** I'm pretty sure they do.
Isn't that the reason for having the last Prophet?
(That being Bahá'u'lláh
OK, I'm talking with a Muslim friend and a Baha’i friend (I said I was Atheist) The Muslim buddy (knowing that I wasn’t Xian) agreed with me that the Bible had many flaws and was wrong on many counts – of course he’d think this, he’s a Muslim, that’s part of the justification for Mohammed coming along and “fixing” things. What he didn’t know that the girl I was friends with is Baha’i. You should have seen the look on his face when she said the same of the Qu’ran and then pointed out what a mess the ME has been (since even before the time of Bahá'u'lláh – which is why God sent him). Quite funny! Needless to say, while she made many valid points (as he had about the Bible)he didn't agree with her - at all.
I was with another Muslim friend of mine (we were talking about religion) when a Hindu friend of mine came in the room. My Muslim friend flat out said Hinduism is stupid and then went on a tirade about how Mohammed was obviously the greatest thing since sliced bread… bla bla bla The Hindu friend said he was an idiot and a misogynous and left. I was kind of shocked he went off like that - as he is usually quite quiet.
Back in MI (the USA) my Xian friend’s father flat our said anyone who hasn’t accepted Christ as Lord will burn in Hell. Done. No argument.
The only people that have (well seemingly) been tolerant of other religions have been my Buddhist friends. Of course they still think practicing Buddhism will bring you closer to leaving the Karma cycle – but hey, if you worship a God go for it, it may even be real (but that God will probably end up reborn and not leave the cycle).
Even when the world was pretty much polytheistic the Jews living in Rome didn’t make so many friends for themselves teaching that they were a
chosen people with the
only true God. They didn’t even proselytize and people were pissed off. Had Caligula lived another year he would have erected a statue of himself in their sacred temple just because he didn't like their attitude (I mean come on - HE was GOD!!).
The Japanese tossed the Jesuits out of Japan (and killed any Japanese Xian that wouldn’t “de” convert).
Monotheism teaches there is one true God. Other than that I don’t see where the “enlightening” part comes in? Hell, many Muslims (appear) to think that if one is born Muslim and converts to polytheism or ect… that such a person should be killed? Or so my buddy has told me – and he was born in a typical town in the ME. And he wasn't talking about "radical" people - he was referring to his close friends and neighbors.
When I think of the 100’s of millions of Hindi, Africans, Europeans and native Americans who have died in conversion to monotheism - I really don’t see much good it has brought.
Well it seems, to me, they get along (with one another) when religion is removed from politics and/or the society is very wealthy – and even then - just tenuously. I can’t think of too many (if any at all) Xians that would be happy to see a Mosque built in their neighborhood (or a Temple for that matter). But in ultra rich UAE they are building Churches – to the distain of some Muslims, but the general populous is rich enough not to care. I wonder what they will think if many Muslims start converting to Xianinity? Do you suppose the tolerance would still hold?