
Your own description of her is pretty bleak. It sounds like she is overwhelmed by the problems in her life and is suffering from depression. Of course depression can be a legitimate reaction because sometimes life really does suck. But people who are depressed have impaired judgment and can make really bad decisions about their lives.

You're closer to this so you're in a better position to decide, but I guess more than one of us has read your posts and said, "Good goddess, does this poor lady need a professional?"

Of course formal psychotherapy is slow, expensive, and does not have a confidence-inducing success rate. Sometimes a smart friend who is a good listener and already has the person's trust can work wonders. That seems to be what you're doing. :)

As for gender, these days many shrinks--perhaps most--are reluctant to deal with patients of the opposite sex. Transference has always been a problem in that profession and now they also have to deal with harassment lawsuits.
....Sometimes a smart friend who is a good listener and already has the person's trust can work wonders. That seems to be what you're doing. :)....

Yeah, that's why I was wondering. I helped her get through the death of her first husband, over the affairs of her second husband, and I can help her get through this. :) Its not near as bad as the the first one.
Orleander i really do recomend that website. It was given to me by my psycologist and has alot of infomation you or her and her husband might find uselful