Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

To antagonize many Americans isn't the way Muslims should be trying to set good examples of how they really are. I'd just drop this building site and find another location or a building that is already built and convert it.

This is well stated. Better to show Americans by undoing their actions in other areas, and when this is seen, let the Americans decide and invite a mosque. I still maintain the Mosque should be removed first from Jerusalem - otherwise there is no other explanation other than condoning genocide for the Jewish nation. Of note here is the same thing occured in India - a mosque was erected in the most holy site of the Hindus - and it was finally destroyed. A mosque in Jerusalem is akin to erecting a Mosque on the Vatican site.
It's not like they did it recently. It's a historical landmark and destroying it would be to invite absolute chaos. I have seldom heard something so idiotic here, and that's saying a lot.
Better let them know, then. There seems to be some objection.

One doesn't have to consciously know what Wahhabism is to have it as an ideaology or outlook. Not to mention, I'm not even entirely sure what problems your specifically talking about. Not to mention all of this irrelevant.
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yeah i get it, opening at 2011-11, like 11/11, they are trying to make the towers incident as it was a muslim planning who made that to build a mosque, and people hate muslims more, that's why politcians approve it.
also, who said muslims planned that 11/11, how could a plane, destroy the hall tower? even in the video, there are bombs that explosed before that plane with seconds, also, why would the terrorists plan what they do, so the building destroy and fall in it's ground, and don't fall on the surround buildings? it doesnt seems to be something, barbaric, it seems to be planned, and so, they approved builing a mosque, and i think it was their idea(politicians, american politcians) so, to makepeople hates muslims more and think it was planned by muslims, to build a mosque
One doesn't have to consciously know what Wahhabism is to have it as an ideaology or outlook.

So you agree with me: good.

Not to mention, I'm not even entirely sure what problems your specifically talking about.

Misogyny, minority-baiting, persecution of 'apostates', general oppression and repression. Short version: hatred, intolerance.
yeah i get it, opening at 2011-11, like 11/11, they are trying to make the towers incident as it was a muslim planning who made that to build a mosque, and people hate muslims more, that's why politcians approve it.
also, who said muslims planned that 11/11, how could a plane, destroy the hall tower? even in the video, there are bombs that explosed before that plane with seconds, also, why would the terrorists plan what they do, so the building destroy and fall in it's ground, and don't fall on the surround buildings? it doesnt seems to be something, barbaric, it seems to be planned, and so, they approved builing a mosque, and i think it was their idea(politicians, american politcians) so, to makepeople hates muslims more and think it was planned by muslims, to build a mosque

No surprises on shadow's opinions.
No need. Without oil dollars, there is almost no income for Muslims.

Oh, of course not. In other words, you're talking out of your ass. Nor do I have any motivation to address your other psychobabble because it appears that your just another pissed off Jew with a stick up his ass.
Misogyny, minority-baiting

Like this doesn't exist elsewhere. This isn't Islam specific nor does Islam condone this.

persecution of 'apostates',

Improper outlook that doesn't necessarily have anything to do Islam, either.

general oppression and repression.

Abstract bullshit.

Even assuming all of this is true, it's still irrelevant in terms of this topic. Have you not read anything on the CI website? Might want to look it up.
Like this doesn't exist elsewhere. This isn't Islam specific nor does Islam condone this.

When it's cited as the basis for misogynist, minority-baiting laws, what do you want me to say?

Improper outlook that doesn't necessarily have anything to do Islam, either.

That's great: but you need to explain it to everyone else, because they're confused about it.

Abstract bullshit.

That's a crock right there.

Even assuming all of this is true, it's still irrelevant in terms of this topic.

So what are you bringing it up for?

Have you not read anything on the CI website? Might want to look it up.

"Shark says: I'm really a dolphin!"
It's not like they did it recently. It's a historical landmark and destroying it would be to invite absolute chaos. I have seldom heard something so idiotic here, and that's saying a lot.

It will cause mahem in the short term, but also be a warning for such measures again. Its a historical attrocity which should not have been allowed to stand - specially so by a religion claiming belief in God. What should have happened is when the Arabs became isalmic, they should have assisted the Jews to return to their land. Instead, a theme of heritage genocide was perpetrated. The factor of chaos is directly proportional to the time period this attrocity has been ignored. Not doing anything about it is absolute chaos for its victims - the first priority here.
Oh, of course not. In other words, you're talking out of your ass. Nor do I have any motivation to address your other psychobabble because it appears that your just another pissed off Jew with a stick up his ass.

I gave you legitimate reasons the Regimes promote terrorism via appointed clerics in Madarasas across the globe - this is to deflect from fat asses wanting to retain their golden toilets.

What more do you want by asking for proof - bank accounts and secret discussions? We know now that the Flotilla, for example, was paid for by an Islamic terror organisation. Al Qaida does not earn its own funds via brilliant products and inventions - it gets paid by Regimes. The entire new enclave of Dhubai sky scrapers is derived from oil dollars - there is no other source for such income.

Almost every month, a terror group is found to be financed by regimes. Where else does Hezbullah get its funding - does it market computers and cars?

Originally Posted by IamJoseph
No need. Without oil dollars, there is almost no income for Muslims.

wow wow wow, did you forgot tunisia? morroco? algeria? libya? lebanon and sirya? and others?
go educate your self first!!
also, don't think that the oil rich arab countries don't have any thing or any plans to back up it's economy without oil, they started the industrulizing, in other domains, not just oil and oil relateds
including the maghreb, for example tunisia is an industrual country by 2016

The entire new enclave of Dhubai sky scrapers is derived from oil dollars - there is no other source for such income.

so? are you gelous of them? or what?
hmm...c'est nule, pephetic

Where else does Hezbullah get its funding - does it market computers and cars?
hezbullah my dear! is not a terrorist group, it's lebanon's military , or firewall, it protected it from israeil attacks!
why am i discussing that? hehehehe, forget about it...kgo ahead, keep killing innocents and invading countries, i bet u.s.a. can't live without making wars...
oh, check this out
and that http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=7708qP8FgS8 ;)

wait, i have a question
if islam, is the cause of all this, then, why not all muslims go attackand bomb bombs, and etc...? why 1.8 billion Muslims around the world, go and attack all countries if islam tell them to do so, and the other mythes you keep inventing every day?
It will cause mahem in the short term, but also be a warning for such measures again. ...

You want to sacrifice an already fragile situation because you are nostalgic for an old building that doesn't exist anymore? Just let it go already, you have Israel.
ja'far said:
Like this doesn't exist elsewhere. This isn't Islam specific nor does Islam condone this.
It is Islam characteristic and Islam does condone it, among millions of Muslims all over the world.

ja'far said:
persecution of 'apostates',

Improper outlook that doesn't necessarily have anything to do Islam, either.
I'm beginning to wonder whether your version of Islam actually exists anywhere. Can you point to an example of your special brand of Islam in operation?

On my planet, and in my neighborhood, misogyny and persecution of apostates - especially women - is routine and characteristic of the Muslim community, and overtly justified on religious grounds.