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About 12 hours ago, I started an insulting, inflammatory thread entitled "Vote, hold office, reproduce" in which I set about plinking the religious twits I despise so deeply. Over the next few hilarious hours, I posted, in a calm and reasoned manner, the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce. And, I used excellent spelling and grammar unlike the quasi-literate religious dim bulbs that responded. I am justly proud of my insanely over-the-top prose. For one brief, shining moment, I really was at the top of my game. Then, the Moderator closed the thread. Spoilsport. I was just getting them wound up :)

I was simply rattling the cages of some dim-witted religious sheep. It was a lark, a small bit of innocent fun. They're all brain-dead; it's not like they understand. I ask you: "Where is the harm?"

But, to be serious for a moment,

If you had a special pen that could write letters a mere 1 millimeter high and you used that pen to cover the entire Earth's surface with the word "contempt", that would not be one trillionth of the SCALDING, WHITE-HOT CONTEMPT I heap upon priests, rabbis, ministers, imans and their stupid, glassy-eyed, bleating followers.

It is truly fortunate that I "prefer the light rapier of laughter to the heavy crudgel of wrath." Otherwise, I would rip truly horrible holes in all you brain-dead religious peasants.

Ah, I feel so much better now that that is all out in the open. Honesty really is the best policy. Moderator, you can close this insulting, inflammatory thread now :)

Scholarly notes:
1) The Earth metaphor is adapted from Harlan Ellison's short story "I have no mouth and I must scream."

2) The quoted phrase was said of the Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock. I don't know the actual author's name.
Then might you take your vitiate-patricious candor somewhere else; so that you might [ironically] lark and antic with fellow intelligentsia. Your iconclastic rebuke is in my opinion, neither elegant nor well constructed in prose. We've read your and others contemptuous statements towards those who are often the greatest purveyors of social wellness, dignity, and moral standard. Rabbi, Priest, Imam, or Minister -- so many of each bring nothing but mental-health and a sense of obligatory decency into their constituents.

Though, by your account, we should praise the pauper's acumen and make it the substitution for proven anagogics.
Mother's milk

Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of religious outrage. It's like mother's milk to me :)

Your prose is stilted and boring. Using "big words" does not translate to having "big thoughts." Every writer (except those with the IQ of a radish and an ego the size of Montana) eventually realizes that.

so many of each bring nothing but mental-health and a sense of obligatory decency into their constituents

To bad they only want you to believe in what they profess as their "truths" and not what everyone agrees upon. I'd think that those who think that a invisible thing that is somewhere and everywhere and can do so many great things even though those things have killed people. that they have a mental disorder and should be helped to see the way of what people want. When we look at people today that are having hallucinations we try to help them but it seems religious people tend to be hallucinating as well when they tell us about invisible angels, heaven and hell gods and goddesses.
Your prose is stilted and boring. Using "big words" does not translate to having "big thoughts."

neither does your contempt. it translates into childish, unstable, temper tantrum throwing asshole.

which is why your thread was closed.
About 12 hours ago, I started an insulting, inflammatory thread entitled "Vote, hold office, reproduce" in which I set about plinking the religious twits I despise so deeply.

I don't think very highly of trolls.

Over the next few hilarious hours, I posted, in a calm and reasoned manner, the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce.

Isn't that contradictory and self-defeating?

Just rhetorically, it seems to me that 'calm and reasoned' discourse, conducted in a friendly and sympathetic manner, increases the liklihood that your readers might want to agree with you.

But 'the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce' will only result in angering your readers and hardening them against you, making it even less likely that you will ever win them over.

I was simply rattling the cages of some dim-witted religious sheep. It was a lark, a small bit of innocent fun. They're all brain-dead; it's not like they understand. I ask you: "Where is the harm?"

Why should the rest of us be interested in displays of juvenile attitude? Is there something more to you than that?

If you had a special pen that could write letters a mere 1 millimeter high and you used that pen to cover the entire Earth's surface with the word "contempt", that would not be one trillionth of the SCALDING, WHITE-HOT CONTEMPT I heap upon priests, rabbis, ministers, imans and their stupid, glassy-eyed, bleating followers.

Instead of posting insults directed at those you hate, perhaps you should calm down a little and post some explanation for why you feel as strongly as you do.

It is truly fortunate that I "prefer the light rapier of laughter to the heavy crudgel of wrath." Otherwise, I would rip truly horrible holes in all you brain-dead religious peasants.

Yeah, right.

If you want other people to be impressed with your incisive intelligence, then you are going to have to write something intelligent. That's the way it works.
neither does your contempt. it translates into childish, unstable, temper tantrum throwing asshole.

which is why your thread was closed.

Surely you can come up with a better insult than that! Reread my infuriating posts. Be one with your rage. Then, hit me with the mother of all insults :)
Warm fantasy

I don't think very highly of trolls.
Just rhetorically, it seems to me that 'calm and reasoned' discourse, conducted in a friendly and sympathetic manner, increases the liklihood that your readers might want to agree with you.

