Universe created by God

This isn't a competition.
Everything is a competition and you offering any view says you are in one...simple..if not just agree with everyone.

Anyways I dont like your approach of no giving a direct answer to a question when I ask you a question.
It is rude and makes you seem dishonest.
But if that is your way so be it but you have run out of rope with me as I now have no interest in hearing your views.
Good luck.
If stuff needs to be recalibrated and the pigeon droppings swept out so be it

Not the pigeon droppings? well keep looking

Interesting ...pigeon droppings were considered in the first instance to explain what was later found to be the back ground radiation.

Yes I know what you say its just that I want to know everything now.

Do you really think this is the case, that only you are questioning dark matter?
Absolutely. ..look I went to school and have been working on the theory of everything by myself for a very long time and both Hawking and Einstein were close to discovering what I know and if I could get someone who knows math to do the equations I would be declared a genius but just like Galileo I am being persecuted for overturning the conspiracy to keep the truth from the public...how many points did I get☺

I am sure folk besides me are looking at dark metter from all angles...And although one risks being called crack pot if one suggests we need a mechanism for gravity in my view that is certainly needed...to say otherwise would seem no more than avoiding the obvious.
That does not mean I want to throw out GR or even think it is wrong as you seem to think.
You are assuming that Dark Matter is Relativity not working.
Given the huge amount of dark matter required do you not think one could at least wonder???
But I am not stupid despite my various rants.
It may be that we get to see little of the universe just like say what we see of the electro magnetic spectrum...I heard a way of looking at the electro magnetic spectrum. ..consider a length of movie film say 2.5 miles long (maybe klms but you will get the point☺) equated as the length of the spectrum...well we get to see only one frame.
Thinking of dark matter from that approach makes the proposition seem reasonable and in fact probably what we should expect.
Relativity was not needed.
That was the point I tried to make...so I agree.

As you point out things have areas of application so does that not leave the door open to the prospect GR may need a tweek without which we need dark matter.
Although I dont think GR has ay room for any tweeking in the slightest.
Based on what?
My feelings on the matter☺
If I cant trust my feeling what can you call upon
If you are planning a trip across Australia do you use time and distance or do you resort to Relativity calculations?
Yes I would... in fact I do use GR and SR most of the time when I am driving and when setting up my astronomy mounts...we just call it GPS☺

Thanks for the chat I really enjoyed it.
Anyways I dont like your approach of no giving a direct answer to a question when I ask you a question.
I'm pointing. If you want to know God, look around you and take it in. Look at your self. People want proof of miracles when they themselves are miracles.
If you want to know God,
I do not seek God or need or want to know him and I dont know why you could think such.

I am certain that God is a myth built from Sun worship and maybe even animal spiritual respect.

Clearly some folk have cottoned on to how to con others to claim money or power using religion and all I wonder is how some folk are so easily taken in by such a transparent con job.

I was asking questions to determine what you thought about this or that...

If you dont have answers or do not want to answer a question then a direct statement by you to that effect would be ok with me but if you think you are somehow using questions so I can find God well you are mistaken and perhaps outrageously presumptive...

You think you have something neat and therefore want to share it...no thanks..I like blue cheese but realise not everyone does and so I dont bother insulting others by suggesting that they dont know what they are missing and should try some blue cheese.

That would be rude and offensive.

You believe in God I accept that you do however for one who thinks that religion is a con the only reason that I ask questions is I guess to try and figure out how they you have been conned from my view point.

I just find it most curious that folk who seem reasonably intelligent well spoken and well educated can be taken in by stories from the bronze age whilst overlooking tested modern science. Why.

I dont seek evidence of God...why would there be evidece of something that does not exist.. we all know there is no evidence...what I seek is evidence of the con job...what magic words did the con artist offer that had you buying the statue of liberty...

In most con jobs folk wake up to being conned but with religion its like part of the brain has been destroyed.

I wonder how can the Mormons believe that Smith borrowed a golden bible from an angle...that is so lame...where is the bible..oh I gave it back...
What a load of crap...yet there are folk who are taken in by that lie.

It causes me to be timid..I go out now and look at people and wonder which are the crazy ones...heck at the bank the nice lady I like to deal with mentions the temple she goes to...she is crazy and I just found out.

I guess there are more gullible people than I thought.

And you tend to think others are much the same as oneself..I dont get conned so how do they get conned is all I wonder.

My position is that I wont ask you any more questions as you seem to see a entirely different meaning which is only there because you think others must need a God.

I dont need what does not exist and I dont need bronze age fools telling me fairey tales nor do I need a book giving directions to kill folk for working on Sunday etc etc etc.

I said it before and again it comes from Bill Maher..if you see there is a turd in the pool would you still swim in it...well I would not...as to the good book the unfortunate inconsistencies within it make it simply unreliable. . I dont know why folk are happy to cherry pick the good book and ignore the stuff that does not suit them on the one hand and proclaim it to be the word of God who they declare to be perfect.

The answer may well turn upon honesty.

