Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs

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"I have an assumption that bradguth is a venusian." As such, I've got the following to offer.

Venus for dummies: (just a few basics that shouldn't be over the heads of a grade school education), and that's not intended as an insult, just another observational fact of life as we seem to know it.

i) it's humanly hot and nasty (very greenhouse), as in duh-101

1a) though it's NOT nearly too hot and nasty as for applied physics-101

1b) the nasty part about the 92+bar pressure aspect is even quite humanly survivable

1c) there is NO fee acid about the surface of Venus, only harmless sulfur-like crystals

2) the surface is offering whomever at least 50°K cooler by nighttime than by day

2a) an elevated surface (say 5+km) is at least 100°K cooler by night than by day

3) Venus clouds and haze(5.5e20 kg) contain 25%/kg H2O, to as much as 33%/kg H2O by night

3a) it is entirely possible to extract said H2O (25% of 5.5e20 kg H2SO4) via vacuum distillation

3b) collected H2O can then be converted into 100% H2O2, thus more valuable and stored upon Venus

4) Artificial production of energy can be accommodated by way of the 4+bar/km differential

4a) with said energy (GW if need be) all sorts of insurmountable things become entirely surmountable

5) the sheer buoyancy of 65+kg/m3 represents that rigid airships would function quite nicely

5a) there's something of an unusual airship-like mass that's associated with the existing tarmac

5b) oops, there I've suggested that a highly mountainous terrain offers a rather noticeably flat tarmac like infrastructure

6) active lava and/or mud-flows currently exist, thereby additional energy and geological resources do in fact exist

6a) with said resources via geological activity, and of new elements being exposed, other artificial processes could be accommodated

6b) with said raw elements and nearly unlimited energy at your disposal, the likes of CO2-->CO/O2 is simply yet another done deal

BTW; why would someone trapped into surviving the onset of a truly nasty amount of greenhouse, having nearly unlimited resources of energy at their disposal, and a terrific amount of available buoyancy throughout a crystal clear atmospheric ocean give up upon life, as simply because their planet is situated nextdoor to the most absolute dumb and dumber other most pathetic planet in the universe doesn't make any sense?

Unlike Mars, at least whatever life (intelligent or not) that's situated on or about Venus has the terrific shield benefit of the atmospheric density that'll fend off most all meteorites, and otherwise protect them from cosmic radiation, and even protection them from the bulk of potentially lethal solar radiation, especially by way of a 2900+hr season of nighttime. So, you're not being pulverised, nor TBI to death, or even roasted because of such terrific pressure and/or because of your exoskeletal physiology, or that of utilizing the R-1024/m of insulation easily created from basalt composites, and by way of having and/or extracting more available green-energy than you can possibly shake a flaming stick at, whereas at least intelligent life of even a heathen like status could have managed. Transporting yourself about as to remaining within the season of nighttime is rigid-airship physics-101, thus that's another done deal.

Obviously, for most folks upon Earth, those Magellan images are of insufficient resolution, but then so were all of the vast greater numbers of NSA/DoD images of Iraq, but we went there anyway, and subsequently spending ten fold of what it would have taken as to have visited Venus, and wasted just as much time.

Most folks fail to realize the truth potential of what an SAR imaged pixel represents, especially one of a 43° perspective at that, compared to something of conventional CCD that merely records reflected photons and dependent upon optics that can distort all sorts of size and even shape relationships, if not entirely invert the perspective of what's being interpreted. In fact, conventional CCD images can NOT be interpreted as for the substance of what's recorded, whereas radar images are intrusive about telling us what a substance is most likely to be.

A replacement Magellan mission, instead of delivering 75 meter/pixel, could provide at least 10 meter or better resolution at 16 bits/pixel. A TRACE-II placed at Venus L2 (+/- whatever offset) could implement the usual solar monitoring while affording a microwave/laser transponder utility that would enable a nearly continuous live data link, and while out of Earth's range could (4~6 months worth) efficiently store a few thousand terabytes worth of communications and/or images until Venus re-emerges itself from the backside of the sun. The new and improve TRACE-II camera and optics could enable at least another ten fold magnification and thereby greatly improved resolution of solar events, and from entirely new perspectives which can NOT be obtained by the current TRACE instrument (that alone is worth the V-L2 placement of the existing TRACE instrument which is past due for being taken off-line), plus being better than 25% closer to the sun would only further enhance upon said images.

