Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs

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Sorry, it seems I've been just a little preoccupied with that pesky matter of "life on Venus", and otherwise of the truly horrific sorts of values and potential for humanity with respect to our moon, of which the LSE-CM/ISS offers just the necessary ticket(s) if we're ever going to arrive safely at other planets and/or moons like Europa, of which I do agree that it's quite interesting. The notion of our going off to visit the wizard of Oz as per some Godforsaken Jupiter moon is asking a great deal from humanity, especially since our global environment is being cooked into a serious greenhouse, and that our resident warlord has just recently flushed trillions of hard earned dollars and euros into that cold-war space toilet of life, along with a few tens of thousands of innocent lives (I wonder how much extra those lives are worth?).

I've updated a couple of my old energy related pages, of what's mostly related to Venus, and I've even improved a touch upon the index page.

There's lots of energy related issues to be considered and contemplated, that is unless you don't really want to know exactly where it is that all of those UFOs hide out. Surely folks don't believe that ETs are immortals, as otherwise the closest other star system that could have supported a Venus like planet is Sirius, and at 10% light speed is 90+ years away, and at the more realistic velocity of 1% light speed represents a good 1000 years.

I see no problem in the level of applied intelligence required of space travel capable folks, in their dealing with a little heat. I do believe that of surviving long enough as to commute to/from Sirius is quite another issue, that's only made worse off if they're from somewhere further away, as it seems there is a relative terminal velocity as for physical items traveling through space, unless they're into another dimension, and if so why are they bothering with what's left of Earth?

David Sereda has those official NASA documented images of large craft that look as highly energised, as functioning within an energy field of what was recorded in the UV/a spectrum (invisible to the human eye), whereas in which case it's possible that the 10% light speed velocity might be possible, although I believe the fastest moving physical substance ever recorded by our astrophysics wizards was in the range of 600 km/s, and that's not even of 1% light speed.

You might want to offer some feedback on that topic of "terminal velocity", as that is a serious consumption of energy just to defend your craft from all that nasty stuff in space, as for the likes of impacting a kg worth of whatever at even 500 km/s isn't going to be a survivable outcome, at least not of anything that's on our drawing boards for the future. So, how much of an energy field is needed for deflecting such debris, and sustaining your SOA?

Keeping in mind that energy in = energy out.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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bradguth said:
BTW; your "if you have no evidence to support it then it becomes irrelevant" is just as irrelevant, unless you'd care to suggest that God doesn't exist, nor Osama bin Laden doesn't exist simply because I can't prove that either does exist. Christ almighty, I can't possibly prove that you even exist, much less any WMD, and so what does that accomplish, or don't you believe in the laws of physics, or of the possibilities within evolution and/or of creation accomplishing something that's a whole lot better off than this absolute mess on Earth.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
sounds like your trying to bullshit your way out of showing supporting evidence.
Sorry about all of my previous word overload.

"sounds like your trying to bullshit your way out of showing supporting evidence"

What can I say, here's yet another blind and snookered fool that apparently can't manage to accomplish anything for himself, though oddly elects to not offer squat worth of anything specific, and otherwise has prove that I'm right about his form of humanity being the very cesspool of life. I'm not even going to suggest that perhaps these fools should accomplish there own look-see, as that would be asking too much and of expecting a touch of intelligence at best.

Again, I'm not at this time nor have I ever been referring to Venus as anything suitable for humans. After all, we're clearly not even smart enough as to realize when we're being snookered by the likes of a sand pirate such as Saddam, or even by those rusemasters of NASA/Apollo. Thus chances of our surviving Venus, even though such would have been within the existing realm of applied technology, plus that of having essentially loads of easily established resources of energy, this simply isn't an option for the likes of dumbfounded folks.

Although, by way of terraforming or just that of an expedition outpost by other folks that are obviously not nearly as dumb and dumber as most Americans, nor as easily snookered, could easily have set up camp, if not permanent residence.

Either way, something a whole lot bigger and way more intelligent than diatoms accomplished what can be seen, and those laws of physics prove that it is possible, even under the present hot and nasty aspects of such testy life upon Venus.

Obviously UFO/ET folks would not have had the least bit of any difficultly in dealing with that sort of environment. If their interstellar travel speed was something of a conservative 1% LS (3e6 m/s), as such that's 1000 years in just getting from Sirius. In which case almost any shore leave should do quite nicely.
Terminal velocity;
310 X Light Speed;

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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Calling Venus is within a local laser area code, thus no LD charges.

