Very Interesting....

I don't think you (or any anti-war democrat) will conceed they really found WMD
Actually, in my peripatetic capacity as weapons technology consultant I was in little doubt - I was far more aware than most people of Iraqi capabilities.
The WMD remark was intended purely as an illustration, that did get the point across at the expense of "accuracy" :D
PS what's a democrat?
Lets be honest, it doesnt matter what the actual context of the videos was, it was always going to get slammed.
What i find interesting the most though (conclusions aside) is that no one at nasa or any legitimate agency seems to show any real concern about all these ufos that are in space and our upper-atmosphere.
'If we dont look at them they'll just go away and wont be a problem!'
Smashing approach.
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Hmmm. I have to side with the woo-woos on this one: read the report!
It stated specifically that the investigations that had been performed indicated no threat whatsoever.
So what are they supposed to do? Increase the military budget or NASA's and then have people screaming about waste of money on transient phenomena?
Some days you just can't win... :D
Also people need to learn to seperate cut scenes and cheesy voice overs from the raw footage.
Of course its going to have people talking bollocks over it its a ufo video! turn the sound down if you must, just treat it as a compilation of data and footage put together for you in a handy single video.
Christ its amazing people cant figure this stuff out for themselves it really is.
Oli said:
So what are they supposed to do? Increase the military budget or NASA's and then have people screaming about waste of money on transient phenomena?
Some days you just can't win... :D
I hear what youre saying, i just think its stupid to ignore something so interesting, i dont even see it costing that much money either, think of the money that gets spent on archeology, noone really has to dig up the past and piece it together, but you dont hear anyone ever complain about spenditure on that.
The problem is that ruins are there and stay there. UFOs (whatever they are) appear irregularly, don't stay for long and aren't amenable to being picked up and put in a lab. What do you study, other than location and time of sightings?
Even if there funds available for a complete survey team (or teams) with cinetheodolites, multiple camera systems and whatever other instruments you want, how do you deploy them? Stay in one place and hope, or chase the things round the world only to turn up after they've gone?
I agree it's facsinating. And I agree that most reports say some some sightings cannot be explained, but the problem is having equipment THERE and THEN when they occur.
There very well maybe something worth studying but it's so bloody unpredictable and transient that at the moment it would cost more than it's worth... sad but true.
Technically the distance from the earth this artifacts were seen would suggest they were not flying, so using UFO to define any weird and wonderful sighting would be wrong.
Oli said:
The problem is that ruins are there and stay there. UFOs (whatever they are) appear irregularly, don't stay for long and aren't amenable to being picked up and put in a lab. What do you study, other than location and time of sightings?
Even if there funds available for a complete survey team (or teams) with cinetheodolites, multiple camera systems and whatever other instruments you want, how do you deploy them? Stay in one place and hope, or chase the things round the world only to turn up after they've gone?
I agree it's facsinating. And I agree that most reports say some some sightings cannot be explained, but the problem is having equipment THERE and THEN when they occur.
There very well maybe something worth studying but it's so bloody unpredictable and transient that at the moment it would cost more than it's worth... sad but true.
I respectfully disagree, the amount of nasa footage ive seen with ufos isnt the odd frame here and there, its hours apon hours worth.
If all that footage exists when people arnt looking for them i think you can reasonably expect to find even more when you set out to find them.

Billions are spent chasing other non-static arial phenomenon such as commets, and huge budgets are put in place to atempt to understand their behaviour and structure.
And we should remember at one point commets were ufos, we now know what they are through careful study, i cant see any logical reason why the same processes of investigation shouldnt be applied to the types of ufos shown in the footage posted earlier.
Its a joke that nasa wont even acknowledge the arial phenomonon theyve filmed themselves and wont even atempt to publically debate the matter let alone investiate it.
I think its all a fucking farce to be perfectly blunt.
There are many here that read and don't post anymore as they have learned that there are just too many thread disrupters that are a total annoyance and waste of time to deal with. :bugeye:

Yet, those of us that do "believe" that we are not alone, those that "know" there are extraterrestrial beings amongst us, will continue to investigate and learn the truth. :D

If someone would just find an alien body we'd be done with all of this..

