Very Interesting....

btimsah said:
As a alien "beliver" as some on here would have liked to have labled me - I DID find those videos informative and interesting. It's very important to remember why the battle lines have been drawn, and how the sides operate. Debunkers, which some also call skeptics will continue to debunk and be sketpical about aliens or ufos - until an alien body is found.

So, you can show them testimony from President Bush on Aliens and they'd still debunk it. They can't ever seem to get their head around the idea that if such aliens did exist, they would have to have incredible technology to get here. And - if they have such incredible technology and any Government recovered it they would be obligated to hide it form their enemies for our own advancement.

It's so important to understand the M.O. of those who seek to debunk, and why they do it. It's also important to understand nothing you provide will satisfy their need for evidence for no evidence is enough. They want physical proof - something that in this medium (the internet) is simply not possible.

Unusual theories are always attacked by skeptics and debunkers, and in fair levels can be a good thing. But what typically happens is most of the skeptics die off, mean-while more open minded people/scientists take their place and by that time the theory is no longer seen as so strange and the theory begins to take hold.

Sorry for the essay, but what can I say? You provide people with some great video's (that sure as hell beat TV) and they just ignore it? Guess we'll just have to wait and let time bring fourth more subtle truths and eventually the reality of this issue will be done.

I hope so..

Actually thanks for the essay.
I agree with what you say.
I am not trying to convince anybody of anything.
I would not consider my self a believer one way or the other.
I hold open a continual perspective on the matter.
Always open to new information and I know I would have appreciated someone else posting those vids so.....
Oli said:
The problem is that ruins are there and stay there. UFOs (whatever they are) appear irregularly, don't stay for long and aren't amenable to being picked up and put in a lab. What do you study, other than location and time of sightings?
Even if there funds available for a complete survey team (or teams) with cinetheodolites, multiple camera systems and whatever other instruments you want, how do you deploy them? Stay in one place and hope, or chase the things round the world only to turn up after they've gone?
I agree it's facsinating. And I agree that most reports say some some sightings cannot be explained, but the problem is having equipment THERE and THEN when they occur.
There very well maybe something worth studying but it's so bloody unpredictable and transient that at the moment it would cost more than it's worth... sad but true.

I appreciate your response.
Great to see balance in your replies.
Another interesting aspect about the interaction of these minions, is watching firsthand their friendly comradery with the twist of the knife in their other hand. Just wait and watch.
Stryder Posted
Could you not start hijacking a thread with your Crater chain theory please. It's bad enough actually having to deal with the occasional thread on the subject without having to resort to hijacking others that weren't on the subject.

Oh? :eek:

Well, Stryder, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. That information I gave is about hard physical evidence that can't be eraced or hidden, only DECEIVED and LIED ABOUT. And it was asked for by another poster. :rolleyes:

So in closing my 1,000th post, , ,
KISS MY ASS Stryder ! ! ! ! ! ! :D

craterchains (Norval said:
Stryder Posted
Could you not start hijacking a thread with your Crater chain theory please. It's bad enough actually having to deal with the occasional thread on the subject without having to resort to hijacking others that weren't on the subject.

Oh? :eek:

Well, Stryder, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. That information I gave is about hard physical evidence that can't be eraced or hidden, only DECEIVED and LIED ABOUT. And it was asked for by another poster. :rolleyes:

So in closing my 1,000th post, , ,
KISS MY ASS Stryder ! ! ! ! ! ! :D

oh my such harsh language!!!
Norval, Just where did anyone write "Oh Norval... do please tell us of your amazing story, where Craters on planets and moons in our solarsystem are actually sophisticated artistic impressions of Nihilistic Alien entities"

Quite simply no one did, The thread and topic was concerned about the evidence for Ufologists or UFA's (Unidentified Fuzzy Artifacts) and how people might be hiding it.

Norval said:
That information I gave is about hard physical evidence...
I guess your hard evidence is going to be that the crater exists as apposed to how it was formed which there are thousands of natural examples of. However as I said this thread isn't for hijacking, so I state that rather than asking you to confirm it.

Simply your "Proof" is a crock, you say this and that, your story morphs and you always identify you give people proof even when they have seen or heard nothing, if they had proof they could "corroborate" your Fantisful story.

Multiple times you've claimed NASA is hiding this or that, however the fact is that NASA gets inendated with complete and utter quack requests such as your own and this means that NASA is cautious about responding to such requests from everyone else that might have a real question to asked, basically you quacks spoil it for everyone else and yourselves by being psychotic,... get help now.
Stryder said:
Norval, Just where did anyone write "Oh Norval... do please tell us of your amazing story, where Craters on planets and moons in our solarsystem are actually sophisticated artistic impressions of Nihilistic Alien entities"

Quite simply no one did, The thread and topic was concerned about the evidence for Ufologists or UFA's (Unidentified Fuzzy Artifacts) and how people might be hiding it.

I guess your hard evidence is going to be that the crater exists as apposed to how it was formed which there are thousands of natural examples of. However as I said this thread isn't for hijacking, so I state that rather than asking you to confirm it.

Simply your "Proof" is a crock, you say this and that, your story morphs and you always identify you give people proof even when they have seen or heard nothing, if they had proof they could "corroborate" your Fantisful story.

Multiple times you've claimed NASA is hiding this or that, however the fact is that NASA gets inendated with complete and utter quack requests such as your own and this means that NASA is cautious about responding to such requests from everyone else that might have a real question to asked, basically you quacks spoil it for everyone else and yourselves by being psychotic,... get help now.