Interplanetary communications (Earth/Venus) is strictly for our benefit, and possibly for our salvation if things keep going into that proverbial space toilet, whereas such communications is not as likely for benefit of Venus. As for what possible reason would Venus have need of their communicating with such an incest populated planet as Earth, especially when the very fiber of our existence is based upon a long history of superstitions, suppositions and/or best of all are those damn bloody religious and perpetrated cold-wars, plus so many other lies upon lies as being told and formally published by perpetual liars like GW Bush that obviously don't give a tinkers damn about humanity, unless it's their personal humanity/butt that's on the line.

It seems rather clear that science and the likes of physics has been more than willing to lie their butts off, if that's what it takes as to being mainstream politically correct, thus publicly funded. Keeping the truth from the public is actually far worse off than outright lying, whereas the American political system of what's supposedly the all-knowing leadership of this human pack has become so incest infected with arrogance, greed, bigotry and just otherwise for being as downright nasty as all get out, isn't exactly something another civilization that's perhaps much older than Earth, or of at least a whole lot wiser than, should bother with (at least not if they can foresee what's good for them).

Within my research, I've got a good number of pages on the topic of such interplanetary worthy communications, one of which is;

And there's lots more on the communication topic listed in the UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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whereas such communications is not as likely for benefit of Venus
Just a hint... hot balls of gas, liquids and solids don't really care if you shoot lasers at them.
Fair enough;

Though even though the Venus season of nighttime as for being elevated at 5+km isn't all that relatively hot and nasty, and since there's R-1024/m of basalt/silica composites to work with, and essentially unlimited energy available, as in GW if need be. I suppose if you were as dumb and dumber as you've indicated such dumbfounded folks would in fact be, and if you're referencing that as to humans, I'd agree that there's absolutely no point in calling Venus.

If I lived on Venus, being that I'd have to be so much smarter than mere humans, I certainly wouldn't answer the call, no matters what.

Of course, an extended laser call to Venus, as in 24/7 for an entire year might cost perhaps 1% of just one Mars probe/mission. Just think of all the spam and smut exploitation possibilities.
I personally like how we can't even use lasers to call spacecraft in orbit... but you want to use it to call Venus.
I didn't say it would be easy, just a whole lot cheaper and obviously much faster than going for Mars.

What's you best guestimate for power, spectrum and beam divergence, as to being noticed on the nighttime surface of Venus?

There's actually some good opacity numbers on them clouds, and reasonable chances of dispersement in photons getting through.

I've already logged my ideas, so what do you think is possible, and don't try saying that it's impossible, as that would only prove that you're the village idiot instead of myself holding that title.

Obviously the Boeing/TRW ABL, at a delivery of 100 MW and at 0.5 milliradian would offer a wee bit overkill.
We are constantly sending out signals as a planet. A laser is somewhat... well... stupid.
It still amazes me that some dude siting in front of his computer can find evidence of life on Venus while the worlds scientific community spends millions, no trillions of dollars trying to find even the smallest sign of extraterrestrial life with no luck.

But of course you do back up your evidence with insults.

A smallest sample of your proof from this thread alone.
here's yet another blind and snookered fool that apparently can't manage to accomplish anything for himself,
perhaps these fools should accomplish there own look-see
or even by those rusemasters of NASA/Apollo.
obviously not nearly as dumb and dumber as most Americans
the all-knowing leadership of this human pack has become so incest infected with arrogance, greed, bigotry and just otherwise for being as downright nasty as all get out
I suppose if you were as dumb and dumber as you've indicated
1) Bla, bla, bla, bla.
2) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
3) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
4) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
It seems that some folks in this forum are not whom they pretend to be, instead they string you along as though they actually care about furthering your topic, when in fact they have absolutely no intentions of doing anything but undermining whatever is outside of their "mainstream status quo", as such having a pre-disposition towards converting and/or subduing anyone they can. It's a game of which only certain forum "godfathers" can pursue with absolute impunity, and without remorse.
perhaps that's because he's still a certified borg member in good standing with the "Flat Earth Society".
The bla bla one fills me with awe. If only I could have such powerful proof.. By the way its Blah not bla.

This is the one I really like
as in there's life on Venus, in spite of NASA.
Oh and this one.
I'd have to be so much smarter than mere humans

There's plenty more now littering this forum, with way to many, puck this and puck you's, for my sensibilities. At first you posted in Pseudoscience, cool, but then you started moving your foul language to other forums, congesting otherwise interesting threads with nonsense and insult.