....Wait.. no, because then it would just be one of our ancient ancestors.. :mad:
Oli said:
Actually, in my peripatetic capacity as weapons technology consultant I was in little doubt - I was far more aware than most people of Iraqi capabilities.
The WMD remark was intended purely as an illustration, that did get the point across at the expense of "accuracy" :D
PS what's a democrat?

:D Oh! Sorry, I'm not a Republi-crat either. But I enjoy playing the devils advocate in politics... :p
Oh! Sorry, I'm not a Republi-crat either.
Keep going... since I'm not a US citizen I have no idea of the referents you're using.
Oli said:
Nearly as important as understanding why people feel a need to believe unprovable junk. We have an M.O? Oh, yeah, we ask for some support to the allegations? Hardly difficult.

There is some support, there's just no proof. Or stated better, there is some evidence, but no proof. I can easily understand there being no proof, and thus being skeptical. But I can't stand when people claim that because we have no proof, aliens do not exist. The truth is, we simply don't know yet if other intelligent life forms exist on other planets. Since WE DO exist I don't think it's absurd to take the "evidence, without hard proof" seriously.

Then you're probably in for a long wait, guy. People have been seeing things in the sky for thousands of years and there's still no hard facts...

Well, even with some hard facts - without an alien body preserved in jelly at a press conference - it won't be enough for the skeptics. But, for me. If you take a group of say.. 300 witnesses from inside our government - and they almost all speak of a military coverup of alien technology, I'd call that solid EVIDENCE. Then you find FOIA documents to backup what their saying. It begins to build a list of credible people in the know, who you can follow. Follow their stories to the REAL truth.

Ever consider that the reason we can't and have not found physical proof is because it's hidden? So, as I've said before. If we can prove it's hidden, then we no longer need that physical proof. ;)
Well, even with some hard facts - without an alien body preserved in jelly at a press conference - it won't be enough for the skeptics. But, for me. If you take a group of say.. 300 witnesses from inside our government - and they almost all speak of a military coverup of alien technology, I'd call that solid EVIDENCE. Then you find FOIA documents to backup what their saying. It begins to build a list of credible people in the know, who you can follow. Follow their stories to the REAL truth.
One of the major problems with witnesses is "what is their personal agenda"? The issue is constantly obscured by (for want of a better word) nutters like Lazar, Col. Tom Bearden and their ilk. These guys are verging on certifiable, but the press they generate and receive, (and the consequent discovery that they are alpha-woo-woos) sort of spoils it for anyone even thinking to look at it seriously. Even the UK guy appointed by the MoD went off the deep end - I got part way through his book and gave up when I reached the paragraph (paraphrased) - in order to test my theory that the aliens living among us were telepathic I "sent" the thought "Can you hear me". It was immediately and subtly confirmed when the waitress gave me a little smile.
For crying out loud! What waitress doesn't give a smile and a nod to someone sat a the table looking in her direction...?

One of the major problems with ""SO CALLED SKEPTICS AND DEBUNKERS" is "what is their personal agenda"? The issue is constantly obscured by (for want of a better word) nutters that don't want you to know the truth.

That fits the truth much better I think.

There, you said it: Believer. Belief is not science, it is irrational religion. Belief does not require proof, which is handy considering you haven't got any and can't get any because "the spooks" hide it from you.
Oh, geeee, such a shame you cant see for yourself.

Most are "blinded" by the "scientists" ONLY plausible answer to crater chains. Comets broke up and did these Concise and Systematic crater chains all over our solar system.

FOCLMFAO way too funny.

That ALL these craters in our solar system were made by impactors?
Show me an impactor, you can't! Bits and pieces don't count.
All these things couldn't have been going at hyper velocities. Duh?

Evidence that cant be hidden, only lied about and denied.

craterchains (Norval said:
That ALL these craters in our solar system were made by impactors?
Show me an impactor, you can't!
Yes, because the impactors were destroyed on impact.
craterchains (Norval said:
Bits and pieces don't count.
Why not?
craterchains (Norval said:
All these things couldn't have been going at hyper velocities. Duh?
Why could they not all have been going at hyper velocities?
Could you not start hijacking a thread with your Crater chain theory please. It's bad enough actually having to deal with the occasional thread on the subject without having to resort to hijacking others that weren't on the subject.