Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs

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I should really fit right in here; SciFi that is, or perhaps NOT!

This page is also on behalf of admiring the likes of NASA's warm and fuzzy gang(s) of incest borg troops:
National Geographics
PBS-NOVA productions
Scientific American
And of so many others (far too many to list) having been thoroughly snookered (thousands of folks having been snookered to death) and otherwise folks having been absolutely dumbfounded in spite of hearing and seeing the truth and nothing but the truth. Whereas thus far they've shown absolutely no remorse whatsoever, meaning that even if knowing the truth they would not have changed one damn thing, especially the part about stuffing those bucks into their bank accounts, as they would just as soon be snookered and remain part of the "skull and bones" borg collective as not, that is if there's another buck to being made, and as willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if need be, much like how tens of thousands of innocent folks have been snookered literally to death over WMD leaves all that much more of the pie for others. As such, I'm thinking the likes of Hitler and of a Cathar exterminating Pope would be absolutely proud of these incest borgs.

Unfortunately for NASA/Apollo, Kodak film doesn't lie about recording the available spectrum of light, nor is it responsible for selectively making portions of the moon retro-reflective as stipulated by their apollohoax borgs, nor can that Kodak film somehow manage to place an image of Earth where it simply is impossible to be, and/or account for the physics of placing Earth too far away is yet another task that's not something Kodak film accomplishes, but mostly it was the false levels of contrast due to the lack of atmospheric defractions, plus the spectrum skew or lack thereof natural (bluish, near-UV and UV/a) sunlight which was obviously replaced by that of xenon illuminations offering the Earth like solar spectrums.

Venus has whatever it takes for accommodating UFOs; as in there's life on Venus, in spite of NASA.

This topic is NOT of very good science fiction; NASA just lies, and I do believe those borgs have been incest cloning upon one another.

In spite of our NASA, Venus offers absolutely whatever it takes for the likes of UFOs, intelligent other life and then some, and apparently our moon hasn't been set foot upon, at least not by way of being photographed by anything Kodak.

If you and this group say that you are believers in UFO, as I am, perhaps those of you that haven't already been assimilated into the NASA/Apollo borg collective should start re-thinking about where those suckers have been coming from.

Mars; there's absolutely no freaking way, at least not within the most recent few centuries worth because, it's simply gotten way too damn cold, as if you're not sufficiently underground you'd also become relatively easy impact targets, as in pulverised by whatever is incoming because of the thin (1% of Earth) atmosphere that's hardly slowing anything down. And above all else you'd soon become TBI to death in no time at all, and besides all of that, there's hardly any accessible energy to being had, at least nothing in the way of any thermal/energy signature as of all the probes having thusfar detected upon. Although at this rate of exploring the likes of Mars, we'll likely uncover those WMD sooner, and at not 0.01% the cost of our discovering said energy upon Mars.

Sirius is certainly offering a remote possibility, especially if there's still a Sirius/c planet that's somewhat if not more so protected as well as Venus is, although your to/from commute would certainly be a real killer. I'll be the first to give these UFO ETs all the technological credits in the universe, but perhaps chances of their making 10% light speed isn't being all that realistic, although 1% light speed (3,000 km/s) is certainly doable, that is if your spacecraft could afford to generate enough EMPD (magnetosphere) as to fending off those otherwise lethal dust-bunny items that would just as soon penetrate your sorry butt before you'd even realize what just did you in. BTW; even that zippy 1% amount of light speed is roughly 100 fold better off than anything that's on our future drawing boards. Thus even the prospect of 10% light speed makes coming from Sirius into 90+ years worth, of which anyone the least bit human isn't ever returning home as to tell the story.

Before going anywhere at 10% ls, please calculate this; KE=.5MV2, as applied to a mere two grams that you're running youself into a 30,000 km/s (that's 30e6 meters per second), then process the same as for a small and thereby relatively undetectable rock of two kg.

2 gram = 900e12 joules (900 tera joules that'll transpire into 10 meters of shield in three micro second)

2 kg = 900e15 joules (900,000 tera joules that'll transpire into 10 meters of shield in three micro second)

So, lets say that ET already had this 10% ls capability, and the sufficient physical and/or EMF shield as to fending off whatever, and as such you traveled yourself all the way from the likes of Sirius/c, arriving into our solar system in merely 90+ years. Now decide upon which (other than Earth) planet would you select as your base camp or outpost, and if all that you needed was a good cloak as to hide away from the sorts of absolute incest cloned stupidity and arrogance of Earth (mutated DNA), but otherwise required an easily accessible resource of energy (perhaps lots of energy)?

