Universe created by God

You are one among many favorites.
Why does God have favorites and cause others to suffer so horribly.

Why does he allow so many kids to be abused by priests and do nothing..are the priest such favorites that they can get away with such terrible acts of betrayal of trust and continue with such horrible unforgivable behaviour.

You know sometimes I just think it is all just such a load of crap and so sad that there are humans who just gloss over the gross inconsistencies with out any thought...I mean how do you rationalise such things...God works in mysterious ways or could it be that religious folk simply dont think it thru... is all they hear is the lies about another life... the christian next door where I once lived told me(after explaining there must be a God just look at a tree) told me he was working hard so he could make up for all his sins (crimes actually) so he could go to heaven... is that how shallow folk are..it seems that way.

Is the promise of an alleged pay off by way of another life so grand that theists will put up with anything...

I reckon if you want a God why not make up a good one..and use the input of great minds from this age not the ramblings of bronze age goat herders...you could get rid of the nonsence... The problem is the church or similar destroys all ability to think it seems... clearly you dont think about the inconsistency of priests molesting children..How can you just let that pass...not your kids so you dont care I guess....its wrong and yet the show goes on...I heard Bill Maher say.. if there was only one turd in the pool would you still swim in it...there is more than one turd in the religious dogma pool and yet people still swim...what is so lacking in your life that the promise of another lets you turn a blind eye to the problems lies and inconsistency. Have you no conscience.

Favorites indeed... that would be terrible. Heck I ran a small business and even I would not have a favorite employee.. all equal, all special and not one did I push under a bus...Why cant God be as decent as me... strike down a child molesting priest and stop the suffering of innocent folk.

I have said it as a joke but I recon I follow more of Jesus teachings than any christian I have met...and I dont even believe in him...if only theists practiced what they preach the world world be so much better.

and what does the church do with their "problem" priests...fire them???..no move them some place else new and hope no one talks and causes a scandel... that is so wrong...it is wrong isnt it..do you think of that...no not your kids so no you dont.

I saw these two christians on utube saying how God wanted them to get another lear jet so they could get to meeting easy...and ask folk to send money...that is so wrong..folk taking advantage of poor stupid people.

Think it comes from imaging current expansion in reverse until it gets so small and dense generating the heat

Yes I know the logic but I want to know what evidence is offerred.
The background radiation is as far as we can look so we can not observe a small hot universe... that is delivered via the theory and the theory as I suggest smacks of religious manipulation.

There are tow expansions...the first one that apparently Hubble observed and later when the sameness problem was presented and the theory was taking on water the inflation idea was offered to save the theory.

Which expansion do we work with the first one or the second one?
I was just thinking and although off topic have to pose this question.
Say one of our big companies was exposed for the same horrible crimes that the church has been guilty of..would they sell another item or would the public reject them forcing them to go out of business...such a pity that the church just glides on by..evil just so seriously evil
Think it comes from imaging current expansion in reverse until it gets so small and dense generating the heat

That is my viewpoint. Whatever existed before the BB dynamically collapsed into an infinitely small singularity of incredible temperature which then rebounded into a energetic expansion with potential for the creation of particles through cooling.

I know this sounds simplistic, but why would this necessarily have to be complicated. Occam?
Why does God have favorites and cause others to suffer so horribly.

Why does he allow so many kids to be abused by priests and do nothing..are the priest such favorites that they can get away with such terrible acts of betrayal of trust and continue with such horrible unforgivable behaviour.

You know sometimes I just think it is all just such a load of crap and so sad that there are humans who just gloss over the gross inconsistencies with out any thought...I mean how do you rationalise such things...God works in mysterious ways or could it be that religious folk simply dont think it thru... is all they hear is the lies about another life... the christian next door where I once lived told me(after explaining there must be a God just look at a tree) told me he was working hard so he could make up for all his sins (crimes actually) so he could go to heaven... is that how shallow folk are..it seems that way.