So may I suggest that you move your Life on Venus thread to SiFi. You won't have to swear as much.

Pseudoscience is for crack pot concepts, ideas, postulation, even a little creative interpolation, well a lot. Yours is just a story and dude most of us could tell a much better story then you.

Note to moderators.
This may not be on subject and also not quite in the spirit of Pseudoscience. Yet bradguth's belligerent attitude to this community has got under my skin and if I can't make him be nice then maybe you could gently persuade him to stop pucking, opps thats, (FUCKING) swearing at us. I did a search of SciForums with google, the string “Puck bradguth” got a total of 31 records. With me “Puck Blindman” no result (until this post of course).
Dear "Blindman" or whomever you really are;

Obviously your brains have been stuck in one of those nasty space toilets, as you'd otherwise have noticed how I haven't insulted those offering their notions or supposedly better ideas, and even answering relatively stupid questions, whereas unlike yourself, at least I'll do my best as to convey what I perceive is there to being seen as existing upon Venus, and/or I'll share what little I've learned about them laws of physics and biology, and I'll even share my thoughts as to specific numbers, of which you "all-knowing" folks could not be the least bit bothered with because, you wouldn't have altered history nor the future even if you could.

My ongoing research and/or learning curve on behalf of what we should have been doing with the likes of our moon is at least focused upon benefiting humanity, whereas your focus is upon sustaining your mainstream status quo at all cost, and without remorse.

As for "life on Venus"; case closed, as it has been there all along, except that you're too arrogant if not dumb and dumber as to ever realize squat, much less life on another planet. Or, don't those laws of physics pertain to Venus?

"Pseudoscience is for crack pot concepts, ideas, postulation, even a little creative interpolation, well a lot. Yours is just a story and dude most of us could tell a much better story then you."

I wish you'd do just that, help tell this story in a format of polished science and physics that isn't as skewed as those NASA/Apollo events, something of a NOVA class production might be quite nice. As for anything Apollo is a serious bad story line if there ever was;

And there's lots more to share within my UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
"We are constantly sending out signals as a planet. A laser is somewhat... well... stupid."

BTW; 99.999% of life on Earth, in one way or another, utilizes photons, thus your DNA must be of the 0.001% that's outside the loop.

What do you suppose created the horrific illumination spot that emitted from Venus, such as the one captured by Alen Heath?

Give me some of your calculations or ideas as to the photon energy/m2.

How much applied technology does it require as to communicate via visible light?

Why would Venus lizard folks utilize much if anything radio, especially of anything of low frequency like our microwave stuff, when their environment is crystal clear upto perhaps 35 km, thus site to site usage of extremely little energy would allow for absolutely terrific communications, whereas 1 watt of near-UV (407 nm) could provide as much as 170,000 lumen/watt if we're speaking of a sufficiently nocturnal vision. And, utilizing a reflected beam off the bottoms of them coluds is good for perhaps 1300 km, where as little as a 1 watt laser beam could produce what could be visually detected on the other end by that lizard eye.

Radio maybe is simply instead of radio;

If radio like technology existed, of which it might, that technology would most likely be tuned to the near-UV spectrum, so that terabytes/ms of quantum-packet smut could be transmitted and subsequently received by whomever had pay-per-view. Although since their environment is nicely surrounded by a very electrolytic cloud layer, whereas such a low frequency and of relatively low amount of RF energy could easily circumnavigate their globe with just a few watts, assuming vacuum tube technology unless they utilize diamond as their solid state crystal medium.

And lo and behold, there's lots more (a bit far reaching) to share within my UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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How much applied technology does it require as to communicate via visible light?

Not much. We do it with fiber optic all the time. You need a laser and detectors. Modulate a frequency of light, add data, and send it away. Receive, decode and demodulate at the other end and ta-da! You can do the same with laser in free space (not through fiber optic) but your limited to how tight you can focus the beam and the energy needed to reach a certain distance. Here on earth you don't need much energy but you need to worry about atmospheric dispersion of the photons. In space this isn't a problem. Over long distances you need to be accurate in aim so the detector can detect it.

BTW; 99.999% of life on Earth, in one way or another, utilizes photons, thus your DNA must be of the 0.001% that's outside the loop.

Unless you're talking about a photon as an electromagnetic force carrier that statement makes no sense.