Doing Venus isn't a factor of lacking technology, nor of cost, nor of time, as we've blown a hundred fold more so upon other far less moral adventures that have thus far yielded squat nothing on behalf of humanity (the humanity I'm speaking of as being that other 99.9% scum of the Earth), except for perhaps diverting talents and resources away from life-essential tasks upon Earth, and/or on behalf of our prematurely terminating a few too many of said humanity. Thus the technological as well as moral arguments against Venus are entirely bogus, as well as intellectually biased if not outright bigoted against the facts.

ESA is about to wipe our butts (big time) over this Venus opportunity, while all of our spin and damage-control freaks (part of the 0.1% collective of Earth) seems to be focused upon is protecting their mainstream status quo, in spite of the truth and nothing but the truth or consequences seems the tallest "Skull and Bones" order of their every day. I say, so what if we've snookered the world about our landing on the moon, as in the infamous words of our commander and chief village idiot moron warlord, "so what's the difference". It's past due that we advance to the next level(s), whereas how we got to this point isn't all that important, especially if there's an easily obtainable bounty that's just sitting there upon Venus, whereas the only thing that's more important than Venus is for our establishing the LSE-CM/ISS before the likes of ESA or China accomplishes it first.

PS; I'm not actually all that smart, just not nearly as dumbfounded as you think.

Regards, Brad Guth / GASA~IEIS
It's true that, I can't seem to help but to offer my version of why our NASA has been so deeply stuck within their own space toilet, to a point of apparent no-return, that which is directly linked to our cloak and dagger cold-war past, present and future. Thus politics has nearly always been the door-locking key to the what-if future of honset science as based upon the known laws of physics. Thus, if only we could have accomplished what's doable and long past due with respect to our moon, and of whatever Venus has to offer, as such all sorts of perfectly nifty things would have come to past, and at not 10% the cost.

Like the following link, which achieved an outcome of the very same borgs basing upon the "Crater Research" topic, as offered in good faith by; craterchains (Norval, whereas it needs to be pointed out for what those borgs are all about, and of what their true motive and intent was from the very get-go.

As such, I've given this perfectly decent tpoic of "crater research" as a viable topic another short lease on life, though I'll expect the very same incest collective of the Scifourms army of dog-wagging, spin and damage-control freaks will soon be all over this following topic;

Ulterior motives of "Pseudoscience" against "craterchains"

This following suggestion is a perfectly good example of an accepted argument.

"Light though is potentially not the best way to communicate since after there are so many planets and creatures on our own planet that can't even see."

My reply might be that firstly, I never insisted that communication by way of using light was the best possible way for us to communicate, much less the one and only alternative. However, I'd re-suggest that using light(photons) has been by far the most universal form, and by far offering the most energy efficient method, and as such requires the least of all applied science/technology as to implement.

Using photons over great distances is actually quite efficient, especially if we're into sub-milliradian beams, whereas again another sufficiently intelligent individual having absolutely no science nor applied technology of electronics could receive such a message and, lo and behold could even send off a reply, whereas a highly sophisticated soul (such as yourself) might also introduce a few terabytes worth of quantum code within or upon that same CW beam of photons.

Obviously with a great deal of energy, loads of infrastructure, and of sophisticated electronics of RF communications established at either end, as such communications over millions of miles is possible, but only if both parties know of the exact frequency, as well as timing, and are utilizing the same methods of demodulation or extracting the code from whatever specific carrier frequency.

Although, what if ET is still of heathen status, as then what?

Or, what if ET is only using photons of terabytes/s for their communications, as then what?
This is another perfectly good argument that deserves my input.

"A simple test of Alien life in reference to life upon our planet is this;
We are creatures that need daylight to see, so during night we turn lights on. On the darkside of planets and moons in our solar system do you see the lights of alien cities?"

"If you can't see light and suggest perhaps they use fire (like torches, Candles, laterns) then the likelihood of space travel is remote, in fact even communication with light (Lasers) would be too remote for them."

Here you're assuming that a nocturnal adapted/evolved individual having perhaps as much as 170,000 lumen/watt sensitivity to 407 nm, as opposed to our human 1,700 lumen/watt at 507 nm is offering a fair and balanced comparison, and that in spite of such an enormous differential, that I must somehow prove that for an alien city to exist, that as such it must firstly be artificially illuminated to our inefficient standards, even though that green-glow of illuminating O2 that was recorded by KECK-II, as nicely lighting up their nighttime clouded environment would seem more than sufficient by itself, not to mention the near-UV and even a little UV/a from star light getting through, and especially of earthshine photons that could easily penetrate by as much as a 25% factor of opacity through thinner portions of them cool nighttime clouds, as such natural sources of photons would offer way more than sufficient surface illumination.