If one were honest with oneself I doubt if you could proclaim faith in the good book and if one were honest with oneself you could think the dishonest tactics you find yourself doing to guide folk your way would be a problem.

And sadly these dishonest folk can not see that they are very dishonest in their approach.

They con themselves.

If you want you could go back thru my posts and one by one answer my questions honestly you could do that ...but wait you cant can you...and so my opinion of you falls ...and that is sad...but you brought it on yourself.

Lay your head on your pillow tonight and think about how you could earn your self respect because from that you may get respect from others.
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I do not seek God or need or want to know him and I dont know why you could think such.

I am certain that God is a myth built from Sun worship and maybe even animal spiritual respect.

Clearly some folk have cottoned on to how to con others to claim money or power using religion and all I wonder is how some folk are so easily taken in by such a transparent con job.

I was asking questions to determine what you thought about this or that...

If you dont have answers or do not want to answer a question then a direct statement by you to that effect would be ok with me but if you think you are somehow using questions so I can find God well you are mistaken and perhaps outrageously presumptive...

You think you have something neat and therefore want to share it...no thanks..I like blue cheese but realise not everyone does and so I dont bother insulting others by suggesting that they dont know what they are missing and should try some blue cheese.

That would be rude and offensive.

You believe in God I accept that you do however for one who thinks that religion is a con the only reason that I ask questions is I guess to try and figure out how they you have been conned from my view point.

I just find it most curious that folk who seem reasonably intelligent well spoken and well educated can be taken in by stories from the bronze age whilst overlooking tested modern science. Why.

I dont seek evidence of God...why would there be evidece of something that does not exist.. we all know there is no evidence...what I seek is evidence of the con job...what magic words did the con artist offer that had you buying the statue of liberty...

In most con jobs folk wake up to being conned but with religion its like part of the brain has been destroyed.

I wonder how can the Mormons believe that Smith borrowed a golden bible from an angle...that is so lame...where is the bible..oh I gave it back...
What a load of crap...yet there are folk who are taken in by that lie.

It causes me to be timid..I go out now and look at people and wonder which are the crazy ones...heck at the bank the nice lady I like to deal with mentions the temple she goes to...she is crazy and I just found out.

I guess there are more gullible people than I thought.

And you tend to think others are much the same as oneself..I dont get conned so how do they get conned is all I wonder.

My position is that I wont ask you any more questions as you seem to see a entirely different meaning which is only there because you think others must need a God.

I dont need what does not exist and I dont need bronze age fools telling me fairey tales nor do I need a book giving directions to kill folk for working on Sunday etc etc etc.

I said it before and again it comes from Bill Maher..if you see there is a turd in the pool would you still swim in it...well I would not...as to the good book the unfortunate inconsistencies within it make it simply unreliable. . I dont know why folk are happy to cherry pick the good book and ignore the stuff that does not suit them on the one hand and proclaim it to be the word of God who they declare to be perfect.

The answer may well turn upon honesty.

If one were honest with oneself I doubt if you could proclaim faith in the good book and if one were honest with oneself you could think the dishonest tactics you find yourself doing to guide folk your way would be a problem.

And sadly these dishonest folk can not see that they are very dishonest in their approach.

They con themselves.

If you want you could go back thru my posts and one by one answer my questions honestly you could do that ...but wait you cant can you...and so my opinion of you falls ...and that is sad...but you brought it on yourself.

Lay your head on your pillow tonight and think about how you could earn your self respect because from that you may get respect from others.
My total expenditure while searching for spiritual understanding might be about $50.00: I bought a few books on the subject and once donated $5.00 to a website that I thought helpful. My personal opinion is that it is yours for free, much of the pointings are available online without charge--absolutely free.

If you walk away from this discussion with one thing, I would be happy. That would be the knowledge that you are a being, experiencing life in all its glory. Perhaps then you might find God.

I'm not trying to frustrate you or pretend I have something that isn't yours already.

I wish you the best, X.
That would be the knowledge that you are a being, experiencing life in all its glory.
That sounds far too difficult and I expect such knowledge will always elude me.
I'm not trying to frustrate you
Good because I put your behaviour down to rudness brought on by God delusions because if I thought you were being evasive on purpose I would write to the pope a nasty letter and demand he issue a statement banning that sort of behaviour.
In the perfect universe, would we live forever, would there be no pain, would the sun shine every day? I make no excuses for what we do to each other, only that if we realized who we are, there would be no need for war.
So your god is not perfect... whatever that means.
That sounds far too difficult and I expect such knowledge will always elude me.

Good because I put your behaviour down to rudness brought on by God delusions because if I thought you were being evasive on purpose I would write to the pope a nasty letter and demand he issue a statement banning that sort of behaviour.

Or you can appeal to a higher authority--your self--and just ignore me. :)
Is there a test that I should apply? In your view, what would indicate godly control?
Again, I'm asking you. You seem to be pretty sure there's a God out there. Why? What would convince you that it wasn't real?