Universe created by God

There would be no need for war . Indeed
What you seem to forget is that religious wars is among believers as well as against unbelievers, without need at all. It's just hubris.

George Carlin said it best;
"You believe in God"?
Boom, you're dead!
"You believe in God"?
"You believe in my God"?
Boom you're dead!
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What you seem to forget is that religious wars is among believers as well as against unbelievers, without need at all. It's just hubris.

George Carlin said it best;
"You believe in God"?
Boom, you're dead!
"You believe in God"?
"Yes?......You believe in my God"?
Boom you're dead!


But this god is from ancient times from Sumer till now .

Egytians , Greeks , Romans all worshipped the same gods . But under different names .
You use the term "supernatural" as though something exists outside the reality we know. Nothing is hidden from view.
Considering that most of the matter in our universe is theorized to be in the form of unobservable dark matter, and most the matter that is potentially observable is in places we can’t see, I would say that most of reality is definitely hidden from view.

But this god is from ancient times from Sumer till now .

Egytians , Greeks , Romans all worshipped the same gods . But under different names .

But can that argument be used ? We don't kill each other's horses just because we have different names for them in different languages.

A rose is a rose, by any other name. Why do we make distinctions between gods to the point that we feel compelled by our God to destroy entire civilizations because they are founded on a God with a different name.

To me that smacks of zealotry, not good at all.
OTOH, to my knowledge, no one has ever gone to war over mathematics........:)
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Considering that most of the matter in our universe is theorized to be in the form of unobservable dark matter, and most the matter that is potentially observable is in places we can’t see, I would say that most of reality is definitely hidden from view.
That's a theory, a concept of mind.
But can that argument be used ? We don't kill each other's horses just because we have different names for them in different languages.
A rose is a rose, by any other name. Why do we make distinctions between gods to the point that we feel compelled by our God to destroy entire civilizations because they are founded on a God with a different name.

To me that smacks of zealotry, not good at all.

War was started thousands of years ago by the annunaki , who wared against each other and used Humans as their pawns in these wars , from Eygptian times till now Humanity is used to fight wars of which none of us want or asked for .

As in ancient times , the powers that be , cause these wars not the common Human .
War was started thousands of years ago by the annunaki , who wared against each other and used Humans as their pawns in these wars , from Eygptian times till now Humanity is used to fight wars of which none of us want or asked for .

As in ancient times , the powers that be , cause these wars not the common Human .

Are you saying that God is used as a ploy by those in authority to make war on others?
What does that say about a "loving God" or about Its adherents or Scripture?
Something is wrong here with all this Exclusivity!!!!!
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It's only a theory that most of reality is hidden from our view? If there is such a thing as facts, most of reality being hidden from our view would surely be one of them.


That is why the artifacts from Iraq , in the gulf war were stolen and destroyed . To hide our ancient past .

But thank goodness there are historians that preserve as much of our past as they can .
river said:
War was started thousands of years ago by the annunaki , who wared against each other and used Humans as their pawns in these wars , from Eygptian times till now Humanity is used to fight wars of which none of us want or asked for .

As in ancient times , the powers that be , cause these wars not the common Human .

Are you saying that God is used as a ploy by those in authority to make war on others?
What does that say about a "loving God" or about Its adherents?

To your first statement , that is exactly what I'm saying

This so called "loving god " is enlil , in annunaki , Earth god , In Egyptian -Set , Greek-Zeus , in Roman-Jupiter .

What it says is this , god is used in the ancient times to control the masses .

And this so called " loving god " is not who he seems to be .
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You use the term "supernatural" as though something exists outside the reality we know. Nothing is hidden from view.

Well explain where god hangs out

Explain the Noah's flood, heaven, the soul and any of the biblical stories undetermined by science and which many religious persons bang on about as being real, or as you contend NOT supernatural

Well explain where god hangs out
If you were an all-encompassing presence, where would you not be hanging out?

Explain the Noah's flood, heaven, the soul and any of the biblical stories undetermined by science and which many religious persons bang on about as being real, or as you contend NOT supernatural
I don't speak for others. My thought is that they know more about the Bible than do I.