Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs

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bradguth, is there a cliff notes to your site? I got throughly confused on your June27th update about President Bush, DHS etc....
Why Venus? Why not Antartica on Earth? OR even Australia 2000 years ago? Earth is more hospitable during our low tech days. So if those aliens existed then, they would have bases here too. Let us dig.....

'Aliens existed several years ago' has become hackneyed expression,Not to say those Lummox Aliens existed several years back,but really if you take some bits and pieces,you"d find that Aliens word is rather inappropriate to say for our Neandearthal or Homo Sapiens Ancestors as i have a reason to believe that if Humans can advanced like we have now in such a short span of time,may be then too they advanced.May be this is just cycle of Advancements and Degradations.

Footprints of our Ancestors with several evidences point at something strange,something we have difficulty in believing.How could a Civilization back then be so advanced?.This idea primarily roots from West,which apparently tends to believe that it started the advancements in our current civilization.So,it could be that during Early phases when "West" didnt exist completely,Aliens could have helped in building the advanced Civilization...Which is rubbish.Human intelligence was same back then.We all know of several examples from India and over the east where several ideas given by West were thought off before the Western science was even born,Thus,it is difficult as i understand for west tor realize the ideas of East which were given in early years but were not prevelant in West when the science was Born.
Ultimately West is embracing the east and its philosophies and Vice versa.The world is shrinking to global thought and Mind Matter is becoming more practical day by day.

thanks four your time.
i thought Venus was made up of Volcanos on the crust.These were active Volcanoes isnt it?.Life exists on higher temperature indeed,but atmosphere and UV rays absorbants absence might make it difficult for us to realize that Life was really existant in Venus(I could be wrong though.)

bradguth said:
I can tell right off that you don't trust those Magellan SAR images, but you seem to be in favor those Kodak moments upon our moon that couldn't possibly have transpired, if in fact they were photographed by said Kodak film.

Well that is exceptionally vague. What the heck are you talking about?
Sorry about all the "favor returning" upon all the flak I've received.

Basically I have a few less complex pages, though you might want to get as specific on a given question as you can, as otherwise I tend to lose control over words and of sharing a few too many rants.

Venus has all of what you say, and then some.
Life may no longer be all that simple, as hot and nasty as its gotten. However, I believe Venus wasn't always so freaking hot, nor as nasty as of nearly as a few thousand years ago.

As an example; the notion of being advanced and intellectually capable of expressing ones self doesn't have to include anything radio.

Keeping in mind that, with energy (Venus having loads of spare energy) all sort of things become surmountable, which still doesn't represent that such intelligence would what to have anything to do with the likes of Earth.

Sorry, I incorrectly assumed that you were questioning the worth of those Magellan SAR images, of which a few of those images seem to tell us that something modified the local terrain into something other that has never been recorded an accomplishment by mother nature, thus leading my three remaining brain cells in conjecture overload.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
and my anti-apollohoax KODAK MOMENT:
Here's just another offering for the fun of it; Venus for dummy's

1) It's way too damn humanly hot.
2) Nighttime is much cooler but, still too freaking humanly hot
3) They've got all the energy in their world, available on demand.
4) With said energy, all sorts of insurmountable things become surmounted.

For those of you in need of a fully scientific prognosis, such as a NASA/NOVA class of documentation as per what Venus has NOT to offer humanity;

goto into most anything moderated site as for obtaining the following valid reasons as to why other life has been so absolutely impossible, and of why we should NOT do Venus.
1) Bla, bla, bla, bla.
2) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
3) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
4) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

Of course, this prospect of accommodating other life upon Venus is not speaking for the sorts of intelligent lizard folk that have long since grown accustomed to the heat, and accustomed to their nighttime season that been confirmed by KECK-II as being offered a rather nifty greenish (ionised O2) amount of glowing clouds, and otherwise as a nighttime season viewed by folks having a nocturnal visual peak sensitivity of 407 nm that's good for perhaps 170,000 lumen/watt, and otherwise accustomed to being parked nextdoor to the most absolute dumb and dumber other dumbfounded planet in the entire universe, as unfortunately there's only so much one can do about such things.

It's too bad that the few within NASA that claim they care can't seem to remove themselves from those Apollo nondisclosure space toilets, as it's apparent that they had to apply lots of super-glue to each of those toilet seats as part of their initiation into the cloak and dagger division of their Skull and Bones cult, as a method of insuring whatever goes into the crapper stays there until well past death, as even those official NASA coffins have an apendage structured just for accommodating that super-glue attached space toilet.
Although no hyperthermophile has yet been discovered living at temperatures above 113°C, their existence is very possible. However, it is thought unlikely that microbes could survive at 150°C or hotter, as the cohesion of DNA and other vital molecules begins to break down at this point.