Besides, if it's supposedly so damn hot and nasty, whom in their right mind would intentionally turn on additional heat producing lights?

I've actually suggested upon something like efficient diamond LEDs, although ionize gas is certainly doable, and at perhaps as much as one watt per individual would be nearly blinding to any decent nocturnal, as another notion on behalf of Venus folks utilizing some rather minimal bio-illuminance (delivering 10 cd/m2) seems entirely rational. This link locates upon a white LED that offers 10 cd @15 degree divergence, while consuming 68 mw. I believe that's 0.147 cd/mw, or 147 CD/W.

At least in my limited way, I'm merely suggesting that other possibilities might have existed, of those which instruments and obviously the sorts of formally bigoted intellectual premise against ETs, at least as of to date, have not been deployed as for detecting squat. ESA's Venus Express may offer us another chance at doing just that, detecting signs of past and hopefully present day life.

Others can certainly provide their notions of "what if" and/or of better alternatives to other than humans surviving upon Venus without getting all huffy over nothing. I'd also take into consideration of what the known laws of physics and applied technology might hae to offer humanity a go of it in spite of Venus being so hot and nasty.

BTW; speaking of folks NOT seeing other lights; how many hundreds of millions if not billions have already been blown upon Mars over the past three decades alone? And of how many additional hundreds of billions if not a trillion plus dollars are slated for Mars? And, where's the moral scientific justification for that sort of continuing fiasco???
Even though it has been considered likely that Venus wasn't always so darn hot and nasty, perhaps once upon a time offering a modestly pressurized 300°K tropical environment at 10 bar, or less worth of atmospheric surround, and otherwise lots of terrain elevation differentials similar though greater than Earth, it's still a humanly nasty situation at best. Thus other forms of life could have emerged naturally and evolved. However, rather than purely evolution being the case (in need of a multi-million year window of opportunity), others may have terraformed Venus, or even just made do as is, as in much the same manner as could have been the case for Mars. Whereas Earth may have offered a rather piss-poor make-do go-between, as offering loads more atmosphere than Mars as for fending off cosmic and solar TBI dosage, but otherwise too geologically unstable and simply too darn cold and wet as for any decent land-loving nocturnal lizard folk, as well as the Earth atmosphere being nearly useless in terms of buoyancy, and highly corrosive at that (way too much free O2), not to mention entirely insufficient for deflecting those murderous meteors being sent and/or directed from the likes of Sirius.

Why change a darn thing about Venus?

Especially if your physiology was superior to mere humans, and you weren't otherwise dumb as a post.

If you were to be acquiring loads of CO/O2, as could be easily extracted from that toasty/preheated CO2 environment and, were surrounded by all that nifty cloud tonnage of H2O (25% of 5.5e20 kg) that's providing your primary shield density as per solar flare and whatever other nasty influx, and if vertical venturi windpower (based upon the 4+bar/km) were applied wherever necessary, and as such you easily distilled/extracted whatever amounts of H2O from those cool nighttime clouds whenever you required such, why would decent lizard folk want to go about changing a damn thing, or of allowing others to change anything?

Venus may not be our Garden of Eden, though we're not nocturnal lizards nor even exoskeletal in nature, and clearly most of us are in fact dumb as a post.

Venus is simply not suited for Earth humans, of course neither is Mars, or just about any other planet.

It seems that others have proven that a good many humans are not anywhere smart enough as to survive upon Earth, by example our having to phony-up those Apollo moon pictures because we can't even be honest to ourselves about that issue, much less about 9/11 and those WMD. At least my critics seem to know for a bloody fact that I'm not smart enough, which could represent that perhaps you could be equally if not much worse off as for being ill suited for the likes of Venus, especially since neither of us can hold our breath for more than a couple of minutes, as then what?

BTW; CO/O2 creates a rather nifty 4712°K worth of combustion, thus perhaps a ceramic IC/IRRCE or rocket/turbine engine could literally run itself upon whatever is surrounding itself, and surely the available buoyancy could certainly carry aloft the necessary technology for the CO2-->CO/O2 process.

