Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.
They have got to be kidding surely.
This is a disgusting idea. To build a 13-story mosque at ground zero and have the grand opening on September 11th 2011 !! And politicians who support this atrocity claiming it's okay because of America's diversity are simple deluded beyond belief. What an insult to all who were murdered, to have this insulting building of the religion of peace shoved in American's faces.
Pat has it right let them build the thing in Death Valley, or not at all.

Yes, it is legal but immoral and rude.
Maybe to have very serious consequences from relatives of those killed at 911.
But only if it is true.I doubt the accuracy of the information (you say Obama is socialist and Bush is a fascist).

Yes, it is legal but immoral and rude.

No it isn't immoral or rude. You cannot blame all of Islam for the work of a few extremists. More muslims died in the towers that day than hijackers.

Only short sighted bigots equate Islam to terror.

Maybe to have very serious consequences from relatives of those killed at 911.

Just not the muslim victims of 9/11, eh?
No it isn't immoral or rude. You cannot blame all of Islam for the work of a few extremists. More muslims died in the towers that day than hijackers.

Only short sighted bigots equate Islam to terror.

Just not the muslim victims of 9/11, eh?

Yes, it is immoral and rude.

Who is guilty of the terrorist attack of 911?

Yes, it is immoral and rude.

No it's not, unless you're a bigot. In 'The Land of the Free' these AMERICAN CITIZENS, can buy property, and put it to whatever use they think fit. If you do not agree with that, you are an oppressor of freedom, and just as bad as the Taliban.

Who is guilty of the terrorist attack of 911?

Why don't you tell me who you think it was? I think it was the work of a handful of extremists.
No it's not, unless you're a bigot. In 'The Land of the Free' these AMERICAN CITIZENS, can buy property, and put it to whatever use they think fit.

I do not know what logic you have and what your connections exist between your neurons, I speak of immorality and provocative, you argue with "legally".
If the required respect for the dead to 911 is considered bigotry ,then yes, I am a bigot,what I can not say about you.

If you do not agree with that, you are an oppressor of freedom, and just as bad as the Taliban.

I have mentioned before, your neural connections are very original.

Why don't you tell me who you think it was? I think it was the work of a handful of extremists.

What kind of extremists?Can be socialists or Christian extremists or even fscisti.No?

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I thought when I saw this thread that it would be about a small place being set aside for Muslims to pray for those people they lost in the attack.

I was going to to tell the poster that they should try and practise a bit of toleration, that Muslims lost their lives too etc.

But a 13 story mosque on ground zero?
Thirteen Frigging Stories?
What brainless idiot thought of that one?
..If the required respect for the dead ...

seriously. all decent, hard working folk must venerate their dead. for instance, on the anniversary of 9/11,for the past 4 years, i have been renting a banquet hall to seat and serve 3000 odd lost souls.

am i a bigot? :mad:
Who is guilty of the terrorist attack of 911?

The United Snakkkes of America. Also, for all you knuckle-dragging buffoons, it's an Islamic Center and it's being built in the same neighborhood as "ground zero," not at the site itself. Sure, it's easy to outraged if you make up stories and try to incite anger and outrage about something that isn't even happening or would even really effect them. From what I understand there already exists Islamic organizations within the neighborhood already. But go ahead, get angry for something you apparently don't know anything about.
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The United Snakkkes of America. Also, for all you knuckle-dragging buffoons, it's an Islamic Center and it's being built in the same neighborhood as "ground zero," not at the site itself. Sure, it's easy to outraged if you make up stories and try to incite anger and outrage about something that isn't even happening or would even really effect them. From what I understand there already exists Islamic organizations within the neighborhood already. But go ahead, get angry for something you apparently don't know anything about.

Please read carefully.

A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.

But only if it is true.I doubt the accuracy of the information (you say Obama is socialist and Bush is a fascist).
Please read carefully.

But, again, it's not being built at "ground zero," it's being built in the same neighborhood as "ground zero." I already know that people have said "it's being built on ground zero."

I think a more appropriate title would be "Islamic center being built on site of a Burlington Coat Factory."
1.The Centre is deliberately being built close to the site of 9/11.

Quote from USA today:

............But the growing number of congregants at the only other nearby mosque, open only one day a week, created a need for an additional space for Muslim prayer in the neighborhood, said Daisy Khan, the executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and a board member of the Cordoba Initiative, the two organizations sponsoring the project.

