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Are you often tired?

Does it feel as though there is a weight pushed upon your shoulders?

Do you sometimes feel as though you weigh twice as much as you do?

No. But, enough about me :)

Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.
ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.

I beg to differ....You are nothing more than a troll..You'll be gone soon enough.

Maybe you are an atheist, maybe not...But, clearly you aren't here to make any point.. Just to incite a flame war...We have enough of those already.

As I said, I doubt we will see you much longer..
"Jerk-off", "immature"? Surely, an intelligent, imaginative, well-educated atheist like youself can come up with better insults than that!
I've already acknowledged that you're not just any idiot... Hopefully that one didn't go over your head. :rolleyes:
But your over 30-40.

Does alan feel as though he wears boots of lead?

I'm 62 and I don't wear boots at all. But, enough about me :)

Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.

You do realize I cutting and pasting the above two statements on every post don't you? I have the patience of a corpse. If it takes 10,000 repetitions, I'm up for it.
I beg to differ....You are nothing more than a troll..You'll be gone soon enough.

Maybe you are an atheist, maybe not...But, clearly you aren't here to make any point.. Just to incite a flame war...We have enough of those already.

As I said, I doubt we will see you much longer..

Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.
Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.

I wasn't trying to get a rise out of you...As I said before, I don't find your posts offensive...Maybe dull and repetitious though.

Where your buttons are located, I couldn't care less..

Again, you are just another troll...You are FAR from unique...You won't be here long...Count on that.. You have my word on it.;)

Can you explain this:

All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.
It is self-evident.

Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.
Alan, have you ever heard a name in your nightmares?


Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.
I wasn't trying to get a rise out of you...As I said before, I don't find your posts offensive...Maybe dull and repetitious though.

Where your buttons are located, I couldn't care less..

Again, you are just another troll...You are FAR from unique...You won't be here long...Count on that.. You have my word on it.;)

Nothing you can say will ever get a rise out of me. All my buttons are on the inside where you can't reach them.

ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.
I am an atheist. I hate the evil, religious aberration that infects humanity.

Nothing anyone can say will ever get rise out of me. I have decades of experience at this. No one has the patience or skill necessary to insult me. But, feel free to keep trying until you've convinced yourselves :)

The only way you will get rid of me is to ATTACK MY IDEAS. Show me evidence that I'm wrong. Show me flaws in the evidence I've presented. Tell me where my reasoning is flawed.

If you don't do that, I will be in your face forever.

I have the patience of a corpse. If I have to repeat this message 10,000 times, I will.
Blah blah blah...I hope your old forum takes you back...Doubt I will see you again...Bye now..:wave:
ATTACK MY IDEAS or you will never see the end of me.

You've written that repeatedly. Unfortunately, you've yet to post any ideas. All you've told anyone is that you are incredibly contemptuous of 'religion'. That's not an idea, it's just an expression of your personal attitude towards the subject.

Everything that's come out of you since has been attitude as well, with little or no intellectual content but over-the-top affect. It's been non-stop full-frontal trolling, provocations intended by your own admission to arouse everyone else and turn you into the center of attention. I think that you like the feeling that you can make everyone else experience unpleasant emotions at your command, all from behind your computer screen where nobody can touch you. That idea gives you a sense of power, doesn't it? It's so different from your real life.

That's what this is all about. The subject of 'religion' is just an occasion to play pathological ego-games.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now,I love hyperbole and other literary devices. It amazed me that people took my flights of fancy seriously. I can’t believe people took me seriously when I typed “WE MUST DESTROY RELIGION BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE HUMAN RACE!” In future, I will turn the *HYPERBOLE* light on so people won’t take me serious when I’m merely being outrageous. But,I don't plan to stop being outrageous :)

When someone attempts to get a rise out of me by using an insulting adjective, I normally try to jack them up until they learn that that approach doesn’t work. Most people, by contrast, reply in kind and the flame war is on. As far as I know, I have never replied in kind to someone’s attempt to insult me. If you can find an example, I will humbly apologize.

Here are the four issues I have raised (with evidence):
1) Religious people are less intelligent than non-religious people

2) Where religion and science conflict, science always wins

3) “sacred” scriptures contain major internal contradictions indicating they cannot come from an infallible deity.

4) The horrific moral code contained in the OT indicates that this didn't come from a deity.

So far, not one person has said “You’re wrong and here’s why.”

Here are the adjectives applied to me in posts:
preemptive, stereotyping, “unhealthy focus on your own emotional state of being”, “prejudicial, bigoted”, “emotional liberties are in play”, “childish, unstable, “see you on America's most wanted”, “ALL exposes your bigotry”, “temper tantrum throwing asshole”, dork, juvenile, “think nothing good of your character”, “simple and childlike”, “don't be ridiculous”, “you're not just any idiot”, “terrorist attitudes”, “apparently assholes have their own language”, “giving atheists a bad name”, jerk-off, immature, “nothing more than a troll”, idiot, “dull and repetitious”, “little or no intellectual content”, “over-the-top affect”, “play pathological ego-games”.

So far, I’ve issued the following PERSONAL insults:
“IQ of a radish and an ego the size of Montana”
“Your prose is stilted and boring”

I have attacked “religious people” (a group) dozens of time and I will continue to do so.

Here are some forum rules:
1) Posts which attack a person rather than his or her views will be edited to remove the unnecessary personal remarks, or deleted in entirely.

2) The use of childish immature names such as but not limit to “idiot”, “twit” and “Moron” in the description of a member is not acceptable.

3) Be polite and respectful of other members, even if they are not to you, do not stoop to their rule breaking level! Instead report them rather then returning fire.

Does anyone see an issue between the list of adjectives applied to me and the rules?
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