A rigid airship upon Venus is good for 65+kg/m3. Doing the math and we're talking about hauling aloft thousands of tonnes if need be.

Because of the rather significant day/night seasonal differentials, and all sorts of elevation factors, that together can represent what a 5 km elevation offers is a 100°K offset from their toastier season of daytime, as such doing the math is somewhat easier said than accomplished, although prepared graphs and charts would make this quite clear as to the parameters of what's possible. The displacement gas could be N2 or H2 or even H2/N2 mix, or perhaps just that of pulling a vacuum within the shell or hull of this massive airship, being that it's constructed of a meter or so thickness of a basalt composite that might in itself weigh less than 75 kg/m3, thus we're looking at a horrifically robust composite and of an all inclusive structural substance that's of one meter thick but representing a structural form that's merely 10 kg/m2.

BTW No.2; a basalt composite as configured primarily for insulation, as a rather modus structural product, should in itself weigh less than 50 kg/m3, and by my estimation is worth R-1024/m, and how's that for keeping your cool?

A silica/basalt composite is at least 10 fold tougher/kg than alloy steel, especially at such elevated temperatures, with almost no structural integrity degrade or other losses until exceeding 1000°K, and with some ingenuity, can be pushed into surviving an environment above 1500°K. Thus, in that respect, so what if it's hot and nasty?
clearly most of us are in fact dumb as a post.

Well, I never met a post that tried to convince me of civilizations on Venus.
kmguru said:
Here is something that needs to be considered too. We all know, that Venus is about the same size as Earth. But somewhere I read that a billion years ago, the sun was much cooler and hence, the life zone could be around Venus to have life. If the zone moves outward to the solar system, towards sun going nova (it gets hotter as time passes) - then there is a possibility of life that was on Venus.

Something to munch on!

I concur with your understanding of Earth and Venus, having perhaps windows of life zones, within which timelines of allowing evolution and/or of terraforming to have transpired, as obviously that's within reasonable limits, of which the likes of Mars certainly fell a little short of a few options for sustaining life as we know it, although that doesn't exclude nasty microbes cable of being sub-frozen and otherwise TBI to near death (thus fully capable of destroying life on Earth as we know it), unless they all managed to get themselves used to living underground.

Fortunately, for the likes of Venus, there's already easily accessible geological resources up the kazoo, and simply loads of energy to spare, and with said energy one can conclude that supposedly insurmountable issues become surmounted, with energy to spare.

Unlike the intellectual incest borgs of this scifourms theater, as usually demonstrated quite nicely by the likes of "Persol", you and I can see that possibilities do exist, not to mention the image which clearly indicated something other than diatoms once lived upon Venus.

BTW; I've never insisted of what's to be seen is still alive and kicking, as it could be the remains of what once used to be. Although, if there were never a shortage of energy, and you weren't as pathetically dumb and dumber as are most humans, as such there's a perfectly good chance of folks surviving, though obviously not under the best of conditions but, when all you've got is the likes of Earth for a neighbor, what other options do you have?

If you'd like to reduce this topic to a somewhat lesser wall of words, please remove nearly all of "Persol" from the context, as that way we wont be continually insulted by his arrogance and utter stupidity, and obvious bigotry against anything that's positive on behalf of ET. If need be, I could select those worthless replies of his, as then once removed I'd clean up all of my references (favor returning) as to his unfortunate DNA.
please remove nearly all of "Persol" from the context, as that way we wont be continually insulted by his arrogance and utter stupidity, and obvious bigotry against anything that's positive on behalf of ET.

Whoa! Stryder would have to delete everything you've said thus far if 'utter stupidity' was a requirement for removal.

You wouldn't want that, would you?
As I have mentioned in the rules there is an ignore function in the forum, it's found with the buddy list in your preferences. You can use it to ignore anyone that you feel offended by and doing so means although they can read and post in response to you, you don't see what they have posted. It's the way I suggest people use to deal with who ever they see a problem, as leaving their posts intact allows forewarning to would be posters as what to expect. Deleting posts from individuals would mean new posters wouldn't know what to expect and would be unfair on them.
Ignoring isn't the same thing as cleaning up the trash, whereas as long as fools like Persol, blackholesun & (Q) can essentially run amuck, and they do in fact say whatever they damn well please, without fear of being expelled by you, then I'll keep returning the favor, and with as much love as I can muster.

