Unproven for lack of evidence. Atheism/Theism

The question therefore becomes; which assumptions do we make? Personally, I attempt to be parsimonious in my assumptions as this leaves the smallest possible window for error, reduces dissonance, and eliminates redundancy. Within this framework, and relating back to your OP, the lack of evidence excises the claim. No evidence for the claim of god provides all that is necessary to not believe in god.

No evidence for the claim that God is not is thus all that is necessary to believe in God?
There is no objective evidence to suggest, firmly, the existence of God.

There are two ways of looking at the universe:

1) All which I can sense, exists

A logical way, of course

2) All which I cannot sense, does not exist

Which is actually a rather foolish way (strong atheism)

However, yes it's possible God exists, but it's also possible Santa Clause exists. What's the difference?

For me, it's concept and degree. Hamtastic, why is it not the same thing, to you, that God existing as a possibility is like Santa Clause existing as a possibility?
Norsefire-Did I give the impression that I did not accept this as possibility? If so, I am sorry, it was not my intention. I recognize the possibility that Santa Clause exists. I choose to believe that Santa Clause does not exist. Better? :)

Raithere- I welcome any proof that God is not, just as I welcome any proof that God is. The OP was that neither has evidence to definitively prove it.
Norsefire-Did I give the impression that I did not accept this as possibility? If so, I am sorry, it was not my intention. I recognize the possibility that Santa Clause exists. I choose to believe that Santa Clause does not exist. Better?

Why do you believe in God but not Santa Clause?
The only answer I can give you is that I have been disappointed by Santa Clause and his lack of a polar residence despite expeditions to the North Pole. If you know of any expeditions outside of this universe I would be happy to hear them. I think I'm going to go start a new thread.
Raithere- I welcome any proof that God is not, just as I welcome any proof that God is. The OP was that neither has evidence to definitively prove it.
Well, you're using strong atheism which I don't fully subscribe to. Generally, atheism is simply a disbelief in god rather than the belief that god does not or can not exist. But as to that, it would depend upon the definition of the particular god you want refuted. Zeus, for instance, was reputed to live on top Mt. Olympus. So all we need to disprove the existence of Zeus is to look at Mt. Olympus. But I'm guessing you have a different god in mind.

You have now added "possibilities" to the realm of things excluded from science.

The list so far, in this thread, includes explanation, evidence, logic, argument, and the unknown. Now "possibilities".

If science is not a source of explanation, a means of investigating possibilities, an employment of reason and logic, a supplier and employer of evidence, and so forth, about the world, what is ?

Science by itself explains nothing. I can generate housefuls of data but if I don't make assumptions and interpret them they are all meaningless. If you don't believe me, take a printout of any data and give it to someone who has no idea what it is meant to represent. Ask them what it means.

Raithere said:
Second, the alternatives are infinite.

Yes they are. Which is where we come to the parsimony. Everytime we select one hypothesis we eliminate countless others. Why do we select one? Thats a subjective reference, probably depending on circumstance, opportunity and observation. Further development of any hypothesis follows from this initial selection, since, unless it is falsified at some point, we are unlikely to backtrack and start over. And if you don't think scientists cling to their hypothesis as true, you have no idea what happens in research.
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The only answer I can give you is that I have been disappointed by Santa Clause and his lack of a polar residence despite expeditions to the North Pole. If you know of any expeditions outside of this universe I would be happy to hear them. I think I'm going to go start a new thread.

Wait.. you believe that God resides outside the universe ?
Enmos- I believe that that would be the first place to start looking for testable evidence. God is Omnipresent-all places at all times. But this is just my belief. It has nothing to do with the current debate about the provability of Deity/no deity.
Enmos- I believe that that would be the first place to start looking for testable evidence. God is Omnipresent-all places at all times. But this is just my belief. It has nothing to do with the current debate about the provability of Deity/no deity.

Uhm but Ham.. there is no place outside the universe.
'Outside the universe' doesn't exist, as the universe is by definition all there is.
Does this mean God doesn't exist ?
How do you know there isn't anything outside the universe?

What about the multi verse theory?
hmmm Multiverse theory. Multiple dimension theory. Those are the two I am somewhat cognizant of, though there could be others.
universe (yn-vûrs)
The totality of matter, energy, and space, including the Solar System, the galaxies, and the contents of the space between the galaxies. Current theories of cosmology suggest that the universe is constantly expanding.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
hmm. ok.

Observation: My pinky finger on my left hand has gone numb
Hypothesis: My pinky finger on my left hand does not exist
Prediction:If I do nothing then my pinky on my left hand will not begin to have feeling.

Now, do I do nothing or do I do something?

Try picking your nose with i, if you still have a nose ,that is.
Because it's how the universe is defined.
If there are parallel universes they are accounted for.

I define the "universe" exactly how you define it as well. However, I define "existence" to be everything that exists in its own way, whether it be in OUR universe or not. So that includes all the other universes, etc
I define the "universe" exactly how you define it as well. However, I define "existence" to be everything that exists in its own way, whether it be in OUR universe or not. So that includes all the other universes, etc

The universe includes all the universes.