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Uh - no. It's a common shorthand for Christian. Any idiot knows that not all religions are Christian.

But you've shown that you're not just any idiot.

Other than this forum, I'm a member of four christian forums, a spiritual/new age forum and two atheist/agnostic forums. In both of the atheist/agnostic forums, we use "xians" as a derogatory term for religion in general not just christianty. I had assumed that was common.

I will continue to use "xian" as a derogatory term for all religions in this forum.
What am I doing that you would call "terrorist"?

In order to build a new building, you must first tear down what is already there. I tear religion down so that something better can be built in its place. Frankly, ANYTHING would be better. To do this, I try to cause "crises of faith" that destroy decent, honest, god-fearing xians. This is cruel work but I enjoy it (call me a sadist if you wish). And, because I enjoy it so much, I whip them into an outraged frenzy along the way


Here is a definition of "terrorism" from the Internet:
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, the International community has been unable to formulate a universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism. ...

I don't think anyone has ever been terrified of me. Over the years, hundreds of people have been furious with me when I metaphorically killed and ate their sacred cows. On this forum, Lori has called me a "dork" and an "asshole". Several people have called me an "idiot." Others have called me "childish" or "juvenile". I haven't see any sign that any of them were frightened of me let alone terrified. Therefore, I think your assertion of "terrorist" has no basis in fact.
The lightening rod

Here's an example of religion and science being in dispute:

In the early 1700's in Europe, lightening was regarded as punishment from god. After all, lightening was very impressive. A bolt came from the sky and destroyed something on the ground. god had smitten another miserable sinner. How could you doubt that? Then Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod. Run a wire from the roof of your buildings into the ground and, miracle of miracles, god stops smiting your buildings. The catholic church was bitterly opposed to this line of thought. But the rank and file thought, "what the heck, it's only a bit of wire." Eventually, only the cathederals were unprotected. And, miracle of miracles, god started smiting the cathedrals. Eventually, the idea that lightening was punishment from god was quietly dropped.

This is only one example. I can give you hundreds more.

Every time, there has been a chance to test part of religion's claim scientifically, there has been a natural explanation. I repeat EVERY TIME. My extrapolation from that is that eventually there will be nothing left and the evil religious aberration will die the death it so richly deserves.

But, until then, I will do my poor best to outrage xians and hasten religion's demise. Man's gotta have a hobby :)
One of the assertions I have been making is that the more religious a person is, the lower their IQ is (although I phrased it much more colorfully than that :) Here is an excellent Wikipedia article with links to scholarly articles:


Read it and weep xians. You can be smart or you can be religious but very few manage to be both.

As entertaining as you might find it to toy with the religious, this is not a trolling site. It is a science site and it has a Religion sub-forum. Think about whether or not that is a good fit for you.


Other than this forum, I'm a member of four christian forums, a spiritual/new age forum and two atheist/agnostic forums. In both of the atheist/agnostic forums, we use "xians" as a derogatory term for religion in general not just christianty. I had assumed that was common.

I will continue to use "xian" as a derogatory term for all religions in this forum.
Suit yourself, but I don't think a Muslim's gonna find it very relative. X is usually a shortened form of Christ - as in Xmas.

But whatever... apparently assholes have their own language.

As entertaining as you might find it to toy with the religious, this is not a trolling site. It is a science site and it has a Religion sub-forum. Think about whether or not that is a good fit for you.



I thought about it. It's an excellent fit. Your move.
Suit yourself, but I don't think a Muslim's gonna find it very relative. X is usually a shortened form of Christ - as in Xmas.

But whatever... apparently assholes have their own language.

You're right. During our 1987 Atheist World Domination Summit, the Asshole group of which I have the honor to be the Anus, did in fact design our own language. How in the world did you find out about that? I'm going to have to tighten up our sphincter security.

:) :) :)

Shit, I'm on fire tonight!
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Fun as all this insult cut and thrust is, trying responding to the serious posts as well.

There is EVIDENCE that religious people are less intelligent that non-religious people. Discuss.

There is EVIDENCE that when religion and science conflict, science always wins. Natural is winning against supernatural. Discuss.