There's obviously nothing stopping them, and I certainly wouldn't object, to their posting typically anti-whatever topics opposing whatever I'm delivering upon. If their notions are receiving the loin's share of replies, then obviously their anti-topics will in fact remain on top of whatever I'm posting, and even that's OK by me.

Obviously, you highly approve of their actions, if not assist by way of being their cloak on behalf of their intellectual daggers. In which case, don't be all that surprised if I share a love note or two on your behalf as well.
Brad I don't approve of how some people handle themselves on here, and sometimes I make it known to them. Of course you won't have see those comments because I shouldn't need to publicly make it obvious who I'm asking to "calm it" from time to time.

If you retalliate to what you think is an attack, your just giving cause for some of those people that you feel transpire against you reason to continue if they are motivated by you "rising from it".

The reason I do not stop some of their commentary is simple, if all there comments were removed, I would also have to remove most of the posts by people like yourself to as what overall discussion would become absolutely meaningless and no longer logical.

It's funny how you point out how you feel the rules are being violated but you've posted the same post content to multiple threads previously which defies the rules itself. If you want to place information from one thread into another, just use a URL link, you don't need to repost the entire content.

I'm going to add this here rather than pollute multiple other threads in dealing with you Brad.

Firstly, everytime you mention Borg, you remove anyone's method of dealing with you on a professional level because your defining peoples activities to be related to Star-Trek, This in turn suggests that perhaps your theories also come from that backgrounding. If you want people to take you seriously, (Which they won't currently) then drop the Borg nonsense.

You should also take note that your current enthatuation with Venus and Sirius will seem absurd to the majority. For instance "Reptillian people" have been talked about and written about by David Icke for years, and in all this time he still hasn't offered up solid evidence. If anything it's more likely it all started with him mouthing off at some BBC special effects guys about them being behind the scenes and not being "Media Celeb's" like himself, so they might of done a preview viewing of "V for Victory" to take him down a peg or two. (You should perhaps check that series out)

I also insist that you play close attention to how a well defined theory can exist and a poorly defined one, Currently your theorums are a house of cards where when someone proves one thing to be untrue, your whole theory collapses. If you want your theories to be proven then your going to have to do more homework but not necessarily in the areas you've currently been looking. It's all very well knowing how high and at what angle a scan has been done to the surface of a planet, but your looking for things that if existed would be renoundly known about.

As I have mentioned elsewhere Astronomers and Navigators have looked to the Stars and the Planets for Centuries, for them all to overlook the obvious would be impossible and suggesting they have is insulting their intelligence.

I know you will probably find my points harsh and perhaps even feel they are aggressive, however they are not intended that way, the intension is to ask you to understand that your current logic is flawed and you should re-evalute what you prepose, otherwise as mentioned before no one will take you seriously.
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LMAO. What a dumbass. YOu never did get around to answering any of the technical questions posted on the allged Apollo coverup, or this. On top of that you've shown no connection in your logic AT ALL. I don't fear being expelled by Stryder because quite simply you are a kook. If posts like your remain, yet the one pointing out flaws and lies are deleted... this isn't much of a science forum.

If you perhaps backup your ideas, we wouldn't need to point the errors out for you.
Even though this topic "Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs" was an honest and fully aboveboard alternative to what the mainstream has to offer, whereas usual the insiders of this scifourms have been intent upon their doing all it can to distract and/or destroy the primary function. Such as having to continually reply to this following context of absolute nonsense. As such, I may have to terminate the thread altogether, starting off with a new and improved topic that's more focused.

Thanks for your feedback, of which I'll reflect upon as I stipulated before.

"The reason I do not stop some of their commentary is simple, if all there comments were removed, I would also have to remove most of the posts by people like yourself to as what overall discussion would become absolutely meaningless and no longer logical."

Again and again. I'm not asking that they be stopped or entirely removed. As you might say, there'd be no comparison between the good, the bad and the ugly. Though as the "all knowing" moderator, you can simply escort their unjustified negativity over to the "anti-whatever" topic that is directly opposing what I'm trying to deliver and subsequently obtain valuable feedback from honest folks, instead of having to fend off their warm and fuzzy anti-everything flak. Above all others, you should clearly realize this has always been exactly what I've been driving at all along. So, why are you defending those dogs?