Of course this notion for such "hyperthermophile" life is based upon a near surface thermal environment pressure of one Bar, or slightly greater if situated just under the surface, whereas the starting compression point for the likes of life on Venus can be as great as 120 bar if situated in a nighttime valley floor.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
Just a little off topic: What do we need to do to start a nuclear reaction to Jupitor so that it could be a mini sun?

May I recommend that when you post any speculation, supposition, ideas etc here at sciforum- pseudoscience, please be concise. We have plenty of very very smart people that can easily understand what you are trying to present without blasting NASA or any body else or writing a book.

Otherwise you would lose the very people you are trying to communicate.

There is nothing wrong in speculating, but let us do it the way people can understand.

Just a suggestion.

I agree with you and posted that Venus could have been cooler long time ago. There is also a possibility that the run away green house effect could reverse itself as the planet could be like a living system.
The igniting of Jupiter notion is a wee bit more than slightly "off topic"

Since we have no practical method of getting all that much of anything physical off to Jupiter, or Jupitor as you've named it, I suppose we could start things off my utilizing every available GW we've got within this greenhouse warming world of ours, as in reapplied as focused laser cannons, and of keeping those multi-Gigawatt class units on line until the very last drop of oil and every last m3 worth of natural gas is gone.

Then what?

Perhaps we should establish those robotic lunar based VLA-SAR receiving apertures, so that our astronomy wizards can get that 100 mm resolution look-see at the surface of Jupiter before we seriously fry whomever or whatever is capable of surviving upon Jupiter.

Perhaps better yet, we should create a specific topic of "anti-terraforming, and/or "Planet Destruction" by way of arrogance and stupidity", just like a certain resident warlord we all seem to know too well.

or is that being a little over the edge?
I seem to be having another one of those "bad forum days" with my other topic:
There's life on Venus, in spite of NASA

Cybernautic Hologram (2,782 posts) Yesterday, 10:29 PM
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Btw, if anyone reported anything it didn't get through.
Seems like you guys took this thread right off the beaten track, I'm glad to see the Thread starter attempt to get it back on track.
[/Mod note]

Venus I think will have always been too hot for life I believe, although It might be the direction we migrate when the sun starts cooling down, of course if it coold down too much we might want to start running into the cold void of space rather than sit on a timebomb, but thats a very long time in the future for us (although a battering of an eye for the universe)

I think it would be very unlikely to find anything to premote the notion of life there, in fact I wouldn't be suprised if it's classed as a relatively young planet in comparison to our own and Mars.

Still, as with everything it all boils down to evidence at the end of the day, and if you haven't any now all you can do is hope you accumilate some later. It's also best to remember it's a theory, speculative and theoretic in essense it has no proof, so when people Stab wildly flailing that you need evidence and it's hopeless without any just point out your intension is to look for evidence.

I'm CLOSING this thread because theres one already open on the same subject.

Perfectly good points about Venus being too darn hot for life as we know it, and perhaps much newer to our solar system is also right on topic.

Given the opportunity, I might have suggested the notion of "teraforming" via folks from the Sirius star system, that which could have had a Sirius/c planet that was similar to Venus, if not one in the same. In which case the artificial influx of life is what I've been detecting, and thereby not of any evolution or creation of life as we know it.

I can't but help notice how all of the official moles encharge of NASA's "spin" and "damage control" are focused upon skirting around the "KODAK MOMENT", not to mention the prototype lunar lander test flight documentation, of which at least that item should have been on film as equally spectrum unskewed as were those lunar/Apollo images, since those prototype images would have been illuminated by filtered sunlight, or via xenon spectrum if being photographed at night.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
It seems that some folks in this forum are not whom they pretend to be, instead they string you along as though they actually care about furthering your topic, when in fact they have absolutely no intentions of doing anything but undermining whatever is outside of their "mainstream status quo", as such having a pre-disposition towards converting and/or subduing anyone they can. It's a game of which only certain forum "godfathers" can pursue with absolute impunity, and without remorse.

Unlike myself, of which I have a certain pre-disposition to the notions of other life existing elsewhere than Earth, and partially because of what I'm perceiving as more likely artificial than not about what's observed as situated upon Venus, whereas others opposing the notions (any notions, and no matters how well founded) of other life will go to whatever means and extremes at their disposal, which includes but is not limited to locking down a given topic, or that of ultimately banning a non-convert altogether.