But 'the most obnoxious insults my twisted mind could produce' will only result in angering your readers and hardening them against you, making it even less likely that you will ever win them over.
My experience has been that religious people have chosen to embrace a warm fantasy rather than face a cold reality. Reason and logic is not their strong point and is ineffective in dealing with them.
Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of religious outrage. It's like mother's milk to me :)

Your prose is stilted and boring. Using "big words" does not translate to having "big thoughts." Every writer (except those with the IQ of a radish and an ego the size of Montana) eventually realizes that.


Okay, then I will be a bit more clear.

You've made no point. No insight. Even if I agree with you I would think nothing good of your character.
Creative destruction

In order to build a new building, you must first tear down what is already there. I tear religion down so that something better can be built in its place. Frankly, ANYTHING would be better. To do this, I try to cause "crises of faith" that destroy decent, honest, god-fearing xians. This is cruel work but I enjoy it (call me a sadist if you wish). And, because I enjoy it so much, I whip them into an outraged frenzy along the way.

IMHO, outraging xians is the most fun you can have with your boots on:)

I take nothing seriously, least of all myself. Take everything I say with several grains of salt. Often I post outrageous things merely for the pure joy of watching undisciplined fools explode.

Scholarly note:
"xian" is a common atheist term for religion in general.
Okay, then I will be a bit more clear.

You've made no point. No insight. Even if I agree with you I would think nothing good of your character.
Here is a fundamental point you need to understand:

I do not care what ANYONE thinks of me. All I care about is what I think of me.

I would recommend that approach to everyone. It greatly simplifies life :)

Other than that, see my previous post about the pure joy of getting undisciplined fools to explode. If you are fool enough to explode when I push your buttons, I will continue to push your buttons until you come to your senses. Either you are in charge of your life or others are. If you have buttons people can push, you are not in control, they are.
Surely you can come up with a better insult than that! Reread my infuriating posts. Be one with your rage. Then, hit me with the mother of all insults :)

i'm not enraged. your posts are not infuriating.
My experience has been that religious people have chosen to embrace a warm fantasy rather than face a cold reality. Reason and logic is not their strong point and is ineffective in dealing with them.

Reason and logic don't seem to be your strong points either.

While some religious people, and some atheists along with them, certainly are simple and childlike, it's not the best idea to react to them by becoming simple and childlike yourself.

It might be a better idea if you weren't so quick to caricaturize religion and if you actually spent some time learning something about it. You will discover that there are many of different kinds of religiosity out there, ranging from the basest crudity all the way to the most sophisticated art, philosophies and spiritual psychologies imaginable.
In order to build a new building, you must first tear down what is already there. I tear religion down so that something better can be built in its place. Frankly, ANYTHING would be better.
Oh don't be ridiculous. I can think of three things that would, for me, be infinitely worse than a world with religion.
  • 1. Being deaf so I couldn't hear music.
  • 2. Being allergic to dogs so I couldn't have eleven of them.
  • 3. Being diabetic so I couldn't eat chocolate.
If the worst thing in your world is religion, you are one lucky dude.
Oh don't be ridiculous. I can think of three things that would, for me, be infinitely worse than a world with religion.
  • 1. Being deaf so I couldn't hear music.
  • 2. Being allergic to dogs so I couldn't have eleven of them.
  • 3. Being diabetic so I couldn't eat chocolate.
If the worst thing in your world is religion, you are one lucky dude.
Religion is a philosophy that potentially effects everyone. All the things you mentioned are personal. Comparing the two is an apples to oranges comparison and therefore, not valid.

Saying "ANYTHING would be better." was exaggeration for the purpose of emphasis. It wasn't meant to be taken literally. In future, I will simplify the language in my posts so you can understand them without additional explanation.
Reason and logic don't seem to be your strong points either.

While some religious people, and some atheists along with them, certainly are simple and childlike, it's not the best idea to react to them by becoming simple and childlike yourself.

It might be a better idea if you weren't so quick to caricaturize religion and if you actually spent some time learning something about it. You will discover that there are many of different kinds of religiosity out there, ranging from the basest crudity all the way to the most sophisticated art, philosophies and spiritual psychologies imaginable.

I have studied the evil of religion most of my adult life (I'm 62). I am a walking encylcopedia of religious knowledge. I have read cover-to-cover the KJV bible, the q'uaran, the book of mormon and many buddhist scriptures. All of them were riddled with internal contradictions as well as contradicting massive scientific evidence in areas such as evolution. Someday I plan to get around to the bhagavad gītā . I have known many religious people although I have never considered any of them my friends.

At its base, religion emphasizes "faith" over "reason"and "evidence" . There is not one shred of credible existence that god exists. Over the last 300 years, everytime something related to religion could be tested, it turned out to be natural rather than supernatural. In light of that, religion is a willing (and criminally stupid) turning away from a cold reality to embrace a warm fantasy. It represents a total abdication of our greatest strength - our brain.
Scholarly note:
"xian" is a common atheist term for religion in general.
Uh - no. It's a common shorthand for Christian. Any idiot knows that not all religions are Christian.

But you've shown that you're not just any idiot.
will somebody Ban him already?
we don't need terrorist attitudes on this site..
and that is what he said he was doing..
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