"Firstly, every time you mention Borg, you remove anyone's method of dealing with you on a professional level because your defining peoples activities to be related to Star-Trek, This in turn suggests that perhaps your theories also come from that backgrounding. If you want people to take you seriously, (Which they won't currently) then drop the Borg nonsense."

An intellectual borg (incest or otherwise) is exactly what a programmed human is, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with your "Star-Trek" fetish. So far, I've seen little of that "professional level" you speak of (don't you bother to read what Persol and others in his classification are saying?). If folks can't get past the "borg" thing, then they simply do not respect the notions of what I've discovered, and they obviously do not respect humanity as a whole, as only their 0.1% of humanity seems to deserve any benefits whatsoever from astronomy/astrophysics and of the surrounding sciences.

In case you haven't noticed, which obviously you have not. I haven't had to include the borg analogy upon other folks that are clearly not part of your intellectual collective of sciforums insider members. Only your cult members seem to deserve the associations, that I've only been forced to make, and why do we suppose that is?

Other folks have freely utilized the terminology of such anti-everything individuals acting as though they are robots, which obviously isn't possible and thereby an untruth. At least I don't think it possible, yet you seem to offer absolutely little or nothing against that sort of analogy. So instead, perhaps I should refer to such folks that have absolutely nothing to contribute, no intentions of ever contributing squat, and clearly show their ulterior motives for dog-wagging anything and everything to death if it might upset their precious space-time-continuum, as perhaps instead of their borg like domineer, as for their being robots, saints or perhaps even wizards would be an acceptable alternative.

Persol "LMAO. What a dumbass." and "If you perhaps backup your ideas, we wouldn't need to point the errors out for you.",
Answers to most all of your Apollo questions:

That's rather odd, as these above links seem to function just fine and dandy outside of this forum, thus you'll have to select and paste those page addresses and perhaps others I've posted as direcrtly into the browser.

Unfortunately, there's a few too many other pages that can be pointed out, though I might even create another summarized composite just on your behalf, something a bit more focused and having those references you speak of, is a perfectly good notion that might actually be worth another shot in the dark.
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There's Life on Venus (by; Brad Guth / GASA~IEIS)

"As I have mentioned elsewhere Astronomers and Navigators have looked to the Stars and the Planets for Centuries, for them all to overlook the obvious would be impossible and suggesting they have is insulting their intelligence."

That's exactly my point of why there's been such opposition. Though "suggesting" is not the correct word, as how about my telling them (nicely at first) that this has been an overlooked discovery, which is in fact what transpired as of four years ago. Of course, I gave the almighty and all-knowing NASA the first 6 months worth of a shot at this, whereas of course and as usual, they did absolutely nothing except scoff and deny the truth ever existed. So what's new about that? Absolutely NOTHING is new about government covering their butts, as their tallest order of each and every day.


Hay folks and snookered fools (that's including myself up until four years ago);
In spite of NASA, and even in spite of their willing dog-wagging helpers within this sciforums theater or zoo, there's actually been other life on Venus, and unless GW Bush had anything to do about it, chances are that they're still there, perhaps laughing their reptilian butts off, as to how absolutely and pathetically stupid, and arrogant, and just dumb and dumber the folks of Earth are. It's obviously their best show in town, watching us blow off our own two left feet, time after time and again, while turning our own world into another greenhouse just like Venus.

Never mind that I've informed our warm and fuzzy NASA as of four years ago, and bothered to inform hundreds of other supposedly nice folks associated with the likes of the Magellan mission which oddly originated the image that has become so interesting, to say the least.

Paste this directly if it doesn't function as a viable link:

As Bart Simpson might have to say;
What part of "eat my shorts" do you folks not understand?

Compared to doing Mars, at a mere fraction of the travel distance is where Venus isn't 10% the cost, especially when it's merely 105 times the distance as our moon, and otherwise not 1% the overall cost impact of an actual manned expedition, technologically simple and efficient as to land upon, of which anything manned would at least stand a chance in hell of returning home, without being pulverised nor TBI to death while on the surface (preferable as for accomplishing this task within their season of nighttime). Although being eaten by whomever is still alive and kicking is a real possibility, thus a certain risk factor remains (sort of the ultimate true test of having "the right stuff").