That is a blatant lie, the Crater Chain Research web site has not been updated in well over a year, the information remains. The evidence remains. It is all about those out there and unfortunately for us, those asshole ones that are stuck here. A well used analogy is, who do you want for neighbours, the ones you can trust with your cows and kids or the ones stuck here that prey on your cows and kids, the LOSERS?

Nasa is bullshit, just to pacify the masses that some space program is in place. When it was well known over 25 years ago we could have had large scale structures in space with the technology available at that time.

But that program could not go ahead and have people in space, families in space when there was and is all these others already out there. What?! and have no control on what everyone could possibly learn or not learn.
With the current global climate which has been frequently unstable, such things as Space Colonies has always been seen as fictional. While any country has the power to launch a rocket and has the will to attack another country, such colonies would never seem feasible for both being potential places of attack and financial loss.
A well used analogy is, who do you want for neighbours, the ones you can trust with your cows and kids or the ones stuck here that prey on your cows and kids, the LOSERS?
Stryder you missed it entirely.
No, you missed his point FieryIce. Whos' going to build these "huge space structures" at a monumental loss? They would cost 10's of billions and there's no "space housing" market yet. There might be in 20-30 years, but definately not now.
Squeak, if you actually looked into the Colony program the cost estimates were not billions, that was what made the entire project even more desirable.
Average cost per pound to space in 2000 to Geo-Synchronous orbit was about $17,000 for US/Europe and about 7,000 for Russian/Chinese.

An average car in the US weighs about 3000 pounds. It costs about 51M to put just the car into space in the US/Europe and about 21M for russian/Chinese.

A space colony will weigh MUCH more than a single car, and will not cost 15-20k to build, and would have to be assembled in space.

Therefore it will cost BILLIONS of dollars.
spacemansteve said:
Ultimately i believe that there are aliens out there, i mean its hard to believe that with the Universe roughly 14 Billion years old, and 28 Billion Light Years side to side we are the only lifeforms.
So does Eddie.
I've watched the videos as well. I think the orbital tether is something that should've been more widely talked about. I mean the idea of putting a massive string in the atmosphere in order to pickup electrical charge is just mind blowing, it's also insane! People would probably have yelled at NASA for even trying it. I know spending my tax dollars on something so wasteful is just dumb.

As for the objects seen floating by the tether, well... David put forth interesting theories on what they were, and the actual footage wouldn't seem to disapprove of his claims. I think the main factor here is more evidence will be needed that a common layman is capable of understanding. Even scientists working at NASA lacked the imagination to see what he saw, although evidence suggested it as a possibility.

There is another question I have, why were so many spheres visible? You'd expect that if they had interest in the tether there wouldn't be as many approaching it. So this does make me wonder if indeed they are alien craft or craft at all.

The Galaxy Clock is fascinating, although we will wonder for some time if his concepts of it are correct or not.

The Dogon's are interesting. The stories they tell seem so incredible as to be plain ridiculious! There are interesting points.. if the information about Sirus was in fact correct long before astronomy came into being this would certainly be more then enough to lend credibility towards their statements. The only concern I have is the description of the aliens themselves.... I have never heard any abduction cases where fish-like beings were involved. In truth we really only see Insect like beings that are trying to merge their evolutionary system with ours. The Greys were the first attempt, the hybrids that seem more humanlike are the final goal. So where do these weird fishlike beings come in?

It might be a possibility that there are more then 1 species present in this area of the galaxy, however abductees report only contact with Insect like beings or the Greys, never fishlike entities. Perhaps they came here for some purpose thousands of years ago, but it makes little sense what happened to drive them away. You'd think if they were able to survive on this world they would have stayed!

So we are left with some open-ended questions.

1. Were the fishlike beings ever real?
2. If they were why did they leave?
3. What did they actually teach the Dogon tribe, it seems nothing because they died out anyway.
4. If the alien craft do exist how can we get one :p
This is a interesting discussion. About the fish like et's, i would imagine it would be harder for a being that inhabited water to interact with land dwellers. And perhaps they are just here to observe, not interact. Just a thought, there could be many different types of beings that come here, having different intents or goals. With our growing technology perhaps they just want to check on our mental state, wouldnt do to have unbalanced unpeaceful beings traveling anywhere they choose spreading chaos where they went.
I really, really, really want to know what the hell was going on with that tether. I'm not a UFO kook, and I don't think we've been visited...but still...that shit is amazing.
JDawg said:
I really, really, really want to know what the hell was going on with that tether. I'm not a UFO kook, and I don't think we've been visited...but still...that shit is amazing.
I know huh, very interesting indeed.
barehandkiller said:
This is a interesting discussion. About the fish like et's, i would imagine it would be harder for a being that inhabited water to interact with land dwellers. And perhaps they are just here to observe, not interact. Just a thought, there could be many different types of beings that come here, having different intents or goals. With our growing technology perhaps they just want to check on our mental state, wouldnt do to have unbalanced unpeaceful beings traveling anywhere they choose spreading chaos where they went.
I wonder if the fish metaphor is being used to describe reptillian like creatures.
It would seem to make more sense from what I have gathered....but who knows?
I can only imagine what any of the true interests are of any beings that may be here.
I know what you mean, our leaders are ones that believe War is Peace.
Not a good philosophy to introduce to other civilizations. :)

It does make sense to me however that if they are indeed here, that minimal interference with our natural evolution/progress may be of importance.
That there may be important lessons we must learn as a race (human race) that we must first learn on our own, like any child must, to evolve consciously to a higher level.
Just a thought.