Is the promise of an alleged pay off by way of another life so grand that theists will put up with anything...

I reckon if you want a God why not make up a good one..and use the input of great minds from this age not the ramblings of bronze age goat herders...you could get rid of the nonsence... The problem is the church or similar destroys all ability to think it seems... clearly you dont think about the inconsistency of priests molesting children..How can you just let that pass...not your kids so you dont care I guess....its wrong and yet the show goes on...I heard Bill Maher say.. if there was only one turd in the pool would you still swim in it...there is more than one turd in the religious dogma pool and yet people still swim...what is so lacking in your life that the promise of another lets you turn a blind eye to the problems lies and inconsistency. Have you no conscience.

Favorites indeed... that would be terrible. Heck I ran a small business and even I would not have a favorite employee.. all equal, all special and not one did I push under a bus...Why cant God be as decent as me... strike down a child molesting priest and stop the suffering of innocent folk.

I have said it as a joke but I recon I follow more of Jesus teachings than any christian I have met...and I dont even believe in him...if only theists practiced what they preach the world world be so much better.

and what does the church do with their "problem" priests...fire them???..no move them some place else new and hope no one talks and causes a scandel... that is so wrong...it is wrong isnt it..do you think of that...no not your kids so no you dont.

I saw these two christians on utube saying how God wanted them to get another lear jet so they could get to meeting easy...and ask folk to send money...that is so wrong..folk taking advantage of poor stupid people.

Why do people do the things they do?
Greed for what? What is true wealth?
I was not proposing that greed is a good thing. On the contrary. Sharing in available wealth is much more rewarding as it yields friendship and trust, which is much more valuable than having more wealth than you are entitled to by the law of nature itself.

I was not proposing that greed is a good thing.
Good. I think it possible to have all the money in the world and still be miserable. If people want to do that, fine. It's just not something I want to do. How many houses can I occupy at the same time, how many cars can I drive at the same time, how much can I eat at the same time?
Good. I think it possible to have all the money in the world and still be miserable. If people want to do that, fine. It's just not something I want to do. How many houses can I occupy at the same time, how many cars can I drive at the same time, how much can I eat at the same time?
Right, I spent seven years in community service of feeding and housing the poor and infirm and my reward was their comfort and joy.

One does not need to be religious or even spiritual to find reward in helping fellow travelers who have experienced bad luck.
If you see it in everything, why not? What is God to you?
Never, ever considered that there is a god. No capital g god. No lower case g god. The only place one could be is in the mind of a believer, because each believe creates the god that pleases him or her the most.

So forget my rambling and answer this... do you know of any observation that tells us that the universe was small dense and hot?


Hubble showed us that space is expanding. Other observations/measurements have shown that no new matter is being created, therefore the density of space is decreasing. The fact that it is expanding shows us that it was smaller.

The radiation (CMB) that was given off shows us that space was hot. It's now about 2 degrees above absolute zero.

There's other data that lends itself to this view as well. The helium that is currently measured in the Universe fits with a period where it was produced in the past and then it stopped. It's thought to be about 10% due to the initial BB and the rest in stars and the prediction matches the currently observable 25%. To produce helium requires fusion and the kind of temperatures we are talking about with the BB.

I have no dog in this race. This is what the best evidence is currently. You seem to be doing what you (rightly) accuse religion of doing...ignoring the best data, picking apart the 5% that isn't perfect...all in favor of something for which there is little supporting data. :)

Religion isn't the reason that we have the Big Bang. Most scientists aren't religious, the money behind scientific research isn't religious in nature. You know that conspiracies rarely work out and yet that seems to be what you favor in this case. :)
Religion isn't the reason that we have the Big Bang. Most scientists aren't religious, the money behind scientific research isn't religious in nature. You know that conspiracies rarely work out and yet that seems to be what you favor in this case. :)
Well it came from a catholic priest preoccupied by the cosmic egg so why would one not be suspicious☺.