Trust me on this one, no such diatoms or other microbes had need of constructing any stinking bridge, nor a township hosting it's own tarmac as situated in a highly mountainous terratory of active geological surroundings. So, we're obviously not suggesting upon little green folks, unless those are the reptillian kids that'll grow up to being perhaps Godzila class individuals. However, there has been in the past indications of greenish humans existing upon Earth, and perhaps even the likes of a few smart-ass Cathars that sort of dropped in out of nowhere, only to piss off a certain Pope to no end.

Technologically, the hot and nasty environment is not the sort of firewall of impossibilities, at least not anymore. As for the interplanetary communication possibilities are those well within a local area code, especially if we established the TRACE-II instrument at Venus L2 (+/- offset by whatever team TRACE decided was in the best interest of solar science).

Since there's so much other that's involved, as such I've been all over the freaking place trying to learn things in spite of their usual "need to know" basis of my having to extract bits of knowledge in spite of the best wishes of their mainstream status quo agenda, whereas often this method has required a good deal of pushing those "do not push" buttons.

And there's certainly lots more "button pushing" that's available on the UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
Even though this original thread/topic of "Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs" was entered under the category of SciFi, with the honest intentions of my not offending anyone by way of suggesting certain things about NASA's skewed science with regard to the likes of our moon, and of Venus that were outside of someone's mainstream box, and whereas initially this topic seemed to be attracting the sorts of valid give and take by the likes of "craterchains (Norval", "coolmacguy", "FieryIce", "kmguru", "zion" and even at first "blackholesun" offered that which I'd expect, at least up until the point where "blackholesun" offered his assessment of certain folks being your "typical nutbag", as clearly directed at the likes of "craterchains (Norval" and seemingly myself, as that's when it was clearly heading towards the nearest space toilet. Although, nothing was entirely lost until the warm and fuzzy likes of "Persol" crawled out of his intellectual borg cesspool, with his "Until then... fuck em all. Kooks." statement, of which his godfather/moderator "Stryderunknown" objected NOT in the least bit. In fact, from the looks of may other topics being bashed and summarily trashed by the likes of "Persol and blackholesun", the forum moderator seemed to be egging his robotic (borg like) collective of dog-wagging spin and damage-control freaks onward, while otherwise saying all the right sorts of things as for justifying why his forum could remain as such a one-way street to hell, as in take it or leave it.

This time around, I hope to enlist upon the mostly positive attributes of what's possible, rather than having to waste the time and talents of good and honest folks by way of our having to defend ourselves from the sorts of intellectual WMD associated with the likes of "Persol and blackholesun", and apparently Lord "(Q)" isn't about to let this one drop without receiving another swift kick from his boot.

The replacement topic will become "Venus, Sirius/c UFO outpost"

Whereas the opposition forces might care to post their thread of "Anti-Venus, Anti-Sirius UFO outpost"

Once this has been accomplished, I'd just as soon eliminate this original "Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs" thread, thus newcomers will not have to be insulted by the counterproductive nature associated with the likes of "Persol and blackholesun", and the otherwise intellectually biased/bigoted lack of appropriate actions taken by the all-knowing moderator, as for NOT keeping a reasonable lid on what's intentionally outside of the intent and focus of the original topic (notice that I specified "reasonable lid").

Somewhat as of lately, the moderation game has become a bit more acceptable, though still not taking kindly to honest suggestions of allowing a fair and honest delivery with the intent of receiving those fair and honest replies without the intervention of ulterior motives tearing everything apart. Because, if you folks insist upon receiving more than may fair share deliverance, of my having to be negative unto others, especially of those supporting the NASA/Apollo ruse, by way of my pouncing in upon other topic threads for the sheer spite of it all, as then lo and behold, I believe I can hold my own up against the likes of "Persol, blackholesun and (Q)".
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The replacement topic will become "Venus, Sirius/c UFO outpost"

Same old, same old. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Blah blah blah.

I believe I can hold my own up against the likes of "Persol and blackholesun".

You haven't done so as yet, nor is it likely you ever will.
Once again; there's absolutely nothing but the typical gibberish where there should have been viable context of at least something on behalf of Venus, but then I'm obviously not sufficiently bigoted against other life outside of Earth, although our Mr.(Q) seems to even include a profound level of bigotry against a good number of folks right here on Earth, as apparently 99.9% of humanity being worth little more than the scum of the Earth, as otherwise any half brained moron should have come up with at least a few notions on behalf of other life that wasn't nearly as dumbfounded as your typical human that still believes those NASA/Apollo Kodak moments actually took place on the moon.