I believe this is where my duh-101 physics and absolutely "no kidding folks" gets involved, as in suggesting that some of the dumb and dumber fools that have been so easily snookered all their lives need to take further stock of this motherload and absolute holy grail worth of all the "what if" factors, of what's been discovered as per clearly associated with the likes of Venus, especially ever since my not-so-recent discovery of what our crack NASA teams managed to over-look for more than the past 14 years and counting, and have since ignored altogether for more than the past 3 years as they favored their dog-wagging incompetence and utter stupidity as to rule over their stinking cold-war or bust universe, or perhaps this sort of perpatrated denial is somewhat more ulterior motivated than merely of some typical bureaucratic oversight.
NASA snookers the world, and then some;

If there was ever a more than qualified planet as for establishing a UFO outpost, that was sufficiently near to Earth but essentially cloaked by thick clouds as for remaining out of sight and thereby out of mind, and least likely as to being explored with any sort of open mind as to uncovering the likes of other life NOT as we humans know it; guess what folks, it's an absolute NO BRAINER. Oops, there I go suggesting that members and associates of this FORUM might actually have even half a brain between the entire lot, much less the least bit capable of their operating that half-brain outside of their NASA/Apollo incest cloned borg collective space toilet.

Sorry about that last rant; I usually only get that pissed off after I'm attacked, though I thought I could follow in our resident warlord's means and ways by offering a preemptive attack upon the sorts of intellectual WMD that's just about everywhere, except nowhere, if you get my drift.

I mean to say, if the likes of ET ever needed a suitable home away from home, as a viable base camp that was energy worthy and sufficiently interesting to say the least, talk about ETs having a freaking thrill a minute, or more like a thrill an hour as for the likes of ET sky-diving on Venus should be worth at least an hours worth, as in falling through that thick soup that's nearly 10% the density of water at the base, especially of a cooler nighttime seasonal base, and of potentially adding in as much a as yet another -5 km if you're body surfing all the way down into the likes of a Venus death valley, or into one of those steep canyons, of which Venus has lots to pick from.

Even if you merely started off well below those nasty nighttime clouds, say 25 km and proceeded your sky-diving adventure from that point, perhaps using some extra basalt fabric of your thermal flight-suit and/or applied those expansive lizard hands, plus inflating some of that lizard skin as into body-flaps, or as using a portion of your tail in order to improve upon the amount of flight time, as that's got to be worth something. Of course, an decent nocturnal of the exoskeletal variety might have those hard wing-like body parts, thus they could follow them thermals and stay aloft as long as necessary.

Actually, situated below those nighttime layers of humanly nasty clouds should offer a acid free and relatively calm flight zone that's potentially of 35 km, as otherwise you'd want to be within a rigid airship that's capable of cruising above said clouds, such as at 50+km might do the trick, although having the capability as to operate near to 75 km would be advisable, just in case some of those fast moving clouds try to cut you off beforehand.

If ET ever needed a nifty home away from home (besides Earth), as to park their UFOs, I'd believe Venus is it.

Anything else in our solar system besides Venus would be either too hot and/or way too cold, although if some horrifically cold planet or moon offered a viable resource of energy, then nearly all sorts of hot, cold and nasty things become surmountable, although establishing upon the energy thing takes priority, as without energy you'd die.

For an example; if our moon offered a few geode like pockets, of which it must have such due to it's unusually overall light weight attribute as compared to that of Earth which offers such pockets, whereas also a hollow rille or if some artificially developed to/from passageway was created, as such this sort of natural cavity would become just the initial ticket as for sustaining life on the moon. It seems that I've also learned of our moon hosting a 850°C core that is basically just sitting there, and obviously it's not all that far under ground.

Otherwise the moon clearly offers at least twice the worth of nuclear elements/m3, plus all of the solar impact that'll provide another 1400 w/m2 (sterling thermal differential energy conversion heaven), and supposedly there's loads of He3 or 3He to boot. Then there should also bcome a tether dipole amount of energy that's worth extracting up to 5 terawatts continuously, and I believe that's without reversing the lunar recession.

The lunar space elevator(LSE-CM/ISS) just so happens to support a nice set of counter-rotating flywheels situated at the ME-L1 (nullification zone), accommodating of nearly any size or mass that'll suit the needs of storing and subsequently distributing energy on demand, as in hundreds of gigawatts if need be. Actually the total flywheel energy storage capacity could become that of many terawatt hours, and offering a rotating kenetic storage efficiency of 99.99%/year, if not better.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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bradguth said:
This topic is NOT very good science fiction; NASA just lies, and I believe those borgs have been cloning one another.