The history associated with the building, a former Burlington Coat Factory store that closed after being damaged on 9/11, was a reason to pick it for the project, she said.
"We want to create a platform by which the voices of the mainstream and silent majority of Muslims will be amplified. A center of this scale and magnitude will do that," Khan said. "We feel it's an obligation as Muslims and Americans to be part of the rebuilding of downtown Manhattan."

2. It is called the Cordoba Initiative.
The name is not chosen at random.

Córdoba (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkorðoβa]; also Cordova) is a city in Andalusia, southern Spain, and the capital of the province of Córdoba. An Iberian and Roman city in ancient times, in the Middle Ages it was capital of the Islamic caliphate which conquered and occupied Spain for nearly 800 years. During this time Cordoba was one of the largest cities in the world whose name continues to represent a symbol of Islamic conquest to many faithful Muslims around the world. Its population in 2008.


I'm not sure what the aims of the project leaders are, nor who is bankrolling it, but the insensitivity and effrontery of it is astonishing.
Who is your preferred exclusionary principle designed to affect? It certainly is not "the people guilty of the terrorist attack of 9/11." Those attackers are dead.

They are only tools.Others are moral guilt.
You do not think so?
............But the growing number of congregants at the only other nearby mosque, open only one day a week, created a need for an additional space for Muslim prayer in the neighborhood, said Daisy Khan, the executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and a board member of the Cordoba Initiative, the two organizations sponsoring the project.

The history associated with the building, a former Burlington Coat Factory store that closed after being damaged on 9/11, was a reason to pick it for the project, she said. "We want to create a platform by which the voices of the mainstream and silent majority of Muslims will be amplified. A center of this scale and magnitude will do that," Khan said. "We feel it's an obligation as Muslims and Americans to be part of the rebuilding of downtown Manhattan."

I don't see anything wrong with this. It would seem to me that Muslim and other foriegn immigrants were the ones affected by the event the most. Not only did they have loved ones whom were victims of the attack, in that aftermath they were targeted and harassed and even killed because "they were the enemy." Building a centre that would show that American Muslims are not the enemy and having an organization to show the true meaning of Islam and that Islam and Muslims do not support this, especially in America, would seem like a very good idea to me. There already exists Islamic organizations within the area and according to this quote, there is a need for a larger worship space.

2. It is called the Cordoba Initiative.
The name is not chosen at random.

Taken from the CI (Cordoba Initiative) official website:

"Cordoba Initiative (CI) aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, steering the world back to the course of mutual recognition and respect and away from heightened tensions. To do this, we need a coalition of leading individuals and organizations committed to promoting positive interaction between the Muslim World and the West. Cordoba Initiative does just that – it brings together leaders across the Muslim-West divide to speak out for innovative, proactive, and positive solutions to challenges we share."

What does CI do?


"-Advising policy makers and thought leaders on urgent Muslim-West issues.

-Bringing new perspectives to familiar debates.

-Providing expert knowledge of Islamic Law and other technical subjects for use in the public square."


"-Building a network of young Muslim leaders to lead the drive for change in future generations.

-Responding to Muslim-West crises.

-Advocating for human rights, including higher standards for the treatment of women."


"-Raising the bar of Islamic governance in Muslim-majority countries

-Changing perceptions of the other in both the Muslim World and the West

-Fostering cooperation between governments, civil society organizations, media, academics and business leaders in the Muslim World and the West."


"Cordoba Initiative aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side's place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions."

The United Snakkkes of America. Also, for all you knuckle-dragging buffoons, it's an Islamic Center and it's being built in the same neighborhood as "ground zero," not at the site itself. Sure, it's easy to outraged if you make up stories and try to incite anger and outrage about something that isn't even happening or would even really effect them. From what I understand there already exists Islamic organizations within the neighborhood already. But go ahead, get angry for something you apparently don't know anything about.


i think they should build a memorial at ground zero, and that we shouldn't forget that religious freedom was what the US was founded on.
Maybe they mean well, but I can see it causing a lot of trouble.
Could they not help Manhattan in another way if that is what they want to do?
"Cordoba Initiative (CI) aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, steering the world back to the course of mutual recognition and respect and away from heightened tensions. To do this, we need a coalition of leading individuals and organizations committed to promoting positive interaction between the Muslim World and the West. Cordoba Initiative does just that – it brings together leaders across the Muslim-West divide to speak out for innovative, proactive, and positive solutions to challenges we share."

"Cordoba Initiative aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side's place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions."


If so, is a commendable initiative.
But please do not forget of sensitivity relatives those killed,and the sensitivity of those involved in disaster 911.
You can not pretend for them to be rational.