In order to prevent such from getting out of hand, I'd like to simply focus this topic upon the notion or sub-topic that Venus offers all the energy in the world, by which all sorts of insurmountable issues become surmountable. Thus energy is the all important undertow of this topic, whereas without a great deal of said energy, even the likes of reasonably advanced and intellectually capable forms of life (UFOs or not) are going to have a seriously tough time of their surviving upon Venus, leaving us with the sorts life to those robust microbes and/or the likes of silica diatoms, as forever floating about those relatively cool clouds.

Sub-UFO-topic is now upon: ENERGY
kmguru said:
Just a little off topic: What do we need to do to start a nuclear reaction to Jupitor so that it could be a mini sun?

You need a little of 1000 times the mass of jupiter. Sorry Jupiter is just too small to initiate a fusion reaction on its own. You might want to hope for a brown dwarf impact and hope they fuse.....unlikey as that is.
bradguth said:
It seems that some folks in this forum are not whom they pretend to be, instead they string you along as though they actually care about furthering your topic, when in fact they have absolutely no intentions of doing anything but undermining whatever is outside of their "mainstream status quo", as such having a pre-disposition towards converting and/or subduing anyone they can. It's a game of which only certain forum "godfathers" can pursue with absolute impunity, and without remorse.

Or maybe they are adhering to the practice that "extreme claims require extreme evidence". Frankly I'm glad these folks are questioning those who take it upon themselves to rewrite the science books with nothing more than blurry images of old lava flows.

Oh and go ahead and call me a "borg" proud and true. I don't believe you're right...let alone more right than wrong. So if that qualification makes me an "incest borg" by your definition then so be it. I'll stick with Nasa's word for it.'re not getting us any closer to Venus, or Mars, or Jupiter, or Saturn......ect. Truth is that there are a lot like you that believe in radical speculations and they all think THEY'RE the ones who are right. And of course they call us skeptics all the same names you do..that we aren't "proactive" or "don't think outside the box" or are "closeminded". The trouble is you haven't convinced me. Not because I'm the above but because you have nothing that to prove to me otherwise. Film can be processed, filters can be used, maybe that photo you so loving hold on to as "evidence" was in fact prepared as a sort of portrait...just as NASA throws all the moons of one of the gas giants into a "mural" of sorts. The truth is images are EVERYONE these days. It happened in the past and still happens today. I don't go screaming "HOAX" just because of it. You ignore rock samples, the space race (and russians drooling to call hoax at the drop of the pin...they monitored our missions btw), video footage that couldn't have been faked back then, and equipment left on the surface that worked for years after.
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"I don't go screaming "HOAX" just because of it"

Me neither, at least not for the first 6 months worth of honest efforts as to nicely communicate what apparently I alone perceived as being a whole lot more artificial looking than not.

Onto the topic of ENERGY, of which I'm fairly certain the likes of "blackholesun" borgs will automatically attempt to self-destruct before our eyes, as opposed to offering squat worth of equal or better notions.

No matters how advanced or primitive, any survivor upon a planet such as Venus needs access to energy, though not necessarily as much as you'd think.

Here's my energy shot in the dark of surviving their nighttime season in style;
At the absolute worst 10 kw/hr/ET, at best 1 kw/hr/ET, and even less if having become a bit more reptilian or preferably exoskeletal in physiology, as well as cold blooded couldn't hurt, and if possible well acclimated from a little of Darwin's evolution in DNA mutations would certainly have gone a long ways towards getting that artificial energy demand per adapted ET down to as little as 0.1 kw/hr.

If physical space travel were capable of 10% LS (30,000 km/s), chances are that the nearest other community (by a good factor of at least 10) that might have been worthy of offering a Venus class planet is Sirius, and as such we're talking about 90+ years just to get here, while continuously having to expend a great deal of their energy reserves as for fending off whatever particles of anything much over 2 mg, which isn't an option. As for any sort of physical shield to accomplish the likes of fending off larger items of 2+grams while at 10% LS is expecting a survival from those 900e12 joules/s per impact, of which said impact isn't going to dissipate over any second, whereas instead it's going to transpire in a few micro second, thus unavoidable and extremely penetrating to say the least, especially if that 2 gram particle is relatively dense and thereby compact, such as a small amount of iron, which actually shouldn't be all that uncommon.

Thus having to bring along a sufficient supply of energy for this amount of travel and duration of stay on such a remote planet, plus enough reserves as to get back home might not be all that doable. Although, reaching out to a planet of natural geological and atmospheric energy resources seems like a whole lot better notion. Thus as long as the planet they're settling upon is sufficiently loaded with the right sorts of energy alternatives, this group of space travelers need only configure for a one-way energy ticket.