I'm not the one suggesting anything as to naked life upon Venus, nor am I suggesting that we humans should ever go there, at least not without a darn good invite. Yet seemingly in spite of whatever applied physics has to offer, and in spite of what any half brained lizard folk might have accomplished as for surviving nextdoor to the most absolute dumb and dumber, as in most dumbfounded other planet in the entire universe (proof being is that the likes of "(Q)" lives on Earth), that in spite of such a significant disadvantage they managed at least long enough as to construct that rather significant bridge and a fairly robust community in the mountains. And, since Venus folks aren't nearly as pathetically snookered as are most humans, as such I happen believe they would have applied the laws of physics as for creating and operating them rigid airships.

Oops I forgot, that according to the likes of "(Q)", those laws of physics (I'll suppose evolution to boot) only function as here upon Earth, and of any applied and/or implied intelligence factor is obviously something of which only the intellectual space toilet of "(Q)" contains.

How's that for sharing a little more blah blah blah?
How's that for sharing a little more blah blah blah?

The status quo has not been compromised.
i)it's humanly hot and nasty (very greenhouse), as in duh-101
1a) though it's NOT nearly too hot and nasty as for applied physics-101
Duh physics-101 has no nasty limit... Duh Ohh apart from black holes.
1b) the nasty part about the 92+bar pressure aspect is even quite humanly survivable
Duh talk to my deep sea diving friend. Oh just don't drink alcohol.
1c) there is NO fee acid about the surface of Venus, only harmless sulfur-like crystals
I don't pay for acid but its a sure bet that there is free acid on Venus surface, there is most likely many high pressure aquifers under the surface that would occasionally spill forth a torrent of acid..
2)the surface is offering whomever at least 50°K cooler by nighttime than by day
Duhh... Double Duhhh...
2a) an elevated surface (say 5+km) is at least 100°K cooler by night than by day
Pulling lemons from the dark orifice.
3)Venus clouds and haze(5.5e20 kg) contain 25%/kg H2O, to as much as 33%/kg H2O by night
What water likes the dark.. There is as much H2O at night as during the day.. DUHH.. Maybe you should understand what the dew point is.
3a) it is entirely possible to extract said H2O (25% of 5.5e20 kg H2SO4) via vacuum distillation
Interesting a totally new method of chemistry. You must have score well in your chemistry classes.. H20 is can not be extracted from H2SO4 with out a chemical process, but H20 is soluble in H2SO4 so it is possible to extract H2O from H2SO4 if the H2O is already present.
3b) collected H2O can then be converted into 100% H2O2, thus more valuable and stored upon Venus
What do they do with all that H??? Duhh I think you should learn to count.
4)Artificial production of energy can be accommodated by way of the 4+bar/km differential
Ohh no perpetual energy... Please let us know how we could get all our energy from the deep oceans if you would share your knowledge.
4a) with said energy (GW if need be) all sorts of insurmountable things become entirely surmountable
You mean I could become a movie star... Give me the energy...
5)the sheer buoyancy of 65+kg/m3 represents that rigid airships would function quite nicely
What... The sheer buoyancy of you mind should have sent you into the stratosphere ages ago..
5a) there's something of an unusual airship-like mass that's associated with the existing tarmac
What again...Like What.. Please try to make some sense.
5b) oops, there I've suggested that a highly mountainous terrain offers a rather noticeably flat tarmac like infrastructure
What you mean that you have found tar and discovered that its spread out flat, and that it is part of larger structures to provide a unified structure....???????
6)active lava and/or mud-flows currently exist, thereby additional energy and geological resources do in fact exist
Oh tell us something we don't know..
6a) with said resources via geological activity, and of new elements being exposed, other artificial processes could be accommodated
The key word being “could”... DUHH
6b) with said raw elements and nearly unlimited energy at your disposal, the likes of CO2-->CO/O2 is simply yet another done deal
Once again... The math.. Learn to count... Where is the extra oxygen coming form or where is the excess C going???
Brad, I'm locking this thread down purely because it will just breakdown if left unchecked into personal comments and provide clues that certain people haven't done their homework. I would suggest that if your going to continue posting in this forum which you might have decided not to, to lower your posts to a Simplified Axiom of thought rather than a complete string. This way Axiom by Axiom you can peer review your understanding of where each thought you have actually fits with the consensus and whether you actually have anything worthwhile to contribute.
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