Universe created by God

It is, but what other tool is available to understand things? If you can't define God, I can logically dismiss the premise with no argument whatsoever.
What definition do you need? You want an object that can be defined? Nothing has inherent meaning other than that given by the mind. Right?
I don't know what God is. Anything coherent would help. Like, words that don't contradict each other. Don't tell me he hands out cancer to people he loves.
No more than do you.

But my answer would be that there is no God and the notion is just made up superstition☺.

I wondered if you had a view given you have what appears to be a clear notion of God.

Does the source of all things have a beginning or end?

I dont know if there is a source of all things and suggest that there is no one who can know anything here but the difference between folk tends to be that some admit that they dont know and some say they do..one side is lieing ..just plain lieing ..false witness☺... for me I like to be honest with myself and others and state the truth of it...I dont know.

It really is dishonest to speculate, to make something up and then offer it as the truth as folk do when they tell their God story.

And in telling their God story some folk seem to be manipulative evasive and dishonest in my view.

It becomes tiresome when trying to have a discussion with theists because you ask a reasonable question and they avoid answering.

You ask for evidence or proof and you get nothing...zip.

At least if you ask MR for evidence he offers a video of something.

Ask MR for evidence of a UFO and he will supply a video or some photos.

He has the decency to offer a direct answer and presents something to support his claims.

And sadly theists, in my view formed by observing their tactics only on this site and my limited experience in the real world, just come across as some how dishonest.

The characteristic I think that I have identified is they dont appear trust worthy...certainly in the real world...although I recently met a nice christian and I wonder why is he nice to me ... he does not seem very bright so maybe he is a genuine person just left empty from brain washing.

They all seem to say they are decent but act the opposite.

And then as to the op...

The only honest answer must be for anyone...I dont know...any claim that a God did it is a lie...if you do not actually know and to know you really need to be there..then all you can do is speculate (which means to make stuff up) and to speculate and claim it as fact is lieing ...I hate lies and look down on folk that use lies rather than honest evidence.

Do you know what the "Good News" truly is, W4...the Gospel? You have only imagined that you were separate from God, when in fact HE\SHE\IT has always been with you. You are no more independent from God than is a fish from water.
If you say so, but you'll have to explain to me in what respect.
I believe in the mathematical potential of the universe and that all things are patterns formed from some 33 values and a handful of equations.
IMO, there is no argument that can contradict this. OTOH, a compelling argument can be made in favor of this concept.
If you say so, but you'll have to explain to me in what respect.
I believe in the mathematical potential of the universe and that all things are patterns formed from some 33 values and a handful of equations.
IMO, there is no argument that can contradict this. OTOH, a compelling argument can be made in favor of this concept.
No argument is necessary. Just recognize that you are one and same with what is. If your equations and numbers are so convincing, have you control over life, the moon, the sun and the stars?
No argument is necessary. Just recognize that you are one and same with what is. If your equations and numbers are so convincing, have you control over life, the moon, the sun and the stars?
Science gave us a measure of control over the natural world that prayer never could.
No argument is necessary. Just recognize that you are one and same with what is. If your equations and numbers are so convincing, have you control over life, the moon, the sun and the stars?
"There Is No God. This negation must be understood solely to affect a creative Deity. The hypothesis of a pervading Spirit co-eternal with the universe remains unshaken."
— Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab, Canto VII, Note 13

IMO, the pervading Spirit co-eternal with the universe is of a mathematical nature, which is quite sufficient to account for all there is. No motivated sentience is required nor desired.