As for "life on Venus"; case closed, as it has been there all along, except that you're too arrogant if not dumb and dumber as to ever realize squat, much less life on another planet. Or, don't those laws of physics pertain to Venus?

No, case not closed. If your proof is insulting people without providing a lick of evidence then you're the bigger idiot here. Oh wait you'll just insult ME now. That's all the firepower you have isn't it. And if its YOUR notion of physics that pertain to Venus then no, your "pesky" laws don't apply; the ones that have worked for decades in the real world do.
Wasn't it said that a Laser the size of a pin head from out planet pointed at the moon would show the size of a football (soccerball), so you can image the size alteration the further you go.

The only thing you can really do to deal with this is to have more than one source of the same output that attempts to triangulate them all to one point. close range this would frazz something (too much photonic energy and we are talking cooking lessons) however at greater ranges it would be possible to communicate, however the greater the range the greater the "array" of lasers would have to be placed apart.

Light though is potentially not the best way to communicate since after there are so many planets and creatures on our own planet that can't even see.
Stryder, it all depends on how coherent (pure) the beam is for the amount it widens. The more coherent a beam is the less it widens over distance. Plus you can take some steps to focus the laser to a point down the line. You can start with a wider beam and focus it farther out with minimal error in the data.
But radio signals are still much easier to send/recieve.
Exactly. Unless you need extremely high amounts of bandwidth there's no reason NOT to stick to good old radio and microwave frequencies.
Your analogy of communications via light has intentionally skipped over the biological forms of accomplishing such tasks, whereas the level(s) of required technology is zilch, although you'll do need an eye and at least half a brain.

You're right about my 99.999% factor of life utilizing spectrums of visible light (including those having UV/a and IR spectrum coverage, of which humans are the most limited, although other senses are similar but not nearly as fast as light. So I'm a wee bit over the line with regard to the percentages of biological formats utilizing visual communications, but you get my point, or perhaps not.

This is an old page that's simply my way of suggesting something instead of radio;

If you're stipulating that your own personal laws of physics and thereby logic do NOT apply to Venus, then perhaps you are correct that rigid airships couldn't possibly exist, much less function, and apparently life certainly couldn't have made a go of it when there's so freaking much energy as to being had, and so on, or in what's clearly depicted as most likely artificial as existing upon Venus is just good old mother nature running amuck as usual, even though nowhere else can such artificial looking items be identified as existing elsewhere other as anything so natural.

"But radio signals are still much easier to send/recieve."

"there's no reason NOT to stick to good old radio and microwave frequencies"

For mere humans that still can't manage as to cummunicate with the other 99.9% of life on Earth maybe, but certainly not as for better than humans. Energy wise there's absolutely no contest between a radio beam and that of a 0.05 milliradian laser, even a .5 milliradian beam is relatively energy efficient, especially if that's utilizing something of near-UV instead of IR.

The required levels of providing RF transmitting and subsequent receiving technologies are considerable to those of light, and that's if each knows the proper frequency and can demodulate as well as decode such RF transmitted data.

In fact, instead of radio, the 425 nm (+/- 25 nm) spectrum would due quite well, whereas 400~450 nm worth of sufficiently focused energy would nicely illuminate through their nighttime clouded sky, at least enough to matter.

I've already stipulated about utilizing a TRACE-II like instrument outfitted with a few laser cannons and photon receivers, as situated at Venus-L2, thus nearby and always situated over their season of nighttime, in which case hardly any energy is required and, the illuminated spot would become relatively small, though still highly dispersed once those photons are delivered through them clouds of perhaps offering at least 10% opacity, to as much as 25% opacity at the 425 nm spectrum.

"creatures on our own planet that can't even see."

I assume that you're referring to folks that could somehow manage see all of those small and thus nearly invisible WMD from satellite images that were at least 100 fold better resolution than those Magellan images of Venus, but somehow can't manage to see a damn thing (such as a rather substantial bridge and a few dozen other attributes of greater interest) existing on Venus that isn't entirely natural?

"Persol" and "blackolsun"
If yourself and others you know of are so selectively blind (visually bigoted), and as such supposedly can't biologically communicate via light, then exactly how the heck do you know those Magellan images are even those of Venus, or of whatever is natural rock and other hot and nasty stuff?

Aren't you looking at CRT or TFT generated photons, as those coming off your computer screen, or is your's one of those nifty braille interface tablets?

Visually, what do you folks/borgs consider as communications, or not?