Lo and behold, and unlike Mars or even Earth, Venus has way more than it's fair share of said energy.

The most common and easily available method of obtaining energy is via kinetic extraction, as accomplished from utilizing the vertical pressure differential of 4+bar/km, and of tunneling whatever volumes of said pressurised and good density worth of CO2 as to pass such through a radial power turbine. A relatively small scale of this sort of installation might look somewhat like a cooling tower of perhaps as little as 100 meters in vertical offset, of perhaps 50 meters diameter at the base and 25 meters at the top where the power turbine vents said CO2 differential back into the lower pressure zone that's at least 0.4 Bar less than of the base inlet.

This 0.4 Bar differential doesn't sound like all that much, that is until you do the math on what's transpiring as the inlet volume of mostly CO2 of 65 kg/m3 is directed upward becomes accelerated by a factor of at least 2:1, thus the inlet volume of 1963 cubic meters and of an initial velocity of perhaps one meter per second is transformed into 2 m/s, that's having to exit through the upper 25 meter diameter turbine opening.

That's 127,595 kg/s worth of mass that going to create energy, if you want it or not. Even with 20% conversion/friction losses, that's still greater than 100,000 kg/s that should represent something that's rather hard to pass up, especially if you're having to survive on such a hot and nasty planet. Of course, creating a full blown km worth of vertical offset differential that's taking advantage of the 4+Bar/km, of a structure offering perhaps a 400 meter inlet diameter and 100 meter outlet which might induce as much as a 10 m/s exit velocity, as this is where we're talking about some sort of serious energy potential that's not only there for the taking, but continuously available day or night, and absolutely non-polluting at that.

As for the pint-sized 100 meter tower of power;
KE=.5MV2 represents 50e6 * 4 = 200e6 joules, or a continuous resource of 200 MW. Give that another worse case outcome of producing electrons @25% efficiency and that's merely 50 MW, which should be sufficient for sustaining at least 5,000 individual ETs, or perhaps fifty thousand of those cold blooded exoskeletals.

Besides pressure differentials and volumes of terrific density of what the mostly CO2 medium offers for extracting energy, there's lots of other viable alternatives, that is if those pesky laws of physics work similar to here on Earth. And, with said energy is where all sorts of insurmountable issues become surmounted.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
About all those dirty rotten Russians, and of their flying machines.

Lo and behold, they too were snookering as many of their fellow countrymen, woman and children as possible, and for pretty much the same cold-war reason(s). Thus even if it were discovered that ours wasn't for real, there were thousands of highly paid and sought after positions within the Russian counterpart to that of our NASA/NSA/DoD which offered tens of thousands of even more prestigious positions and of considerably greater wealth to boot, so much so that in no holy way in hell was either mutual scam upon humanity going to be interrupted.

And about all that film, and so much other in 50 mm still images, by way of being recorded upon KODAK film; there's a wee bit of a spectrum skew problem, or actually a lacking spectrum skew factor that absolutely proves those images were never exposed to any lunar environment, and that's a fact.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
Application of whatever energy must always have a counterpart of thermal exchange or balance, as energy influx must always = energy out, and as such it'll be important as to obtaining and utilizing a fair amount of insulation, of which the mostly thermal conduction mode needs to be dealt with, along with such incorporating a number of thermal radiant barriers, that which the likes of basalt micro-spheres and/or of silica spheres will due quite nicely.

R-1024/m isn't all that difficult to create, especially in such a toasty and thereby bone dry environment. Even the notion of such micro-spheres being those of a vacuum within is hardly physics-101.

Basalt/silica composites alone are easily 10 fold better off structurally per kg than alloy steel, especially at elevated temperatures, and obviously the notion of any rigid airship constructed of basalt and perhaps silica composites is yet another done deal that's obviously impervious to whatever those acidic clouds have to offer. Thus cruising up anywhere near to and/or even through them clouds isn't a factor of corrosion, nor of any thermal concern. As for cruising above them nighttime clouds is also entirely possible by way of those pesky laws of physics, as certainly there's sufficient buoyancy and absolutely no shortage whatsoever of CO/O2 upon which to fuel and oxidise the necessary combustion as for powering this airship, and if need be there's always a little H2O2 for whatever boost as to further improving upon the situation at hand.

At least 25% of the 5.5e20 kg worth of Venus clouds and haze is in fact H2O.

Good gosh and golly geez; I wonder what the heck anyone with half a brain could possibly do with a few mega tonnes worth of H2O?

