That is a non sequitur. Just because you are a materialist that does not mean that you are dodgy.
HAVE you ever tried to communicate with a fundamentalist christian/religionist?.....if so, you may agree with me it is a completely thankless task. They are literalist and believe every word in their Bible is coming from thier 'God'. SO, no matte what you say, you cannot EVER be right cause if so you'd contradicting their very faith! and you are then see as te @Devil' etc for even TRYING to contradist their beliefs. SO, built into their belief system is an impasse.

Same it is so with your materialistic fundamentalism. You 'faith' that Nature is 'dead' and thus any event, feeling etc which contradicts this ingrained UNprovable assertion (which you believe is the word of 'Sciencism'--though you wont call it that. i do) is deemed by your courteous selves woo woo, whacko, lying, fantasy, fame-hunting, crap, 'false memory syndrome'...etc etc.

SO, the prson(s) who DO have experiences have to contend with your fundamentalist PREMISES. which includes much slander, and is not at ALL scientific, but actually pathetic in the extreme. Is this clearer?