If someone hits you over the head with the blunt end of a big and nasty flashlight; that's certainly a perfectly good form of communications.

If instead of having to hit your empty head with said flashlight, we first shined it's bright light in your dumbfounded eyes just prior to hitting your head with the butt of that flashlight, whereas it seems as though that beam of photons is yet another perfectly good form of communications that could have been initiated from miles away, whereas you seem to be stipulating as to the physical blunt force trama as being the preferred form of communications, even though such represents a rather considerable delay and a million times more delivery and impact force/energy having to be applied, as opposed to perhaps a mere watt of those zippy photons, of which any decent nocturnal might detect as 170,000 lumen/watt.

OK, so therefore folks such as "Persol" and "blackolsun" have sort of proved my point, that mere humans are absolutely arrogant, as in dumb and dumber when it come to comprehending interspecies communications, much less as for interplanetary communications. Obviously the dumber such humans get (if that's possible), the more applied technology it takes as to communicating squat.

Of course, you could prove me wrong by way of offering some specific numbers on light getting to/from Venus, in which case I'd have to reconsider your borg status. Since you already know all there is to know, the specific numbers on a given beam of light getting into those nighttime clouds should not be all that difficult. Obviously, from seeing that old KECK-II image of the green nighttime glow indicates that we'd have absolutely no problem in detecting whatever is created in the way of photon emmissions coming from Venus.
So Brad's true nature finally comes out. Multiple assumptions and otherwise bad science in general makes that read probably the most stupid thing I have ever read. You place yourself high and mighty above the rest of the human race because you think aliens on Venus communicate via photons. Our eyes, like the eyes of any other creature...terrestrial or otherwise are just a sense with have...just like our sense of smell or touch. In that aspect maybe I should say that instead of a laser shined into Venus that we dump shitloads of pheromones into the atmosphere to communicate with the "lizard people" because a lot more species on earth use chemical signals to communicate back and my idea is much more plausible then yours...because I said so and whoever thinks otherwise is a brainslugged nimrod that works for the State Department/UN.

If yourself and others you know of are so selectively blind (visually bigoted), and as such supposedly can't biologically communicate via light, then exactly how the heck do you know those Magellan images are even those of Venus, or of whatever is natural rock and other hot and nasty stuff?

Hmm...maybe because you're the one CLAIMING they ARE! And even if they were from Bolivia nothing on the image looks like a bridge or town or whatever the hell pops into your head the day you wake up! Plus there is a difference with "seeing" and "communicating". If I look at a toaster are you seriously saying that the toaster is communicating its presence to me?

I assume that you're referring to folks that could somehow manage see all of those small and thus nearly invisible WMD from satellite images that were at least 100 fold better resolution than those Magellan images of Venus, but somehow can't manage to see a damn thing (such as a rather substantial bridge and a few dozen other attributes of greater interest) existing on Venus that isn't entirely natural?

Well we do know that any chance you get your push your political agenda/views on us. Frankly you can cram it with walnuts. We're talking about your claims of Venus not Iraq.

If instead of having to hit your empty head with said flashlight, we first shined it's bright light in your dumbfounded eyes just prior to hitting your head with the butt of that flashlight, whereas it seems as though that beam of photons is yet another perfectly good form of communications that could have been initiated from miles away, whereas you seem to be stipulating as to the physical blunt force trama as being the preferred form of communications, even though such represents a rather considerable delay and a million times more delivery and impact force/energy having to be applied, as opposed to perhaps a mere watt of those zippy photons, of which any decent nocturnal might detect as 170,000 lumen/watt.

OK, so therefore folks such as "Persol" and "blackolsun" have sort of proved my point, that mere humans are absolutely arrogant, as in dumb and dumber when it come to comprehending interspecies communications, much less as for interplanetary communications. Obviously the dumber such humans get (if that's possible), the more applied technology it takes as to communicating squat.

You can't go a day without insulting anyone can you? Stop being an idiot. We won't listen to you if you insult everyone. Hell I consider it a funny read to listen to the sewage you spout out every morning. It just proves our case more and keep it up. If you talked to someone like that walking down the street you'd find yourself laying in the gutter unconscious. So we see light when you shine it at what? We don't give off photons to return the message do we? Not many speices do and if you believe that you're a bigger fool than we all thought.

Point being is that you make up everything you believe in and you push it on us with an "I'm a GOD" attitude. There is a reason only Norval seems to take a liking to you; he's exactly the same should be roommates!
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