In spite of our NASA, Venus offers absolutely whatever it takes for the likes of UFOs, and then some, and our moon hasn't been set foot upon, at least not by way of being photographed by anything Kodak.

If you and this group say that you are a believer in UFO, as I am, perhaps those of you that haven't already been assimilated into NASA/Apollo borgs should start re-thinking about where those suckers have been coming from.

What evidence do you have that there is a base on Venus used by UFOs. Postulating a theory is fine, but if you have no evidence to support it then it becomes irrelevant.
OK, I believe you've got me there, as I can't actually prove much of anything past the SAR image indicating upon a good number of items looking a whole lot more artificial than not (suspension bridge and a whole lot more, although I don't have a clue as to why any UFO ET would be in need of any stinking bridge, but none the less there it is), and that those pesky laws of physics seem otherwise to be more than suggesting that all sorts of things are possible, and/or surmountable, especially when you've got the sorts of unlimited energy to work with;

Such as CO2-->CO/O2

Air conditioning is certainly a NO BRAINER

Rigid airships are yet another physics-101 matter of fact.

And you can just as easily extract nifty substances by way of (physics-101) vacuum distillation, such as to obtaining any number of megatonnes worth of H20 from roughly 5.5e20 kg worth of clouds and haze.

BTW; your "if you have no evidence to support it then it becomes irrelevant" is just as irrelevant, unless you'd care to suggest that God doesn't exist, nor Osama bin Laden doesn't exist simply because I can't prove that either does exist. Christ almighty, I can't possibly prove that you even exist, much less any WMD, and so what does that accomplish, or don't you believe in the laws of physics, or of the possibilities within evolution and/or of creation accomplishing something that's a whole lot better off than this absolute mess on Earth.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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bradguth said:
BTW; your "if you have no evidence to support it then it becomes irrelevant" is just as irrelevant, unless you'd care to suggest that God doesn't exist

No, that's dealing with stuff in a totally different context. God/Existence/Origin of Universe et al are things that can not be measured or quantified by scientific examination or analysis. What UFOs are, who controls them, what they do, etc. are things that can be. The effort to establish the answers to those questions can proceed on a similar level. If we had the technology one would presume we could fly to Venus and categorically prove or disprove your theory by examining the evidence on Venus in a scientific manner. Hence, if you are stating a theory in that regard, namely that they use Venus as a base, that is a matter of physical reality not dealing with the metaphysical realm (God, etc.). Consequently, you should employ procedures consistent with the established scientific practices of examining observable reality. Science demands you provide evidence to support theories. The existence of God is irrelevant. That's something science cannot deal with.

bradguth said:
nor Osama bin Laden doesn't exist simply because I can't prove that either does exist.

Osama bin Laden has categorically been shown to exist. I could produce videos of him. Can you produce videos of the UFO base on Venus?

bradguth said:
or don't you believe in the laws of physics, or of the possibilities within evolution and/or of creation accomplishing something that's a whole lot better off than this absolute mess on Earth.

Now we are back to the same thing I discussed above.

BTW, I am most definitely aware of the overwhelming evidence establishing the existence of UFOs. However, I am equally aware of the lack of evidence showing that there is a base on Venus.
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Sigh......Brad Guth....look kid, no need to advertise your theories all over the place. If your theory is sound, with evidence or points of discussion, even if it's just speculation, i'm sure many people here would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you. Since you don't get it, advertising by multiple cross-postings don't validate your theory.
Welcome to sciFOOLEMS forums. Yep, you have some interesting ideas and I find them within the realms of good probabilities in many ways. Will be spending some time reading your work. Yah gots a lot of thoughts, keep going. If this don’t make yah crazy and you survive these deceivers here, well let’s just say they all may not be human?!?!
Hi Brad, there is a lot of reading at your site. Have you been doing this research for along time?
Deep subsurface on Mars may be another or may have been.

I have been doing research for about 4 years now with craterchains (Norval) and what you can learn from the little scraps of information and data that is out there is amazing.

I wouldn't be overly harsh on some like NASA (I say that thru gritted teeth) for the only reason being that there are ones among their ranks that do see what is going on and fully disagree with it. But those few had better get out from those institutes and very soon; when people start learning about the magnitude of these secrets and deceptions and the terror these deceptions have caused to people and their lives, these institutes with their organizers will be labeled the terrorist.

We have also been doing research over forums, recently, The responders when real information is presented, how they respond, even their wording, it has become like a simple daily task like brushing your teeth to pick out who is who (Information Control, Agents, ET).

With the amount of information on your web site it may take these responders a few days to organize their approach to you, it will be very interesting. Buckle up.
Hmm FieryIce. Brad will not agree with you on Mars. According to him Mars is and was always a dead world....too cold he says. And if you don't agree with him your an "incest borg" working for NASA.