Better schools are often religious so I find no difficulty in believing a subtle guidance to promoting the big bang as undeniable could be present.

I will re read your reply and maybe comment on some aspects later but at the moment I am pressed for time so I will come back to it.

Thanks for your input.

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Why do people do the things they do?
I was interested to see your reply and disappointed you ignored my questions.
But thats ok they are probably too difficult to address sensibly so your responce could have been expected.

In any event it boils down to this I should not be forcing you to confront inconsistencies that have to do with your belief and say sorry for being difficult.

Have a good day.
The radiation (CMB) that was given off shows us that space was hot.
Do you know how big the universe was when the radiation was given off?
My understanding is as a result of the inflation stage it must have been quiet large by the time the radiation was generated.

You seem to be doing what you (rightly) accuse religion of doing...ignoring the best data, picking apart the 5% that isn't perfect...all in favor of something for which there is little supporting data. :)

You are probably right.

Well you are right as I have nothing in the way of a scientific education (other than high school and casual reading) and certainly my questions are from ignorance of what science may actually be saying...that is certainly a reasonable observation.

It boils down to the fact that I percieve the Big Bang leads us to a point of creation and I bet there are many happy with that journey simply because it could be used to support the notion of a God via a creation point.... as I said makes me uncomfortable.

And there are many religious folk who see the big bang as evidence of God and creation ... not just catholic church but I have heard Muslims (on line) do what I suggest... A section only but what I suggest I take as a fact.

I certainly dont like the idea of inflation where we go from zip to almost full size in less than a second.. that seems supernatural...but I am not sure if the theory of inflation is a placeholder or if folk are happy that such could occur.

I just consider the vastness of the universe and look at the galaxies out there ( consider the various Hubble Space Telescope photos of a small region with thousands of galaxies) and just can not accept that everything went from nothing to almost all there is in a split second. I get the idea that it was space expanding and not subject to the speed limit but the theory presents a growth that is for any purpose is instant.

As Neil DeGrasse puts it..in under a zillionth of a zillionth of a zillionth of a second... Give inflation a whole second and it seems unbelievable...How else could you describe it other than instant growth?

Maybe its my little human brain but it surprises me that no one wonders similar... Have you thought about it at all... it is really instant..from small..what size of a grape fruit..just to the size of a single gallaxy is hard to swallow but to all there is??? heck even the Pope gives creation six or seven days.

I dont think there is anything to support inflation via observation and although the maths can support it I find the notion simply not believable.

In fact if we are to go with the Big Bang Theory I think that in a desperate effort to save the BB theory inflation was seized upon in haste. As I understand the theory was confronted with the percieved problem of how did everything end up the same and inflation was the answer..Maybe the percieved problem was not a problem and they ran down the wrong road. Maybe space etc has an internal quality dictating that it will be a certain way which results in stuff on either side being the same.

Give me something better than inflation and I would be happier.

Do you know how big did the universe grow at the end of inflation?Presuming it was rather large at that point why would it still be considered dense and hot.

I suppose what I need to know is how big it was after inflation and is that size consistent with it being still dense and still hot but I think the way it goes it certainly was not in anyway small?

I think the church approves of the big bang which for me is a great reason to look for an alternative. They are not known to rush to support science it seems to me and yet on this aspect are on board. Why? because the science was beyond doubt? yeh sure... the church does not seem to embrace new ideas even when they are supported by science and observation...heck they have only recently moved past the Earth being the center of the universe... I see something not quiet right here and inconsistent with their general approach to new ideas.

I doubt if the church would be happy if science was able to say "and before t=0 we can show that the pre existing conditions resulted from the colapse of an earlier universe"..Would the church remain on board if they were faced with science taking away their creation point.

You suggest science can not be influenced by religion well I do not agree...religion can influence anything and if you underestimate their ability to exert influence I say you are not being realistic.

So here I find myself not believing in anything other than my non belief in anything.

And thank you for helping me here I do appreciate your effort.