Of course, extracting said H2O is another one of those physics-101 solutions, which naturally the likes of borg "blackholesun" is either going to disagree or simply not give a flying airship puck about, perhaps that's because he's still a certified borg member in good standing with the "Flat Earth Society".

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
Energy wise; there's other than vertical atmospheric pressure differential and of CO/O2 energy to being had.

Within the image (of which I'd suggest that you process your own PhotoShop upon), there are in fact a number of items looking very much reservoir like, and some of them reservoirs are interconnected, as well as containing something that is highly energy absorbing, thus depicted as dark in color, as in radar energy absorbing dark, even though the actual optical color could be absolutely anything. This could be a mud like substance, and/or just plain old clear sulphuric acid if you'd care to speculate, as otherwise the substances of lava mud flows or possibly petroleum based muds, or even that of pure H2O2 is another substance that's sufficiently stable under that much pressure.

Not too far below the main township or community of "Guth Venus" is that of what I perceive as a rather large fluid arch, having the initial outlet erosion and termination or depository related erosion patterns to boot, of which this only brings up the notion of various hydrodynamics, and/or of whatever associated substances or energy related elements there is to being had.

I'm thinking (which is nearly always a bad sign), if there were any more easily available energy resources upon Venus, that as such it would have exploded, which actually might of have been the case that brought upon their greenhouse overload in the first place, or perhaps by some wise-ass lizard wizard experimenting with the notion of adding fusion into their environment of what was already overloaded with energy.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
You do not burn Venus air, at least not the invaluable portion of O2;
I also have an ongoing work-page or report containing something about Venus air, which may not suffice for mere humans, but nor does water.

This isn't my stipulating that there's a great deal of free O2 just laying around. Although, we humans at 68 Bar have been sustained upon the likes of 1% O2 and of the rest being 99% H2.

Then there's that little matter of KECK-II imaging upon the ionised O2 (green glow) that's existing within those nighttime clouds, and then there is that matter of Sir Alen Heath imaging that spot of rather nifty illumination, whereas we're talking at least in terms of megawatts.
Speed takes energy, as much as for slowing things down;
If UFOs were as such limited to 1/10th light speed, or perhaps even 1% light speed as for navigating within the relatively thick soup of our inner solar system that offers as much as 1e9 various atoms/m3 (trust me, you don't want to be running yourself into anything all that much more so substantial, as not even at 1% LS unless you don't mind becoming a comet), whereas the location of someone other (obviously a whole lot smarter than us) ET having a base of operations situated upon Venus would certainly have been a far better choice than of being sub-frozen to a fairlywell, easily pulverised and otherwise TBI to death upon Mars. Even that notion of using our moon which we can circumnavigate with reasonably good instruments, in as much as for hiding out on the moon would not have been my first choice, nor second, unless there's one hell of a big geode pocket within that's undetectable from satellite.

This isn't my stipulating that Mars was always so unfortunate, as I've previously stipulated upon the orbit of our solar system as being under the much stronger influence of the Sirius star system, whereas being responsible for creating at least a 10,000 year window of opportunity upon Mars to sustain life. Although, once the added influx advantage of the 375 nm peak spectrum of Sirius became too far away to matter (say 1+ light year), of the available energy alternatives and/or reserves of Mars simply were not there to be had. Thereby, at the outside maximum, I'd give life on Mars 20,000 years to put up or shut up, as otherwise you're going to get your sorry butt frozen solid, or pulverised and/or TBI to death, or all of the above.

In order to reasonably circumvent your demise upon Mars, for that you'll need loads of energy, and apparently most of that as being imported. As for the amount(s) of said energy/person, I believe surviving Mars would be suggesting upon somewhat greater demand per individual than upon Venus, and that's perhaps based upon only if most of that energy were imported, and if otherwise you spent the majority of your life underground.

Of course, if you'd care to redefine life as being worth a year or so, then you can certainly do almost anything you'd like to accomplish upon Mars, except contemplate ever returning home as to infect Earth with Mars. Unfortunately, all the banked bone marrow in the world isn't going to alter your demise once that much of your DNA has been destroyed, and for such an extended period of time.

Whereas for sustaining life on Venus (at this point I'm still referring to non-humans), having way more than it's fair share of easily available energy, and loads of accessible geological elements to boot, at least there's practically no chance of your being pulverised, nor is there as much influx of radiation reaching the surface as here on Earth, at least not while residing within their season of nighttime. Whereas the Venus season of daytime might be a real killer, especially if it's another one of those bad sun spot sort of seasons.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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