So even crackpots disagree...good to know.
I suppose I seem an Information Control Agent hey FieryIce?

As for Brads actual post, I tend to look at expectations that we as the human race should generate velocity to get from A to B not necessarily being the right step.
What I have been thinking of (and wish I could do a little more homework with) is the use of Spacial Distortion in the sense that bending A to B although supposedly takig up energy, might actually be far easier than transversing it.

This would mean that rather than spending 90+ years to travel, you could just step through whats commonly known as a wormhole and appear there. (Well fly a craft through a hole into a nearby safe space)

Admittedly it's Absolute theory with no mathematical science to prove it, just speculation and hunches. It could be a protoscience that develops or it could just be a pseudoscience shifted into the archives, none the less it beats walking there.
As Brad brings up and so does FieryIce, going underground is the ticket. Both as protection from possible attack, and from harsh environments. By using small nukes you can make your own openings and hollows just about anywhere. The radiation can be quickly dissipated and the area made safe for habitation. I suspect Mars, Venus, and many other places including our moon and Phobos, and Phoebe too may have had many underground installations of different kinds. We have just begun to explore our own solar system with probes, what will we discover next?

Now if we could just get some straight answers and all the missing data and radioactivity readings that should be available?!?! Fat chance of that. But we are slowly finding bits and pieces. There are many images that are not available to the “general public” that I would love to see. FieryIce and I have spent weeks at a time going through many photo data bases of NASA et all looking at thousands of photos. Many are just bad photos. But now and then you get one that is an eye opener.

Stryder has a point for sure in that any stellar travel is gonna have to make some major advances in ways of getting there and back. That takes a lot of imagination and trial and error. So often trial and error has proven the theory wrong. Heavier than air machines can fly, the “sound barrier” is just a broken theory, and we have attained a small foothold in the heavens.

Nothing is impossible to an engineer / dreamer. Only impractical.
Why Venus? Why not Antartica on Earth? OR even Australia 2000 years ago? Earth is more hospitable during our low tech days. So if those aliens existed then, they would have bases here too. Let us dig.....
many other places including our moon and Phobos, and Phoebe too may have had many underground installations of different kinds

You know. I believe that every moon, planet, comet we discover and get good photos of you'll believe was involved in some alien influence. You spoke nothing of Phoebe in the past...but of course as soon as images come in you quickly adopt it into your pointless "theories" and now, according to you, it's loaded with crater chains and underground bases. Typical nutbag.
Yes, I am a bit puzzled about that myself. Mars has / had an atmosphere that could be handled. Temperatures that could be dealt with and over come. Venus on the other hand seems quite a bit less hospitable. Although if it is reasonable deeper under ground then it could be a viable location. As far as the structures on Venus goes that Brad talks about that remains to be explored. There are a few photos I have in my collection that bring to mind “structures” from several locations in our solar system. If it is true that ET has been around here for several thousands of years, well, they had to hang out some where

It is because of our level of technological understanding today that allows us to even be able to question such concepts and be a threat to them as far as discovery goes. Prior to this they would have just been demons and apparitions and gods of some kind or another.

Fut the shuck up if yah can’t add to the thread topic, huh?
Duhhhhhh, we didn’t have any good photos of Phobe UNTILL the Casini probe.
If,,, and NOTE that I was SPECULATING, if I were Bad ET’s I would consider burrowing into an asteroid as a garage for a large interstellar craft and just use smaller, say a few hundred foot size craft to maneuver about interplanetary. It seems to bother you that some can speculate and discuss these things and you feel that you have to attack the people as you are unable to debate or discuss.
Norval, Just remember the "Heavens Gate" lot thought there were ET's inside a comet and look what they did. (This is why all those into ET's should be very careful about what people they listen to as they might pick one of these mass murder/suicide nutjobs to be their voice and opinion.)

As for Blackholesun, Your going to have to calm down and just post something on topic, just outright hateism doesn't prove anything to the people you imply are nutjobs, in certain respects you could suggest that angle of attack is futile.

If you want to hit at the hearts of them, then find credible scientific reports that provide truths and not speculation that are damaging to their relative warped way of thinking.
This page is also on behalf of admiring the likes of NASA's warm and fuzzy gang(s) of incest borg troops:
National Geographics
PBS-NOVA productions
Scientific American
And of so many others (far too many to list)

And let's not forget the Koreshites either. Stryder, as a fool and their money are soon parted so too with ones life and following others blindly. Like believing the little white coated gods that are called "scientists".
Here is something that needs to be considered too. We all know, that Venus is about the same size as Earth. But somewhere I read that a billion years ago, the sun was much cooler and hence, the life zone could be around Venus to have life. If the zone moves outward to the solar system, towards sun going nova (it gets hotter as time passes) - then there is a possibility of life that was on Venus.

