
well no one can answer your question unless they know what disease your talking about?

I was pulling your nose saying it was you but it was a serious question. Which virus are you talking about? Then i can go and look it up for you in the pathophysiology text, the nursing dictonary, ect and tell you the answer
I was talking about the venereal disease of cold sores.
Thank you for answering my question.
Well, Orelander first all Herpes is a infection that lives in the nerves, it is tought to harbor it the nerves of spine and when be comeing active is pushed along the nerve and to the skin or demis where it forms a liason, it does not have to live in the spine it may live in the nerves of the area of infection.
Because it is a infection that lives in the nerves it is not a real danger to a new born or fetus in the womb, the only time it possibly become a threat to the new born is if the birth canal is infected at the time of birth. even then the new born being washed at the time of birth nearly completely eliminates the possiblity of transmission unless it is some horriable out break case of herpes at the time of birth. C section is not nessacary but in the most worst cases, and it would have to really be a bad case.
If i remember this correctly children actually have a means of getting rid of herpes when they are adolescent, due to some over production of histine? molecues in dna ect.... later this production slows down in adults and older children and so they are subseptable to the virus.

Cold sores type of herpes can be rid by the old fashion meathod of leaching, because herpes colds sores are limited to transmission along the nevre fibers when the out break of a cold sore starts it can be pushed out of the body by squeezing it out and then scraping it out and cleaning it well with Rubbing Alcohol. the problem with this is that you have to catch the cold sore at the beginning of the cold sore formation which is actullay more like a pimple because by the time it becomes a actual cold sore it has started back down the nerve where it hides.
If this is the first time you have had herpes/cold sore and you notice it you could get rid of it right away, like it takes 30 days or so to actually develope a cold sore after contact
if you caught it right away you would have no problem in the future. but if you have had it for a while then it could be harder to rid, depending on how much it has developed, but even then it may have not had much activity and with one bleeding and scrape out its gone.
gential herpes is a little bit harder for people to deal with.

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Women have been known to contract gonorrhea from riding a tractor in a bikini.
good. She'll be relieved to know that. :)

Now, what if you were pregnant? Will the baby be a carrier or is it protected? Does it have to come into contact with a sore to be affected?
good. She'll be relieved to know that. :)

Now, what if you were pregnant? Will the baby be a carrier or is it protected? Does it have to come into contact with a sore to be affected?

it is best to get the baby tested has soon as it is born, that way they can treat it if they need to, but babies are really well protected has both of us know already.
Well as i remember this you should see the first out break within a couple of weeks to a month. some people report a break out one every year, the other cases or reprots say that it can be exspected at least within seven years, but in those cases who really knows it may be that the herpes cold sore never really took and they got the next out break from someone esle, people have a tendancy to pick at cold sores, so there you go.

some have more frequent out breaks.

Well as i remember this you should see the first out break within a couple of weeks to a month. some people report a break out one every year, the other cases or reprots say that it can be exspected at least within seven years, but in those cases who really knows it may be that the herpes cold sore never really took and they got the next out break from someone esle, people have a tendancy to pick at cold sores, so there you go.

some have more frequent out breaks.


dwayne, my well woman nurse said that, a woman can carry the virus with her for years somtimes and not know it, but once you have the illness then its best to be better protected.
Well, I am not going to argue with you on that issue, you should protect your self from herpes.
In todays world if you are meeting different people to find a mate ect... you might end up kissing a few people in the process. so the best protection is to learn to look for that pimple and get rid of immediatly and then cleaning it out with Rubbing Alcohol, weather your female or male.

Old tricks of the trade

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Venereal disease is no laughing matter(s). Many escape original testing with a 'false negative'. Some are pronounced, in color changes!! No, really, I am scaring you.

VD, scrapes, knots, rot(t), insidious practice, jumpers, aloofness and sores are passable, and they do just that.

With current facets trying with difficulties to spread the "lies" as fast as the cure, you're better off grabbing your partner(s) and doing an inspection. Because, after all, it is RAMPANT!

This would be due to extreme cases of con-tainting as opposed' containing of transmutables, that otherwise ...Go by the Way-Side.

Orleander i wouldnt worry to much. Even if it is passed along its resonably benine, and the chance of passing it along as small. The reason they always apear in the same spot (ignoring contact transmission on yourself) is that it is confined to that paticular site. If she gets treated before the birth then she should be safe. I belive the treatment is a cream but i could be wrong on that. As i said you can go for years sleeping with a partner and still not catch it. If you are going to get an STD thats the one i would pick:p
well no seeing as though she could have got it anywhere, I mean do either of them suffer from cold sores? If they do then simply rubbing the cold sore and touching the wrong place at the wrong time COULD have been enough to transmit it. Then there is other forms of transmission that dont involve sexual contact. I would have to go read up on the timeframe the virus can live in the air but i doubt its zero