Unproven for lack of evidence. Atheism/Theism

Ok so
Observation:My pinky finger on my left hand is numb
Hypothesis: My pinky finger on my left hand does not exist
Test: Can I see my pinky finger? I will try this 5 times.
On my desk-yes. in my ear-no behind my head-no while sitting on my hand-no with my hand as a fist, thumb up-no
result-It is probability 80% my pinky finger on my left hand does not exist

NOTE: I did this before doing the sharp knife test.

You're placing other factors into the testing. The placing of objects between the observer and the observation is another test altogether, one that should fail in all observations, I suspect.

But then, I didn't know you weren't going to take this seriously.
So science arrives at best probability, then?

Correct. Thats the answer.

We just assume that its right, because thats the best we can do. Until someone dies because he's not a ferret who did not smoke cigars or thalidomide was so good for rats, but not so good for humans etc.

Notice the extraordinary claims don't require too much extraordinary evidence.
Define gravity.
Sam, if you want to follow reduction into of absurdity please use a different thread. I'll be happy to follow you there but the arguments rest on different ground. As it stands, you have been resoundingly refuted in this one.

Even if I give you your point, that the default status of any hypothesis is true unless it is proven false, the result is an infinity of conflicting hypotheses which cannot all be true. It does nothing at all to prove god. In fact, it renders the probability of any single hypothesis being true infinitesimally small.

Either way, your argument fails.

Now let's get back on topic.

Even if I give you your point, that the default status of any hypothesis is true unless it is proven false, the result is an infinity of conflicting hypotheses which cannot all be true. It does nothing at all to prove god. In fact, it renders the probability of any single hypothesis being true infinitesimally small.

Yeah it does, but we accept these infinitesimally small probabilities by defining our parameters based on an assumption of a true value. Its the only way we can move forward.
If science arrives at the best probability then religion does not.
I guess that settles it once and for all then.

Is that your opinion, or is it a fact?

Whether it is science or religion, this is the mantra:

we accept these infinitesimally small probabilities by defining our parameters based on an assumption of a true value.

Except science is limited by what we know or accept as known. Logic, ethics, philosophy, religion are all in the realm beyond these limitations. There, we can delve into possibilities.
Actually, Enmos, Raithere, That's kind of exactly the point of the thread. Nothing can be proven to perfection. Both sides are true and both sides are not true at the same time, until further evidence is given.
Is that your opinion, or is it a fact?

Whether it is science or religion, this is the mantra

we accept these infinitesimally small probabilities by defining our parameters based on an assumption of a true value

It's not my mantra, it appears to be yours.. :shrug:

Originally Posted by Mr. Hamtastic: So science arrives at best probability, then?

Originally Posted by S.A.M.: Correct. Thats the answer.
It's not my mantra, it appears to be yours.. :shrug:

Originally Posted by Mr. Hamtastic: So science arrives at best probability, then?

Originally Posted by S.A.M.: Correct. Thats the answer.

Read any science journal. Scientific results are all based on probabilities. You sound like you have no basis in science research.
Here's are some tests to see if your pinky still exists. Look at it. Is it still there? Have everyone else look at it to see if it's still there. Have a doctor examine the pinky to see if exists, and if so, why it's numb.

Don't try this, but you could try cutting with a sharp knife, the area in which the pinky should be on your hand.

Have any of these tests failed yet?

Yes, I called my Mom and asked her to look at it. She said she couldn't see it through the phone:)