About 12 hours ago, I started an insulting, inflammatory thread entitled "Vote, hold office, reproduce" in which I set about plinking the religious twits I despise so deeply. Over the next few hilarious hours, I posted, in a calm and reasoned manner, the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce. And, I used excellent spelling and grammar unlike the quasi-literate religious dim bulbs that responded. I am justly proud of my insanely over-the-top prose. For one brief, shining moment, I really was at the top of my game. Then, the Moderator closed the thread. Spoilsport. I was just getting them wound up
I was simply rattling the cages of some dim-witted religious sheep. It was a lark, a small bit of innocent fun. They're all brain-dead; it's not like they understand. I ask you: "Where is the harm?"
But, to be serious for a moment,
If you had a special pen that could write letters a mere 1 millimeter high and you used that pen to cover the entire Earth's surface with the word "contempt", that would not be one trillionth of the SCALDING, WHITE-HOT CONTEMPT I heap upon priests, rabbis, ministers, imans and their stupid, glassy-eyed, bleating followers.
It is truly fortunate that I "prefer the light rapier of laughter to the heavy crudgel of wrath." Otherwise, I would rip truly horrible holes in all you brain-dead religious peasants.
Ah, I feel so much better now that that is all out in the open. Honesty really is the best policy. Moderator, you can close this insulting, inflammatory thread now
Scholarly notes:
1) The Earth metaphor is adapted from Harlan Ellison's short story "I have no mouth and I must scream."
2) The quoted phrase was said of the Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock. I don't know the actual author's name.