There is EVIDENCE that "sacred" scriptures cannot be the inerrant word of the big gomba. Discuss.

See how I cleverly worked science references into a religious thread :)

And guys, you're going to have to work a lot harder at insulting me! I've been doing this for decades. My skin is hundreds of meters thick. So far, your best penetration has been two millimeters. Surely, with all the intelligent, highly educated members on this forum,you can come up with some really world class insults. Come on, let's take it to the next level!
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About 12 hours ago, I started an insulting, inflammatory thread entitled "Vote, hold office, reproduce" in which I set about plinking the religious twits I despise so deeply. Over the next few hilarious hours, I posted, in a calm and reasoned manner, the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce. And, I used excellent spelling and grammar unlike the quasi-literate religious dim bulbs that responded. I am justly proud of my insanely over-the-top prose. For one brief, shining moment, I really was at the top of my game. Then, the Moderator closed the thread. Spoilsport. I was just getting them wound up :)

I was simply rattling the cages of some dim-witted religious sheep. It was a lark, a small bit of innocent fun. They're all brain-dead; it's not like they understand. I ask you: "Where is the harm?"

But, to be serious for a moment,

If you had a special pen that could write letters a mere 1 millimeter high and you used that pen to cover the entire Earth's surface with the word "contempt", that would not be one trillionth of the SCALDING, WHITE-HOT CONTEMPT I heap upon priests, rabbis, ministers, imans and their stupid, glassy-eyed, bleating followers.

It is truly fortunate that I "prefer the light rapier of laughter to the heavy crudgel of wrath." Otherwise, I would rip truly horrible holes in all you brain-dead religious peasants.

Ah, I feel so much better now that that is all out in the open. Honesty really is the best policy. Moderator, you can close this insulting, inflammatory thread now :)

Scholarly notes:
1) The Earth metaphor is adapted from Harlan Ellison's short story "I have no mouth and I must scream."

2) The quoted phrase was said of the Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock. I don't know the actual author's name.

The joy of hate reveals the inner being.

All Praise The Ancient OF Days
Here is a quote from Deuteronomy in the KJV bible:

20 But if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:

21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she may die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

IE, If your wife is not a virgin on your wedding night, god commands that she be stoned to death.

If men screw around, they sometimes get fined. If women screw around, they get killed.

This vile filth is taken as the inerrant word of god by hundreds of millions of people. People who can vote! I can quote dozens more horrific examples from the bible and even more for the qur'an.

If a person actually did that, we would put them in jail (or in many US states, execute them). Our own moral code is better than that!

Am I really supposed to believe that the being that created the universe, the being that is immortal, omniscient, omnipotent, loves humanity without limit and will forgive any wrong advocates this as a moral code?

Need I comment further on the level of intelligence posessed by religious people?

A common response I get from "liberal" christians is "well, we really don't believe that any more." If you pick and choose what to obey, you are in charge, not god. You are creating your own moral code. Why bother to say you are religious at all?
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I'm an atheist, so don't get your knickers in a twist.. A question though.

Do you think a person can believe in a god/creator, without believing in a prescribed religion?

Just trying to figure out what your angle is.

Because I just don't see a whole lot of logic behind your rants.

Please enlighten me.
I'm an atheist, so don't get your knickers in a twist.. A question though.

Do you think a person can believe in a god/creator, without believing in a prescribed religion?

Just trying to figure out what your angle is.

Because I just don't see a whole lot of logic behind your rants.

Please enlighten me.

Yes, I think a person can believe in a god without believing in a prescribed religion.

In my case, I'm a full frontal atheist. No god, no heaven or hell, no angels or demons. When we die, we rot. The universe is supremely indifferent to us. Everything has a natural explanation. Any belief in the supernatural is the sign of a weak mind.

I live to offend. Which of my posts offended you the most?
You're right. During our 1987 Atheist World Domination Summit, the Asshole group of which I have the honor to be the Anus, did in fact design our own language. How in the world did you find out about that? I'm going to have to tighten up our sphincter security.

:) :) :)

Shit, I'm on fire tonight!
You're easily amused aren't you.
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