Something to munch on!
It seems to bother you that some can speculate and discuss these things and you feel that you have to attack the people as you are unable to debate or discuss.

Well I can speculate all I want that a hippo built Mr. Everest. Unless I have evidence to support my theory I can't really build off of it like you tend to do. I have no doubt that when images of Titan finally come in that you will add them to your alien warfare "theory". Same goes with every other moon and planet in the solar system. So, fine, speculate all you want.
If you want to hit at the hearts of them, then find credible scientific reports that provide truths and not speculation that are damaging to their relative warped way of thinking.
Odd... we tried that. Craterchains is the perfect explain. Zarkov is also near the top of the list.

It doesn't work... and as long as we have this junk on a science forum, I say make fun of them all the hell you want. Maybe when they
a) post scientific
b) respond to something scientific (with a response other than 'you work for nasa', 'borg', or my favorite 'it is a conspiracy')

Until then... fuck em all. Kooks.
I can tell right off that you don't trust those Magellan SAR images, but you seem to be in favor those Kodak moments upon our moon that couldn't possibly have transpired, if in fact they were photographed by said Kodak film.

The notion of the age old question as to UFO base or not. In this instance I was just tossing out the conjecture that nicely fits the mold, at least the known laws of physics sort of mold of what's doable, and besides why the hell not Venus?

On the other hand, we have nice borgs like "Arch_Rival" that assume every forum category has members that look throughout every other posted forum topic, almost as though they're actually interested in all matters, and thereby don't need to be bothered.

Yes indeed, I been at this far too long, and I'd just as soon find some specific expertise that's willing to focus upon a given topic, of which I could offer a considerable list to select from.

I tend to agree with your "these institutes with their organizers will be labeled the terrorist", and perhaps then some.

It's good to hear about others coming on-line, and I'll expect they'll find way more than my fair share of mistakes, although fortunately none of mine has gotten anyone seriously dead, like those of NASA/NSA/DoD and of our warm and fuzzy warlord.

I never stipulated that Mars was "always dead", in fact, I've recently tied into the possible thawing of life on Mars to a 10,000 year window of opportunity (thanks to Sirius) upon a cycle of roughly every 110,000 or so years, and I concur that there's a number of items that look sufficiently artificial to me rather than not. However, as for the more recent history and of the near future of Mars isn't a good picture for life as we might think of, which doesn't exclude glycol based radiation proof microbes, or of something other surviving sufficiently underground, although apparently of a cold blooded nature since there's been no thermal signature as of yet.

At this point I'll accept all the speculation you've got. Thus if there's a wormhole to being had, that's good enough for me.

craterchains (Norval;
Your understanding of the need for being underground is correct for the likes of Mars or our moon. Hopefully either of those will already have geode like pockets to deal with, as then all we need to do is tunnel into them. Venus on the other hand, especially within the nighttime season, is perhaps less radiated than Earth, certainly well shielded from the vast bulk of any meteorites, and there's loads of free energy to burn, or for making thing a whole lot cooler, including whatever CO2-->CO/O2. The likes of basalt and silica composites is good for anything structural, plus there is R-1024/m worth of insulation value to go along.

kmguru; "a billion years ago, the sun was much cooler"
How true, I've researched into several alternative sources that indeed placed the planet Venus as not only being cooler in the past, but of otherwise relatively new to our solar system, which might even involve the history of our moon.

In spite of yourself, I like your rage.
I've recently updated my "Kodak moment" on behalf of the NASA/NSA/DoD ruse of the century, included a link into an official Kodak document that says it all as far as I'm concerned.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
If UFOs were limited to 1/10th light speed, or perhaps even 1% light speed as within the soup of our inner solar system (trust me, you don't want to be running into anything even at 1% LS), the location of having a base of operations situated upon Venus would certainly be a far better choice than of being sub-frozen to a fairlywell, easily pulverised and otherwise TBI to death upon Mars, and even that notion of using our moon which we can circumnavigate with reasonably good instruments, in that hiding out on the moon would not be my first choice, nor second, unless there's one hell of a big geode pocket within that's undetectable from satellite.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)

BTW; Those instantaneous down-loaders are seriously killing off my limited bandwidth, in other words, it's becoming difficult for me to post an updated or new page without everything coming to a halt, thus you may want to consider the alternate account for extracting whatever you'd like; or of any other files.
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